Class Blog for Class 3

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Learning, inside and out.

Another busy week where we took some of our learning outside.    Maths we have been making good use of our growing tables knowledge.  Where we know that 3 x 5 is 15,  we also know that 30 x 5 is 150.  We created place value grids out side and could show a 3 and 4 digit numbers that we created getting bigger as we multiplied them by 10.  We've been collaborating in English, using our friends to help check, edit and improve our work.  In particular, vocabulary choices and sentence structure.  Mrs Dan helped us create sunflowers for a new while school display.  We've create our flowers one petal at a time, to be built up into a flower around seed heads and greenery that we have also painted.

Prehistoric learning.

We discovered just what pre historic means.  Before written history.  But it's still possible to recreate prehistoric tools in modern time as the proved by BS who made these at home and brought them in to share with the class.

Next Tuesday, we will have a whole day outside following with work based around trees.



Class 3 get creative.

We have been out and about during lessons again.  As part of our 'Stig of the Dump' writing focus, we have been in the Forrest School.  We have been imagining just what it would be like to discover someone living in the woods and we considered what we would see, hear, smell and think.  One of the best phrases we created was, ' a beautiful blue light, crept through the trees'.  This and other phrase will then make an appearance in our writing this week.

We've also been artistic this week.  With the help of Mrs Dan, we've been creating sunflowers our contribution to a whole school display, creating our flowers petal by petal.

Our tables focus has been the 2 x table and this week we'll moving on to the 4  table.



Welcome Class 3

Already we are up and running although not too much. It's just been too hot. PE gave us a brief respite with a cool yoga session in the hall.  We've introduced our new topic and devised our own questions based on our Big Question -  'Was it better to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or iron Age?'   We've been practicing our times tables knowledge, made jam sandwiches and have started reading our class book, 'Stig of the Dump'.  
It has been a pleasant start to our school year, but there are definitely some busy weeks ahead.
Good luck Class 3,
Mr Knight.


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