Congratulations to our super team of footballers from Year 5 and Year 6 who visited Callywith last week to take on teams from across the Bridge Schools trust. As always, the represented the school magnificiently and were fantastic sports. Well done.
Pelynt is blessed with an amazing outdoor learning area and this week the school had a collapsed curriculum day where the children spent the whole day building dens, toasting marshmallows and taking part in a range of art and design based activities. The weather really was kind to us and the children had a spectacular day!
Pelynt Primary Academy is looking for a full-time (32.5 hours) Teaching Assistant to join our friendly and hard-working team.
The post is offered as a fixed-term position to the end of this academic year in the first instance.
The post would involve working with children across all age ranges and include a lunch-time supervisor role.
We are looking for a colleague who can bring enthusiasm, energy and a professional approach to all that they do and who are willing to engage in all aspects of school life. You will also have a smiley and nurturing approach that children will enjoy, and which will enable them to feel special in your care.
In return, Pelynt Academy offers a friendly, experienced and supportive team, who work well together and put the education and welfare of children at the heart of all we do. You can expect to receive high-quality support and training in a school that has a good reputation in the community and is committed to delivering the best outcomes for its children.
Please look at our vaccancies page for more details.
Thank you to all the children and families for a great sports day and family picnic, here are some photos of the day.
St Piran’s Day Celebrations Tuesday 5th March
To celebrate this special day, we would like the children to come to school wearing something black, white or gold (no charge). All are welcome to join us in church at 2pm for our St Piran’s assembly. We will return to school after the assembly to collect belongings.
World Book Day Thursday 7th March
Just a reminder that on World Book Day we would love the children to come either dressed as their favourite book character, or wearing a hat/top decorated with pictures of characters, objects or places in their favourite story. Alternatively, they can wear bedtime (reading) clothes.
The Little Knitters
Elsa, Eryn, Alice and Scarlett have been very busy making necklaces, bracelets, keyrings and bookmarks, which they will be selling on Friday 8th March after school, to raise money for school projects. See their flyer in our newsletter for more details.
Parent Consultations week beginning 25th March
Pre-School appointments are available across the week. Please book directly with Mrs Rickard/Mrs Gravener. Appointments for Classes 1-4 are on Mon 25th March, Tues 26th and Wed 27th. Each appointment lasts 10 minutes. Please email your preferred time ranges to
Monday 3.30-4pm; 4-4.30pm.
Tuesday 3.30-4pm; 4-5pm; 5-6pm.
Wednesday 3.30-4pm; 4-4.30pm.
Please enter via the main entrance and wait in the hall for your child’s teacher. There will be no clubs that week apart from Pro20 Football.
Absence due to illness
A few parents have asked for clarification about when to keep their child off due to illness. Please see the guide on page 3 of our newsletter.
CAP Debt help for families
This week I was visited by Lyndsey from a charity called CAP Debt Help, to discuss how they can help our Pelynt families. Lyndsey says: If you are feeling weighed down by debt, we can help. After calling us on 0800 328 0006, a local CAP Debt Coach will visit you at home to provide emotional support and free help with planning budgets and negotiating affordable payments with creditors. We are also running a money management course at St Martin’s Church, Liskeard on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March, from 10am-12pm. To book your place, please click on Money coaching | money management | CAP UK
We look forward to seeing you at our St Piran’s assembly next week. Good luck to our cross country runners at Liskeard tonight!
Kind regards, Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
Maths Enrichment Week
For many adults, if they think of what they disliked most at school, maths is often at the top of the list. Maths lessons may have even led to a lifelong fear of getting the wrong answer, or not getting it fast enough. One of the biggest barriers to a child developing in maths is for them to hear adults say that they were not good at maths at school, or they are not a ‘maths person’. There is a widespread belief in society that maths is hard, uninteresting, and accessible only to ‘clever’ people. Often males and even particular racial groups are seen to be naturally better at maths. Scientific research has shown, however, the incredible potential of the brain to grow and adapt.
We feel passionately about showing how exciting maths is, and want to dispel the myth of the maths brain. In our school we teach that everyone can learn maths, with variation in strategies and equipment used being accepted and encouraged, such as drawing, or using objects. Linked with our Bridge values, we teach that maths is a very creative subject and model/encourage curiosity. Mistakes are all part of the learning process. We add ‘yet’ to sentences when a child says that they can’t do something and teach that the feeling of something being hard is when changes are happening in our brains. This week we have been celebrating maths in an enrichment week of creative thinking linked to maths across the curriculum. This has included investigation work, maths art, stories with maths themes, a maths treasure hunt and an exploration of the beauty and power of maths all around us in our assemblies. We look forward to telling you all about our special week in our class assemblies.
Climate Change Roadshow
On Friday we were visited by the National Marine Aquarium Ocean Conservation Trust. Class 4 explored climate change through Virtual Reality headsets and exciting science investigations! The trust also led a very thought provoking assembly.
KS2 Cross Country Stars
Congratulations to Harrison, Elsa, George and Joseph, who attended a cross country event at Looe Community Academy secondary school. They all came in the top 8!
Bush Skills Outdoor Learning Days
Class 2 Monday 29th January; Class 3 Tuesday 30th January; Class 4 Thursday 1st February. Please make sure that your child has layers of warm clothing, including a waterproof coat, gloves and hat for these sessions.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend,
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
Reading Champions wanted!
“The most valuable gift you can give children is a love of reading. Reading makes learning anything possible and imagination grow with no boundaries.” Julia Jett Reedy
Can you spare an hour or two a week to listen to children read, or to read stories and non-fiction books to small groups of children? If so, please speak to Mrs Thompson in the school office about completing a DBS check.
INSET Day and Class 4 residential
All Bridge Schools will now have an extra INSET day for staff training this year, which will be on Friday 24th May. As this was one of the original dates booked for the Class 4 residential, this has now been rescheduled for 12th, 13th and 14th June.
End of Spring Term change of end of day
From now on, the last day of term before the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays for all Bridge schools will finish at 1pm. School will end at the usual time for all half term holidays. This will mean some adjustments to planned church services when these fall in the afternoon. We are rearranging these with Reverend Allen and will let you know when we have new dates or times.
Outdoor Learning Days
Just a reminder that we have our bush skills outdoor learning days coming up the week after next:
Class 2 Monday 29th January
Class 3 Tuesday 30th January
Class 4 Thursday 1st February
Given the current very cold weather we are having, please make sure that your child has layers of warm clothing, including a waterproof coat, gloves and hat for these sessions.
Cross Country at Cothele today
Good luck to our KS2 cross country team this afternoon!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend,
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
Squashbox Theatre
This week, thanks to FOPS, we all enjoyed a wonderful performance by Squashbox Theatre. Children in KS2 also worked with Squashbox to make up their own mini plays. See the next page for some photos of the show. The children will now tell you all about it!
Squashbox set up a big forest scene in the hall and Craig, who is the actor, makes his own puppets. Some are hand-held, some you put your hand inside and some you put your face in! The show was about trees and the animals that live in forests. Our favourite puppets were the tree spirit and the squirrel. It was really funny. He sang songs and played an accordion and a Viking horn. In the workshop, we created our own stories with other puppets. The puppets were mystery puppets and you had to pick one and also a postcard of a place that was the setting for your story. There was a box with an object, like an eye, an apple, a shell and an egg. Those had to be in the story too. My story (Alfie) was about a monster that came out of the sea and went into the lighthouse to find some food and he found the shell, which he opened, and ate something from inside it and then he dropped it because he heard a voice… Our story (Alice) was about a person called Mr Bob Freckleface and he lived at Restormel Castle. He went to the moat and into a cave and saw an eye. He didn't know who it belonged to. The eye watched him wherever he went… Alice and Alfie B (Class 4)
I liked the squirrel best in the show, because he was cheeky. He kept popping up where Craig couldn’t see him, but we could! I loved the music that was in the show, because I hadn’t ever seen an instrument like that before! Lauren (Class 2)
The squirrel stole the chocolate bar from the man. It was so funny! The people in it made me laugh so much! Louis (Class 1).
I liked the wizard who had to buy the chocolate bars. I liked his voice! Thea (Class 1)
I liked the songs in the show, especially the one at the end. The songs were really funny. I also liked the workshop where we made our own stories by picking puppets and pictures of a person and a place. My puppet was a bit like a robot. We made up a funny story and we got to perform it at the end. Josh (Class 3)
Reception Places 2024
A final reminder for our Pre-School families to apply for your child’s Reception place by Monday 15th January.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
Welcome back, we hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and wish you a very happy and healthy 2024!
Christmas Fair
Thank you so much to everyone who supported the Christmas Fair at the end of last term. We raised over £700!
PE lessons
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Monday and Friday
Class 1 Change to drop off point from Monday 8th January
We would like all children in Class 1 to be dropped off at the main entrance in the morning at 8.40am. I will be on the door as usual, and a member of Class 1 staff will also be available.
Arrival at 8.40am and attendance
We’ve really noticed an improvement in the number of children who are at school at 8.40am in recent weeks, which has meant that children can get straight into their learning, and planned intervention support from teachers and TAs can go ahead. As you can also see from the chart on the right, poor attendance can have a big impact on children’s learning success. There are of course times when children are not well enough to come to school, and if they are sick, or have an upset stomach, the 48 hours at home rule applies. It's fine to send your child to school (and Pre-School) with a minor cough or common cold if they are otherwise well and do not have a temperature.
Funding for children under 5 is changing
From April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours of free childcare, spaces permitting. From September 2024, this will be extended to eligible working parents of children from 9 months, although at present we plan to continue to only offer care from age 2. From September 2025, eligible working parents of children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week. To allow us to plan additional staffing to accommodate needs, please contact Pre-School for more information, if this applies to your family.
Bridge Trust 10th Anniversary Animation Event
Last term, children across all Bridge Trust schools prepared short animation films to celebrate 10 years of Bridge! This afternoon we will be watching a film combining all of these, which tells the story of our Bridge values (curious, determined, creative, excellent, enthusiastic and responsible).
Applications to start Reception in September 2024
The deadline to apply is Monday 15th January. If you need help doing this, Mrs Gravener and Mrs Rickard would be very happy to assist.
Please apply via the Cornwall Council website
Clubs start on Monday 8th January
Monday after school Pro20 Football (classes 2-4) See newsletter for booking flyer
Tuesday lunchtime Choir (all classes)
Tuesday after school Construction (classes 1 and 2)
Tuesday after school Art (classes 3 and 4)
Wednesday after school Dance (all classes)
Thursday after school Year 6 SATs Support
Friday lunchtime Cross Country (classes 3 and 4)
We hope you have a brilliant weekend! We’re all really looking forward to our visit from Squashbox Theatre on Tuesday next week.
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
This week the children performed their Nativity, which was absolutely wonderful! They sang with such energy and spoke brilliantly in character. We’ve had lots of lovely comments, including how moving it was to see our children helping each other with their lines in such a sensitive and caring way. They can all be incredibly proud of themselves. A big thank you to our amazing staff who have worked so hard to get the show ready. We have included a few photos on pages 3-5.
Pro20 Football Club Booking Open Classes 2-4
Children in classes 2-4 had a brilliant football training session on Thursday. Please see page 6 for details of how to book and pay for a place at the club, which starts on Monday 8th January.
Christmas Fair
Thank you so much to children, staff and FOPs for working so hard to get the fair ready. We can’t wait to hear how much is raised!
Christmas Parties/Save the Children Fundraiser (whole school)
Tuesday 19th December is our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ (or any home clothes) to raise money for Save the Children, with a suggested donation of £1. We will be having our Christmas parties that afternoon and would be very grateful for small donations of cakes, biscuits, crisps, cut fruit and vegetables. Please bring these to school on the day.
PE Lessons next week
Due to extra events on the last two days of term, there will be no PE lessons, but lots of dancing!
PE lessons next term
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Monday and Friday
Clubs next term (Pro20 to be booked vis their website, all others to be booked via the school office)
Clubs start on Monday 8th January.
Monday after school: Pro20 Football (classes 2-4)
Tuesday lunchtime: Choir (all classes)
Tuesday after school: Construction (classes 1 and 2)
Tuesday after school: Art (classes 3 and 4)
Wednesday after school: Dance (all classes)
Thursday after school: Year 6 SATs Support
Friday Lunchtime: Cross Country (classes 3 and 4)
Christmas Singalong Monday 18th December 2.30pm St Nun Church
All welcome, no ticket needed, just bring your singing voice!
From everyone at Pelynt Primary Academy, we hope that you have a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.