Welcome back to school, and a special welcome to our new families, our new teaching assistants, Miss Carr and Mrs Coombe and our new cleaner Amanda. We hope that you’ve all had a really lovely break and that the children are looking forward to an exciting year of learning ahead. We have emailed a list of dates for the year and will be in touch should any of these change. For classes 1-4, you will see that we have welcome meetings coming up, which are a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out about the curriculum. We also have a phonics meeting for families of classes 1 and 2, to support reading at home.
We are delighted to be able to formally tell you that our Ofsted grading is now ‘Good’ in all areas, following our inspection in June. We were previously graded as ‘Requires Improvement’ in all areas. This is a huge step forward for the school and our local community. An enormous thank you to our wonderful staff and children, who have worked so hard to achieve this, and for the support of our families. We have emailed a copy of the report home, which is also available on the Ofsted website. Here is a summary of some key points. We also received several hours of feedback, so the report is just a summary of this. Please note that ‘leaders’ refers to not just me, but the teachers who are leaders of an area of the curriculum and those who lead across Bridge Schools Trust, who have supported and guided us in this journey.
Quality of Education: Good
• All pupils follow a broad, challenging and well-planned curriculum which also includes opportunities for outdoor learning.
• The input of pupils and parents is a valued part of the information gathered. Staff use all of this detail to support pupils with SEND effectively, both in and beyond the classroom.
• Teachers share learning journeys with pupils to help them to understand how their knowledge links together.
• All staff are trained to teach the phonics curriculum and they do so effectively.
• Leaders regularly check the progress pupils make. Pupils who struggle receive support to help them catch up quickly.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Good
• Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning.
• They listen and respond well to staff.
• Children use their manners and share nicely with each other.
Personal Development: Good
• Personal development is an important part of the wider curriculum.
• Pupils are encouraged to share their views.
• They are involved in many decisions about changes to school life.
Leadership and Management: Good
• Pelynt is a welcoming school.
• Leaders have high expectation for what pupils can achieve. They are ambitious for pupils.
• They place importance on the school’s values. For example, pupils are keen to show their curiosity and enthusiasm in how they approach their learning.
• The wellbeing of staff is important to leaders. They consider the views of staff when making decisions.
• Staff agree they are well supported. They say leaders are approachable and flexible.
• Staff are proud to work at this school.
• Parents are supportive of the school. They appreciate the ‘family feel’ that leaders have created.
• Leaders provide staff with clear strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
• Subject leaders have carefully considered the knowledge they want pupils to learn. For example, in art and design, pupils gradually build their knowledge of different artistic processes. By Year 5 and 6, pupils produce artwork in sketchbooks of a very high quality.
• Pupils enjoy the positive relationships that exist with staff.
• Leaders keep detailed safeguarding records. They take quick and decisive action, including making a referral to an external agency, if a child is at risk.
• Pupils are safe in school. They are confident to talk to a trusted adult with any concerns.
Early Years (Pre-School and Class 1): Good
• Children in the early years benefit from a calm and nurturing environment in which they follow well-established routines.
• They happily re-tell and act out stories.
• Adults model a variety of language choices for pupils to use when sharing books.
As part of their continuous drive for improvement, Ofsted also provide schools with recommendations. We only received one, which is fantastic, as schools are often given several. The recommendation is one that has been given to lots of schools who have been inspected recently. It asks us to look at improving how children keep information in their long-term memory in some subjects, as some children who were asked to recall facts from learning in previous years were unable to do so confidently during the inspection. This was a snapshot of the memory of a small number of children, but we take that onboard, and it will be something that we will continue to improve.
The whole team at Pelynt and across Bridge Schools are delighted with the outcome of this inspection which reflects the hard work of everyone in school and across the trust over the last four years. We hope that you, as our parent community, also share our feeling of success. Please do help us to spread the word, we have a few spaces left in most classes!
Outdoor Learning
To provide the children with the opportunity to complete more complex projects, you will also see on the dates list that classes 2, 3 and 4 have whole days allocated to Outdoor Learning each term this year. On these days we would like them to come to school wearing home clothes and sturdy footwear that you don’t mind getting muddy. Children in Pre-School and Reception will have weekly sessions in our forest throughout the year, and daily outdoor learning opportunities. These children need name labelled waterproofs and wellies in school every day for these activities please.
P.E. lessons for Classes 1-4 in the Autumn Term
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Tuesday and Friday
On these days children should come to school in their PE kit, which is a yellow or white t shirt, green or black PE shorts and trainers. In cooler months they may wear a tracksuit jacket with this and replace the shorts with leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
Pelynt Pirates Wrap Around Care
Spaces are still available for our new before and after school care club. This runs from 8-8.40am and 3.15-5.45pm. Please see Mrs Thompson in the office for more details. If we receive Pupil Premium funding for your child, breakfast club is available free of charge. Please speak to Mrs Oliver to discuss this.
Instrumental Lessons
This year we will be starting payable group and individual instrumental lessons with visiting teachers. The children were visited this week by some of the teachers and a letter was emailed home about how to book.
Autumn Term Clubs
These start on Tuesday 19th September
Tues 12pm Choir (all classes)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Multi-sports (Class 1 & 2)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Art (Class 3 & 4)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Yoga (Class 1 & 2)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Football (Class 3 & 4)
Friday 12pm Cross Country (Class 3 & 4)
Please book via secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk
We hope that your child has a wonderful year. As always, please do get in touch if there is anything that you wish to chat about relating to your child or family. You can catch me at the front door at drop off, by the gate at collection, or email head@pelyntprimary.co.uk.
Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School)
It has been a wonderful end to the first half of our Summer Term. Class 1 have been to the Fire Station, Class 2 have been to Looe Island and the Looe Lifeboat Station, Class 3 had an Anglo Saxon Day in our forest and Class 4 had a science day. Some of Class 4 also went to a fantastic Wild Tribe afternoon with other Bridge schools, at Trenode School. The week finished with a performance to the school and Class 3 workshop with Pelynt Male Voice Choir. Every class has also presented their learning about this term’s enquiry question in four wonderful celebration assemblies. The children can be incredibly proud of their efforts this term. It was lovely to see so many families at these, and then at our Show and Share sessions afterwards.
We have lots of fun events coming up after the holiday. There will also be additional trips or special days arranged for classes 1-3, which staff teams will write to you about separately. Please see below for an updated dates list for your diary.
Dates Summer Term (2)
Monday 5th June: Term starts. Year 4 Multiplication Check Week
5th, 6th, 7th, 9th June: Year 5 swimming lessons
Wednesday 7th June: Year 6 transition to Looe morning with Mr Gilbert, KS3 leader (held at Pelynt)
12th, 14th, 15th, 16th June: Year 6 swimming lessons
12th - 16th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd June: Class 3 swimming lessons
Monday 26th June 1.30-3pm: New Class 1 children visiting
Thursday 29th June 2.30pm: Trelawny Day at church (all welcome)
Friday 30th June 9.30am-1pm: Sports Day and family picnic (no Family Friday for Class 1)
Sunday 2nd July: Trelawny Fair on the school field
Monday 3rd July 1.30-3pm: New Class 1 children visiting
Wednesday 5th July: Whole School photo
Friday 7th July: Reserve Sports Day/picnic (if cancelled due to very hot or wet weather)
Monday 10th July 1.30-3pm: New Class 1 children visiting
13th and 14th July: Class 4 Camp
Friday 14th July: End of year reports home
Monday 17th July: Children spend the morning with their new classes
Monday 17th July 2.30pm: Class 3 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Monday 17th July 4-5pm: New Class 1 parents welcome meeting
Tuesday 18th July 2.30pm: Class 2 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Wednesday 19th July 2.30pm: Class 1 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Thursday 20th July 2pm and 6pm: Class 4 Show (details to follow)
Friday 21st July: Last day of the year for children. 1.30pm Year 6 Farewell Assembly (Class 4 parents welcome). Whole School Tea Party 2pm - 3.30pm (no Family Friday for Class 1)
Monday 24th July: School closed to children INSET day
Tuesday 25th July: School closed to children INSET day
PE next half term
After the holiday, PE will be on the following days:
Class 1: Monday and Tuesday
Class 2: Monday and Tuesday
Class 3: Wednesday and Friday
Class 4: Wednesday and Friday
The children should come to school in their PE kit. As per our uniform list, this is: yellow or white t shirt, green or black PE shorts, trainers. They can also wear their school cardigan/jumper on cooler days.
Outdoor learning clothes are not needed next half term, as it will be linked to their ongoing learning in our new garden.
Clubs will be as follows:
Monday: No clubs
Tuesday: Netball and Drama
Wednesday: KS1 Striking and Fielding; Cricket
Thursday: Football and Choir
Friday: No clubs
Please see Mrs Thompson in the office if you want to change your child’s clubs.
Sun Safety
As the weather warms, please make sure that your child has a hat and is wearing sunscreen. Additional cream can be brought to school in a named bottle, should you wish your children to reapply this at lunchtime. This can stay in school if it makes it easier for you.
The weather looks amazing for next week, so we hope that you all have a wonderful holiday and will see you again on Monday 5th June.
Kind regards,
Abigail Rich
Head of School
We ended the week with a wonderful celebration day in honour of the Coronation of King Charles III. The children and staff came to school in Union Jack colours, or dressed as royalty. They had a wonderful assembly with Reverend Allen, then wrote pieces for our ‘Children of 2023’ time capsule, which we will be burying next week. Children wrote about their own experiences and events in the world around them in their lives so far and made predictions about what life will be like for their family and the wider world in the future. In the afternoon, we came together as a whole school to sing the National Anthem and finished the celebrations with a delicious tea party and dancing. Some of our children are off to London for the weekend, so we look forward to hearing all about their experiences when we return to school next Tuesday!
Next week our year 6 children will be taking their SATs. We are incredibly proud of them for the hard work that they have put in to prepare for these. School opens early at 8.15am for year 6 every day next week, for a tasty breakfast in the hall.
Whether you will be celebrating the Coronation, or just enjoying an extra-long weekend, we hope that you have a great time and look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday.
Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School
Bon Voyage Sam!
Friday was Sam Crosby’s last day as Deputy Manager of Pelynt Pre-School. On behalf of everyone at Pelynt, we would like to thank her for everything that she has done to support children and their families during her many years with us. She will be very much missed by everyone. We hope that she has a wonderful time exploring the USA and wish her the very best in her adventures after that.
New Governors Visit
This week staff were treated to a special breakfast with our governors, Sheila Morrell Davies, Lynn Reeves and Rachel Rowe before they spent the morning in classes meeting our wonderful children and learning more about how we teach early reading and maths at Pelynt. We are really looking forward to seeing them in school again very soon to get to know everyone even more and to complete governor monitoring. They are now part of our governing body made up of representatives from Pelynt, Polperro, Polruan, Duloe and Trenode Bridge Trust schools.
Coronation Celebrations
On Friday 5th May we will be celebrating the coronation by dressing up, having a tea party and creating a whole school time capsule of memories and hopes for the future. We would like the children to come to school dressed in red/white/blue or as a king/queen/prince or princess and would be very grateful for contributions of cakes, biscuits and crisps for our tea party.
Morning drop off
The children are really enjoying gathering together for an uplifting song to start their day as part of our new drop off procedure. Eagerness to get into school on time to not miss the song has really helped punctuality. Please can we remind families with children in classes 2 - 4 to use the higher level path to access the main entrance (apart from those with buggies or mobility issues) rather than walking across the carpark, to keep this as safe as possible.
We hope that you have a lovely long weekend!
Kind regards,
Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School
Welcome back to school! We hope that you’ve had a wonderful holiday and have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather that we’ve had this week. The children have all started their new enquiry questions and curriculum maps outlining their learning for the term will be emailed home.
procedure for dropping off in the morning
We have been reviewing our morning drop off procedure and will be changing this
from next week. To allow Class 1
resources to be fully set up in their outdoor area, only Class 1 children and their
parents/carers will enter via the wooden gate.
We would like the rest of the school to line up along the higher path on
the right hand side of the carpark, along the hedge, and then come down the
steps to the main entrance at 8.40am, where a member of staff will be waiting
to greet the children. They will then go
into the hall to be met by their teachers.
In response to the pupil survey, we will be starting the day with a song
together. To make the carpark as safe as
possible, we ask that the paths around the outside are used. If you have a child in Class 1 as well as other
classes, please drop your older child(ren) off at the main entrance first. If you have a buggy or mobility issues, you
are very welcome to continue to use the lower path around the perimeter of the carpark. Collection for all children will continue to
be at the wooden gate.
Mrs Gravener and Mrs Rickard started their roles as managers this week at Pre-School. The term began with myself and an Early Years
consultant working with the Pre-School team to develop their indoor and outdoor
learning spaces. A huge thank you to the
whole Pre-School team (and Mr Gravener) for their extremely hard work on these
days and also for giving up their time to start putting their ambitious plans
into action during the Easter holiday.
We can’t wait to see their ideas becoming a reality. Next week Miss Martin, EYFS teacher, will
join the team, to work alongside our existing staff prior to Sam leaving at the
end of the week. We also cleared out the back room at Pre-School and it has now
become a wonderful learning space for music and learning intervention
sessions. It will soon feature a
beautiful music themed mural. Once
finished, it will become the Carol Gibbs Music Room.
Under The Sea Garden
An enormous thank you to FOPS for securing grants to purchase raised beds,
compost and seeds for our new garden and for constructing these over the
holiday. The children are really excited to be growing vegetables and flowers
in the garden during their outdoor learning this term.
If you haven’t done so already, please let Mrs Thompson know about club choices. This half
term we are offering:
Choir (Years 2-6)
Ball skills (Class 1 and 2)
Drama (Class 1 and 2)
Striking/fielding games (Class 1 and 2)
Netball (Class 3 and 4)
Cricket (Class 3 and 4)
Football (Class 3 and 4)
SATS Club (Year 6 weeks 2 and 3 of term)
ahead for Summer Term 1
Monday 24th April Clubs start
Tuesday 25th April 3.30pm
SATs Meeting for Year 6 parents and carers
Monday 1st May School
Closed (Bank Holiday)
Friday 5th May Coronation
tea party and time capsule burial
Monday 8th May School Closed
(Coronation Bank Holiday)
Tuesday 9th May 8.15am
Yr 6 breakfast then SATS SPaG 1 and 2
Wednesday 10th May 8.15am Yr 6 breakfast
then SATS Reading
Thursday 11th May 8.15am Yr 6 breakfast
then SATS Maths 1 and 2
Friday 12th May 8.15am
Yr 6 breakfast then SATS Maths 3
Monday 22nd May 9am Class 4 Celebration
Tuesday 23rd May 9am Class 3 Celebration
Thursday 25th May 9am
Class 2 Celebration Assembly
Friday 26th May 9am Class 1 Celebration Assembly
Friday 26th May Last
day before Half-Term holiday
Monday 5th June Term
teachers will be writing to you separately about their plans for trips during
the summer term.
hope that you all have a lovely weekend!
Abigail Rich
Head of School
We have nearly reached the end of another wonderful term at Pelynt. The children continue to make us proud every day with their energy and enthusiasm for learning. We hope that you found your parent consultations informative and look forward to seeing lots of you at our class celebration assemblies this week and our Easter service at church on Thursday at 2.30pm, where we will also be saying goodbye to Emma Hickman, our Pre-School Manager.
Thank you so much to everyone who has completed the online parent/carer survey. This has been extremely helpful and over the coming weeks we will be acting on the information that this has provided to improve our school, as a staff team. We will also be looking at the pupil voice results. Thank you for supporting your child to complete those. There are many things to celebrate in the parent/carer survey, including some lovely comments that I will be passing on to staff, and some very useful queries and suggestions in the open questions. We have written to parents and carers with more detail.
Lots of people commented that they have enjoyed the Celebration Assemblies, and sharing their child’s books with them after these, and that the curriculum maps that come home every half term provide a better overview of what their child is learning.
Several people commented on how much they have enjoyed the events that we have organised this year for families to attend, including harvest, the whole school Nativity, the Christmas celebration service in church, the Christmas fair and how moving the singing was at our St Piran’s service.
We have had a very positive response to our plan to start before and after school care. Next term I will be reviewing the financial requirements for this to be viable and looking at staffing. We will be in touch next term with more details.
We are aware that some cars are parking close to the school gates. We have a number of children who are dropped off by taxis, or whose parents have mobility issues, so need to get their children as close to the school grounds as possible to drop off, but we will review this with those drivers to see if we can come to a different arrangement.
Finally, after a half term of curriculum development, I will returning to class teaching on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in Class 2.
Just a reminder that school is closed for INSET on Friday 31st March. School opens again on Monday 17th April and Pre-School opens on Wednesday 19th April.
We hope that you all have a lovely Easter holiday and fingers crossed for some sunshine!
Kind regards,
Abigail Rich
Head of School
St Piran's Day
Our week began with a wonderful celebration of St Piran’s Day at church. We were extremely proud of the children for performing a wide range of Cornwall themed songs from the funny, to the uplifting to the extremely moving, particularly the whole school rendition of ‘Cornwall my home’. A huge thank you to Reverend Allen for leading service and for the delicious saffron buns for the children afterwards!
School Council Inspirational British People Results
This week our School Council put forward the final names for voting for our new house names. The suggestions from children, staff, parents and carers were all inspirational British people. Every child in the school voted and we can announce that the new house names are:
Red: Marcus Rashford House
Yellow: Ellie Simmonds House
Green: David Attenborough House
Blue: Queen Elizabeth House
Parent/Carer and Pupil Voice Surveys
To help us to continue to improve our school, it is important that we take into account the views of our children and their families. To do this, we have emailed links to online surveys, which we would like all parents/carers and children at our school to complete by Friday 17th March. Thank you for helping us to make Pelynt even better!
Mrs Westacott
This week we said “see you soon” to our much-loved Mrs Westacott, who is returning to teaching after many years as a Teaching Assistant Pelynt School and Pre-School. She will be returning to us as a supply teacher, and we wish her the very best in her new role.
New Governors
We are delighted to announce that, following our recruitment drive, we have two new governors joining our Governing Body, which is comprised of Pelynt, Polruan, Polperro, Duloe and Trenode Bridge Trust schools. We are really looking forward to welcoming Mrs Lynn Reeves and Mrs Rachel Rowe to our team.
Parent Consultation Bookings
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, please contact Mrs Thompson in the office to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at our parent consultation evenings.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some drier weather for our runners this afternoon!
Kind regards,
Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School
World Book Day
Thank you so much for all that you have done to support our World Book Day on Thursday. The children looked amazing and we have some wonderful books in boxes and vegetable characters on display around the school! We plan to keep the book in a box displays up, but please speak to your child’s teacher if there is anything in the box that is precious to your child and needs to go home. The children enjoyed a fun-filled day of book themed activities, including a swap the teacher story time and a book swap.
St Piran’s Day
Just a reminder that we are holding our St Piran’s Day Celebration at church on Monday 6th March at 9.15am and we would like the children to wear black and white. All welcome!
Comic Relief
On Friday 17th March we will be raising money for Comic Relief by asking the children to wear something red and bring in £1.
Parent Consultations
These will be taking place on Tuesday 21st March and Wednesday 22nd March from 3.30-6.30pm. Each appointment lasts 10 minutes and will be held in classrooms for Classes 1, 3 and 4 and the library for Class 2. Please contact the school office to make your appointment. This can be done in person after school drop off in the morning, by email secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk or by phone 01503 220262.
Please come to the hall via the Class 2 door, where you can look at your child’s books. Your child’s teacher will meet you there to take you to the classroom.
Kind regards,
Abigail Rich
Head of School
Welcome back to Spring Term 2! We hope that you’ve had a lovely half-term holiday and the children are ready for another fun-filled term of learning. Curriculum maps will be emailed and posted on blogs next week.
Spring Term 2 Dates
Monday 27th February Mr Alex Knight starts teaching Class 3
Thursday 2nd March World Book Day (see separate letter/email)
Monday 6th March 9.15am St Piran’s Day church service (all welcome)
Tuesday 21st March 3.30pm-6pm Parents Evening
Wednesday 22nd March 3.30-6pm Parents Evening
Monday 27th March 2.30pm Class 1 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Tuesday 28th March 9.15am Class 4 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Tuesday 28th March 2.30pm Class 2 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Wednesday 29th March 9.15am Class 3 Celebration Assembly/show and share
Thursday 30th March 2.30pm Easter church service (all welcome)
Friday 31st March School closed (staff INSET day)
We are always mindful of putting additional financial strain on families, but we are noticing that a number of children are not wearing the uniform specified on our uniform list. We also have a growing number of children wearing hats inside the building (hats outside are fine). There are very valid emotional and medical reasons behind this for a small number of children at our school, but we ask that children do not wear hats in school unless I have been made aware of the reason for this. Boys with longer fringes may use plain headbands to prevent hair from getting into their eyes, rather than a hat. Please see below for a reminder of our uniform expectations.
Green jumper/cardigan (with or without Pelynt logo). Tops in other colours are not allowed.
Yellow or white polo shirt (with or without Pelynt logo).
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
Black shoes
P.E. Kit
Yellow or white t shirt (with or without Pelynt logo).
Green or black PE shorts
Outdoor Learning clothes (to be worn only on outdoor learning days)
Any suitable clothing for outside play depending on weather, including a waterproof coat.
Just a gentle reminder that school starts at 8.40am, as some children are arriving later than this. Arriving on time means a calm start to the day and maximises learning time. It also relieves pressure on Mrs Thompson, who needs to adjust registers when children are late. Children arriving late need to be taken by an adult to the school office to be signed in.
Thank you in advance for your support with these matters. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School
We have had another fantastic week of learning and enrichment at Pelynt. Pre-School, Class 1 and Class 2 had a fabulous morning of role-play, courtesy of the Pop Up Play Village. We were also joined by children from Polruan. A huge thank you to Mrs Marshall for organising this. On Thursday, 12 children in Class 3 were joined by children from Duloe, Polruan, Polperro and Trenode at the Sports Festival at Duloe Primary, where they took part in a fantastic afternoon of boxing, cross-fit, frisbee golf, table tennis, tag rugby and archery. Class 3 have also been to Polperro today for their art lesson. They had a wonderful morning sketching harbour scenes, which they will be adding watercolour paint to later.
We have lots of exciting events to come next half term:
World Book Day
On Thursday 2nd March we will be celebrating World Book Day! We are very aware that creating or buying a costume for World Book Day can put unnecessary time and financial pressure on parents and carers, particularly when it may only be worn once. We are also sensitive to the fact that not all children enjoy dressing up. We are therefore offering several different options for the day.
1. Dress up as a character from your favourite book. If your child has this book, please send it in with them on the day, so they can talk about what they like about it.
2. Make a book hat, with pictures of objects, places, characters, words etc from the story or non-fiction text. This can be worn with school uniform or home clothes.
3. Home clothes or school uniform only.
We would also like the children to have a go at one of the following. We have emailed examples of these to inspire the children!
• Make a character from a story using vegetables and bring it to school on the day. Not one to make too far in advance!
• Make a book in a box.
We will also be holding a book swap. If you child has a book that they would like to donate to this, in exchange for another book, please bring this to school on the day.
We would also love to invite any parents/carers/other relatives of children in our school to come in to read a favourite story or non-fiction book to the children in small groups on the day. If you are able to do this, please let Mrs Thompson know in the office secretary@pelyntprimary.co.uk.
St Piran’s Day
On Monday 6th March, we will be celebrating St Piran’s Day. We would like the children to wear black/white to school that day.
Class 3 Staffing News
We will be making changes to Class 3 staffing next half term, which will start on Monday 27th February. To give further time to drive school improvement and provide support to children across the school, I will no longer be teaching on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Jo Morris has kindly agreed to switch schools with Mr Alex Knight from Brunel, who will teach the class full-time. He is an experienced teacher, with a wealth of skills and expertise to bring to our school. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Morris for her work with Class 3 and wish her all the best in her new position at Brunel.
Finally, I hope that you all have a happy and healthy half-term holiday and see you at 8.40am on Monday 20th February!
Kind regards,
Ms Abigail Rich
Head of School
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.