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Autumn Term 2 Week 2 

Remembrance Assembly
On Friday, the children came to school in red and black, proudly wearing their poppies.  They attended a special Remembrance assembly at church with Reverend Allen, which included observing a two-minute silence and laying a wreath at the village memorial. Class 4 wrote the names of fallen soldiers from Pelynt on wooden crosses and positioned these around the memorial. The sun shone as Pre-School and Class 1 added their beautiful poppy crafts to the display. The children have explored war and Remembrance Day in age appropriate ways this week, making us very proud by approaching the topic with sensitive curiosity.

KS1 Sports Event at Looe Community Academy
A huge well done to the KS1 children who took part in a range of sporting challenges at Looe Community Academy this week!

Children in Need Friday 17th November
School Council have been working with Mrs Forbes to plan their fundraising for Children in Need. Details can be found on this week's newsletter and include dressing up, bingo, Joe Wicks Bearpees Challenge and a funrun!

Children in classes 1 - 4 took home letters on Friday with details of the character that they will be playing in this year’s Nativity, and costume requests. Children with lines to learn also took their scripts home. The performances are on Monday 11th December at 2pm and Tuesday 12th December at 9.15am. A letter with more information about tickets will be coming home next week.

We hope that you have a really lovely weekend!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Autumn Term 2 Week 1 

Paignton Zoo Science and Art Trip
Children in classes 1-4 enjoyed a fantastic day learning about the diverse range of animals at Paignton Zoo on the last day before the holiday, as part of our ‘Amazing Animals’ enrichment week. The children have produced some stunning pieces of art linked to the trip, a taster of which you can see here. The children also enjoyed a wonderful writing workshop and interactive story session with conservation-themed author Ellie Jackson (who started as a Teaching Assistant with us this week!). Unfortunately we had to postpone our Rousseau themed jungle art in the garden with artist Sean Hewitt, due to bad weather, but will be doing that in the next few weeks.

FOPS Amazing Animals Colouring Competition Winners
Congratulations to the following children, for their beautiful animal pictures and thank you to FOPS for their prizes. We raised £31!
Pre-School: Reggie, Class 1: Lowena, Class 2: Jack, Class 3: Ruby, Class 4: Scarlett

Remembrance Friday 10th November
We would like the children to come to school wearing something red and/or black. We have a wide selection of poppy themed items to wear with their outfit, available at the School Office (suggested donation of £1 for two items). The children will be having their assembly in church that day with Reverend Allen, and will lay a wreath at the memorial. Please note that there is no Family Friday for Class 1 that day.

Open Day Monday 6th November 9.30-11.30am
We still have some availability on our school tours. If you have a child at Pre-School, please come along. Please also spread the word to friends who are undecided about Pre-School or school choices, or anyone who you know is looking to move to the area. 

Maths Development
Members of staff from the 14 schools that make up the Bridge Trust met for an inspirational day of professional development relating to maths at Wadebridge Primary Academy on the INSET day. Staff are also currently completing training in maths mastery, as a focus for our school development this year. Please support our initiatives in school by helping your child to learn their KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) at home. Please contact the school office if you need these to be emailed again. We will be continuing to show the children just how exciting and creative maths is in our maths enrichment week later in the year.

Finally, thank you to everyone for braving the weather on Thursday. We hope that you have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some dry weather for fireworks!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Autumn Term 1 Week 6 

We started the week with a wonderful Harvest celebration at church. The children were fantastic, singing every song with great enthusiasm! Thank you for your very generous food donations, which have been delivered to the Looe and Liskeard foodbank.

World Mental Health Day
On Tuesday we celebrated World Mental Health Day, with class discussions and a special assembly exploring different ways that we can support ourselves, and each other, to have positive mental health at home and school. This included our Mental Health Lead, Mrs Dan teaching the children relaxation exercises.

Parent/Carer Consultations
These were held at Pre-School and school this week. We hope they provided you with a clear picture of how your child has settled into his/her new class, his/her progress and an opportunity to share any concerns that you may have. If you were unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting or phonecall. Please also get in touch via secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk should you wish to discuss anything arising from your meeting with me, or our SENDCO, Mrs Prinn.

Amazing Animals Enrichment Week
We are all really looking forward to our special animal themed enrichment activities next week! On Monday 16th October classes 2 - 4 will have animal themed writing workshops and Class 1 will have a story session with author Ellie Jackson. She will be selling her books at the reduced price of £5 during the day. If your child would like to buy a book, please provide £5 in a named envelope. The stall will remain open at the end of the day for Pre-School families, or for children in classes 1 - 4 to purchase additional books. Artist Sean Hewitt will also be in school across next week to work with Class 3 and 4 to create a wonderful mural in our garden, inspired by the animal paintings of Rousseau. We would be very grateful for any donations of old adult shirts/t-shirts for the children to wear over their clothes for this activity. The week finishes on Thursday 19th October, with our trip to Paignton Zoo for classes 1 - 4, where we will have science and environmental workshops and learn how to draw animals. Children need to be in school at 7.45am please, and will return at approximately 4.15pm.

A reminder that school is closed for an INSET day on Friday 20th.

Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Autumn Term 1 Week 5 

Governor Monitoring Visits
Mrs Reeves, Mrs Morrell-Davies and Mrs Rowe have all been in school across the week to visit lessons and talk to our children and staff. This term they are looking at safeguarding, attainment and progress, pupil premium, EYFS provision, our website and the wider curriculum. It is always lovely to have them in school, and they were all very impressed with the levels of engagement and learning enthusiasm throughout the school.

Staffing News
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Ellie Jackson, who is a published children’s author, and qualified teacher, will be joining us as an additional Teaching Assistant after half-term.

Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental lessons started this week, with the guitar and keyboard being particularly popular choices! The children have been buzzing with enthusiasm for their new found interest. There are still lessons available for a range of different instruments. Please contact the school office for more details.

Pre-School and School Parent/Carer Consultations
Just a reminder that these are next week, so please book your appointment, if you haven’t done so already. We would like to talk with the parents/carers of every child, so if you are unable to come into school and would prefer a phone call, please let us know. When you come for your appointment, please enter the school through the Class 2 doors, go through to the hall and wait for your child’s teacher to collect you. Your child’s work will be set out for you to look at before or after your appointment. No clubs will run on these days, apart from Pelynt Pirates.

Harvest Monday 9th October at 2.30pm, St Nun Church
Families and friends are invited to our church Harvest celebration with Reverend Allen. We would be very grateful for donations of tins/dried foods, to build a mountain on the altar. These will support local people experiencing poverty, via the Liskeard and Looe Foodbank.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing lots of you at Harvest!

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver Head of School


Autumn Term 1 Week 4 

SEND Meetings
Next week we are holding meetings for parents and carers of children with an ADPR document (Assess, Do, Plan, Review) to talk through new targets and how we are supporting your child to achieve these. If this applies to your child, and you have not done so already, please make an appointment directly with your child’s teacher. If you can’t make next week, he or she will be happy to see you on another date in the next few weeks.

Pre-School and School Parent/Carer Consultations
Appointments are 10 minutes long and a chance for you to discuss how your child has settled into the new year, progress made, areas to improve, learning attitude and friendships. Pre-School appointments are available at Pre-School between 9-9.30am and 2-3pm on Monday 9th-Friday 13th October. Please book these directly with Mrs Gravener and Mrs Rickard. For classes 1-4, please email secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk with your child’s name, class and preferred time periods by Wed 4th October.

Tuesday 10th October:         3.30–4pm   4-4.30pm
Wednesday 11th October:   3.30-4pm     4-5pm         5-6pm
Thursday 12th October:        3.30–4pm   4-4.30pm

When you come for your appointment, please enter the school through the Class 2 doors, go through to the hall and wait for your child’s teacher to collect you. Your child’s work will be set out for you to look at before or after your appointment. We would like to talk with the parents/carers of every child, so if you are unable to come into school and would prefer a phone call, please let us know. Please note that no clubs will run on these days, apart from Pelynt Pirates.

Harvest Monday 9th October at 2.30pm, St Nun Church
Families and friends are invited to our church Harvest celebration with Reverend Allen. We would be very grateful for donations of tins/dried foods, to build a mountain on the altar! These will support local people experiencing poverty, via the Liskeard and Looe Foodbank.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Autumn Term 1 Week 3 

School Council
This week we held our School Council Election. Candidates presented to their class about why they should be elected. Voting has taken place and we are very excited to reveal that the new School Council members are:

Class 1: Reception Emilia and Maya
Class 2: Year 1 Emily Year 2 Alecsander
Class 3: Year 3 Frankie Year 4 Daisy
Class 4: Year 5 George Year 6 Scarlet

National Fitness Day
On Thursday, it was National Fitness Day and children and staff celebrated this with a Danceathon fundraising event. Children from Pre-School to Year 6 danced non-stop and raised £54 for playtime equipment. The challenge set was 15 minutes for Pre-School and 30 minutes for Classes 1 and 2, but they managed the full 60 minutes that was completed by Classes 3 and 4! Well done everyone!

Outdoor Learning Enrichment Days
Next week classes 2-4 have their Outdoor Learning Days:
Monday 25th September: Class 2 (no PE on this day)
Tuesday 26th September: Class 3
Friday 29th September: Class 4 (no PE on this day and please note the change of day).
The children should come to school in clothes suitable for getting muddy and must have suitable footwear and a waterproof coat. If your child wishes to wear wellies, please bring these in a bag to change into.

Paignton Zoo Whole School Art and Science Trip 
Anyone with a child in classes 1-4 who hasn’t yet returned the Whole School Art and Science Trip to Paignton Zoo form, please do so as soon as possible.

Club Spaces
Clubs started this week. We still have some spaces in some clubs, so please see Mrs Thompson if you would like your child to join any of these:
Tues 12pm Choir (all classes) SPACES
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Multisports (Class 1 & 2) SPACES
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Art (Class 3 & 4) FULL
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Yoga (Class 1 & 2) SPACES
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Football (Class 3 & 4) FULL
Friday 12pm Cross Country (Class 3 & 4) SPACES

Celebration Assembly
Values certificates/being kind awards will be awarded to the following children this week:
Class 1: Thea, Josh, Nolan
Class 2: Alecsander, Isaac, Harrison, Emily, Billie
Class 3: Logan, Brody, Halle, Scarlett
Class 4: Alfie B-E, Eryn, Ruby, Micah, Alben
EDNA Best Attendance Award (Every Day Never Away) Class 2 (97%) OTIS Best Punctuality Award (On Time In School) Class 2

We hope that you have a fantastic weekend!

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School) 


Autumn Term 1 Week 2 

Dear parents and carers,

This week we held Welcome Meetings for classes 2-4. We hope that you found these to be a helpful introduction to your child’s class. On Monday 18th September, families in classes 1 and 2 are invited to a workshop about supporting phonics at home. Please wait at the main entrance at 3.30pm.

Next week we will be holding our School Council Elections. Each class will elect two children to work with Mrs Forbes to make our school even better. The children are bringing home a form to fill in, if they wish to be considered for the role. Forms need to be brought into school to present to the class on Wednesday 20th September.

As part of our drive to help children to retain information in their long term memory, we are introducing a new maths initiative this year, called KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts). These are the most important maths facts that we want the children to remember. We have mapped out what needs to be learnt at home each term. These will be coming home in the next few days. Children will also practise these in school and be assessed on these across the term, to see how they are doing.

On National Fitness Day, Thursday 21st September we are having our first fundraising event. We would like the children to come to school in their PE kit, even it is not their usual PE day. Part of the day will be a Danceathon! For £1, the children will be seeing if they can meet the challenge of dancing non-stop (15 minutes for Pre-School, 30 minutes for Classes 1 and 2 and 60 minutes for Classes 3 and 4).

Would you like to get more involved in school life? We are looking for relatives and other local people in our community to come into school once a week to hear children read, and to read stories to them. We are calling these ‘Reading Champions’. If you, or someone you know, can help, please see Mrs Thompson in the school office, as a DBS check needs to be carried out for volunteers.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School) Kind regards


Welcome Back! 

Welcome back to school, and a special welcome to our new families, our new teaching assistants, Miss Carr and Mrs Coombe and our new cleaner Amanda. We hope that you’ve all had a really lovely break and that the children are looking forward to an exciting year of learning ahead. We have emailed a list of dates for the year and will be in touch should any of these change. For classes 1-4, you will see that we have welcome meetings coming up, which are a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out about the curriculum. We also have a phonics meeting for families of classes 1 and 2, to support reading at home.

We are delighted to be able to formally tell you that our Ofsted grading is now ‘Good’ in all areas, following our inspection in June. We were previously graded as ‘Requires Improvement’ in all areas. This is a huge step forward for the school and our local community. An enormous thank you to our wonderful staff and children, who have worked so hard to achieve this, and for the support of our families. We have emailed a copy of the report home, which is also available on the Ofsted website. Here is a summary of some key points. We also received several hours of feedback, so the report is just a summary of this. Please note that ‘leaders’ refers to not just me, but the teachers who are leaders of an area of the curriculum and those who lead across Bridge Schools Trust, who have supported and guided us in this journey.

Quality of Education: Good
• All pupils follow a broad, challenging and well-planned curriculum which also includes opportunities for outdoor learning.
• The input of pupils and parents is a valued part of the information gathered. Staff use all of this detail to support pupils with SEND effectively, both in and beyond the classroom.
• Teachers share learning journeys with pupils to help them to understand how their knowledge links together.
• All staff are trained to teach the phonics curriculum and they do so effectively.
• Leaders regularly check the progress pupils make. Pupils who struggle receive support to help them catch up quickly.

Behaviour and Attitudes: Good
• Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning.
• They listen and respond well to staff.
• Children use their manners and share nicely with each other.

Personal Development: Good
• Personal development is an important part of the wider curriculum.
• Pupils are encouraged to share their views.
• They are involved in many decisions about changes to school life.

Leadership and Management: Good
• Pelynt is a welcoming school.
• Leaders have high expectation for what pupils can achieve. They are ambitious for pupils.
• They place importance on the school’s values. For example, pupils are keen to show their curiosity and enthusiasm in how they approach their learning.
• The wellbeing of staff is important to leaders. They consider the views of staff when making decisions.
• Staff agree they are well supported. They say leaders are approachable and flexible.
• Staff are proud to work at this school.
• Parents are supportive of the school. They appreciate the ‘family feel’ that leaders have created.
• Leaders provide staff with clear strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
• Subject leaders have carefully considered the knowledge they want pupils to learn. For example, in art and design, pupils gradually build their knowledge of different artistic processes. By Year 5 and 6, pupils produce artwork in sketchbooks of a very high quality.
• Pupils enjoy the positive relationships that exist with staff.
• Leaders keep detailed safeguarding records. They take quick and decisive action, including making a referral to an external agency, if a child is at risk.
• Pupils are safe in school. They are confident to talk to a trusted adult with any concerns.

Early Years (Pre-School and Class 1): Good
• Children in the early years benefit from a calm and nurturing environment in which they follow well-established routines.
• They happily re-tell and act out stories.
• Adults model a variety of language choices for pupils to use when sharing books.

As part of their continuous drive for improvement, Ofsted also provide schools with recommendations. We only received one, which is fantastic, as schools are often given several. The recommendation is one that has been given to lots of schools who have been inspected recently. It asks us to look at improving how children keep information in their long-term memory in some subjects, as some children who were asked to recall facts from learning in previous years were unable to do so confidently during the inspection. This was a snapshot of the memory of a small number of children, but we take that onboard, and it will be something that we will continue to improve.

The whole team at Pelynt and across Bridge Schools are delighted with the outcome of this inspection which reflects the hard work of everyone in school and across the trust over the last four years. We hope that you, as our parent community, also share our feeling of success. Please do help us to spread the word, we have a few spaces left in most classes!

Outdoor Learning
To provide the children with the opportunity to complete more complex projects, you will also see on the dates list that classes 2, 3 and 4 have whole days allocated to Outdoor Learning each term this year. On these days we would like them to come to school wearing home clothes and sturdy footwear that you don’t mind getting muddy. Children in Pre-School and Reception will have weekly sessions in our forest throughout the year, and daily outdoor learning opportunities. These children need name labelled waterproofs and wellies in school every day for these activities please.

P.E. lessons for Classes 1-4 in the Autumn Term
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Tuesday and Friday

On these days children should come to school in their PE kit, which is a yellow or white t shirt, green or black PE shorts and trainers. In cooler months they may wear a tracksuit jacket with this and replace the shorts with leggings or tracksuit bottoms.

Pelynt Pirates Wrap Around Care
Spaces are still available for our new before and after school care club. This runs from 8-8.40am and 3.15-5.45pm. Please see Mrs Thompson in the office for more details. If we receive Pupil Premium funding for your child, breakfast club is available free of charge. Please speak to Mrs Oliver to discuss this.

Instrumental Lessons
This year we will be starting payable group and individual instrumental lessons with visiting teachers. The children were visited this week by some of the teachers and a letter was emailed home about how to book.

Autumn Term Clubs
These start on Tuesday 19th September

Tues 12pm Choir (all classes)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Multi-sports (Class 1 & 2)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Art (Class 3 & 4)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Yoga (Class 1 & 2)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Football (Class 3 & 4)
Friday 12pm Cross Country (Class 3 & 4)

Please book via secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk We hope that your child has a wonderful year. As always, please do get in touch if there is anything that you wish to chat about relating to your child or family. You can catch me at the front door at drop off, by the gate at collection, or email head@pelyntprimary.co.uk.

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Summer Term 1 Week 6 

It has been a wonderful end to the first half of our Summer Term. Class 1 have been to the Fire Station, Class 2 have been to Looe Island and the Looe Lifeboat Station, Class 3 had an Anglo Saxon Day in our forest and Class 4 had a science day. Some of Class 4 also went to a fantastic Wild Tribe afternoon with other Bridge schools, at Trenode School. The week finished with a performance to the school and Class 3 workshop with Pelynt Male Voice Choir.  Every class has also presented their learning about this term’s enquiry question in four wonderful celebration assemblies. The children can be incredibly proud of their efforts this term. It was lovely to see so many families at these, and then at our Show and Share sessions afterwards.

We have lots of fun events coming up after the holiday. There will also be additional trips or special days arranged for classes 1-3, which staff teams will write to you about separately. Please see below for an updated dates list for your diary.

Dates Summer Term (2)

Monday 5th June:
    Term starts. Year 4 Multiplication Check Week
5th, 6th, 7th, 9th June:    Year 5 swimming lessons
Wednesday 7th June:    Year 6 transition to Looe morning with Mr Gilbert, KS3 leader (held at Pelynt)
12th, 14th, 15th, 16th June:    Year 6 swimming lessons
12th - 16th June:     Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd June:    Class 3 swimming lessons
Monday 26th June 1.30-3pm:    New Class 1 children visiting
Thursday 29th June 2.30pm:   Trelawny Day at church (all welcome)
Friday 30th June 9.30am-1pm:    Sports Day and family picnic (no Family Friday for Class 1)
Sunday 2nd July:    Trelawny Fair on the school field
Monday 3rd July 1.30-3pm:    New Class 1 children visiting
Wednesday 5th July:    Whole School photo
Friday 7th July:    Reserve Sports Day/picnic (if cancelled due to very hot or wet weather)
Monday 10th July 1.30-3pm:    New Class 1 children visiting
13th and 14th July:    Class 4 Camp
Friday 14th July:    End of year reports home
Monday 17th July:    Children spend the morning with their new classes
Monday 17th July 2.30pm:    Class 3 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Monday 17th July 4-5pm:    New Class 1 parents welcome meeting
Tuesday 18th July 2.30pm:    Class 2 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Wednesday 19th July 2.30pm:    Class 1 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Thursday 20th July 2pm and 6pm:    Class 4 Show (details to follow)
Friday 21st July:    Last day of the year for children. 1.30pm Year 6 Farewell Assembly (Class 4 parents welcome). Whole School Tea Party 2pm - 3.30pm (no Family Friday for Class 1)
Monday 24th July:    School closed to children INSET day
Tuesday 25th July:    School closed to children INSET day

PE next half term
After the holiday, PE will be on the following days:
Class 1: Monday and Tuesday
Class 2: Monday and Tuesday
Class 3: Wednesday and Friday
Class 4: Wednesday and Friday

The children should come to school in their PE kit. As per our uniform list, this is: yellow or white t shirt, green or black PE shorts, trainers. They can also wear their school cardigan/jumper on cooler days. Outdoor learning clothes are not needed next half term, as it will be linked to their ongoing learning in our new garden.

Clubs will be as follows:
Monday: No clubs
Tuesday: Netball and Drama
Wednesday: KS1 Striking and Fielding; Cricket
Thursday: Football and Choir
Friday: No clubs

Please see Mrs Thompson in the office if you want to change your child’s clubs.

Sun Safety
As the weather warms, please make sure that your child has a hat and is wearing sunscreen. Additional cream can be brought to school in a named bottle, should you wish your children to reapply this at lunchtime. This can stay in school if it makes it easier for you.

The weather looks amazing for next week, so we hope that you all have a wonderful holiday and will see you again on Monday 5th June.

Kind regards,
Abigail Rich
Head of School


Week 3 Summer Term 

Coronation Celebrations

We ended the week with a wonderful celebration day in honour of the Coronation of King Charles III. The children and staff came to school in Union Jack colours, or dressed as royalty. They had a wonderful assembly with Reverend Allen, then wrote pieces for our ‘Children of 2023’ time capsule, which we will be burying next week. Children wrote about their own experiences and events in the world around them in their lives so far and made predictions about what life will be like for their family and the wider world in the future. In the afternoon, we came together as a whole school to sing the National Anthem and finished the celebrations with a delicious tea party and dancing. Some of our children are off to London for the weekend, so we look forward to hearing all about their experiences when we return to school next Tuesday!

Next week our year 6 children will be taking their SATs. We are incredibly proud of them for the hard work that they have put in to prepare for these. School opens early at 8.15am for year 6 every day next week, for a tasty breakfast in the hall.

Whether you will be celebrating the Coronation, or just enjoying an extra-long weekend, we hope that you have a great time and look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday.

Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.