Class Blog for Class 1

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Week ending Friday 15th March 2024 

Hello everyone

It was great to see everyone wearing something red on Friday for Red Nose Day. We discussed what Red Nose Day is and the children asked some brilliant questions to further their understanding.

During our Maths lessons this week we were looking at composition to 10 and making bonds to 10 using 2 parts and 3 parts. We used Numicon to support our learning about parts and being able to visibly see the different bonds to 10. We ended the week by looking at doubles and finding doubles to 10. We reminded ourselves that the concept of doubling is ‘twice as many’.

We continued with our photography focus and set up our own scenes and took photographs of it. We then changed part of the scene and took another photograph and explained the changes we had made.

When we arrived at school at the beginning of the week we noticed there were dinosaur footprints in the classroom and they had taken a big bite out of one of our books and left the paper all over the floor! When we looked in the nest we saw that the eggs had hatched and  we had baby dinosaurs in the classroom! However, when we arrived in the classroom on Tuesday morning the baby dinosaurs had gone missing! We made 'Missing' posters for the baby dinosaurs and stuck them up around the school to see if anyone had seen them. We still hadn't found them, so on Thursday we made traps to try and catch them. We are really hoping we find them soon!

This week we have been looking at the size of dinosaurs and answering the question ‘were all dinosaurs big?’ We all said that we didn’t think you could fit a dinosaur in the classroom. We found out though, that although some dinosaurs were the largest ever land animals to live, some were also very tiny. We learnt that the smallest dinosaur was the Compsognathus, which was the size of a chicken! We then used unifix cubes to measure the height of three different dinosaurs and put them in order from the shortest to the tallest.

The Class 1 Team 

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Week ending Friday 8th March 2024 

We’ve had an exciting week in Class 1!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Piran’s Day with a service at the church, thank you to those of you who came, we hope you enjoyed it. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day where we had an array of characters in our classroom! We enjoyed sharing information about our characters and which story they were from and ended the day with an assembly with Rev Allen. We were also very lucky to take part in an online event with the author Rashmi Sirdeshpande. She wrote the book ‘Never Show a T-Rex a Book’. She spoke about why she became an author and why she loved her job. She read the story to us and we had the opportunity to ask her questions; Pelynt School even got a mention!

In our Maths learning this week, we continued with focusing on 9 and 10, in particular, comparing numbers to 10, representing 9 and 10 and finding 1 more and 1 less. We enjoyed listening to lots of stories linked to our learning including ‘How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?’, ‘One Duck Stuck’ and ‘Ten in the Bed’.

At the beginning of the week Class 1 had a very special delivery. Mrs Thompson said a treasure chest had been delivered for us. We had lots of ideas what might be inside including treasure, gold and jewels. When we opened the chest we saw some eggs. We think they might be dinosaur eggs but we’ll have to wait and see. We decided we need to build a nest for them. We watched a video of a bird building a nest and looked at all the different natural materials they used. In our writing sessions we then wrote labels and captions for the nest, including 'be careful, do not touch and take care'. We also read the story 'Dear Dinosaur' and wrote a letter to our favourite dinousar to ask them questions. 

We have been looking at what dinosaurs eat. We discussed how palaeontologists find this out by looking at bones and fossils, especially their teeth. We learnt what the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore mean. We looked at pictures of different dinosaur teeth and found out that carnivores have sharp pointy teeth so they can eat meat and that herbivores have flat teeth or beaks so they can eat plants.

During ‘Explore and Learn’ time this week, the children have enjoyed a range of activities including being palaeontologists, creating dinosaur stomp footprints using dinosaurs, large paper and paint and being imaginative using costumes and hats for dressing up and creating stories/ games.

The Class 1 Team

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Week ending Friday 1st March 2024 

Hello everyone

We continued with our photography learning in Art this week where we learnt how to take photos with an Ipad, edit these photos and print them off before writing about the edits we had made to our original photo. We decided to take photos of natural objects such as plants and trees.

In PE we carried on with our movements and dance which is inspired by ‘The Three Little Pigs’. This week we focused on remembering movement actions and changing our speed. We all experimented with making different actions and gestures as the pigs and wolf characters.

We finished our maths learning about time this week where we sequenced the days of the week and created a timetable to show events that take place on each day. We then started to explore numbers 9 and 10. The children used 1:1 correspondence to count a set of 9 and then 10 items with accuracy. They then sorted different representations of 9 and 10 into a table. The representations were made up of numerals, words and pictures of individual objects.

In English we have been reading the story 'Mad about Dinosaurs'. We learnt what rhyming words were and looked at the rhyming pattern in the story. We came up with our own rhyming words and used these to write rhyming sentences about dinosaurs. We designed our own pet dinosaurs and wrote sentences about the features of our pet dinosaur.

We have been learning about what dinosaurs looked like and how we know. We learnt that we don't have photos of dinosaurs, just drawings, and these are guesses about what they looked like. We can only guess at what dinosaurs looked like by looking very closely at the clues left behind such as bones and fossils. We compared the skeleton of a dinosaur to a human dinosaur and discussed the similarities and differences. 

In PSHE we have been understanding how moving and resting are good for our bodies. We took part in different challenges outside and discussed what happened to our bodies including our heart beating faster, our skin feeling hotter and breathing faster.

Class 1 Team

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Week ending Friday 23rd February 2024 

It was great to welcome the children back after half term, we hope everybody had a wonderful week.

Let's have a look at some of the things we have been learning this week...

In Maths we started our learning about length, height and time which we will continue with next week. We started off with developing our understanding of length and introduced vocabulary such as ‘long’ and ‘longest’ and ‘short’ and ‘shortest’ that we can use to describe objects. We used playdough to understand that some materials can be changed by stretching them to make them longer. We ensured that we lined the ends up so that we could see the difference in length and then used some of the vocabulary to describe them accurately. The next day, we read Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs. Our aim was to be able to use more specific vocabulary to describe an object as ‘longer than’ or ‘shorter than’ something else. We made indirect comparisons using non-standard objects (cubes) to measure items. Everybody cut some string to make worms of different lengths and used cubes to measure and compare their length.

Our Art focus for this half term is photography. We started off by discussing what photography is, the equipment that can be used and how it has changed over time. We researched four photographers: Karl Blossfeldt, Edward Weston, Adrian Langdon and Cathy Rhodes. We identified what sort of things they each liked to photograph and made comparisons. 

Class 1 Team

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Week ending Friday 9th February 2024 

Happy Half Term!

We have had a great Spring term 1 in Class 1 together. We just wanted to say a big thank you for all of your support whether it be reading with your child at home, attending 'Family Friday' or the class assembly, we how know valuable this is, so thank you. 

This week we had a focus around Chinese New Year in some of our learning activities. In art, we made our own paper lanterns and Chinese dragons. Some of the children also used tissue paper to create their own lantern and some made a dragon head collage where they had to cut and stick different shapes. 

In Maths we were continuing our learning about 6, 7 and 8. We started the week off by finding and making pairs and developing our understanding of odd and even. We then progressed to finding and making doubles to 8. 

During our outdoor learning session we were spotting signs of winter/spring and anything that we thought was different/ interesting. We worked in pairs to use the iPad to take photos of things we had spotted, we then took a selfie so we knew who had taken which photos!  

Have a great half term and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 19th February.

Class 1 Team

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Week ending Friday 2nd February 2024 

Hello everyone 
We just wanted to start off by saying how proud we are of every child in Class 1 for their hard work this half term and the effort they have been putting into their learning. We loved sharing our class assembly with the rest of the school and our parents/ carers. 

This week in Maths our theme was ‘Growing 6, 7 and 8’. We were finding and representing 6, 7 and 8, finding one more/less than 6, 7 and 8 and looking at the numbers we could see within them. 

In English our learning has been about the story 'Aliens Love Underpants'. The children particularly enjoyed this story and found it very funny! We've enjoyed sequencing the story and telling the story in our own words. We had lots of fun using our imaginations when designing and drawing our own aliens and writing a description of our alien.

In music we listened to ‘Conga’ by Miami Sound Machine and identified the instruments we could hear. We also discussed the genre of music and made comparisons to songs we have listened to previously. We then got the instruments out and had fun playing them to see the different things we could do with them. Everybody took it in turns to play a rhythm on their instrument and the rest of us had to copy it on our own instrument. 

We had a bit of a shock when we came in from playtime to find a mess on our carpet! There was a letter and when we opened it, it was from the aliens who told us they had been flying over Earth and had dropped lots of objects from their spaceship. They told us they wanted us to give them back the magnetic objects and left us some magnets. We used the magnets to test the objects to see which were magnetic and which were not magnetic. We then sorted them into two different hoops and discussed what materials they were made out of. After we had fun exploring with lots of different types of magnets.

Our PE lesson on Thursday was filled with excitement as we got the large climbing equipment out in the hall! The children all demonstrated consideration for themselves and others in order to keep everyone safe. They used their gross motor skills to navigate the equipment showing good co ordination and control. 

Please note there will be no Family Friday next week as it is INSET Day. School finishes on Thursday 8th February and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th February after the half term break. 

The Class 1 Team 

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Week ending Friday 26th January 2024 

We have had a great week in Class 1, especially with it being Maths Enrichment week too! 

Let's tell you just some of what we've been up to! 

As we have already mentioned, it was Maths Enrichment week where we took part in and completed lots of different activities including a whole school piece of artwork based on Kandinsky's concentric circles. We explored a range of texts, including 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab' and 'The Greedy Triangle'. We used playdough and straws to create animals with different amounts of legs and then wrote a number sentence to represent them. We also made a triangle out of four smaller triangles and learnt about how many sides different shapes have. We would also like to thank Class 4 for putting on a brilliant shape themed treasure hunt, we had a great time working with the children in Class 4 and solving the clues together.

We also continued our White Rose maths learning where we were focusing on mass and capacity. We used balance scales to compare mass and find a balance. First of all we held two items and then made a prediction about which item we thought would be the heaviest. We then checked using the balance scales. We started to develop our understanding of comparative terms such as heavy, heavier than, heaviest, light, lighter than and lightest. Towards the end of the week we moved on to learning about capacity. We used rice, sand and water to explore the capacity of different containers. We then made direct comparisons by pouring from one container to another.

This week we have been learning all about the planets in our solar system. We learnt all their names and learnt about some of their properties including, which planet is the largest and smallest and which are the hottest and coldest. We then learnt the order of the planets, starting with which one is the closest to the sun and going all the way to the planet furthest from the sun. We each had our own planet and had to work together to stand in the correct order. We then practised our cutting skills when cutting out all the planets and sticking them in the correct order. 

In Art we had fun with shaving foam and food colouring! We used a pipette to drop food colouring onto some shaving foam before mixing it with a skewer. We then laid our piece of card on top and then scraped off the excess foam to create some beautiful patterns. We hope to turn them in to planets! We also experimented with food colouring and oil. We used a pipette to drop the food colouring/ oil mix into some water and then laid our card on top. When we picked the card up we had some interesting patterns. We look forward to seeing our artwork once they are completely dry. 

Next week there will be no Family Friday as we hope to see you for our Class assembly.

The Class 1 Team

*Class 1 assembly - Friday 2nd February at 2:30pm. 
*Please ensure reading books and reading records come to school on Mondays so we can change books.

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Week ending Friday 19th January 2024 

Happy weekend to you all! Here's a little overview of what we have been up to in Class 1 this week!

Ted the 'travelling bear' has chosen somebody from Class 1 this week who has been a brilliant role model, tried hard with their learning and has been a kind friend to others. Ted will spend the weekend with this person and return to school on Monday. On Tuesday, when Mrs Horn is in, we will ask this person to share what Ted has been up to with the rest of the class and they will then have the opportunity to answer questions from their friends. Ted has a book that travels with him which details further information for grown ups. 

In Maths we were consolidating our Alive in 5! module of learning where we recapped and continued our previous learning about subitising to 5, representing 0 to 5 and finding one more/less. We then looked at composition to 5 where we were exploring the different ways we could make 5. 

Our focus text this week has been 'Zoom, Rocket, Zoom' which is a story all about different space vehicles. We discussed and wrote different sounds that rockets make - our ideas included 'woosh, zoom and bang'. We also wrote a list of the items we thought an astronaut would need to take to the moon for a space mission.

We enjoyed learning about different space technology and vehicles including space shuttles, satellites, the Mars Rover and the International Space Station. We had lots of fun taking part in a balloon rocket science investigation. We used balloons for our rockets and they had a race; we discussed what was different about the rockets that travelled further. You can watch a video of one of our balloon rocket races on Seesaw. 

An image of a spacewalk was the focus during our "I see, I think, I wonder" session this week. The children enjoyed telling me what they could see and coming up with some questions. We used the iPads to research some of our questions and shared the answers with the rest of the class. 

Our outdoor learning focus over the past couple of weeks has been about habitats and birds. On Tuesday, we made some bird feeders. We used a pine cone and rubbed pieces of lard into the gaps before rolling the pine cone in bird seed. We also halved oranges, scooped out the flesh and then filled it with a mixture of lard and bird seed. We decided we would like to hang them in our outdoor area so that we could monitor them closely and notice any birds that decide to visit. 

Next week is our whole school Maths Enrichment Week. We 're looking forward to taking part in lots of fun maths activities.

Class 1 Team 

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Week ending Friday 12th January 2024 

We have had a great second week back at school full of lots of different learning opportunities. 

In our expressive arts and design learning this week we were learning some of the different techniques we could use when using chalk pastels. Some of the techniques included blending, using strokes of different lengths and cross hatching. 

In our PE lessons we were working with apparatus. We helped to get the apparatus out safely and sensibly. We then explored different ways we could travel on the floor and apparatus. 

Our "I see, I think, I wonder" discussion this week was based around an image of a moon landing. Some really great discussions were had by the children and they came up with some questions we will find out the answers to in the coming weeks. 

Our maths learning this week was focused around subitising to five, representing 0 to 5 and finding one more and one less than a given number. We enjoyed listening to different stories linked to our maths learning such as 'The Ugly Five' by Julia Donaldson. 

In English we have been reading the story 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram. We have retold the story in our own words and sequenced parts of the story. We have been writing key words for characters and items from the story and we ended the week with writing our own postcards from the moon using adjectives to describe what we could see on the moon. 

We have been learning about moon landings and we watched a video of the first moon landing and the first steps an astronaut took on the moon. We discussed what we could see and what the moon looked like. This led us into taking part in a science investigation where we made our own craters on the moons surface by mixing corn flour and baby oil together and using rocks to create the craters. We were very interested to find out that on Monday morning the first moon mission since the final Apollo mission in 1972 launched from America. We were really excited to watch the rocket take off and hear the count down.   

We had a great afternoon at 'Family Friday' making rockets! Thank you to all who came, we hope you enjoyed it! 

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Week ending Friday 5th January 2024 

Happy New Year! 

It was a short week this week but it was lovely to be back at school after returning from my maternity leave and to be able to welcome the children back to school after their Christmas holiday. We shared news and heard about all of the exciting things each other got up to over Christmas. 

On Friday we were part of a special assembly with the rest of the school where we joined a Teams meeting with the other Bridge schools to celebrate 10 years of being part of Bridge Schools. It was quite a sight to see all 14 Bridge schools together! 

Our big question for this half term is "Will we ever live in space?" We explored the question together and thought about whether we could live in space, whether we would want to go to space and what it might be like in space. Some really interesting thoughts were shared and discussed and we are all looking forward to the coming weeks where we will be completing lots of different learning about space. 

In PE this week we were exploring how we could move a range of objects in different ways. First of all we explored how the objects moved, how we could move it in different ways around us and how we could get the objects from one place to another. 

In Maths we were developing our understanding of zero and finding amounts from 0 to 5. We used some familiar songs/ rhymes to help us with counting such as 'ten green bottles', 'five little men in a flying saucer' and '5 little ducks' . It would be brilliant if you could sing some of these songs with your children at home and also help them with recognising numbers 0 to 5 when they are not in ascending order. 

Our focus text this week was 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. We enjoyed reading about Baby Bear and his adventure to space! We then had images from the story and used our phonics knowledge to write some words to match. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend in the dry, sunny weather! 

Class 1 Team 


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