Class Blog for PreSchool

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Week Ending Friday 28th June 2024 



This week our story of Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson has led the children to discover the many wonderous sea life that have shells as their homes, and what they do when they outgrow their home. The book has also been a great story to talk about friendship and sharing.  

We have watched clips of real-life sea creatures that live on the seabed or against the rocks who use their shells for protection and to help them move around. We are lucky to have a lovely collection of seashells in Pre-School and the children have enjoyed discussing their shape, size, colour and even what sea creature may have once lived inside! 

Taking inspiration from the vibrant illustrations in the book we have recreated our own sparkly hermit crabs, sequined scallop shells and also some salt dough handprints decorated with shells. A lovely variety of artwork the children have all enjoyed.  

This week the children have also discovered environmental sounds we may hear at the seaside, using their listening skills to correctly match the sounds with their corresponding image.  

We have also used shells in our number work to recognise numbers and then count the correct number of shells.  

Plenty of sunshine has allowed outside play and discovery to be enjoyed, with more planting, car washing, mud kitchen baking and watering of all our wonderful plants. 

Next week we will enjoy the story of ‘What the ladybird heard at the seaside?’  

Lastly, a polite reminder to please send your child in with suncream, a hat, and a refillable water bottle when the weather is warm. 


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  

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Week Ending 21st June 2024 

Hobby Horses getting ready for their race.

What a wonderful ending to the week....sports day. We had lots of fun in the run up to Friday practising all of our races on the field. Thank you to all of you for coming to our sports day on Friday, all the children ran really well and we enjoyed watching them take part. We thoroughly enjoyed having our families as an audience and we enjoyed our first sports day! 

We have been enjoying another week of being pirates in our pirate ship and using our treasure maps to find the treasure.
Our book this week was Ten Little pirates -

Ten Little Pirates | By Simon Rickerty,Mike Brownlow

The Ten Little Pirates are sailing out to sea, but what will the Ten Little Pirates do when they meet a singing mermaid? And a whooshing hurricane? And a HUNGRY shark? A traditional counting rhyme, part fun-filled story.  Count from ten to one and back again, as the Little Pirates disappear then reappear. Spot and count the details on each page. And join in with all the great sound words!

We have also been learning some more "Pirate Songs", and been walking the plank in shark infested waters!!!

We are continuing our summer topic next week looking at the seaside and will be making pictures with shells.

As the weather is getting a little bit better, please may we ask that sun hats and sun cream are brought into Pre-School for each session, we do spend a lot of time in our super outdoor area and venture out onto the school field as much as we can.

The end of term is getting closer with only 4 weeks to go, these next few weeks will fly by and there is always so much still to fit in!

Dates for your diary:

Monday 1st July -  1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Thursday 11th July - 1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Tuesday 23rd July - Pre-School Graduation and Picnic.
** Invitations will be sent out next week.

Tuesday 23rd July - Last day of the Summer Term.
** School finishes at 1pm.

We are also putting together the last few details for our September hours, letters will be coming home to you soon.

If you have any questions, please pop in to see us or email us at 

With Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week Ending Friday 14th June 2024 

Ahoy, Me Hearties! 

What a jolly good pirate week of fun we have had here in Pre-School. 

This week’s book has been the funny story of ‘Pirates Love Underpants’, with plenty of giggles from the children.    

Our pirate ship and beach role play areas have been hugely popular with the children – using the dressing up props, gold coins and maps to sail stormy seas and seek pirate adventures.  

This week we learned the names of famous pirates before finding out our own pirate names using the pirate's name generator The children found it hugely entertaining to hear their own and their friends' pirate names, such as – Seadog Stinkalot, One Eyed Squid Legs, Swashbuckler Custard Pie!  

We then perfected our pirate skills by learning to say some pirate phrases such as ‘shiver me timbers, ‘yo ho ho’ and ‘walk the plank!’ 

Also, this week the children enjoyed making some treasure maps to help find the golden coins, they used tea bags to make the maps look old.  

We will continue our pirate themed fun into next week with our book ‘Ten Pirates’ so plenty more adventures aboard ‘The Jolly Rodger’ buckos 

A reminder that it is our whole school sports day on Friday 21st June starting at 9.30am.  Please check your emails for the letter from schoolAll children are welcome to attend but please note that if it is not your child’s normal session day, they are welcome to join in with the races but will return to their adult when the Pre-School races have finished.  

If you have any questions, then please come and speak to us.  


We hope you all have a lovely weekend,  

The Pre-School Team. 



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Week Beginning 3rd June 2024 

Welcome back to Summer Term 2.

We hope you all had a wonderful half term.

Our topic this half term is Who lives at the seaside? We will be covering lots of seaside activities over the next few weeks.

We chose a lovely book to start our topic off this week -  "The Storm Whale" by Benji Davies.

This is the story about a little boy called Noi and his father who live in a house by the sea, his father works hard as a fisherman and Noi often has only their six cats for company. So when, one day, he finds a baby whale washed up on the beach after a storm, Noi is excited and takes it home to care for it. He tries to keep his new friend a secret, but there's only so long you can keep a whale in the bath without your dad finding out. Noi is eventually persuaded that the whale has to go back to the sea where it belongs. For Noi, even though he can't keep it, the arrival of the whale changes his life for the better. 

We started our seaside theme by making some ocean paintings for our whale, we used salt and paint to make the patterns of the sea, salt painting is a creative way to teach children about absorption, the paint reacts with the salt as you paint over it.

We have been lucky with our weather again this week spending lots of time outside in our lovely garden area, looking after and watering our plants and keeping an eye on our minibeasts. We have had lots of sand and water play with sea creatures in our water tray, plus developing our skills on the bikes and trikes.

We have been onto the "Big School" field starting to practice for our sports day races and on Thursday Ted brought in a super glider for his show and share so we were able to see it fly across the field.

We are hoping for another sunny week next week for lots more outdoor activities and fun (without our rain coats!)

We hope you all had a super long weekend.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week Ending Friday 24th May 2024 

This week the children enjoyed the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with its many concepts of learning such as counting, food, days of the week and the life cycle of a caterpillar. We have also delved deeper into the wonderful world of ‘minibeasts' and discovered some weird and wonderful creatures.   

The children have enjoyed lots of time outdoors discovering where some minibeasts may be living. We have been careful to explore but not to disturb their homes. The children have been thoroughly fascinated with what may be living under a log, or in our growing areas, and obviously inside our very own bug hotel. This independent exploring has led to some wonderful conversations and use of vocabulary between the children, and it has been lovely for us adults to observe. Outdoor learning and discovery are the best forms of development for young children, and they have totally embraced that this week. 

Alongside our outside learning, we have created some amazing caterpillar and butterfly artwork. We used balloons dipped in paint to create our caterpillar, and for our butterflies we created a pattern on one half, then folded the paper in half to mirror our designs. They all turned out so uniquely different but beautiful.  
To develop our fine motor skills we have threaded cotton wheels on to pipe cleaners to make caterpillars.

Our runner bean plants have now been planted out into our big tyre planter in the playground. Also, the children's sunflower plants have started to be sent home. Please do send us pictures and how tall they are when they are in flower!  


We hope that everyone has a lovely half term week, we return to Pre-School on Monday 3rd June.
Also, a reminder that
Friday 7
th June is an Inset day for the whole school.

The Pre-School Team


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Week Beginning 13th May 2024 

We had another super week at Pre-School and have yet again enjoyed being outside in our playground and garden.

This week we have been reading the story of "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle -
The Tiny Seed

This is the story of how a tiny seed travels from its parent plant and blows across seas, deserts and mountains, braving many hazards along the way, before finally finding a place to settle and grow into a beautiful flower so that the story can start again. A beautiful and uplifting first introduction to the life cycle of a seed.

We have been planting more seed in Pre-School for our garden area, we've planted some peas, carrots, beetroot and some more beans and sunflowers, hopefully with this warm weather we will have some super plants and be able to watch them grow.

We have also been baking some cupcakes using poppy seeds and made some beautiful flowers using cup cake cases and doilies which we have put up on our growing display board to make it look pretty.

On Wednesday we made some little gardens with some of the parents that came in for our Stay and Play afternoon, thank you to all of you that came in , it was lovely to see you and I know the children enjoyed sharing there day with you.

We have one week left until our half term holiday, this year is certainly whizzing by, just a reminder that we finish next Thursday 23rd May and the Friday is an inset day.

We are hoping to start "Our Big Brush Club" the week we return from half term, please may we ask for the remainder of the reply slips as we have to order our resources.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine.
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary :

24th May - Inset Day, School/Pre-School Closed
27th - 31st May - Half Term Holiday
3rd June - Back to School

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Week Ending Friday 10th May 2024 

What a gloriously sunny week in Pre-School, we have all thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and plenty of time being outside to play.  

This week we have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, a timeless tale that inspires young children to be brave and have courage even when faced with obstacles! 

Several of the children were inspired to make their own castles using our wooden blocks, even turning them into castles for the animals to live in.  

We have decorated our own magic beans with paint and glitter for our art wall, and placed bean seeds and cotton wool in sandwich bags to see if they grow. We have stuck them to the window to allow as much sunlight as possible and will be watching them grow over the next few weeks to see whose gets the tallest! 

Some of our older children have done some excellent practice of writing their names, numbers and letters, we will be getting in as much practice as possible before their transition to reception in September. 

Wednesday afternoon you are invited to a 'Stay and Play' session at pre-school, please note the time is 2-3pm and is open to all current Pre-School families. You are welcome along if this is your child's normal session or not. It is an informal session for you as parents to engage in play with your child and their friends, and to see how they explore the pre-school environment. Any questions, please do come and speak to a member of the team. 

Please could we also ask for any outstanding ‘Big Brush Club’ consent forms to be handed in this week - Thank you.  

Finally, we hope that everyone enjoys the lovely warm weather over the weekend.  

The Pre-School Team  

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Week Beginning 29th April 2024 

We've had another super week here at Pre-School. 

Our focussed book this week was "Sam plants a Sunflower" by Kate Petty and Axel Scheffler. 

National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower ...

Sam the cat loves sunflowers, so together with his friends Worm and Ladybird he decides to grow some in his garden. Join Sam as he finds out all about how plants grow, and learn how you can grow your own sunflowers too. 

We all loved this book and decided it was our favourite book so far. 

We discussed what seeds need to grow and the children all came up with some really good ideas about how we could plant them and what we need to look after our seeds to help them to grow into beautiful sunflowers. 


We all planted our own sunflower seed and are going to watch them over the next few weeks to see how they grow. The children decided they wanted a competition to see who could grow the tallest sunflower. When the plants are strong enough we are going to plant them outside in our Pre-School garden to see how tall they will grow and hopefully will add some wonderful colour to our outside area.

We made some sunflower suncatchers for our windows, which look lovely when the sun shines through them.

We also planted our seed bombs into pots and have been amazed that by the end of the week a few seeds have started to show signs of life already, hopefully when we look at them next week we will see some more shoots. They will hopefully produce some beautiful flowers for our garden and for our wildlife.

Our Friday children went over to "Big School" for the whole school assembly, I had lovely comments for the other staff to say how wonderful they all were and they all sat beautifully for the whole time, We are very proud of them all.

We sent out letters for our "Big Brush Club" last week, thank you to all of you that have returned them, please may we ask for any more permission slips to be return this week so we can order all the resources we need to get started.

It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.

It's Bank Holiday this weekend, hopefully the sun will shine!
We hope you all have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week for some more planting seeds for our outside area for us all to enjoy.

Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

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Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024 

A wonderful week of special celebrations! 

With Monday (April 22nd) being the annual date that we celebrate our remarkable planet with Earth Day, we decided to continue this theme throughout the week so that all the children could access some learning and activities that help them to understand how important it is to protect and care for our planet and the different ways we can do that working together.  

The children were already aware of some the things that we do to help protect planet Earth and all it's living things. They told us it is really important to not drop litter, especially into the ocean as the fish sometimes mistake it for food and will eat it, making them poorly! They were also able to tell us some of the things that we can recycle to be used again, and how we must not waste water.

One of our hands on activities this week has been to make wildflower seed bombs. We learned that not only do wild flowers look pretty, but they are very important for the wildlife, including our special bumblebees. They have been planted into our garden areas and hopefully we may see some beautiful flowers popping up where there wasn't any before! 
We have also celebrated our cress heads growing. The children could not believe how quickly their ‘green hair’ has sprouted!
 We may need some patience for our other planted seeds.

This week we have also celebrate ‘St George’s Day’. The children were shown a picture of Saint George and asked who he may be, and what was he wearing?  The children said he could be a knight as he had a sword and shield.  We listened to a story explaining that Saint George was a soldier who lived hundreds of years ago, who liked to help and protect people. Saint George rescued a royal princess from a fierce dragon and England adopted him as a patron saint. We then discussed what the words ‘protect’ and ‘fierce’ mean. We talked about St George’s flag and painted our own using our fingers to paint the red cross. 

In other news a letter will be sent home to give information about the ‘Big Brush Club’ we will be taking part in here at Pre-School. It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.   

Lastly, with weather still being very unsettled, even on those sunny days it is very chilly. Please could we ask that your child still comes in with suitable clothing (layers are good) even if it looks sunny and warm. Also, that they wear shoes with their toes covered. We thank you for your understanding on this.  

Next week we look forward to our book ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower and will be planting our own sunflower seeds too! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The Pre-School Team.  


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Week Beginning 15th April 2024 

Welcome Back To Our Summer Term.

We like to welcome you all back after our Easter holidays and to also welcome some new families to our Pre-School.

This week we have been lucky to see a bit of sunshine, we even had some of our children having a little sunbathe on Thursday afternoon!! 
It has been super to spend lots of our time outside exploring and playing without getting too wet. We also spent some time out on the "Big" school field which is so lovely as its such a wonderful place to be able to run freely and explore.

Our topic this term is "Are plants alive" and this week we have been exploring where seeds come from. We cut up some fruit and vegetables and talked about what we could see, we then used magnifying glasses to be able to see the seeds closer and look at all the different types of seeds we could find. 

We counted some of the seeds in an apple and found 5, we then looked at the seeds in a tomato and noticed that these seeds were smaller and different than the apples.

We have our own garden centre role play area and we will be making lots of plants and flowers to put into our little shop.

Our focussed book this week was Ten Seeds by Ruth Brown

By Ruth Brown Ten Seeds: ...

It tells the story of ten seeds, only one of which survives to grow into a lovely sunflower and produces new seeds to start the cycle again.

During this half term the children will experience planting seeds, watching them germinate, they will be looking after their plants plus discovering lots of minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles of frogs, butterflies, beans and sunflowers.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully we'll see some more much needed sunshine.  

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary -
St George’s Day Mufti Tuesday 23rd April will be a MUFTI day and we are inviting the children to come to school wearing the colours of the flag of St George, red and white. A voluntary donation of £1 can be given to the class teacher during registration.

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