Class Blog for Class 2

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Week ending Friday 19th January 

Hello everyone!

 I’m so proud of the children’s effort and enthusiasm in their English lessons this week. They have written some lovey stories, and I have really enjoyed reading their creative and original ideas.

In maths this week, Year 2 have finished their topic of 2D and 3D shape. They have been sorting shapes according to their properties. 
Year 1 have been finding near doubles by adding or subtracting 1.

During our science lesson this week, we have been testing materials to find out how flexible they are. 

We had a thought provoking RE lesson this week, when we explored the topic of forgiveness. The children were given scenarios, where they had to decide if they would or would not forgive someone. We had some interesting discussions around why we would/would not forgive someone.

Next week:
PE on Monday and Wednesday

Our outdoor learning day will be on Monday 29th January.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team


Week ending Friday 12th January  

Welcome back everyone!

This week began with a visit from the squash box theatre. Everyone of all ages were thoroughly entertained. The children also enjoyed their follow up workshop, which involved plenty of learning which linked to science and English.

Our English topic this week has resulted in some amazing writing of the story of Peter Rabbit. We will be finishing these stories next week.

In maths, Year 1 have been learning about numbers bonds to 10 and 20 and doubles, while Year 2 have been naming and describing 3D shapes. 

Our science lessons this week looked at different materials and their properties. We matched materials to their names and sorted objects in the classroom by the materials that they were made from.

Next Week:
PE will be on Monday
After school football club on Tuesday.


Week ending Friday 8th December  

This week has had a lovely Christmassy feel to it.

There has been plenty of singing and acting, during our Christmas play rehearsals. We look forward to welcoming you next week, to see our performance.

We had a lovely assembly on Friday, when everyone placed their own decoration that they had made, on the tree in the hall. 

We are also enjoying our Christmas advent calendar in year 2, where we learn about a Christmas tradition every day. 

In maths, year 1 have been busy making number lines from different apparatus, and placing numbers on different number lines. 
Year 2 have been adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Our English lessons have been centred around 2 story books; ‘Darkest Dark’, and ‘Orion’. We improved our ability to use the conjunctions; and, but and because. We also enjoyed comparing similarities and differences between the 2 stories.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team.


Week ending Friday 24th November 

Hello Everyone,

We all had a great day on Monday, which was our outdoor learning day. The theme of the day was ‘British Wildlife’. We enjoyed a story all about a hedgehog, and used natural materials to make a hedgehog collage. We also went on a wildlife scavenger hunt, which was inspired by David Attenborough’s current series about British wildlife. 

On Tuesday we began our new learning journey in English, which is based around the Oliver Jeffers book; ‘Here we are’. We are working towards writing our own poems about planet Earth. Last week, we used similes to describe planet Earth, as well as learning to use conjunctions in sentences, based on the illustrations of animals in the story.

This week, I mentioned to the children how pleased we all were to see so many children reading so well both at home and at school. There has already been a clear effort and improvement in our reading, and it’s it is lovely to see the children enjoying their reading tasks every day. Well done everyone. 
Have a lovely  weekend!

From the class 2 team.


Week ending Friday 17th November  

Hello Everyone,

Please note, on Monday 20th November, we have our outdoor learning day. Please can the children wear clothes and shoes appropriate for outdoor weather. The day will be based around the topic of British Wildlife.


Week ending Friday 10th November  

Hello everyone,

On Monday this week, we enjoyed a visit from Jack’s pet tortoise and Guinea pigs. Thank you to Jack’s Mum, for bringing them in to help us with our science topic of ‘Animals and their Habitats’.

Some of class 2 had a great time on Tuesday afternoon at Looe school. They took part in some PE lessons which were delivered by pupils from Looe Academy. Thank you to those parents who took and collected some of our children.

During one of our English lesson’s this week, we went on a pretend trip to the moon! Our trip was inspired by our current text; A Field Trip to the Moon. It was very eventful, as the space ship broke down after landing, we spotted aliens, and decorated space rocks. We managed to write some lovely recounts throughout the rest of the week.

Unfortunately Rosie, our last class pet rat has passed away today. I will be telling the children on Monday. Rosie and her sisters have been a great addition to the class, helping us to learn how to care for animals, helping us with lessons such as science and technology. R.I.P Rosie.

Have a lovely weekend,

from the class 2 team.


Week ending Friday 3rd November 

Hello everyone!

At the beginning of this week, we had a lovely start to our science topic; ‘Animals and their habitats.’ The children enjoyed searching the forest and pond habitats for living things. They learnt about the features of different habitats and sorted animals according to their habitats. Next week, we will have a visit from some pets, belonging to Jack's Mum, who is a vet. This will help us to think about what animals need in their habitats. There will be a ginuea pig and a tortoise. This will help us to think about what animals need in their habitats.

In English we have enjoyed learning the story; ‘Field trip to the moon.’ We compared the story to our field trip to the zoo and have also been making up rhyming couplets, similar to examples that are in the story. We have also drawn pictures to tell the story, so that we can write our own stories next week.

The children have been using their spelling shed apps in school to practice their spellings. Please let us know if you are still experiencing any problems with them at home. 
Please look out for your mathletics passwords next week, which will be stuck into your reading records. Maths activities will be set each week, so that children can practice the maths skills that they have been learning each week. 

Have a lovely weekend and please stay safe if you are visiting any firework displays.

From the class 2 team!


Week ending Friday 20th October 

  We have ended this term with a fantastic week. Our animal enrichment week has included a lovely assembly and writing workshop with children’s author, Ellie Jackson, which got the children enthusiastic about writing. The children have created some wonderful flamingoes art work which is now displayed in the hall. They also wrote some great poems about sea creatures, inspired by the book; ‘Nelson’s Dive’.

Our trip to Paignton zoo was filled with the sights and sounds of awe and excitement from our children. We were very proud of the way that they represented the school throughout the day, and hope that they have lots of lovely memories to take away with them. 

Have a lovely half term!

The class 2 team.


Week Ending Friday 13th October 

Hello Everyone!

We have been enjoying some lovely new books this week in class 2. The library service have sent us some wonderful stories and information books that we are reading ourselves every morning, and we are loving listening to these stories read to us before home time every day.

Well done to everyone for a wonderful Harvest Assembly on Monday. It was lovely to have the whole school and pre-school together in the church, to celebrate and sing together. A big thank you to Rev- Allen.

This week has been world mental health week. We have been exploring strategies and to help us and our friends with big feelings. 

In English this week, we have been learning the story, 'My Two Grannies' by Floella Benjamin. The story compares two Grannies. One who lived in Trinidad, and the other, who lived in Yorkshire. We discussed differences between people, regarding their backgrounds, the foods that they eat, and the places that they live. Next week, we will be innovating the story, so that by the end of the week, we can write our own story with our own ideas.

In art this week, we have been making our own paintings of family scenes in the style of the artist Clementine Hunter.

Next week we are looking forward to our amazing animals week, with a whole school trip to the zoo on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team.


Week Ending Friday 6th October 

Hello Everyone!

This week we have written some wonderful stories, based on our class story of; 'Wanted: The Perfect Pet'. We are so proud of some of the Year 1 children, who have managed to write a chapter or even 2 chapters independently. The Year 2 children have used some excellent vocabulary choices in their stories. They have also worked hard to edit and improve their sentences. Well done everyone! 

We are really impressed with the fact that everyone has been bringing back their home reading books back every day this week. The children enjoy choosing their own reading books when they have finished. Year 1, don't forget to also practice reading your Twinkl phonics book at home.

The children have enjoyed learning about different types of transport this week, and they have used their knowledge of history, to place different types of transport on a timeline. They were fascinated with the different types of bicycles that people used many years ago, and were really observant at noticing similarities and differences.

This week, we have shown the children how to use the spelling shed app. This can be used at home and school, to support their learning of phonics and spellings. Please see your child's reading record, which will now have a log in stuck into it. Homework tasks will be set each week on the app, for the children to complete at home. 

We look forward to seeing you next week, for our parent/teacher meetings. Please let us know if you have not yet made an appointment.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Class 2 team.


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