Class Blog for Class 3

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Learning Outside the Classroom

Our LOtC day saw the us enjoying the forest school area, the great weather and some of our slimy friends!  We started the day on a scavenger hunting, searching for as many different things as we could and everyone had their own interpretation.  Some groups found big things some groups small.  We then had to categorise them and here we looked at things that had grown and it made us realise the impact we have on our environment when we looked at all the things that would not have naturally grown their.  This gave us the opportunity to remove and tidy our forest school area and also to think about projects we'd like to put in place.

Under Mrs Dan's direction,  our allotment bed had been refreshed and planted with rows of potatoes.  We are also trying some companion planting with various types and beans being planted and we hope that these will be able to grow up the sunflowers and sweet corn that we've planted alongside.

Time will tell just how successful our planting will be.

Mr Knight.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy 



Much to digest, scientifically.

We are looking at the digestive system.  How it works, what is does for us and how to look after it.  We investigated bread and what happens when you chew it - a lot.  Chewing it without swallowing to create a bolus and gives the saliva in our mouths an extended period of time to work on the starch.  Eventually, the starch is turned into maltose (sugar) and becomes sweet!  

Next job is to build a replica of the digestive system...



We've started as we finished...

At the end of our last term we created some superb water colour flower picture.  The skills we practiced came in useful as we took part in a one-off art competition, painting flowers, including roses.. 

We also started our next art theme.  We began with a still life of apples.  We will be looking at impressionism  inc. he work of Paul Cézanne, build to recreating our still life, but in the style of impressionism  

TT Rock Stars (TTRS) will be a big focus over the next few weeks as the Year 4s build up to the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June.  The 'Soundcheck' option on TTRS works in a very similar way to the MTC and we aiming to complete 6 (SIX) soundcheck per week to build up our times tables speed and stamina.  The Year 3s are joining us on our practice journey also aiming to complete 6 soundcheck per week.  Luckily, they have a year before they take the test.


Mr Knight



A week for the artistic.

We started our week creating Mother day cards.  We used some water colour skills to create pictures of flowers painting wet on dry.  We then used more water to spread the paint and create the petal shapes.  World book day saw the whole of Class 3 in fancy dress or PJs!  we had a number of famous character came to class 3 including Matilda, Little red Riding Hood and Veruca Salt.  We are looking forwards to seeing more red costumes this Friday for Red Nose day. 

Home work is on Ed Shed and everyone has had the chance to log in at school.  Fingers crossed, and you'll be able to smoothly access it at home.

Looking forward to a great week including outside learning on Tuesday.

Mr Knight.



Best ever homework challenge.


A wide range of homework options were available to Class 3 which led to a great number of children rising to the challenge.  Most impressive were the volcanos.  Models of Mt. Vesuvius.  They varied in size, detail and many were working models.  Alongside this, we had home work entries that we're based on reading, researching the Roman Empire and TTRS sound checks.  There really was a homework challenge for everyone and it was pleasing to so many take part.  Keep up the good work Class 3.

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Class 3 experience Problem Aliens.

This week saw Class 3 focus on maths.  We investigated a tricky maths problem all abut how many legs a groups a of aliens have.  Sum of started with a 'blunt force' approach of trial and error to find the answer.  eventually we realised that the problem actually involved multiples of 3 & 7 and once we had listed all the multiples, we soon spotted a pattern and found an answer.

Class 4 created a Treasure Hunt of Maths shapes around the school and we also helped create a school display of Kadinsky style circle in the school colours.



Class 3 stamp out spelling homework.


We took advantage of the frost this week and used it to practice our spellings.  We got physical and stamped out our spellings on the grass.  Our ideas we'll explore as the weather allows will be water writing and stick spelling.



Class 3 go wild.

Our BIG question is, 'Are rainforests the lungs of the planet?'  Linking our English to this topic, we have been studying the Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt and The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry.  We are creating our own story based on the Great Kapok Tree, working on including useful speech and using co-ordinating conjunctions in a 'boys' sentence.


has been a theme for some of us.  We have been looking at ways of measuring and comparing rectilinear shapes of differing sizes.

Class 3 Half Term challenge.

The half term challenge brought in lots of entries including reading, arts, crafts and model making.  Well done to all who entered and we'll have another 'fun' challenge at Christmas.



Class 3 Clean-Up!

EDNA COMES home to Class 3.

For the second time in two weeks, Class three have won the EDNA (Every Day Never Away) award for attendance.

This makes a huge difference in eliminating gaps in knowledge.  Not only did we win EDNA for the following week, but we almost had 100% attendance - amazing.  Next we are looking at winning OTIS - On Time In School.  The first precious quarter of a hour when so much work is done on tables, spellings, reading etc.

Stonehenge, recreated.

As part of our Stone Age to Iron Age project, we have been looking at significant monuments and tombs from pre-history.  We recreated Stonehenge using a wide range classroom equipment.  We created, Blockhenge, Jengahenge, Dominohenge, Peghenge and even Tractorhenge!

Imperative verbs.

We have been using our washing up skills as we tried to spot and develop imperative verbs, those 'bossy' verbs that we have to follow to get the job done.  A wide range of objects, (cars, toys, blocks and models) we're cleaned, polished, dabbed, scrubbed and dried.  

A great week Class 3 - Thank you.

Next week includes milk bottle modeling and making rocks!

Enjoy the sun.



Class Tree learn outside.

A real highlight of the week was our first full day of learning outside the class room and our focus was British trees.  

Blessed as we are with our school field and forest school, our first task was to identify our trees.  We then went on to measure their height using  45 degree inclinometer.  Having collated our findings, we have calculated that our tallest tree, the Ash at the top of the field is 23.3m tall.  As our most common estimate was 24m, we have taken some accurate reading with our homemade inclinometers.  We then worked in the forest school where we used clay to take pressings of seeds and leaves and then we created book marks using some the smaller things that we could identify.  

We've been practicing Roman numerals and rounding, but managed to find proof that not all clocks show the number 4 in the correct Roman numeral style of IV and not IIII.


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