Pelynt Primary Academy: Our Curriculum Statement
Staff have spent a considerable amount of time developing and working towards embedding an effective curriculum. This continues to be an ongoing journey for us as a school. Leaders have used a range of materials (such as educational books and studies) to help shape our curriculum. Therefore, please note that our curriculum is not static. We are always looking to make it relevant in the ever-changing world that we encounter. Our current priority is to ensure that we have sufficient cultural diversity reflected (please see our working document). If you have any questions or you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact For subject specific information, such as our Reading and Maths Policy, please follow the links at the bottom of the subject pages.
Our Curriculum
What is the intent of our curriculum?
At Pelynt Primary Academy, our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and extensive understanding of the world. We appreciate that a knowledge-rich curriculum does not simply mean memorising disconnected facts. Pupils develop relationships with knowledge so that they can put their knowledge to work in powerful, meaningful ways. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop understanding by connecting new knowledge with existing knowledge in order to develop fluency and the ability to apply their knowledge as skills. Therefore, Teachers and Subject Leaders have thought carefully about the sequence of our curriculum to ensure that new knowledge builds on what has been taught before and what may come after. We aim to deliver a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which empowers pupils to achieve their full potential and make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. Our overall aim is for pupils to learn, thrive and excel.
How do we implement our curriculum?
Our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum alongside our ‘Knowledge Progression Ladders’, which helps to sequence the knowledge delivered as children progress through the school, along with ‘end points’ in our curriculum. The National Curriculum informs the knowledge progression ladders- detailing the knowledge that each child will learn in each year group. This knowledge is progressive.
The knowledge is then mapped across a spiral 2 year rolling programme to ensure that every child has their full entitlement. This map revisits key aspects of the knowledge to help children to embed the vital aspects of the curriculum, supporting planning and implementation in a mixed age classroom. Knowledge is taught in subject specific lessons, built into an overarching enquiry question. Knowledge is taught to be remembered, not merely encountered. Our curriculum values long-term learning and we recognise that progress means knowing more and remembering more. We recognise that learning can be defined as an alteration in long-term memory and if nothing has been altered in the long-term memory, then nothing has been learned.
Staff use this rolling programme to guide them in their coverage of what needs to be taught and when. It is tailored to suit the needs of the children at that time, in teacher’s Medium Term Plans. The plans support teachers when they write Learning Journeys in English, science, art/dt, history/geography- which are the main enquiry drivers. Teachers use their pedagogical knowledge of how children learn best to enable pupils to understand key concepts, presenting information clearly to help embed key knowledge into long- term memory, so that pupils can develop fluency and automaticity. Feedback, retrieval practice and assessment are prioritised so that teachers can check pupils’ understanding effectively and identify any misunderstandings and misconceptions.
Our broad, balanced, inclusive and exciting curriculum is taught through a ‘themed’ approach whereby only genuine and authentic cross curricular links are made between subjects. When it is more appropriate, subjects are taught discreetly. Teachers ensure there is coverage of all the knowledge and break this into learning objectives with age-appropriate statements and use the ladders to guide their planning each day/week and throughout the year. Each 'theme' is led by an enquiry question such as 'How has Cornwall changed over time?' and 'Are rainforests the lungs of the world?' Our themes are represented as 'Learning Journeys' which are displayed within each classroom and in books. These 'Learning Journeys' show the pupils' 'current thinking in time.' Pupils are encouraged to reflect on: the knowledge and skills they have acquired so far; any misconceptions along the way and; where they are heading (a purposeful outcome). Revisiting of this learning journey at the start of each lesson provides retrieval opportunities to recap important tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary. For example, in Class 2 (Years 1 and 2), pupils are led by the question 'What is it like to live on an island?'. The teachers use the 'Knowledge and Progression Ladders' to sequence the knowledge and vocabulary that they will teach the children, in order for them to answer this question. The learning includes enriching experiences, in this case a boat trip to Looe Island to talk to the rangers who live there. The purposeful outcome includes writing an end of enquiry letter to the rangers to share their learning and a Celebration Assembly for families, followed by Show and Share for more detailed discussions in the classroom, where the children share their comparisons of physical and human geographical features of different islands to explain how they have answered the question.
These 'Learning Journeys' have been developed by Teachers and Leaders to ensure that the key knowledge, themes and concepts have been sequenced effectively across the school so that pupils make connection between prior and new learning.
After teaching each unit, staff assess using the assessment ladders, mapping out a child’s journey in each subject and across the range of the curriculum. This is used when planning the next unit, to identify gaps for individuals and classes. It is also passed up to the next teacher, in preparation for transition before September.
Whilst we adopt a ‘themed’ approach to some areas of our curriculum, we make efforts to ensure that children fully understand the subject in which they learning, in order to develop subject disciplinary knowledge. For example, teachers help pupils to ‘think like a scientist’ or ‘think like a historian’ by discussing the different skills needed to do so.
Our curriculum is further enhanced by:
- Visitors, educational visits and ‘hands on’ experiences.
- WOW days and events to inspire and engage pupils
- Opportunities for pupils to share the questions that they would like to explore, in order to encourage curiosity
- Links to the local community
- Purposeful outcomes that include the wider community
- Learning Values and Learning Characters
Through our implementation of the curriculum, we aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
What is the impact?
The impact of our curriculum can be seen in the pupils’ development of detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum. This impact is reflected in the work that pupils produce, along with national test scores improving and key assessment points during the school year. At Pelynt Primary Academy, we strive to ensure that pupil attainment is improving and that pupils are fully prepared for their next stage of education and ready to contribute positively to society as a whole. Our values (curiosity, creativity, excellence, responsibility, determination and enthusiasm) help to enable the pupils to become the very best version of themselves. Through the use of monitoring (pupil voice, lesson observations, outcomes, data analysis etc), leaders review and reflect on the intent and implementation of our curriculum to ensure that it has the desired impact. Subject leaders have developed a 3 Is document for their subject area and use action plans throughout the school year to build upon and develop their subject area.
If you would like any more information about our curriculum at Pelynt, please contact the school office who will put you in contact with the appropriate leaders.
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