Head's Blog

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Enjoy Nature 26.04.20 

The Great Outdoors

Over the last week we have been thrilled to have either spoken to or have been emailing all of you. It has been so wonderful to hear from you and to know how you are getting on. 

There have been so many happy moments and some lovely learning opportunities shared too. I love reading the teachers class blogs so that I can see the photos that they include, seeing you makes me smile.

I was so pleased to see that lots of you have been trying to spend time outdoors. I feel very passionate about the outdoors and nature and it has been a personal mission for my family to make sure we stay connected to nature during this time. We love spending time outside and, even though we can’t quite embark on our usual adventures, we have made sure that we make time every day to get outdoors. We’ve walked lots and observed the nature around us. I like to take a photo of the things we see. The sound of the birds first thing and just before dark has been remarkable. It has been so lovely to hear about some of your mini outdoor adventures too. From camping out in your garden to making nature art, riding bikes to counting sheep on the farm and walks in the country to building mud kitchens in the garden. We are so lucky to live in a beautiful part of the world.

You will notice that the teachers have shared with you a National Trust competition. It will be lovely to see some of your entries. ( I have added it to the bottom of the blog too).

Nature is so important during times like this. It has been scientifically proven that spending time in nature can reduce stress levels, support the immune system and give a general feeling of well-being. I know I always feel wonderful after spending some time surrounded by nature. Even watching nature on TV has benefits. 

There are lots of super websites where you can access ideas and activities to support enjoying time outside or connecting with nature. Even virtual zoo tours.

So, take a moment to appreciate, learn from and enjoying spending time in nature. 


This week I have included some links to nature-based websites where there are lots of activities that can be enjoyed during this unique time.


Head teachers challenge:

This week’s question is linked to nature and will get you to learn a new nature word. I would like you to have a family chat about what you think the answer might be before you google it! J


Question 3:

What do you think the word ‘petrichor’means? 


I’ll give you a little clue… 

Clue = you may notice it this week.



The blogs don’t disappear. My blogs can be found in the drop-down menu, click news.

Please keep in touch with us, if there is anything we can do to support you we will do our best to do so.







There are also lots of blogs where people are sharing nature ideas so get googling for inspiration. 

 Image Gallery



Health and Well Being 20.04.20 

Looking after yourselves.

As we continue to support the NHS by staying at home and socially distancing, it is important for all of us to remember to look after ourselves too. I have been thrilled to hear from some of you about the different ways you are spending your time together. I have heard how the children have been learning to cook and experimenting with new recipes to feed the family. I have seen the creative ways that some of you are trying to exercise and keep fit at home. I have heard about some fantastic acts of kindness from you towards others too. I am so proud to hear about all of this. Healthy eating, exercise and being kind are all key factors in maintaining a healthy mind too. 

This week I would love to know that you are taking time to look after your body and mind. The beautiful weather has been a blessing and has certainly lifted my spirits. Everyone is working so hard in so many different ways, so it is so important to pause; take a moment to be still and think about something positive to make us feel happy. This weekend at home we made a positivity jar and we aim to add a positive thought to it every day. Today, I added sunshine and a family walk.


We are all looking forward to hearing how you all are and for you to share with us the things that you are doing at home.

This week I am challenging myself to learn how to upload videos, so watch this space. I am hoping I will have a story to share with you via a video link soon.


I’m also still joining in the PE with Joe Wicks and hoping I won’t ache as much this week! J


Head teacher’s challenge.

I wonder how you got on last week? Was it easy? Well, it’s only a bit of fun but I hope it gets you thinking and discussing. Remember to write down the answer ready to show me when we return to school.

Here is question 2:

What has a head and a tail but no body?


Useful links.

I am constantly trying to research and find things that may be supportive to you as parents. With this week’s focus being upon health and well-being, I have included some links that you might find helpful. Each week I will add things that might be useful. The blogs don’t disappear. They can be found in the drop down menu, click news.

Please keep in touch with us, if there is anything we can do to support you we will do our best to do so.


Health and well being 


Healthy body


Healthy Mind


Keeping safe


For children who enjoy cooking



14.04.20 A new Summer term begins 

Welcome back.

Well, the last few weeks have certainly seen a lot of changes: the whole country is socially distancing, children are temporarily no longer in school, daily learning takes place at home, the clocks have gone forward, the evenings are lighter and thankfully the sun has been shining.

This has not been the usual Easter break and return to the summer term! But here we are welcoming you back to the new term, with you all based at home. For us, this feels extremely strange. We miss the children immensely and also our daily interactions with all of you.


We hope you have been able to enjoy Easter and a little bit of chocolate! I know I am going to need to get back into my daily PE session with Joe Wicks to burn off some of my treats!


As teachers, we are still learning and developing our new way of supporting your child’s learning. Your child’s class pages have this week’s learning suggestions ready for you. We’ve already loved receiving some of your emails, where you have shared your learning at home and sometimes sent us photos. 


Over the next few weeks the best advice we can give is do not put too much pressure on yourselves as parents. Like many of you I have faced this new challenge of supporting my child’s learning at home, working from home and still being at school, carrying out the usual household chores, responding to the demands of a nearly 2-year-old and trying to put this whole surreal situation into perspective. A mammoth task for anyone! I have certainly not mastered it yet! So, in this unprecedented time we advise you to just do your best. Find a routine that suits your family and also the needs of your child. 


It is a good idea to establish a good routine and a level of structure to your child’s day, without being too regimented. Include plenty of opportunity for exercise, free play and curiosity. Plan together how it will go and agree on your time schedule and work expectation. As best as you can allow them to have fun with what they do/learn. I have seen so many fun and positive outlooks on how we can spend our time during this awful situation and I would love our children to have some fun and positivity amidst this worrying time.


The teachers have provided opportunities to develop maths, English and topic work skills and we encourage you to follow your own curiosities too. The teachers tell me they have been developing and refining their own skills in things like cooking, knitting, gardening and learning more about things they are interested it. For children these are fantastic life skills too, so share your interests and learn something new together.

Head teacher’s challenge:

Each week I will ask a simple question, riddle or brain teaser for you all (children/parent teams). All you need to do is decide the answer and write it down. I will then look forward to receiving all of your answers in person when school returns to normal! There will only be one per week so, write the answers down on a piece of paper and keep them safe. 

I will try to start nice and simply and then hopefully get you all thinking! I like the idea of providing a short and simple conversational starter.

Here goes:


Question 1~ In the Springtime, what bell can’t you hear ringing in the countryside?


I’ll make sure I have some prizes ready for the correct answers. It’s not compulsory, just a bit of fun.

I have already learnt the harsh lesson of never taking anything for granted and I am so appreciative of some of the smallest things in life. This picture below was created recently by a little girl in class 2. It’s a beautiful watercolour. Quite simply; it brightened my day. 

 Image Gallery



Cross Country 


Trainers ready! The team were all set to run. They look super clean at the start!


Lanhydrock Cross Country Run, Friday 7th February 2020.


We are so proud of our runners who took part in today’s cross country event. There was so much excitement before they left and huge smiles after the race. Miss Porter was thrilled with the effort that everyone put in. We are looking forward to hearing about the event in Monday’s assembly.


Fun at the FOPS Halloween Fair! 

Fundraising at the Halloween Fair!

The children loved the activities that were planned and hosted by the FOPS. There was plenty of fun after school with arts and crafts, potion making, face painting, games and cakes on sale. Our gratitude goes to the team that organised and ran the fair, putting in a great deal of thought and preparation for this after school event. Thank you so much for supporting it and helping to raise money for school. 


New books arrive! 

There was great excitement when the Library Van arrived!

We were so thrilled at the arrival of the library van and the prospect of new books on our shelves. Groups of children went out to the van to choose some new books for our school library. We returned old books and excitedly filled our shelves with new ones. 

We can’t wait to get reading them.


Raising money 

Raising money for Macmillan Cancer Research.

We were proud to host a Macmillan coffee morning at school and were so grateful for the donations of delicious cakes. In total we raised £87.00


Parent Questionnaire 

Dear Parents,


We would like to thank you for taking the time to complete our Summer 2019 parent questionnaire.  We have collated the information, you have kindly provided and can now share the results with you.   Your comments and suggestions help to support the school and Trust in their continued effort to improve and develop areas within current systems to enrich parental communications and reach out to wider audiences. We only received a small number of responses to this questionnaire but are aware that there was a large response to the OFSTED questionnaire which came out at a similar time.
Here are a couple of your comments:
What do you like most about your school?

“The community/family feel to the place and how the school classes mix well together.” 

“How much my daughter has thrived in her first year here.”
How can we improve the information we share on our website?

“Keep it up to date, seems to be a lot of links/info overload.”

We always value your feedback and contributions.
Thank you

Kelly Edwards
Head of School



Class 3 Rainforest topic 

Class 3's topic was enhanced by a trip to the Eden Project.

They got to experience what life was like in a real rainforest in the rainforest biome. This then helped when writing their setting descriptions as they could draw upon their first hand sensory experience.

The children created acrostic poems based on their rainforest experience.

In art they used oil pastels to create rainforest creatures.


Class 1 sea topic 

Lots of learning fun in class 1.

There have been so many wonderful learning opportunities in class 1 this term. Here are a few photos to share with you.

The trip to the Marine Aquarium was a fantastic way of bringing their learning to life.


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