Class Blog for Class 4

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Week ending 8th March 2024 

It’s been a busy week celebrating St Piran’s Day and World Book Day. I always love seeing what characters the children choose to come in as. We had a great time trying to guess each other’s characters- some were much easier to guess than others. We needed clues for a few outfits; some children had props to help us!

This week, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been learning about imagery and writing poems that create a vivid image for the reader. Many children had a metaphor focus and wrote poems that rhymed whilst other children had a simile focus and experimented with kennings too.

During our art lesson this week, we learnt about the famous artist, Hokusai. The children learnt how he created his prints and then made drawings that followed a similar theme to his artwork, ‘36 views of Mount Fuji’.

In our French lessons, we started a new topic on healthy living and being active. The children learnt French words for various healthy food and drink.

In PSHE, we continued our topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children learnt about various types of drugs and their effects on the body. They learnt about the different categories of drugs including, prescribed, restricted, unrestricted and illegal. They then sorted names of drugs into their correct categories and discussed why people might take drugs even when they know they can be damaging to the body.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 

Outdoor learning day Thursday



Week ending Friday 1st March 2024 

This week, we started our new enquiry question, ‘Extreme Earth: how dangerous is it?’ The children thought of many interesting questions that they’d like to know based on this physical geography-based line of enquiry. As a starting point for this topic and to gain a better understanding of what lies beneath our feet, the children created a model of the Earth with the layers inside. After learning about the different layers of the Earth, the children worked in a group to explain it to others. They used their models to support them. Many children decided to share this information as documentary hosts and created a short film of their explanations. In this lesson, the children also attached the film to Seesaw and learnt that we can create a QR code of our videos to put on display in class.  

This week in our English lessons, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been using imagery whilst writing poems about volcanoes. Many children have also been trying to use rhyming couplets in their poems too.

In RE, the children learnt about Christianity and how Christians choose to live their lives. The children were reminded of the story of Moses and the 10 commandments and compared these to their own values.

In our art lessons this half term, we have a new focus- printing. In this week’s lesson, the children searched the school site to find items that they wanted to explore printing with. We discussed artists that we’ve learnt about in the past who were print artists and touched on key vocabulary that we might come across during this learning journey.

In our PE lessons this week, we continued our focuses of Tri Golf and tag rugby.

In PSHE, we continued our Healthy Me topic. The children became agony aunts, offering their advice to various scenarios.

Points to remember:
PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 
St Piran’s Day on Tuesday- wear black, white and/or gold

World Book Day on Thursday


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Week ending Friday 24th February 2024 

This week, the children have been editing and redrafting their stories set in The Amazon. We have had a big focus on handwriting - not just in our writing books but across the curriculum. The children have been working on improving their posture when writing and focusing on how they are holding the pen/pencil. We are hoping to improve our writing endurance and our presentation especially when writing at length.

This week, we answered our big question, ‘The Amazing Americas: how does the UK compare?’ The children reflected on this question by answering a sub-question about where they would prefer to visit and why- thinking about the human and physical features of each place and what might entice them.

In RE, the children learnt about karma and what Hindus believe happens after death. They compared this to other religions that they know of and thought about their own beliefs.

We finished our architectural art focus this week. The children drew pictures of a house that they would like to live in when they are older. They had to try to use what they had learnt throughout their previous lessons to make the buildings look three-dimensional. Once finished, we held a mini art gallery where the children gave feedback to their fellow classmates.

In our PE lessons this week, we particularly enjoyed Tri golf with Arena. We enjoyed learning about the different clubs and taking aim at the various targets.  

In our French lessons, the children enjoyed using SeaSaw to record their work based on celebrations and festivals.

In PSHE, we started our new topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children thought about what they already know about leading a healthy life and then they learnt about the other areas that we will be covering this half term- including drug and substance misuse.

In our computing lessons, the children continued their coding focus. They learnt how to code using Microbit. Their ability to code astounds me.  They learnt to code the Microbit to be used as a dice, which they then used to play a game that they created; some children even coded the Microbit to play rock paper scissors against them.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 


Week ending Friday 9th February 2024 

It’s been an incredibly busy half term. Thank you for supporting the children throughout. An additional thank you to those who were able to attend our class assembly on Monday. It was a lovely way for the children to share a summary of their learning with you.

In addition to our assembly, this week our year 6 children visited Looe Secondary school for a computing session where they learnt more about coding. It was a great transition experience for them and something we hope to do more of in the near future.

We ended the half term with a D.T construction project where the children teamed up with other members of the class and designed and built a building to a specific brief. They researched ideas and then used their recent art learning to draw a realistic plan of their building which they constructed using card. They learnt various fixing methods including how to use flaps, flanges, braces, and slots.  

On Tuesday this week, it was Safer Internet Day. The children learnt about making a difference online with year 5 children creating a poster to remind others of how to be kind and stay safe on the internet.

We hope you have a lovely half term.

Class 4 team


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Week ending Friday 2nd February 2024  

Hello everyone!
What an incredible day we had on Thursday for our Wild Tribe outdoor survival day. Some of our favourite learning activities were first aid, shelter building, knot securing, whittling and fire making.

This week, the children also particularly enjoyed their RE lesson, which was on Seesaw, where they learnt more about Hinduism and mandirs.

We also took our geography learning onto Seesaw this week. We improved our understanding of human and physical features. We reminded ourselves of the terminology and looked at various examples which might cause us difficulty when classifying.  Later in the lesson, we located various examples in the UK and North and South America. In addition, we took a closer look at the countries Wales and Brazil which we will be comparing in more depth this coming week.

In our PE learning, we had a mini tournament during our table tennis lesson where we played competitive games against other members of the class. In our Pro20 session, we learnt how to find space and protect the ball.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been learning to plan and develop their initial ideas. They’ve learnt about the active and passive voice along with developing their understanding of sentence structure including relative clauses.  

In our science learning this week, the children carried out the investigation which they planned last week. They were surprised by their results. Some children extended their learning by thinking what else they could investigate with similar resources. We hope to carry out a selection of these investigations this coming week.

Points to remember:

- PE on Monday (1pm-2pm)

-Class 4 assembly Monday 2.30pm

-Year 6 trip to Looe Secondary School Tuesday

- INSET day Friday 

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Week ending Friday 26th January 2024 

One of our highlights this week has been the visit from The Ocean Conservation Trust. They put on an amazing workshop teaching us all about the science of climate change which followed on brilliantly from our recent climate change topic. We learnt about climate heroes including seagrass and how we too can be climate heroes ourselves. Our favourite parts of the workshop included learning about combustion, investigating pH levels, the affect of pH on calcium carbonate and exploring Plymouth Sound via VR headsets.

This week has also been our maths enrichment week. We have had great fun with various maths challenges including discussing different methods to solve 'The Deca Tree' problem. We combined art with maths and learnt about circle vocabulary with Kandinsky's, 'Concentric Circles'. We even created a shape hunt for the rest of the school!

During our English lessons this week, the children have been learning about descriptive devices and using these in their own writing to describe the Amazon Rainforest.

During our science lesson this week, the children planned an investigation which we will carryout this coming week.

In our music lesson, we continued our learning with Mrs Butlin.

During our art lesson, we continued to learn about drawing in one point perspective. The children made great editions to their sketch books.

During PE this week, we enjoyed being competitive in both our football and table tennis sessions.

Points to remember:
- PE on Monday and Friday

- Our outdoor learning day is on Thursday 1st February.


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Week ending Friday 19th January 2024 

Hello everyone!

This week, we delved deeper into this half term’s big question, ‘The amazing Americas: how does the UK compare?’ The children researched geographical information about North and South America so they can compare these to the UK at a later date. They also revisited the meaning of key geographical language including continent, country, county, state, region, city, town, village, hamlet.

During our English lessons this week, the children got creative and planned and wrote their own stories based on a selection of pictures from our new class read, The Explorer’. This was a great opportunity for them to continue to build writing stamina and to see what they had retained from our last narrative unit of work. This week, we also had a grammar focus on word classes.

In maths this week, yellow group learnt how to use a written method to divide whilst purple/red group continued to learn about ratio. Green group learnt to multiply using a formal written method.

During our science lesson this week, the children continued to explore scientific electrical symbols. They made circuits from symbol diagrams and then drew their own diagrams (using the scientific symbols) from circuits they had made themselves.

In PSHE this week, the children started to learn about jobs. They discussed the importance of various jobs in society and tried to determine the various salaries. We discussed what might impact salary and also looked at job satisfaction.

In our music lesson, we continued our learning with Mrs Butlin.

During our art lesson, we learnt about one-point perspective. The children were impressed with how they could make their own drawings look 3d. I was impressed with their efforts. 

In our French lesson, we started to learn about French speaking countries around the world.

During PE, on Monday the children enjoyed their session with Pro20. On Friday, some children left us to take part in their cross-country race. An amazing well done. What a great effort especially in the cold weather. The children that remained at school, continued their table tennis focus. They continued to develop their serve and their understanding of the rules of table tennis.

Points to remember:
- PE on Monday and Friday

- Our outdoor learning day is on Thursday 1st February.

- Please note the change in residential dates due to the new INSET day on Friday May 24th


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Week ending Friday 12th January 2024 

Welcome back!

We thoroughly enjoyed watching the Squashbox theatre production and taking part in the session afterwards as you can see by the photos.  

During our English lessons, we had a poetry focus. We immersed ourselves in various poems and discussed our preferences. We learnt about word classes and punctuation marks and how these are included in certain poems for various effects.

In our maths learning, the children have been getting used to their new groupings and learning environments.  

In science this week, we finished our learning journey based on light and started our new one on electricity. We worked scientifically to investigate the effect of changing the voltage in a circuit on a bulb, buzzer and/or motor. Importantly, we also learnt about safety around electricity.  

During our PSHE lesson, we focused on our own hopes and dreams for the future. We learnt about various jobs and the steps needed to get there. We wrote a kenning to highlight a dream of ours in the future.

In our music lesson this week, we enjoyed our session with Mrs Butlin.

During our art lesson, we were intrigued at our new art learning journey on architectural drawings. The children drew a picture of the houses of parliament as a piece of artwork to reflect back at, at the end of the journey to see how far they have come.

This week, the children had their first Pro20 PE session and improved on Friday, they learnt the rules of table tennis and started to improve their service. 

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Class 4 are starting 'The 99 Club' so don't forget, you also have 'log on' details to TT Rockstars to help practise. 

Key details to remember 
-PE for Class 4 Monday and Fridays
-SATs club on Thursdays
-Residential replies in by the beginning of the week please 

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Week ending 19th December 2023 

Merry Christmas!
Our class Christmas party was a hit this afternoon with lots of great dance moves!
We've enjoyed many festive learning opportunities over the past few days. Writing instructions on how to save/steal Christmas, baking, sewing and crafting to name just a few. 
Elfie also paid us another visit which we found highly amusing! 

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break.
Class 4 team 

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Week ending Friday 8th December 2023 

This week, Elfie the elf was up to ‘snow’ good in Class 4. He had his own snow day in the classroom. He even left us some Christmas themed English planning so we started learning about instruction texts to help us write our own instructions on how to steal Christmas. The Grinch and Elfie are apparently good friend!

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups continued their learning about multiplication and division.

In our science lesson this week, we learnt about refraction. The children worked scientifically to investigate refraction and were amazed with some of their findings. 

In our PE lessons this week, the children enjoyed their final football session with Arena. The coach commented on the super improvements that had been made across the half term. On Friday, due to the waterlogged field, we had an epic class dodgeball battle.

 Key points to remember:

·       Monday 11th December 2pm Christmas Nativity

·       Tuesday 12th December 9.15am Christmas Nativity

·       Friday 15th December 2.30pm Christmas Fair (whole school)

·       Monday 18th December 2.30pm Christmas Singalong (St Nun Church, whole school)

·       Tuesday 19th December Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser/Christmas parties (whole school) Last day of school for 2023


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