Class Blog for Class 2

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Hello everyone!

Our photograph this week, shows some very proud children, after performing a poem that we had adapted from Allan Ahlberg’s ‘Boo!’ We learnt about using expression when reading, and changing our voices and body language to create a performance.
We are now enjoying the story; ‘Wanted: The 
perfect Pet’ in our English lessons. 

During our science lesson this week, we drew and labelled some excellent pictures of Rosie the class rat. We discussed the characteristics of mammals.

On Monday 25th September, we are having our outdoor learning day. The day will be focussed around different types of trees, and we will be using the story; ‘The Great Paper Caper’ to help us with our learning. Even if the weather is wet, we will be outside, so please wear outdoor clothing on Monday which will be suitable for wet and muddy conditions.  PE kits are not needed on Monday.

Well done to all of the children this week, for completing a great danceathon on Thursday, and thank you those of you who brought in £1, which will go towards school funds.

Have a great weekend!

The class 2 team.

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Week ending Friday 8th September 

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to this year's class blog.

We hope that this will be a useful tool for you, in giving you a taste of our learning each week, and helping you to prepare your children for each week ahead.

The children have enjoyed getting to know their new friends this week. Well done to the Year 2 children for being such excellent role models and for helping the Year 1 children to find their way around their new classroom. 

We have enjoyed learning about place value in maths. The Year 1’s have been busy with representing numbers in different ways, while Year 2 have been gaining a better understanding of tens and ones.

In English we have been learning the poem; ‘Peepo’ by Alan Ahlberg. We have also been reading as a whole class, in guided groups and individually. It’s lovely to see so many children enjoying reading at home too. Please make sure reading books are returned every day, even if your child has not finished their reading book. 

Well done to everyone in Class 2, for a fantastic start to the new school year. We are proud of you for your enthusiasm this week, despite the heat, and the adjustment of a new class.

The Class 2 team.


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