Merry Christmas to all our families.
We have been so thrilled that we were able to enjoy lots fabulous festivities this week. A surprise visit from Santa, parties and carol singing were just a few.
We recorded some of the outdoor singing to share with you (see below.)
Stay safe this holiday and see you all in 2021.
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We had a wonderful surprise this week when we found these beautiful Christmas trees at the entrance to school.
It is a mystery to us as to who placed them there, but we wish to say a huge thank you. They are beautifully decorated and the personal message for us really made us smile.
We are so grateful for the time and effort that has gone into producing these. It means a lot to each and every one of us.
From all the staff, children and parents who have admired these wonderful trees, thank you to our secret santa. :)
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We would like to say a huge thank you for the Harvest donations this year. They have all been boxed and wrapped ready to send off.
This is the wonderful Christmas box that been produced. Mrs Wakeham will be taking it to the drop off this weekend where it will then be distributed to a family in time for Christmas.
Your kindness is so very much appreciated.
We are really proud of our children’s commitment to raising money for charity. It is wonderful that they are so keen to support others.
Last week we showed our support for the poppy appeal and raised around £90.
This week we are going to be will supporting Children in Need with a non-uniform day on Friday.
But most impressively is the independent fundraising of two of our Y2 children. During the half term holiday, they completed a 10 mile sponsored bike ride and have raised £580 so far for the WWF. The bike ride was their own idea as they wanted to help endangered animals, in particular they wanted to sponsor a snow leopard and a sea turtle. They have told me all about it and they are so excited that due to the fact that they have raised so much money they will be able to sponsor more animals. Their friends and all the staff at school are so proud of them.
This week parent consultations are taking place. This year it is a little bit different, as you will be having the opportunity to talk to your child’s class teacher over the phone. Hopefully you have managed to book your time slot. We always enjoy these first discussions in the school year, as we are able to share with you how they have settled back into the school routine and how they are progressing with their learning. We also value the feedback from you.
School photographs are taking place on Tuesday. These individual photographs have been safely organised and will take place in the school hall. The teachers will be there to monitor the photos and to encourage some beautiful smiles!
In the summer term the current Year 6 children trailed the use of Microsoft Teams. This is an online, secure way for teachers and pupils to collaborate with learning and communicate ideas. All children in KS2 (year 3, 4,5 & 6) will shortly have access to the secure class site. This is part of our contingency plan in order to allow learning to continue in the event of any localised lockdown, school or bubble closure. We are busy doubling checking and chasing all of the parental consent for this during this week. If you have not yet had a chance to do so, please can you log into the Arbor portal to complete the home school agreement.
We would welcome your feedback on the introduction of the new PSHE and RSE curriculum that has just been launched across the trust. As the DfE stated in July “Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. (Gavin Williamson Secretary of State for Education). The documentation can be found on our website under policies and PSHE. Please use the form on the website to leave feedback by the 22nd October.
Half term is sneaking up on us! The children have worked so hard this term and we are so proud of the way they have adapted to the changes and new rules. I hope you are continuing to enjoy looking at the class pages. These have been a wonderful way of sharing with you.
It has been so wonderful to see all of the learning taking place this week, especially with our whole school project based around the book: Here We Are, by Oliver Jeffers. I have heard the children talking about life on earth, about the planets in the solar system, about themselves and the role they play in taking care of our planet. I’ve seen some fantastic writing, art and science work. The class displays are looking fantastic. You can read more about your child’s class learning on the class pages.
We have settled back into the routines and new procedures really well. We’ve focused on building relationships and the children’s physical and emotional well-being. This will continue as we progress and build upon their enjoyment and achievement.
Welcome back everyone!
It is with great pleasure that I can finally be saying welcome back to you all. We have missed having all of the children in school and can’t wait to see everyone.
This has been an extremely challenging time and I know that for some of you returning for this first time since March, there may be some nerves, worries and excitement. We’ve been working so hard to prepare for the return to school; to make sure everyone is safe and can have fun.
Through a variety of fun and engaging ways our children will learn to follow these 3 key rules:
Keep yourself safe
Keep each other safe
Keep our environment safe
Each class teacher has planned lots of super learning activities that will support everyone with their return to school. Lots of this work is supportive of the children’s emotional & physical health and well-being. We know that the children will be excited to see their friends, so there will be plenty of opportunities to play and socialise safely. We are so lucky to have a wonderful outdoor space, which means we can endeavour to take as much learning outside as possible.
There have been some exciting improvements inside the school building too during the holiday. We have lovely new and improved toilets, a new floor in class 1 and we have created a wonderful new learning space in the library. All the school needs now is the wonderful children that fill it with warmth, laughter and learning.
Please continue to check this website. Our class pages will keep you up to date with what your child’s class have been learning and with any other relevant information you may need to know. All correspondence that has been sent home regarding the return to school and any other letters home can be found here too.
I will be out at the entrance to the school on Monday morning to welcome and support you all with your return.
Stay safe
Miss Kelly Edwards
I have attached some of the posters they will expect to see around the school and an additional support poster for you.
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Sport Week 22ndJune – 26thJune 2020.
We are all so disappointed that the lovely tradition of a summer sports day can’t take place this year, however we do have a wonderful opportunity for you all to take part in an exciting sports week.
Next week is the first Cornwall Virtual School Games! All children in school will be taking part across the week and because it is virtual, you can still take part at home!
Across the 5 days there are activities that you can complete to earn points for yourself and the school. Demonstration videos have been released on the Virtual School Games page of the Active Cornwall website to help you undrstand what you need to do. (See links in document attached)
There will be an opening ceremony video at 10am on Monday 22nd June on the Cornwall School Games Facebook page or Active Cornwall YouTube Channel (see link on document attached)
Below is a powerpoint document showing you the different activites on each day and how to get involved. On the 3rdpage of the powerpoint there is a timetable of the activites for each day, there is a link for each day to click so that you can upload your results. Each day's challenge starts at 10am. It will be up to parents/carers to fill in the results form each day. Results must be submitted by 9am the following day on the specific day’s link so please don’t forget to fill it! If you have any problems with this, please contact your class teacher.
Bonus points’ can be achieved for any of the following and should be added to your total points and submitted through the results sheet.
a. 1 point for every family member and year group teacher who tries the challenge
b. 1 point for completing it in fancy dress
c. 1 point for a communication (video/email etc..) sent to the school or speaking to a teacher if in school telling them how you have engaged with one of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning & Give
For more information, check out the Cornwall School Games Facebook Page, the Active Cornwall Website or watch the following video on Youtube.
Good Luck!
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Welcome back to the new term and the children starting to return.
It is lovely to think that we are gradually beginning to welcome our children back. The school has felt lonely without them all. This gradual process enables us to make sure that we can adhere to the safety guidance and establish our new rules and routines.
The school looks a little bit different and we are expected to act differently, but the heart of the school remains the same. Our children’s well-being is central in all our planning and preparations.
A guide for children in each year has been prepared to share just before your child returns. It will help them to be able to discuss with you what they might expect to see when they return.
I have attached some of the posters they will expect to see around the school.
Through a variety of ways our children will learn to follow these 3 key rules:
Keep yourself safe
Keep each other safe
Keep our environment safe
These rules will be extended with the children so that they understand and learn what it means to keep safe. They will devise posters and have a class display that they will contribute to show they understand and to remind them what safe looks like. The posters around the school help to reinforce the rules.
We appreciate all of your support during this time. We are constantly learning and adapting to the guidance and we are finding a way that suits our needs.
There is an additional support poster attached.
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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.