Class Blog for PreSchool

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Week Ending Friday 29th March 2024 

We have reached the end of Spring Term 2 and what a busy term it has been. The children have really enjoyed our focus on animals and birds with lots of activities and learning focussed on our enquiry question - Who left these footprints?  

Alongside this we have also celebrated World Book Day, St Piran’s Day, British Science Week and Easter. 

This week we have enjoyed lots of Easter themed activities, including egg hunts, egg decorating and even a lovely visit from Mrs Stanbury and 2 of her week old lambs! The children were very lucky to have a go at bottle feeding them and having lots of cuddles. The children and adults all absolutely loved having them visit.  

Some of our children joined the whole school over at church for an Easter celebration service with Reverend Richard.

This week we sadly had to say our goodbyes to Mrs Oliver, the children all made a handprint flower that were presented to Mrs Oliver as a bouquet. All of us at Pre-School will miss Mrs Oliver, but we wish her the very best of luck at her new school.

On our return to Pre-School, we hope to see some more settled weather so that the children can have more use of our garden area which will link in nicely to our new enquiry question for Summer Term 1 - Are plants alive? The children will experience planting seeds, looking after their plants, discovering minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles.  

From all the Pre-School Team we would like to wish you a very Happy Easter, hopefully we all get to enjoy some sunny days and family time.  

We look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 15th April.  


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Week Beginning 18th March 2024 

Well this half term is passing by so quickly, we have just completed the last full week of our Spring Term!
Nest week we just have 4 days before we break up for our Easter Holidays.

This weeks book was "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell

The three owls Sarah, Percy and Bill all want their Mummy.
The Three baby owls awake one night to find their mother gone, and they can't help but wonder where she is. What is she doing? When will she be back? What scary things move all around them? Stunning illustrations from striking perspectives capture the anxious little owls as they worry.

We talked about where Mummy had gone and that she went looking for food for the three baby owls. 

We talked about Nocturnal Animals and why these animals come out at night! we listed Owls, Hedgehogs, Bats, Foxes, Mice, Moths and Hamsters.

We listened to different animal sounds to see if we could name them and did really well at spotting the Owls Hoot!

We were able to get outside lots this week without having to dodge the rain, which made a wonderful change, so nice to see the sun shining in the sky.
On Friday we put on our wellies and had a run/walk around the big school field to stretch our legs! We were also finding lots of play equipment that had been scattered on the field so decided to be helpful and collect it all up and put back into the school sheds.
We played on the tyre park area for a while and watched Mr Knights PE lesson that was taking place on the playground.

We made our own paintings of Owls and started to make some pom pom owls which we will complete next week.

Next week we will be doing all things Easter...

We still have a few poorly staff and children with a sickness bug. To prevent any further spread to children and staff, it is our policy that if a child has had sickness or diarrhoea, They must not be in Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, whatever the cause.
If your child is going to miss a session or is absent due to sickness, then please let us know by calling Pre-School on 01503 220686 or by emailing us at by 9.15am.
Thank you for your continued understanding on this.

A few dates for your diary -

- Tuesday 26th March 2pm Easter Celebration at church (note change of time) All welcome.

- Thursday 28th March Pre-School and School end for children at 1pm

- Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April Easter Holiday

- Monday 15th April Summer Term starts

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Week Ending Friday 15th March 2024 

What an amazing week of little scientists celebrating British Science Week 2024! 

We started the week by discussing what we thought Science may be about and the children had some thoughtful ideas such as being able to make things or mix potions! Some of children had not heard of the word Science and that is totally understandable at their young ageScience at this age is learning about the things that are around us and noticing change, and we link this in to our Understanding the World area of learning.

We have been talking about the four Seasons and so we challenged the children to spot the changes that happen over the course of a year. We used pictures to place into the correct season as a fun way of recognising these changes. 

The weather was something the children found easy to recognise as it is something we talk about frequentlywe are always on the lookout for a rainbow! We took this in to our first experiment of the week to grow our own rainbows!
have also experimented with bicarbonate soda and vinegar to make fizzy colours, used special paper and a water spray bottle for colour diffusing our names, and even made raisins dance in fizzy water!  The children have all thoroughly enjoyed the variety of experiments this week, and it’s been lovely to see and hear their enthusiasm.

As from Mrs Oliver’s newsletter, you will have received the letter regarding the school's outbreak of Norovirus. We would like to reassure you that extra precautions are in place to minimise the spread of the virus. If you have any concerns, then please contact us at Pre-School.  

Thank you for any donations that were made to Comic Relief on Friday. The link is still live via the Newsletter for anyone still wanting to donate 

Please can we ask that no additional toys are sent in with your child unless it is their show and tell allocated day. It reduces upset from breakages or other children wanting to use the toy also.  We understand a couple of younger children have a comfort teddy they bring along, and this is still absolutely fine.   

Letters will have started to come out to those of you with children who have changes to their session days/timesIf you have any queries relating to the changes, please do email the preschool email 

Parent consultations are the week beginning Monday 25th March - Please do book a slot if you feel you would like an informal meeting with Mrs Rickard or Mrs Gravener about your child.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  

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Week beginning 4th March 2024 

We've had another really busy week of fun here at Pelynt Pre-School!

Starting off our week we were looking at different types of birds.
Our book this week was "A tale of two feathers" 

In this story, Otis the owl finds a shiny blue feather and cannot find the bird it came from. Meanwhile, Kia the kingfisher finds a stripy white feather and cannot find the matching bird. One night, the birds finally meet and solve the mystery!

We looked at a real birds nest and talked about how and why birds build nests, we also talked about how hard it would be to build a nest, we decided that birds were really cleaver to be able to build such beautiful, neat and tidy homes with only their beaks!!

We went outside and did some bird spotting, counting how many birds and the different types we saw in and around our school field.

Also we made our own gorgeous birds out of clay which we will be able to bring home once they are dry.

We celebrated St Pirans Day on Tuesday, we looked at why Cornwall is so special to us, looked at pictures of the Cornish Coastline and how lucky we are to have so many beaches to explore in and around our county. We watched a Cornish Sea Tale "The Mermaids Magic Comb", and made our own Cornish Pasties out of play doh. We finished off our celebration of St Pirans Day with a service at the church and lay some daffodils outside.

Also this week we have celebrated "World Book day", we went across to big school to watch an author event with classes 1 and 2 on Wednesday and on Thursday we dressed up as our favourite book characters, picked out our favourite books and read lots of stories.

We have all deserved a relaxing weekend after all the activities we have taken part in this week!

Next week is "British Science Week" so we will be doing lots of activities linked to science, and hopefully some fun experiments too...

This Friday, 15th March, we are holding a Comic Relief Fundraising (whole school) so please wear something red for suggested donation of £1.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully we'll see some much needed sunshine.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Just a little reminder.
We still have a few poorly children with a sickness bug.
To prevent any further spread to children and staff, it is our policy that if a child has had sickness or diarrhoea, then they must not be in Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, whatever the cause.

Notifying us of absences:

If your child is going to miss a session or is absent due to sickness, then please let us know by calling Pre-School on 01503 220686 or by emailing us at by 9.15am. Thank you for your understanding on this.

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Week Ending Friday 1st March 2024 

This week our focussed book has been ‘Brown Bear Brown Bear, what can you see?’ The children have all enjoyed the story throughout the week and because of its rhythmic and repetitive language they have begun to tell the story together as a group whilst it is being read, which has been great in developing language and encouraging some of our quieter children to join in.  

The story using vibrant pictures of favourite animals helps to develop colour recognition and we built on this learning through group sorting activities, colour hunts, and their integrated play throughout the week.  

The children have also enjoyed investigating about bears, how many different types there are, where they live, and most importantly that they love to eat fish! We watched a clip of the Grizzly Bear of Alaska and their amazing salmon catching techniques.  

For our artwork this week the children have used soft brown pastel crayons to colour a paper plate for our own brown bears. Pastels are great for the children to explore as they are soft and easy to use for their developing pencil grip, also they can use their fingers to smudge the pastel colour. We then added ears, eyes, muzzle, nose and a mouth to the bears face. Alongside this, the children have painted the animals of the story with the colours from the book.  


With so many of our children now enjoying ‘Show and Share’, we have decided to go back to allocated days to keep it fair and allow us to give each child the opportunity to stand and talk about their item – Please do check the list in the entrance of Pre-School to see your child's allocated day. 

A polite reminder that if your child has been poorly with any sickness or diarrhoea, it is our policy that they must not return to Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea. Please see the attached letter regarding this.  

Next week we will enjoy the story ‘A Tale of Two Feathers’ and discover more about birds.
Also, we will be celebrating St Piran’s Day on Tuesday. Your child is welcomed to dress in something black, white or gold to celebrate this special day, and we will be joining the whole school for our St Pirans assembly over in church at 2pm.

World Book Day is Thursday 7th March, we will be sharing some of our favourite stories with the children. Your child is welcome to dress as their favourite book character or bring in a favourite book to share with their friends.  


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  


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Spring Term 2 

Welcome to Spring Term 2

It was great to welcome the children back after our half term break, we hope everybody had a wonderful week.

We've had a lovely week here at Pre-School and our focussed book this week was "Dear Zoo" by Rod Campbell - A child writes to the zoo for a pet. The zoo send a series of unsuitable pets, revealed behind flaps in the form of crates and packing cases. These animals are all sent back for different reasons, except the last one, which is perfect!

We had a discussion about our favourite animals and where they live and what they might eat also what animals/pets we have at home and their names, the children were very keen to tell us all about the pets they own.

In our role play area we had our own Zoo, we had some animal masks for the children to use, we had some very interesting sounding animals including a quite noisy lion!!

We have made our own zoo from the Duplo and added lots of different animals. We talked about different sizes of these animals and how much space they will need to roam around.

We are also very lucky to have some more new play equipment for our outside area which was very kindly put together over the half term ready for us to use when we returned and I know the children have had super fun exploring this, although we could do with some dry, sunny weather to be able to really enjoy it properly.

We also started a new activity called "Dough Disco" which the children really enjoyed.
Dough disco involves moulding play dough in time to music and performing different actions such as rolling it into a ball, flattening it, putting each individual finger into the dough, rolling it into a sausage and squeezing it. Dough disco helps to strengthen children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Next week our focussed book will be "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle - This book follows the story sequence of Brown Bear and the things that he and the other animals see. Brown Bear sees a Red Bird, who sees a Yellow Duck, who sees a Blue Horse, and on and on until it's the children who look back and see all the animals (and even their teacher).

We hope you enjoyed a little bit of the sunshine we had on Saturday and managed to dodge the rain on Sunday,

We look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week Ending Friday 9th February 2024 

Our last week of Spring Term 1 was a celebration of Chinese New Year, this year being the year of the dragon!  

The children have all created some lovely Chinese dragon art and decorated Chinese lanterns. We have enjoyed learning about how families prepare their homes for celebrating Chinese New Year and what some of the traditions mean. The children learned that red was a colour for luck and that gold coins are given in red envelopes to the children as gifts. They have enjoyed looking for our own gold coins in the rice tuff tray and placing them into the Chinese envelopes. 

This week the children have all had the opportunity to try some Chinese foods, the noodles and prawn crackers were very popular! 

We have watched some Chinese festivals and the wonderful lion and dragon dances that are performed. We even had a go at performing as lion dancers ourselves!  

It has been a very busy half term, but the children have all thoroughly enjoyed their learning and exploring time and shown great interest in all our activities. It was so lovely to be able to fit in our first Pre-School trip together too, and we will hopefully get the chance to arrange another outing in the Summer Term so don’t worry if you didn't get to join us on this one.  

When we return after half term our new enquiry question will be ‘Who made these footprints?” With the focus being on animals and birds. A lovely theme as we move into Spring Term 2, and hopefully some visits to Pre-School from some animals.  


We hope everyone has a lovely half term break, and we look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 19th February. 

The Pre-School Team. 

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Week Ending Friday 2nd February 2024 

What an exciting week we have had in Pre-School!  

The children have thoroughly embraced our book of the week, ‘The Train Ride. Last week some of the children helped to paint a very important part of our role play corner, our very own green train for Pelynt Pre-School's train station. They have all shown imaginative play skills by swapping roles of being a train driver, passengers, ticket conductors and even ticket office workers.  

Alongside this we have painted our own trains and carriages for our ‘train name’ display – look at the photo of all our colourful trains! 

We talked about keeping ourselves safe at a train station, which also linked beautifully onto our ‘Road Safety’ learning for this week too. We have talked through some very important rules of how we cross a road safely and the children took this learning into their play and explore time. Using the bikes and taking turns being a lollipop person, they stopped traffic and remembered their rules to check it was safe to cross the road. It was great to see them put into practice what we had learned. So hopefully they will all be saying, Stop! Look! Listen! Think!- When crossing the roads with you.  

We have enjoyed using play doh this week to build on our fine motor skills, rolling and cutting our 2D shapes, and manipulating it into models of transport also.  

We ended the week with our very exciting Pre-School train trip along the Looe – Liskeard Valley Line. It was so lovely to see some of the children not only enjoy their first Pre-School outing, but also experience travelling on a train for the first time! What a brilliant real-life experience after all our learning linked to transport this half term. Once again, thank you to all the parents and carers who came along with us. We hoped you enjoyed the trip as much as we did! 

Please note next weeks ‘Stay & Play’ session is postponed until after half term. We will inform you of a new date when it is arranged.  

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing the children next week to celebrate Chinese New Year.  

The Pre-School Team. 


Please remember - School and Pre-School Closed on Friday 9th February for INSET day. 

Spring Term 2 starts on Monday 19th February.  

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Week Ending Friday 26th January 2024 


What a fully packed week of fun and learning in Pre-School! 

This week has been our ‘Whole School Maths Enrichment’ week and we have enjoyed a variety of activities to show those curious young minds how exciting maths can be.  

We have explored 2D shapes by talking about everyday objects and their shape, baking shape biscuits and shape hunting around Pre-School with our special spying glasses.  

We also completed some concentric circles art that every child in school will have completed some variation of, and they will all form a display over in the main school. 

Our maths story ‘One is Snail, 10 is Crab’ inspired us to use some clay to create our own animals and insects, we used mini sticks for legs and counted themWe had lots of Spiders! 

As well as all our maths fun, we have also enjoyed this week’s book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.  A popular story some of the children know very wellThey have re-told the story using the puppets and tuff tray scene without any prompting from adultsWe have also enjoyed some Cosmic Yoga, and many performances of them following along with Michael Rosen and his actions. 

A very busy week of learning for everyone! 

Next week we are looking forward to our story ‘The Train Ride’, which fits in perfectly with our planned train trip on Friday morning.  

Please do bring back any consent forms by Tuesday to let us know if you are joining us. Remember all are welcome.

Any questions regarding the trip please email us at or speak to us at the door.  

Pre-School will be open on Friday as soon as the adults return from the train station (Approx. 10.25). 

Remember we are meeting at 8.55am at Looe Train Station for the train's departure at 9.05am.  
Original letter will be linked below.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

The Pre-School Team. 


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Week ending Friday 19th January 2024 

We've had another fun week here at Pre-School

We have been enjoying the dry, although very cold weather outside and exploring our new play equipment which has been super fun and popular with all of our friends.

Our book this weeks was Mr Gumpy's Motor Car - Mr Gumpy has decided to go for a ride in his motor car. It's a nice day and the sun is shining, so off he goes. But he only gets as far as the lane before the children, the rabbit, the cat, the dog, the pig, the sheep, the chickens, the calf and the goat ask if they can come along too.

We have had lots of discussions about where we have been or could go in our cars, also looking at different cars and how many people they can carry. 

We have talked about where different transport travels, the children shared if they have ever travelled in a bus, boat, train or aeroplane!
We have also been listening to clues to see if we could identify different types of transport - the children were all amazing at this and using their super listening skills got them all correct.

We have also being playing I Spy in the car park as we can see lots of vehicles' come and go from our windows, plus we have also spotted a couple of aeroplanes and a helicopter in the sky above.

For Show and Share this week we would love to see any photos of your child when they may have enjoyed a trip in any form of transport – bus, car, boat, train or plane!
It’s always lovely for the children to share their own experiences with us at Pre-School. 

Please either send in a photo with your child or email them to us at and we will be happy to print them for you.

We hope you have a super weekend, and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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