Head's Blog

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Welcome back everyone 

Monday 8th March 2021

Welcome back everyone. We are really looking forward to filling the school with the sound of children learning and laughing together.
There are lots of lovely things to look forward too during the term and we are so grateful that we can finally be together once more.


Loving Reading 


Thank you to all the children who sent me a little message to tell me where their reading had taken them during the half term. I have put them into this word collage. Can you spot yours?

It was wonderful to hear from so many of you. It really shows how many of you enjoy reading. I even had some children telling me about the stories they are writing at home. I can't wait to read them.

In assembly this week I shared with you our plans for World Book Day. I am really looking forward to sharing stories with you on Thursday.

We are counting down the days to the return to school and we can share books and stories together once again.


Spring 2 


Spring is in the air. It has been wonderful to see signs of new life in and around the village. The warmer weather is also providing us with a more positive feel.

There are lots of exciting things in store this half term. The teachers have been sharing their plans with me and we are now able to look forward to welcoming all the children back to school in a couple of weeks!

We have already been discussing the return to school and looking at how we will continue to build on the learning that the children have been doing at home. A letter will be sent out with more details about this.

There is lots to look forward to and we have some lovely things planned for including World Book day on Thursday 4thMarch and St. Piran’s day on Friday 5thMarch.

We are looking forward to seeing all of the children in their TEAMS sessions this week.


Supporting you; supporting them. 

 This week we continue to celebrate all of our successes and fantastic learning. I was thrilled to see that children had joined wild club and sent photos of their bird count. I have attached some of these below. Well done. 

We are also celebrating children’s learning each week with a postcard home from me. Click the menu, and then go to ‘our children’ then celebrations. These are also recognised in assemblies. This week I am looking out for children enjoying reading at home and will be setting a reading for pleasure challenge for the half term break.


It was also wonderful to see the level of engagement in our emotional well-being tasks last week. There was such a positive response and the daily activities came at a perfect time, when everyone felt like they needed a boost.


Parents, please remember your well being too, your support for the children has been phenomenal. I discovered HRH The Duchess of Cambridge’s video message to mark the start of the Children’s Mental Health Week and wished to share it with you.


As parents, we are facing new challenges and it can be easy to forget that our own mental health and wellbeing are important too. Here are some tips for managing your wellbeing during lockdown:


If you need help or support for yourself or your child, please let us know.

Take care and stay safe

Miss Edwards

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Keep well 

Well done everyone, it has been yet another week where we have seen some fantastic learning going on at home. 


Wild club started this week. You will find it in your class blog on Fridays. This week the challenge is to take part in the RSPB big garden bird watch.


The club is for anyone who wants to join in (a bit like an after-school club). I hope it will inspire you to take part in some outdoor activities. I’ll be counting the birds on my garden bird table so plan to put some delicious treats out for them.


This week is ‘Children’s mental health week”, we always have our children’s well-being at the centre of everything we do. This week’s assembly focused on our feelings at the moment. We listened to a story and thought about the different emotions we experience from time to time. We paused for thought, talked and shared as the story was read.

Here is a link to the story that I read to the children.



I find the outdoors a super support for the well-being of myself and my family. Here are some lovely top tips from the Wildlife Trust, for staying wild and well.



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Be Happy 

Health and Well being

It is so important during this time that we all look after ourselves. For the children being away from school and their friends can be really challenging.
We are making sure that we provide lots of ideas and activities for keeping active on a daily basis and I hope to offer suggestions each week on additional activities you can all participate in to support your well being.
Many of you will already know that I am such a huge advocate for spending time outdoors. The weather lately has made this challenging but a little bit of fresh air and natural light can work wonders for the soul.

We have a link to some resources provided by Arena. They include some lovely you tube videos from their wild tribe teachers. They have some lovely ideas for engaging with nature and only last about 5 mins. You can find wild tribe in this link:


Each week we will have 'wild club' for those children who would like to join. Mrs Petermann and I are working hard to set up this virtual club for you this week, so watch this space.

I have seen some fantastic learning again this week. Everyone is working so hard to make sure they complete their work and sending it to their teachers. The teachers are sharing so many examples of your hard work with me. I'm so proud of you.
Well done everyone.

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Learning at home. 

Engaging with learning.

I have been absolutely thrilled with the level of engagement of the children accessing, participating and completing their learning so far. It has been really wonderful to receive their work and to see photographs of their practical activities too. 

The teachers have been feeding back to me about how it is all going, and I have been able to track how the children have been getting on and engaging. 

I was really proud of one of our children who had, at first, found it difficult to access the work on the website. With the support of her teacher and pure determination on her part, she found her way and has informed me, on TEAMs today, that she is busy catching up on everything from earlier in the week. What a star she is. It really shows how important it is for the children to feel they can keep up with everything their friends are doing too. 

The teachers are keeping a record for me of the work the children have completed, shared or joined in with live. I will be jumping in on some of their TEAMS sessions to celebrate this and present some virtual certificates.

On behalf of all of the staff, I wanted to say a huge thank you. You are doing a fantastic job in really challenging times. 

Please stay safe and take care 

Miss Edwards


Sing a song for Christmas  

Merry Christmas to all our families. 

We have been so thrilled that we were able to enjoy lots fabulous festivities this week. A surprise visit from Santa, parties and carol singing were just a few.

We recorded some of the outdoor singing to share with you (see below.)

Stay safe this holiday and see you all in 2021.

We hope you enjoy the beautiful songs our children have performed.

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Surprise trees! 

Thank you 

We had a wonderful surprise this week when we found these beautiful Christmas trees at the entrance to school.

It is a mystery to us as to who placed them there, but we wish to say a huge thank you. They are beautifully decorated and the personal message for us really made us smile.

We are so grateful for the time and effort that has gone into producing these. It means a lot to each and every one of us.

From all the staff, children and parents who have admired these wonderful trees, thank you to our secret santa. :)

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Harvest Donations 

Thank you

We would like to say a huge thank you for the Harvest donations this year. They have all been boxed and wrapped ready to send off.
This is the wonderful Christmas box that been produced. Mrs Wakeham will be taking it to the drop off this weekend where it will then be distributed to a family in time for Christmas.
Your kindness is so very much appreciated.


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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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