Class Blog for PreSchool

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Week ending Friday 13th October 2023 

The children have had another busy week in Pre-School, we cannot believe we are at the end of week 6 already! 

This week our focus book has been ‘The Leaf Thief’, a lovely story of a squirrel who cannot understand why all his leaves keep disappearing. It has been a great way to explain to the children about Autumn and all its stages.  

We have so many fallen leaves in our playground that the children have all been playing at being ‘leaf thieves’ themselves. 

On Monday afternoon some of the
children took part in the school Harvest service over at the church. We took donations of tinned food for Reverend Richard’s food mountain, we also joined in with the whole school singing the ‘Big Red Combine Harvestersong. We were very proud of the children during the service as it was a first experience of singing in front of an audience for some.

on from this week's service, we have talked with the children of the importance of harvest time and all the wonderful foods we are lucky to be able to produce, and the hard work the farmers do to supply them. We then shared some of our own ideas of favourite harvest fruits and vegetables and what we could make with them. The children have all made their own apple pie paper plates using painted apple stamps and adding a sugar paper criss-cross pattern on top for the pastry.

this week the children have enjoyed lots of mark making opportunities, practicing our pencil grips, and completing ABAB patterns using pictures of harvest foods.

week's Phonics involved the listening to and repeating of ‘Silly Sounds’, then to see which of the sounds they had heard before. The children are all very much enjoying their phonics sessions with the older children encouraging the younger children to join in.

During our forest school
session, we were on the hunt for the perfect sticks to make our wands with next week. Another lovely session enjoyed with our friends from Class 1.

Those children that have not been over to forest school will still have the chance to make wands as we have plenty of sticks! 

Thank you to those parents that ha
ve booked meetings this week to talk about your child and how they have settled into Pre-School. As always, Mrs G and Mrs Rickard are always available if you have any concerns you want to discuss.

One more week to go
, we are looking forward to a story about a special pumpkin next week.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend enjoying the autumn sunshine.

Pre-School Team.


Please remember that the last day of term is Thursday 19th October. 

Pre-School and School closed Friday 20th October for INSET day.  



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Week 5 

What another wonderful week we have had.

Our book this week was "Here we are!" Written by Oliver Jeffers.

Written as a manual to life on Earth from new dad Oliver Jeffers to his baby son, this simple, life-affirming picture book is both an overview of Earth and a guide to living well.

We had great fun creating our own planet paintings using balloons and made playdough people, planets and the moon.

We also baked some biscuits and decorated them with icing to make our own biscuit planets, which were very yummy.

We have match, ordered and sorted planets, stars and rockets for our maths focus this week and sung lots of songs including - Ten little men in a flying saucer, Hey diddle diddle and Twinkle twinkle little star.

On Tuesday we went over to forest school where we met up with Class One during their outdoor learning, we explored, played and found lots of autumn treasures to take back and add to our finds from the Friday before, we all love this time of year as there is so many different colours and textures around in our natural environment.

We have been practising our cutting and sticking skills to make some scarecrows to add to our display and some beautiful autumn sun catchers using coloured tissue paper to go our our windows.

Our Show and Share list is up in the entrance hall with days for your child to bring in an item linked to our half termly theme, this being Autumn and Harvest.

We have our whole school Harvest Festival this coming Monday 9th October at the church starting at 2.30pm which Pre-School will be attending, it would be lovely to see as many of our friends there as possible.

We have been learning one of the songs that will be sung during the service which is "Big, Red Combine Harvester"  and the children have done really well remembering the words.

Please may we also have a family photo to add to our Families board in Pre-School, it gives the children lots of opportunities to discuss with their friends who is in their photo and we have had some lovely stories about what they are up to.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

We are looking forward to seeing you all next week for some more autumn fun and activities.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week ending 29th September 2023 

This week in Pre-School we have been looking at Houses and HomesThe children have all shared ideas of what makes a house and a home, from how we build a house, to what rooms are inside and what families enjoy about their homes. 

Our focussed book this week has been ‘In Every House on Every Street, with fun rhyming text it explores the joys of family lifeThe children were very keen to thoroughly explore the illustrations and pull-out pages to see what they could discover. 

The children used squares, rectangles and triangles to put together their own 2D houses, independently showing us where the roof, windows and doors are located 

We have also used some junk modelling to build their own houses and Duplo blocks to construct homes with the tallest chimneys  

During our Phonics sessions this week the children have been listening to and recognising environmental sounds that we would hear outside, also we have madeAuntie's Awful Soup’ with ingredients we wouldn't want to eat 

The children have enjoyed a variety of mark making opportunities such as the chalk board, whiteboard and pens and finger painting some lovely autumn trees.  

We made some wonderful autumn wreaths on Thursday, talking about all the different colours that we can see and have started to make an autumn display in Pre-School.
On Friday we made the most of the beautiful, sunny weather and went for a "Super Friday Welly Walk!" we all dressed up in our wellies and went for a stroll around the school field stopping to look for autumn treasures along the way. We collected these in our baskets choosing our favourite leaves, we even found 2 conkers. Class 4 were out and about for their outdoor learning so we stopped and had a catch up with them, they told us what they were up to, some were doing activities in forest school and the others were repainting the outdoor benches.
When we got back into Pre-School we had a look through all our treasures and talked about which was our favourite and why, we then made some pictures using our outdoor finds which will also go up on our autumn display.

We also made some fantastic scarecrows for our display whilst learning the "I'm a Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow" song which we all really enjoyed singing and joining in with the actions.

Show and share will start on Monday October 9th. A list will be placed up in our entrance porch showing the day for your child.
Our first show and share will be to bring in something that reminds you of Autumn.


If you would like the opportunity to discuss how your child is settling into Pre-School, please do make an appointment with Mrs Rickard or Mrs Gravener.  These are 10-minute slots available between 9-9.30 and 2-3pm during the week of Monday 9th Friday 13th October.  

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr. 





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Week 3 

This week in Pre-School the children have been learning and discussing ways to ‘Keep ourselves healthy’. We have enjoyed sharing our ideas and talking about things such as exercise, sun safety, eating healthy foods, drinking water, brushing our teeth and even getting enough sleep to name a few. We have used conversation card to help prompt our own thoughts on what fruits and vegetables we like and dislike. This worked well alongside our book of the week ‘I really don’t like peas’. We also sorted fruits and vegetable into their colour groups. We found green to have the most!

The children have worked well together to sort foods in to ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ boxes. We also discussed how these ‘unhealthy foods’ could be seen as occasional treats as we all enjoy them but that if we ate birthday cake everyday it wouldn’t be so special, and that our body needs a healthy balance of all types of foods.

We have been busy painting lots of different types of fruits and vegetables in readiness to create a ‘Keeping Healthy’ display.
We also practiced our counting using frozen peas, the challenge was to pick the peas up using tweezers, so not only were the children using their counting skills but also improving their fine motor accuracy too
We have also enjoyed baking some cakes on Thursday and Friday we made some fruit kebabs talking about which fruits we like the most.

The children enjoyed some Cosmic Yoga sessions this week, they were all fantastic Betsy Bananas to keep in with our healthy food theme.
Also this week some of the children participated in the whole school ‘Danceathon’ with the Pre-School children completing 15minutes of dance, we also joined in with Class one and two with their danceathon in the main school hall which was great fun! Well done everyone.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week 2 

Hello everyone,

We are already at the end of week 2, it has been such a lovely week of more play, learning, creating and exploring within Pre-School.

We have welcomed some more new friends, and we hope that they have thoroughly enjoyed their first sessions with us.

We have enjoyed lots of outside time before the weather starts to turn, some of the children have noticed how the trees are beginning to change and drop their leaves.
Such a lovely observation for children to make and to start to understand the changing of the seasons.

With note to this, can we please ask that you child has a named pair of wellies kept in Pre-School so that we can enjoy some welly walks around the school and to enjoy the outside areas whatever the weather!

This week our focussed book has been 'The Great Big Book of Families' which is a lovely well written and illustrated book to show children the many different kinds of family.

The children were keen to talk about their own families and have enjoyed some activities relating to this including using puppets to show their own family members, this led to lots of imaginative play.
We also enjoyed making lollipop stick houses with pictures of our family members inside.

We introduced some short phonics sessions this week, exploring environmental sounds. The children enjoyed a game of 'Sleepy Sofa' where they had to use their good listening skills to correctly guess the sound that woke them up!
We also enjoyed using some of our instruments and focussed on those that we could shake. The children listened to instructions to shake 'quietly' or loudly' and then to a 'stop' instruction. We all then said what our favourite instrument was and what it sounded like. The most popular being the bells because it sounded like Santa's Sleigh

Thank you to all of you that have sent photos in of your own family enjoying the summer.
We will be using these photos this week for our "Show and Share", to enable the children to talk about who is in their own family.

If you haven't sent a photo in you can email it to us at

We are looking forward to another full week of fun and activities next week on healthy eating and keeping ourselves healthy.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Welcome Back! 

A big welcome back to everyone after our Summer Break, especially our new children and parents/carers who will be starting with us over this half term.

We have been so impressed with how the children have returned to Pre-School and settled straight back into our Pre-School routines.

We have had a lovely first week introducing some new children and getting to know one another. Miss Carr is another new face to some of you, but some of the children have been lucky enough to have already met Miss Carr and know how lovely and fun she is. We are thrilled to have her join the Pre-School team  I'm sure as Miss Carr gets to know some of the faces of parents/carers she'll be at the door to greet some of you on arrival or pick up.

Our learning activities this week have been based around settling in, being back with each other in Pre-School, and making the most of this glorious weather we have had. We have also completed some 'all about me' activities, with the children looking at pictures of parts of the body and pointing to the correct part on their bodies. Singing 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' has definitely helped us with this.

We have been hearing lots of lovely summertime adventures that the children have enjoyed. If your have a photo of your child enjoying some family fun during summer, then please email them to us at We can then share these during circle time and put them on our ‘My Family Wall’.

Show and Share will be starting in a couple of weeks when the children have all settled back in. We will be linking our show and share to a theme or topic of the week and will be adding this to our Pre-School blog each week.

You will all receive a 'Welcome Pack' and Newsletter by the end of the week, if you have been missed please ask a member of staff.

Please could we ask that ALL consent forms be returned to us even if you completed them last year.
Also, it's important that we get all funding forms back to us as soon as possible to complete the funding application.

We are looking to lots more fun during Autumn Term, wishing you all a lovely weekend.

With Best Wishes Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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