Class Blog for Class 4

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Week ending Friday 1st December 2023  

This week the children made Christmas decorations out of wood slices that they prepared during their outdoor learning day last week.

During the week in our English lessons, we learnt to use accurate speech punctuation. The children wrote a dialogue between characters that had met for the first time in ‘Cogheart’ our current class read. Some children focused on placing the inverted commas accurately whilst others learnt how speech can be used to advance action, give description, and create an atmosphere.

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups continued their learning about multiplication. The children particularly liked the edible elements to our maths learning this week.

This week, the children learnt about what school would have been like in the Victorian era. They compared this to what school is like now.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about the Christian view of God and God’s Kingdom.

In our PE lessons, the children enjoyed continuing their football focus along with starting to put their recently learnt tag rugby skills into small sided games.

 Key points to remember:

-        PE Wednesday and Friday

-        Nativity costumes to be brought in at the beginning of the week 

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Week ending Friday 24th November 2023 

On Friday we finished our week, with a fantastic outdoor learning day. Our learning was based on British wildlife. We learnt about where certain British wildlife lives and were fascinated by the intricacies of some of their homes. We built our own structures focusing on height, stability, creativity and teamwork. After this, we took part in a scavenger hunt where we found clues about British wildlife and had to guess the animals based on the facts that we found. We also had an owl focus; we played an owl-based teambuilding game and started to create owl decorations by cutting lots of slices of wood. Another highlight was our fire which we used to toast marshmallows on.

This week, 6 of our class represented the school at a Bridge Trust dodgeball tournament. We came 2nd out of all the other schools in our trust! The children were amazing and showed fantastic sportsmanship throughout.

During the week in our English lessons, we have started a new learning journey based on the book we have been reading in class, ‘Coghearts’.

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups have been learning about multiplication.

In our science lesson, the children have been learning about reflection.

During our RE lesson, the children discussed the world and the difficulties and hardships people face. We looked at various people who have dedicated their lives to help improve these adversities.

In our PE lesson with Arena, we have been enjoying putting the skills we have been learning in football into competitive situations.

 Key points to remember:

·       PE Wednesday and Friday



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Week ending Friday 17th November 2023 

Wow! What a fabulous afternoon we had on Friday for ‘Children in Need’. We did a sponsored run, ‘Bearpees’ and played our own bingo which was led by our year 6 student council member. Thank you so much for all the very generous donations.

 This week we were also lucky enough to welcome the artist Sean Hewitt into class. He kick started a project with us which we will continue over the coming weeks. I won’t spoil any surprises on here just yet.

 It was antibullying week this week. In our PSHE lesson, the children learnt about bullying and the power of kindness. Hopefully the children came home talking about the powerful lesson we did for this.

 During the week, in our English lessons, the children edited and improved their descriptive stories which they redrafted and shared with an audience. The children gave each other both positive and constructive feedback to help them further improve their work.

 In our maths lessons, red group finished their focus on the four operations and have moved on to learning about fractions. Yellow group learnt about cubed numbers, and how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Black group moved on to learning about area whilst blue group continued to learn about addition and subtraction.

 In our history lesson, we unveiled our new topic based on the Victorians. Each child thought of questions that they would like to know to be able to answer our big question this half term, ‘Which era would you prefer to live in- Victorian or Carolean?’ We took a brief look at what Victorian England would have looked like and devised a timeline showing key events. Some children focused solely on the Victorian era whilst others also included other important dates to see when the Victorian era was compared to other key dates we’ve learnt about previously.

 Key points to remember:

·       Individual and sibling photos Thursday 23rd.

·       Our outdoor learning day Friday 24th. Please wear suitable clothing to school.

·       PE Wednesday.







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Week ending Friday 10th November 2023  

 We’ve had a busy week with most of our year 6 children achieving their various ‘bikeability’ certificates. They had a great time, practised lots of important bike riding skills and were superb representatives for the school whilst out riding on the roads.

We’ve also had our Remembrance service this week. Our class wrote the main message on the wreath that we laid outside the church. In addition to this, we wrote the names of those in service who died during WW1 and WW2 from Pelynt on wooden crosses which we also laid outside the church. After learning about Remembrance Day, the children started planning and drafting a poem based on the theme of war.

In the rest of our English lessons this week, the children continued drafting their descriptive narratives based on the film clip- Ruin. I am extremely impressed with this writing! They have all risen to the challenge.

In our maths lessons this week, red group have been solving multistep problems. Yellow group have been learning about factors, common factors, prime numbers and square numbers. Whilst blue and black group have been learning the formal written methods for adding and subtracting.

Again, this week the children have enjoyed their music lesson with Mrs Butlin. They have been learning to play various chords on the ukulele.

In our French lesson, we continued learning about the names of subjects in French. The children also learnt how to say they like, love, dislike and hate in French. They held conversations in French where they asked which subjects they preferred.  

During our science lesson, we started our new topic on light. The children learnt how light travels in straight lines and bounces off objects before we see them. They used iPads to film a documentary clip explaining how light travels and how we see.  

In our geography lesson the children imagined they could contact people from the past. They wrote a letter to people of the past explaining climate change and why it is important that we try to minimise the effects of it. In the letter, the children made suggestions to the recipient about what they could do to help.

Homework has been assigned on Spelling Shed and Mathletics. Any problems please don’t hesitate to ask.

Points to remember:

·       PE Wednesday and Friday



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Week ending Friday 3rd November 2023 

Welcome back.

This week the children have enjoyed their music lesson with Mrs Butlin. They have started learning to play various chords on the ukulele and are looking forward to our half term of music with her.

In our maths lessons this week, red group have started to tackle long division. Yellow group have started to learn about multiples and blue and black group have been learning the formal written methods for adding and subtracting.

In our English lessons, the children have been planning descriptive writing based on an animated clip called, ‘Ruin’ about an apocalyptic world.

In our French lesson, we learnt names of subjects in French. We enjoyed working out the lyrics to a song all about students that have certain subjects at different times of the day.

During our science lesson, we learnt about how plants are classified. We created our own keys to identify various plants thinking about their characteristics like having or not having seeds. We learnt that conifers often contain their seeds in a hard case like a cone and that ferns generally reproduce by producing spores as they do not have seeds. 

In our geography lesson, the children were intrigued to find out about specific areas that have been directly affected by climate change. They then tried to locate these on a world map. The children reflected on what our planet will be like in the future and how we can all make changes that will help. 

During our RE lesson this week, the children learnt about the designs of synagogues. They learnt about the differences between orthodox and reform Jewish synagogues and learnt the significance of many of the items within them.

In our PSHE lesson, we started our topic on celebrating difference. We initiated this by looking at our differences within the class and thinking about what makes us different to other people.

Our focuses for this half term in PE are football with Arena on Wednesdays and tag rugby on Fridays. Where possible, I would like to be able to use the field so please can the children bring in footwear that you are happy to get wet/muddy.

Homework has been assigned on Spelling Shed and Mathletics. Any problems please don’t hesitate to ask.

Points to remember:

·       Year 6 Bikeability Monday and Wednesday (with Friday being reserved for wet weather)

·       Learn to ride Thursday PM


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Week ending Friday 20th October 2023 

What a great week we have had for our animal enrichment! We started the week with a fabulous animal based English session with Ellie Jackson, created animal artwork for our new hall display and we finished the week with our whole school trip to Paignton Zoo. It was a lovely day and the children were all a credit to our school.

Some of our highlights included watching the baboons being fed, the array of monkeys swinging in their enclosures, peeking through the meerkat domes, the Lemur Wood wobbly bridge and various talks from the zoo rangers throughout the day.

This week, some of our class also took part and did exceptionally well in a netball tournament, where, as a team, we scored the most goals.

We hope you have a lovely half-term break. We return to school on Monday 30th October.

All the best,
Class 4 team 

Points to remember:

  • Class 4 PE is now Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Year 6 'Bikeability' 2nd week back to school 

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Week ending Friday 13th October 2023 

Thank you for all the kind food donations at our harvest festival on Monday. I think you’ll agree, the children sang their hearts out. Many of the songs were new to me this year and have been stuck in my head ever since.

This week in our English lessons, the children have been learning to write descriptively. They have been learning to include all of their senses and figurative language to create a clear image for the reader. They will be writing a narrative with a flashback in, based on an animation clip set on a planet which has turned to ruin.

In our maths lessons this week, red group’s main focus has been learning to use long multiplication whilst yellow have been using rounding and inverse operations to check their answers for addition and subtraction problems.

This week in our science lesson, we continued our learning about how animals are classified. We used classification keys and then made our own classification keys. In groups, we then tried to complete an online quiz against the rest of the class all about animal classification.

In our music lesson this week, the children continued to learn about various music styles. They had previously discussed which styles/ genres of music they like. This week they experienced reggae focusing on the song Erie Canal. After discussing its tonality, texture, articulation, tempo, time signature and style they then used instruments and learnt to play part of the song using, D, E, F, G, A. They wrote their own notations for the song and used this to support their performance.

During art this week, the children have continued to explore drawing techniques using various media.

In our French learning, the children continued to improve their listening, reading and speaking skills focusing on habitats in French.

As part of our PSHE learning this week, the children have continued their focus- successful learning linked to their behaviour choices.

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

• PE on Tuesday - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Zoo trip Thursday. Children to arrive at 7:45am. We aim to arrive back to school at 4:15pm. No afterschool clubs on Thursday.

·       INSET day Friday


If you have any glossy magazines suitable for school, we’d greatly appreciate them for our art project this coming week.

Any old t.shirts or shirts (adult size) that we could wear during our art lessons would also be greatly appreciated.



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Week ending Friday 6th October 2023 


During our writing lessons this week, the children finished writing their non chronological reports. They are extremely proud of their final pieces with many children showing significant handwriting improvements.

In our maths lessons this week, yellow group continued their addition and subtraction topic, focusing on written methods and rounding to make estimations. Black group started to learn about rounding. Red group learnt about divisibility and prime numbers. Year 6 children also had a go at some past SATs papers which we will use a bench mark for progress across the year.  

In our art lesson this week, the children continued they focus on improving their mastery of drawing. They gained experience with various drawing techniques and then experimented with various drawing mediums.

In our science lesson this week, the children learnt some of the science behind global warming including learning about greenhouse gases. They used this understanding to make predictions and to carry out an investigation simulating global warming. After carrying out the investigation and recording measurements, the children made conclusions compared to their original predications and made suggestions on how they could improve the investigation.

In our French learning, the children continued to improve their listening, reading and speaking skills focusing on habitats in French.

As part of our PSHE learning this week, the children have been learning about successful learning linked to their behaviour choices.

During our basketball PE lesson, we became much more confident with the rules of basketball and applied our understanding to small sided games. In our hockey lesson we also played small-sided games. We were learning to keep the ball away from defenders.

It is our harvest festival at the church on Monday at 2.30pm. Please see Mrs Oliver’s post about food donations.

This week we also have our parent consultations. If you are yet to book an appointment please email Mrs Thompson on

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

• PE on Tuesday and Fridays - PE kits may be worn or brought in.
• No after school clubs this week due to parent consultations.

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Week ending 29th September 2023 

Wow! This week seems to have flown by.

We had a lovely outdoor learning day on Friday all focused on trees. We started off the morning by learning to identify trees by their leaves. Following this we learnt about the uses of trees including reducing soil erosion, reducing flooding and cleaning the air. We then learnt the differences between hardwood and softwoods and what these woods could be used for. Ideas included being used to make furniture, being carved into things, to provide shelter, to provide an energy source when used on a fire and used for making games with. With this in mind, we had ago at carving wood with hammers and chisels, we upcycled our wooden pallet benches with spray paints, made den shelters (checking they were watertight with a watering can), made a fire to toast marshmallows on and we designed and played a game that utilised materials from trees. A fabulous day with great teamwork and perseverance.

During our English lessons this week, the children continued writing their non-chronological reports based on the animals that they created. The children improved their understanding of sentence structure and punctuation and used this to write interesting passages. We also had a vocabulary focus where the children were challenged to use ambitious word choices.

In our maths learning this week, red group learnt to add and subtract large numbers along with developing their knowledge of factors and multiples. Black groups continued their learning focusing on place value whilst yellow group finished their place value unit and moved to addition and subtraction.

In our science lesson, the children learnt about how animals and plants are classified and then used liquorice allsorts to create their own classification key.  

In our art lesson, the children focused on their mastery of drawing. After learning various techniques, they drew some fabulous highland cows!

In PSHE, the children continued their learning about being a global citizens.

During our French lessons, the children continued their focus on reading, writing and saying various words linked to our topic.

During our PE session this week, in hockey the children were learning to intercept passes. They also worked on their push passes and controlling a moving ball.  

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

·       PE on Tuesday and Fridays - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       After school clubs continue this week although no football club due to staff training






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Week ending 22nd September 2023 

This week, Class 4, along with the rest of the school, took part in a danceathon on world Fitness Day. Most of our class managed to ‘dance’ continuously for an hour!

In our maths learning this week, red group moved on to learning about the four operations whilst yellow and black groups continued their learning focusing on place value.

During our English lessons, the children have been learning about non-chronological reports. They learnt about the key features and their purposes and planned their own non-chronological reports using suitable organisational and presentational devices. We then had a big grammar focus learning about sentence structure and how we can improve our writing to include complex sentences- for this we were focusing on subordinate clauses.    

In our science lesson, the children recapped key vocabulary like living, non-living, excretion, reproduction, and energy along with recapping what living things need to survive. The children then used their sorting skills to investigate living and non-living things around our school grounds. After this, the children were given various scenarios and had to decide whether they agreed, disagreed, or partly agreed or disagreed with what was being said. They had to use their science vocabulary to justify their reasoning.

In our music lesson, we enjoyed listening to and appraising various genres of music. We discussed what we could hear and our likes and dislikes for each song. We noticed amongst the class that some children enjoyed the same music as us whilst others preferred different genres. This got us thinking about our music question for the half term, ‘How does music bring us together?’

In PSHE, the children continued their learning about being a global citizen.

In our French lessons, the children started to learn key vocabulary used to describe habitats in French. They improved their reading and writing skills too.

During our PE sessions this week, in hockey the children were learning to do push passes and how to control a fast-moving hockey ball. In basketball they were learning how to keep the ball away from an attacker along with learning key rules involved in competitive games. 

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

·       PE on Tuesday - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Our class outdoor learning day is now on Friday. Children to come into school in suitable clothing. I suggest bringing coats and wellies too! The weather is so unpredictable. 

·       After school clubs continue this week. 



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