Here are the winning 'witches hats' from the FOPs competition. Thanks to everyone who entered the spooktacular contest!
We would like to wish everyone a happy half term break. It has been a busy half term and the children have worked extremely hard. We have enjoyed celebrating the harvest in church and begun making plans for all of the events that form part of the next half term.
A newletter will be sent out during the first week back with all of the information about everything planned for the next half term and the events diary page of the school website contains all of our key dates for events too.
The children all return to school on Tuesday 2nd November, as we have an INSET day on the Monday.
We hope you all enjoy a safe and happy holiday.
Best wishes
Miss Edwards
Please see below for many exciting activities taking place at our local library
Image Gallery
Thank you for your patience with the school photo situation. You'll be pleased to hear that we've re-arranged for them to be taken on Thursday 25th November. This is for individual and sibling photos.
After half term we are moving to an electronic system of booking lunches. Please read the communication from Mrs Trevaskis very carefully. You will be able to see the menu options and pre-book meals for your child/ren.
The whole school took part in harvest celebrations at the church and were warmly welcomed by Reverend Allen and Mrs Morrell- Davies. The children enjoyed singing and listening to a short story.
Thank you so much for all the donations which have gone to the food bank.
Key Stage 1 have written some fabulous harvest poems and there has also been some interest sparked by learning about harvest in other countries!
In PSHE the children have been continuing to learn about their emotions.
The main focus has been to reflect on how their behaviour affects others.
Our English focus in school is really developing well. Key Stage 2 children have been marking each other's work focussing on spelling, punctuation and grammar. The children have been taught how to do this appropriately and are very keen to spot any mistakes!
Key Stage 2 have been using their new spelling journals and are keen to write in them. They practise their spellings in various ways, including drawings to support their memory retention of the word.
Key Stage 1 have started to use the 'Spelling Shed' app for homework and are enjoying the interactive side of this.
In PSHE our focus has been on emotions. In EYFS this has included drawing faces and describing which ones are happy, sad or scary. Also, they have been discussing how different emotions look and feel.
It has been a wonderful return to school this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the children and seeing how happy they are to be back. The school environment feels so lovely, the children are excited and ready to learn. I have enjoyed hearing about their holidays and have noticed just how much some have them have grown!
We have welcomed our new reception children and they have had an exciting first few days getting to know their new teachers and friends. I am so proud of how they have settled. Thank you to our new parents too, it has been lovely welcoming you to our school too.
As the term progresses I am so hopeful that
some of our normality will resume. We have plans for showing and sharing learning
with you and we are looking forward to being able to invite you into school to
do this.
Class blogs.
The class blogs will continue to be our way of sharing with you. So please remember to check in on them each week. They are our opportunity to share with you what the children are learning and they also keep you up to date about all the things that your child might need in readiness for the following week. Click the menu tab, find classes and select your child’s class.
Remember if you have any questions about school, you can speak to/email your class teacher or Mrs Trevaskis (our school secretary).
Learning Outdoors.
Outdoor learning and forest school activities take place every week and we endeavour to be outdoors whatever the weather. I feel very passionately about our children learning about and learning in the outdoor environment. The forest school area provides them with so many opportunities to explore and to build skills in resilience, problem solving and social interaction. It’s so popular with the children and supports the importance of play. I am really looking forward to spending time outdoors with them. Each class has a designated day where the children can come into school wearing their outdoor learning clothing. Please can they also make sure they have suitable footwear too.
Drop off and collection.
The drop off and collection have run fairly smoothly this week. I am hopeful that we will gradually speed up over time. We have adapted things in school to try to make sure we get the children into position ready to come home in time. The children are adapting back into life in school and we are getting quicker at some of the logistical elements
Thank you for supporting us.
We were thrilled to be able to host Pelynt Primary Academy Sports day 2021. All of our children from pre-school all the way up to Y6 took part. The smiles on their faces were wonderful. We were blessed with the weather and support from all of our parents.
Thank you to everyone for taking part.
It was so wonderful to see the excitement in class 1 as they truly brought to life their learning about The Great Fire of London. They were taken back in time for the day, experiencing dressing up, cooking, playing traditional games and of course the fire itself!
The children were able to tell me all about their learning and I was so impressed with their knowledge. They have been so curious during this topic and have absorbed so much. This was such a fantastic day.
Please visit their class page to see more.
We always strive to encourage and support positive mental health. 10th -15th May was mental health awareness week and the focus was upon the benefits of spending time in nature and thinking about what makes you feel happy.
It has been lovely hearing the children talking about what makes them happy and proud. In assembly we discussed how important it was to talk and we also thought about the benefits of nature on our mood.
Here is a link to a lovely resource I have discovered and wanted to share with you:
We have been thrilled with how the children have embraced homework again. There have been some wonderful opportunities to be creative as well as practising key maths skills and spelling. Feedback from the children has shown that they have especially enjoyed the online games in Mathletics, with some of our children earning millions of points. I have enjoyed celebrating this with them this week.
Class blogs
The class blogs have some wonderful examples of the learning each week. I always enjoy reading them and looking at the photographs. These blogs are a great way for us to share what is happening in class and to also keep you informed.
Image Gallery
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.