Head's Blog

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Cross Country Stars 

Pelynt's Cross Country Success

We are all so proud of our cross country team. They have loved training and taking part in the events come rain or shine.
We have some talented runners and each week they have loved reporting back to let us know how they got on.


Life skills for Y5  

Year 5 trip to Liskeard firestation.

Our Year 5 children had a wonderful opportunity to visit Liskeard fire station to take part in the junior life skills events. They visited the stands hosted but GWR, Devon and Cornwall Police, Cornwall Council and the Tri Service. The children were actively involved in learning about safety on the railway, internet safety and they even tried some CPR techniques with the support the Tri team. It was a wonderful morning, topped of by the fantastic opportunity to fire the fire hoses!! Even I got to have a go.
The children were impeccably behaved and gained a lot from the experience. 



Learning enquiry topics

Each term the classes embark on a new learning enquiry topic. They work together to decide what they want to find out about and generate questions. These learning topics are brought to life in the classrooms in a variety of ways. Class 1 created a large 3D map of London in the role play area, Class 2 came to school dressed as someone famous. It was wonderful to see so many creative ideas and it was lovely to hear the children explaining who they were dressed up as. Class 3 had a Roman day to kick start this terms topic, they dressed up and experienced eating Roman foods and learning about the clothing worn during this time. Class 4 have become movie makers this week as part of their English learning. It is always wonderful to see how engaged the children are in their learning. Thank you to all our parents for your support with dressing up J


This term some of our children have benefited from Bikeabilty and Balanceability. It has been lovely to see the Year 4 children learning about safety and also watching the younger children whizzing around the hall on the balance bikes. Their confidence grew tremendously in the sessions.

COVID update

Unfortunately we experienced a number of COVID cases this month but we are happy to be welcoming those children back into school now. Our bubble system enabled us to make sure that this didn’t have an impact on the whole school. Although some of the government’s COVID restrictions are due to be reduced in the following weeks, I wanted to assure you that our protocols within school will remain the same. We endeavour to do our best to protect.

Community services.

You will have received a flyer about the lamb service being held this Sunday. It has been organised by the church and promises to provide some lovely hands on experiences for the children. I hope that some of you might be able to attend.

I have also had an invite to attend a tree planting ceremony at 3:30pm on Friday 28th January. The Parish Council has been given a Landmark Tree from Forest for Cornwall to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and are proposing to plant the tree, a flowering cherry, on The Green, Pelynt. So weather permitting I will be there and would like to invite any of you who would like to join me to come along too.


Festive Cheer 

Class 1 Wow Nativity

We started the week with a wonderful nativity in church, my heart was warmed by the fact that we could perform to the children's family members. I was so proud of the children in class 1, they learnt their lines and performed beautifully. They really enjoyed it and so did I. Thank you to Mrs Wakeham and Mrs Gravener for all their hard work.

Merry Christmas

The school has been filled with festive cheer and the children have taken part in some wonderful activities. We even had a special visit from Santa just before the class parties. It was very exciting. 

On behalf of all the staff and children, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year on Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Please see our winners for the decorated Christmas Stocking below.
Jasmine in Class 4 was the lucky winner of the Christmas Hamper name the donkey competition with Brownie.

 Image Gallery



Thank you  

Our secret Santa left us these lovely decorations.

We were so excited on Monday morning to find that our secret Santa had left us some fantastic decorations on our school fence. Christmas has arrived at Pelynt Primary Academy. There has been some wonderful learning going on in classes linked to the festive period. I have seen children learning about the Christmas Story, some wonderful writing inspired by The Snowman, festive song writing and plans for a Victorian Christmas.
It is a wonderful time of year and is made extra special when you are in a primary school.

Thank you to our secret Santa.


Sucessfully Supporting Charities 

The children are always so keen to support a charity and to learn about the significance of the work that the charity does. This term the children in class 4 sold the poppy items and we all came to school in non-inform for Children in Need. As a small school it is hard to raise large quantities but we are always keen to contribute in whatever way we can.

Thank you to everyone for your support for both the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and Children in Need. 
We raised £152.35 for the poppy appeal, which is our highest yet. The total for the district was £3761, we are really proud to have played a part in that.

We also raised £68.70 for Children in Need.



The whole school dedicated learning time to Remembrance this week. They produced some wonderful pieces of art which were taken to Pelynt Spar, in order to decorate the shop.
This beautiful picture was created at home by Scarlet.

Class 1 

Our youngest children were so proud of their poppies. In their art lessons they produced some wonderful poppies to decorate Spar and they also made a beautiful recycled wreath. They took the wreath to the church.

We felt privileged to send a group of year 6 pupils the church to represent the school.

Our Year 6 children proudly attended the remembrance service at the church, whilst the whole school gathered on the playground to remember. The sound of the last post bugle travelled from the church to the children on the playground. It was a very poignant moment for everyone. 

Poppy wreath

The children in class 4 had produced some beautiful poetry in their English learning. Two of their poems were chosen to be written on our wreath. The wreath was placed on the memorial during the service.

 Image Gallery



Have a wonderful half term 

Here are the winning 'witches hats' from the FOPs competition. Thanks to everyone who entered the spooktacular contest!

We would like to wish everyone a happy half term break. It has been a busy half term and the children have worked extremely hard. We have enjoyed celebrating the harvest in church and begun making plans for all of the events that form part of the next half term.

A newletter will be sent out during the first week back with all of the information about everything planned for the next half term and the events diary page of the school website contains all of our key dates for events too.

The children all return to school on Tuesday 2nd November, as we have an INSET day on the Monday.

We hope you all enjoy a safe and happy holiday.

Best wishes

Miss Edwards


Library activities 

Please see below for many exciting activities taking place at our local library

 Image Gallery



Lunches and Photos 

School Photos

Thank you for your patience with the school photo situation. You'll be pleased to hear that we've re-arranged for them to be taken on Thursday 25th November. This is for individual and sibling photos.

School lunches

After half term we are moving to an electronic system of booking lunches. Please read the communication from Mrs Trevaskis very carefully. You will be able to see the menu options and pre-book meals for your child/ren.


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We are passionate about learning.



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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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