The Twinkl phonics programme is used to support the teaching of phonics. In reception and year 1, all children participate in daily phonics sessions, which follow this scheme. We draw upon observations and continuous assessment to ensure our children are stretched and challenged. Children are identified early if they may need additional support. Different levels are worked through: learning and developing phonological knowledge and understanding.
The opportunity to apply their growing knowledge in school guided reading sessions is continued at home through home reading books that closely match children’s phonic ability.
Once children have passed their phonics screening check, they receive daily spelling lessons which follow ‘Spelling Shed.’ This is a structured spelling scheme, which ensures good continuity and progression from Y2 – Y6, and is supported by the use of ICT, so that spelling activities can be easily accessed at home.
Please see attached documents for more information about teaching Phonics and Early Reading at Pelynt Primary.
Reading is a key life skill and is the bedrock for learning new knowledge. It enables and empowers our children in becoming independent learners and broadens their experiences beyond that of their immediate surroundings.
It is our aim, by the end of their primary education, for all pupils to be able to read fluently with a good level of understanding of what they read. In school all pupils are taught the skills of reading using VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summarise /sequence). Children are immersed in a range of broad and rich books, written by a range of authors. Children are read to regularly by their teacher, they engage in regular guided reading sessions where pupils work in small groups with an adult to read texts together and engage in discussions and activities about the text. They also regularly experience engaging whole class guided reading sessions.
These extensive reading experiences provide our children with the chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually through carefully chosen texts.
We are dedicated to supporting our children in gaining a love and enjoyment of reading; leading to become lifelong readers. This commitment of learning allows our children to acquire new knowledge and develop their understanding of language: helping them to build upon what they already know.
Please see attached documents for more information about teaching Reading at Pelynt Primary.
At Pelynt, we believe it is important for pupils to have engaging and purposeful writing experiences. The wider curriculum is therefore often used as a stimuli for writing. We also follow the principles of the storytelling approach, where children are immersed in a text through speaking and listening activities alongside unpicking the text collaboratively. Children then follow the features of that genre to innovate and invent their own version. We use high quality examples of these different genres of writing, to ensure that children are engaged and interested.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting are taught discretely but are also woven through the units of writing. We use writing learning journeys, so that children are fully involved in the process of their writing, and so that they are able to see the next steps and the purpose of each step of their learning. We encourage children to apply their writing skills across a range of subjects to understand that writing is an integral part of being a successful citizen.
Please see attached documents for more information about teaching Writing at Pelynt Primary.
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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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