Class Blog for Class 4

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Week ending 15th September 2023 

<---- Look at the amazing pieces of artwork that the children have completed this week (other pictures below). Each child drew 3 bees with different levels of support. The children should be extremely proud of their final drawings, as seen on the right-hand side of this picture. Their improvements were incredible and gives us a point of reference to how much they can improve with the right mindset and tools. 

It was lovely seeing some of you on Wednesday for our meet the teacher session. As mentioned in the meeting, each child has a sheet of ‘KIRFs’ which are half termly year group maths expectations of ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’. There are useful website links to help support these facts so I will upload the document to this blog entry as soon as I can. Each child should have also come home with log in details for their weekly homework. Any problems please email : )

In our maths learning this week, each group has been continuing their focus on place value. 

During our English learning, the children continued their poetry focus and wrote thought provoking poems giving endangered animals a voice. Following this, each child generated their own ideas for an animal ready to write their own non-chronological report on it. The children developed these ideas in their sketchbooks which they can refer to during our writing stages next week.

In PSHE, the children learnt about what it means to be a global citizen. They compared their own lives, and dreams to a child working on a cocoa plantation in Africa.

During PE the children focused on dribbling in our hockey session and dribbling and passing in basketball.

Class 4 team

Points to remember

·       PE on Tuesdays and Fridays- PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Clubs start this week. Please email/ring the secretary if you missed vital club information sent out on the 5th of September.

  •         Thursday - wear PE kit into school- National Fitness Day- Danceathon
  •         Wednesday- Student council elections 







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Week ending Friday 8th September 2023 

Welcome- Autumn Week 1

The children have settled into Class 4 and our routines impeccably well- even with the heat! Here is a brief summary for part of their learning.

In our English lessons this week, we have had a poetry and vocabulary focus. The children wrote their own Haikus and free verses based on animals.  

In our maths lessons we have started with place value. It’s been great to see such confidence in this area.

We also introduced our new topic, ‘Humans- environment superheroes or villains of our planet?’ The children had lots of ideas about where this topic could take us.

During our PSHE lesson, the children discussed their hopes and dreams for the future.

In our PE lesson on Friday, we were lucky enough that the playground was shaded with a slight breeze! We started learning key skills needed to dribble the basketball effectively away from our opponents. 

Over the week, we also played various games to help us get to know each other better. 

Hopefully the children have enjoyed their first week back to school- any worries or concerns please don’t hesitate to email me on

We hope you had a lovely weekend in the sun,

Ms Porter and the Class 4 team

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