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Lanlivery Primary Academy   Weekly Update Friday 13 September 2024

Posted 11/11/2024
by Angie Couchman

Eagles - Eloise
Jays - Emblyn
Little Foresters - Delphi
Lunchtime -Kacey

Attendance this week: 95.7%

One of the most beneficial activities you can do at home to support your child's learning is reading. Reading can take many forms: Hearing your child read the book they bring home Reading them a story Reading a story together Reading magazines/ comics Reading non fiction Listening to audio books. Developing children's reading skills and love for reading gives them creator access to other subjects at school. We expect children to engage in reading regularly at home as we set very little other work for home. Please ensure it is recorded in their reading diaries. Every week, children's diaries will be check to see if they are reading at home. If there are not at least 3 records of reading you will receive an email reminder. For older key stage 2 children who are now independently reading, we ask parents to sign the diary to say they read alone.

Children returned to school looking incredibly smart last week and we would love this to continue. A couple of reminders: PE kit is only worn on PE days including the school hoody, it is not uniform so should only be worn on PE days. Children should be wearing black shoes and no patterned tights with uniform please.

Children should be in school by 8:45 (before the playground gates are locked). If you arrive and the gates have been locked you should enter through the main entrance. Late marks on the register can contribute to the number of unauthorised absences, therefore please ensure you are here on time. 

Crying the Neck Trip
On Thursday 19 Sept we will be taking part in the tradition of ‘Crying the Neck’ at Gunwen Chapel. We sent an email out last week regarding a trip for Year 2 and Year 3 pupils, if you didn’t receive it please contact Mrs Couchman. Please ensure you provide consent via parentpay for your child to attend if you haven’t already.

Home/School Agreement
We sent out emails last week asking parents to log on to Arbor and consent the home/school agreement, update consents for trips, photos etc and check contact/personal details. If you have not already done so please log on to Arbor asap. Paper copies can be sent on request.

Santas on the run
Please see attached poster about ‘Santas on the run’ at Eden on 1 December 2024. We have been asked to share it with parents for anyone who may be interested in signing up.

Thurs 19 Sept - Year 1 hearing screening
Thurs 19 Sept - Crying the Neck @ Gunwen Chapel (Years 2&3)
Tues 24 Sept - Brannel open evening 5pm (Year 6)
Thurs 26 Sept - Junior Life Skills @ Bodmin Fire Station (Years5&6)
Thurs 26 Sept - Penrice open evening 4.30pm (Year 6)
Fri 27 Sept - Tempest Photo's (Individuals)
Thurs 3 Oct - Census Day Thurs 3 Oct - Poltair open evening 5pm (Year 6)
Thurs 10 Oct - Bodmin College open evening - time TBC (Year 6)
Wed 16 Oct - Family Worker drop in session (8.45am-10.00am)
Fri 18 to Thurs 24 Oct - Bikeability (Year 5 & 6)
Fri 25 Oct - INSET DAY (closed to pupils)
Mon 28 Oct to Fri 1 Nov - HALF TERM HOLIDAYS


Blisland Primary Academy   Early learning...

Posted 11/11/2024
by Julie Pearce

  While making Poppy paintings for Remembrance Day, the Children can begin to explore British Values. As and Early years settings we are required to promote British Values actively to ensure our young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. British Values are embedded into everyday practice. Remembrance Day will help children make links between their lives, their freedoms, and the values in England. Democracy, Mutual Respect, Tolerance, Rule of Law, and Individual Liberty are the values that settings are expected to incorporate into their practice. They are learning about these values when:

* They make choices and decisions and know that their decisions and choices can make a difference.

* They begin to understand that everyone is entitled to have different opinions or feelings that may be different from someone else, but learning that this is ok.

* They begin to learn about the importance of being kind and respectful of similar and different people.

* When they learn about cause and effect and that actions have consequences

* When thinking about the freedoms that they have in the things that they enjoy doing every day. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 11/11/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 8.11.24

Daymer class have settled back into school so well after half term. 

We have enjoyed progressing with our learning about non-chronological reports, addition and subtraction and our topic 'How active is our planet?'. We have started to look at earthquakes and how they are formed.

In PE, we have enjoyed our first session in gymnastics looking at using symmetrical shapes. 

On Thursday, we finished our RE topic of Hinduism and the children had fun with colour learning about 'How vibrant is Hindu life in Britain?' by using bright colours to make Diwali crafts.

On Friday, we wore our brightest colours and enjoyed investigating soils in Science. 

Next week is Anti-bullying week and maths week. 


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 10/11/2024
by Emily Randle

It's the first week back and already Chaipel class have been busy. Our new enquiry is HOW DOES MY BODY WORK? and we will be learning about how important our heart is and its role in our Circulatory System. We will then write an explanation text about the process, writing range range of complex sentences using subordinate clauses to show cause and effect. Thank you to Harry and Elsie who have already created detailed diagrams of the system to help in our learning.

In Maths, Y5s have been learning about prime, square and cube numbers - which they were amazing at -  before moving onto multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000 next week.

In Art, we are going to be making our voice heard by learning a range of techniques such as symbolic imagery, chiaroscuro, street art and tonal drawings. We have already been exploring how the Maya expressed themselves through art and everyone has done an amazing job so far! 

We have completed our best copy write-up for our timeslip to Pompeii narrative; I look forward to reading them all. In PE, Chaipel are developing their skills in Fitness and Basketball and we will be learning how to program Micro:bits in ICT, starting next week.

All in all, a very successful first week back. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Miss Hodge and Miss Colton.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 9th November 2024

Posted 09/11/2024
by Joanna Rickard

 Our first week back after half term has been packed with some lovely activities and fun exploring and playing in our farm role play areas.   

We have started our new enquiry question ‘What happens on a farm?’ Discovering what different animals, we would find, and what building they may live in 

Our book of the week ‘Look Inside a Farm’ has helped us with this. It explores all the areas of a farm with flaps to lift, to reveal even more exciting facts. The children love books like this and really get involved with discovering what's on each pageThis always leads to ‘grand conversations’ with the children sharing their own knowledge and thoughts.  

We have seen some enthusiastic role play conversations in our farm shop, with the children taking turns to be shopkeepers and customers. The children are enjoying weighing their fruits and vegetables before paying for themApparently, everything is a pound, so we’re told! It has been lovely to see some of our younger children getting involved and engaging with others through play to build their confidence.  

This week we also celebrated Bonfire night, we watched a video of fireworks and discussed the types of sounds they made, and colours the children could see.  We had fun creating our own firework pictures and also making chocolate breadstick sparklers!  

At the end of the week, we took the chance to go over to forest school for a good run and explore while it was still dry! Lots of climbing in and out of dens that the older children had made.  All very exciting, especially for some that had not had the opportunity to visit before.  

A busy but fun first week back! 

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team  


St Cleer Primary Academy   Beliefs in Benin

Posted 09/11/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Beliefs in Benin

We have really enjoyed learning about the Kingdom of Benin.  At the start of our learning journey hardly any of us had even heard of the Kingdom of Benin, but we have enjoyed finding out all about life in Benin and why it is important for us in the UK to learn about the Benin Kingdom.

As a celebration of our learning, we finished our adventure by investigating what beliefs were common in the Kingdom of Benin.  We learned that the people worshipped many different Gods (making links to Hinduism) and also that they would offer sacrifices to try and please the Gods.  We learned that sometimes humans were sacrificed!  We also found out that people in Benin were Animists - who believed that animals had special powers.  Leopards were very important because they represented power, and crocodiles were thought to be guardians of the water.  We know this from artefacts found in Benin.

We created our own clay tiles to represent animals which might have been worshipped in the Kingdom of Benin.  Needless to say it was dirty - but fun!


St Cleer Primary Academy   Creating Automata toys

Posted 09/11/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Creating Automata toys

We had great fun in our DT project this half term - which focused on using cams.  Our design brief was to create a themed window display which used cams to make the display interactive.

First of all, we investigated different Automata toys and mechanisms.  We watched videos to understand how different automata work and also how cams of different shapes would impact the follower.

Then we started to create our frame.  We measured, cut and assembled the pieces of wood for our frame, and then measured and cut pieces of card to encase our frames.

Once our frames were completed, we considered the designs for our displays and also created the cams to place in the rod which went through the frame.  The final piece was the trickiest bit - 
fitting the cam rod so that the follower pieces were positioned correctly.

We were very proud of our finished designs!


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 8th November 2024

Posted 08/11/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Our first week back has zoomed by! In celebration of Black History month, we shared our chosen person with the whole school, Ibtihaj Muhammad, who wrote the book 'The Proudest Blue' and was the first Muslim-American woman to wear a hijab while competing at the Olympics. How amazing! 

In Maths, we have picked up where we left off before half term, focussing on addition and subtraction. Year 2 have been exchanging 1s for a 10 when adding two 2-digit numbers. Year 3 have continued with column subtraction and carrying across place value columns when borrowing. 

We started a new unit in English this week, where we have been looking at Pie Corbett's version of Little Red Riding Hood. We made some excellent predictions and came up with lots of questions based on illustrations. Then, we started working on learning the story map, assigning actions. Today we used drama to explore different settings and recorded vocabulary to describe what we imagined we experienced.

Congratulations to Sonny, Amelia and Benjamin for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to those who achieved their 99 club this week!

If you haven't done so already, be sure to hand in your permission slip for our trip to the Royal Cornwall Museum on Tuesday 26th November

We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


Polperro Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 8th November

Posted 08/11/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

It was lovely to meet everyone this week at our parents evening appointments. It really helps us to help your children when we share information together.

This week Penhallow have been busy thinking about their topic; 'What was it like before we were born?' We talked about the different favourite toys that the children currently have, and then we went way back in Ancient History to explore some of the toys that Mrs Fitzsimmons had as a child.

Thank you to those children who brought a show and tell object or picture in today. These children talked about their toys extremely well, and there were some interesting questions that were asked. Next Friday, please can the children bring in an object, picture or send an email of a picture that was taken before the children were born, of a family member. It could be a parent or Grandparent as a child. Instead, it could be related to Remembrance Day. A relative that was perhaps alive during the first or Second World war.

In art this week, we have all been learning about the artist Andy Warhol. We looked at the ways in which his art work makes use of bright colours, and we created our own piece of artwork in the style of Andy Warhol.

Well done to the whole of Penhallow, who sang a song, complete with percussion instruments, to the whole school. As a part of last month's Black History month, we learnt about the life of Floella Benjamin, who has been influential in children's TV,  and books. We presented our facts and sang a calypso song from Trinidad. Well done everyone!

We hope you have a lovely weekend, and keep safe if you visit any firework displays.

From the Penhallow Team


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Friday 8th November 2024

Posted 08/11/2024
by Chris Wathern

Coffee Afternoon & Phonics Workshop – Wednesday 13th November 14:30
We have re-arranged this morning’s coffee morning to next Wednesday 13th November at 14:30 in the Hall. As well as enjoying a cup of tea or coffee before collecting your children, Mrs Yates and Mrs Clarke will be sharing our approach to the teaching of phonics and tips to help at home. Everyone welcome!

Grandparents’ Stay and Learn - Tuesday 19th November 09:00-11:30
A reminder that we are holding a special Stay and Learn for grandparents or other older relatives/friends. We will start the morning in the Hall where our special visitors will be treated to some tea/coffee and a mince pie. Following this they will hear the story ‘The Forgettery’ read by some of our children, and there will be a festive performance from our choir.

Our visitors will then go to the classrooms, where we ask them to share stories of Christmas past – if they have any objects to bring in to share too, that would be great. The classes will then make a memory box based on what they have seen and heard. These will be the inspiration for the children to make a decoration or object, some of which will be sold at our Winter Fayre.

We would like to ask for your help in sending in a photograph of the child/ren’s grandparent(s) so we can decorate the Hall. Please can these either be sent in with your child or emailed to by Friday 15th November. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to return any photos sent in with your child, as we will use them after the event for display. 

Trips, Residentials & Enrichment
Tonight, we look forward to the Year 3 sleepover, with a chip supper, fireworks, hot chocolate, film and popcorn! Earlier in the week, I also had the opportunity to travel to London as part of a pre-visit for the Year 6 residential next June; it’s going to be a fantastic action-packed trip. Take a look at the dates below for many of the wonderful enrichment and community activities still to come this term. The rest of the year dates can also be found on the ‘Events’ section of our website.

Children in Need & Wild Planet Trust Charity Non-Uniform Day – Friday 15th November
We invite the children (and staff) to come to school on this day dressed up as an animal of their choice. They may choose to combine this with the 'Spotacular' Children in Need theme! If you would like to contribute to this fund-raising event, please send your child to school with a voluntary donation in cash which will be collected by the teachers in class. Money raised will be split equally between Children in Need and the children’s chosen charity, Wild Planet Trust for conservation. As it’s Year 3’s PE day, please can they bring in their PE to change into, if wanting to dress up for the day, thank you.

Little Nursery Vacancy
We are looking to recruit a full time Teaching Assistant to join our Little Nursery team; Mon-Fri 08:00-15:00. For more information, please check our Vacancies page on the website.

Eco Council
On 5th November the Eco Council had an exciting meeting about reusable glue sticks and other eco-friendly stationery. We tested out all of the items our visitor brought in, including reusable glue sticks and whiteboard pencils. We are going to teach our classes how to load the glue sticks and refill them. He was very kind explaining that we should use them because of the amount of waste found every year in Cornwall. Glue sticks build up large amounts of plastic waste which is either burnt or thrown into rivers or seas, and that is not good! We believe that by using reusable glue sticks the same plastic will be used again and again and again!
From Abi Year 6

Poppy Appeal
Thank you for everyone’s support in raising money for the Poppy Appeal by buying the various items during the week. Our House Captains did a fantastic job running the stall during their breaktimes. We will let you know how much money was raised as soon as it’s handed in and counted. Next Monday, we will marking the national period of reflection at 11:00 in school. On Sunday, we will be laying a wreath on behalf of the school at the Remembrance Sunday service in Wadebridge.

Big Nursery and Reception Christmas Singalong with Parents and Buddies – Same day, change of time
Apologies for any inconvenience, but we have needed to change the timing of this event to 14:00 on Monday 16th December.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 8.11.24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


What a great first week of Autumn Term 2! Absolute magnificent to see so many smiley and happy children back in Talland Class!

This week we have focused lots on Black History Month and we studied an incredible lady, who goes by the name of Maya Angelou. You might of heard of her. She was an incredible poet and writer, a civil rights activist and she was involved with many of the arts (acting, dancing, film making ect...) An extraordinary person really.

Talland did an amazing assembly about her and I was blown away when they read out and performed the poem 'Still I Rise'. It's got me looking forward to the Christmas production, which isn't too far off. AUDITIONS COMING SOON!

Year 4 have been looking at the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.
Year 5 have been finding out about multiples and factors. 
Why not quiz your children to find out what they have learnt...

Talland Class have immersed ourselves into drama this week and as mentioned above, showed off their fantastic efforts during our Black History assembly.

This term we are throwing ourselves into fitness, where we are looking at the key elements (strength, speed, agility, stamina, balance and coordination). We are also getting our Michael Jordan sneakers and on shooting some hoops (basketball). We will see how Talland are at working as a team, finding space, learning the rules and invading an opponents territory. 

Talland will find out on Monday what our learning focus will be for this half term. I can't wait to tell them. There are lots of fun and exciting lessons planned including a trip... stay tuned to find out what they are learning and where we are going!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a spectacular weekend.

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 8.11.24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Helen King

This week has been such a busy week back!

In gymnastics we have been learning how to travel and land from jumps safely.  The children were really good at travelling in different ways before freezing in a different shape.

During Science, the children were investigating which materials would be the strong and stretchy enough to be used as a tether for an astronaut - we discovered that nylon tights were the best (sadly, Rolo's are not good for tethers!)

In History, we looked at how London has changed since the 1666 Great Fire and became architects, drawing what the new city should look like.  We also wrote and discussed why the changes needed to happen.

Last week, Hindu's around the world celebrated Diwali - the festival of light.  So this week the children learnt about the festival and made diya lamps, diya lamps are traditionally oil lamps with a cotton wick dipped in ghee to symbolise prosperity for the new year.


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 08/11/2024
by Jane Wills


Our first week back has been full of energy and the children's books are brimming with great examples of their learning.

I have included some examples of how our new editing stations are working, the children really enjoy the focus it gives for them to physically move to a new area in the classroom which has a different focus for them to consider .

Our new approach to guided reading is working well, with the class approaching their reading with their detective hats on to find clues and hidden meanings in  the texts.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Poppies

Posted 08/11/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Peaceful poppies

Tregantle Class have had a wonderful first week back at school. We have been learning about Remembrance day and preparing for our special service on Monday. The children have been making some poppies to display on our school bank - we are all looking forward to seeing them on Monday. It's the time of year when we learn about lots of different celebrations and the year 1 children have made some wonderful Diva Lamps this week. Diva lamps are used during the Hindu festival Diwali to remember the story of Rama and Sita. The Diva Lamps helped to guide them home after their banishment. On Tuesday we learnt all about how to keep safe during bonfire night and made some very colourful pictures using collage techniques.
It was wonderful to welcome parents into school this week to learn more about how we teach phonics. Reception and Year 1 children were absolute super stars during the demonstration lessons - all of the parents were extremely impressed! 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 08/11/2024
by Jane Wills

Autumn 2

We have returned to school full of energy, enthusiasm and plans for an exciting run up to Christmas. Soon the building will be full of playscripts, costumes and props alongside song sheets and instruments - what a great time to be in a primary school!

After school Clubs
We have received all the sign up slips for the clubs so we are looking forward to enhancing the curriculum with craft, cooking, STEM building, SATs and hot chocolate and board games thrown in too. All clubs start next week from Monday 11th.

Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Lexi for working with determination and choosing some great vocabulary for ehr poem.
Irina for including some great vocabulary in her independent writing and always challenging herself to try her best.

Star of the Week:
Nathan for his super attitude to work and trying his best to always follow the rules.
Mia for her kind and generous attitude to her friends and approaching her learning with a smile

Have a lovely weekend
Jane Wills


Polperro Primary Academy   Update 8:11:24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Welcome to the second half of the Autumn term. For those of you affected by the roadworks in West Looe, thank you for making the necessary arrangements to bring your children in during the disruption. Thank you all for attending this week’s parent/carer consultations. It is great to have such supportive parents and carers who are keen to work with us to achieve the best for pupils in our school.

On Wednesday we held a Black History Month Assembly where each class shared what they had learned about successful black authors. We learned about Floella Benjamin, actress, singer, presenter, author and politician (Penhallow Class); Ibtihaj Muhammed, entrepreneur, author, activist, and Olympic medalist in fencing (Landaviddy Class); Maya Angelou, an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist (Talland Class) and Malorie Blackman, a British writer who held the position of Children's Laureate from 2013 to 2015 (Chaipel Class). In the UK, Black History Month is celebrated every October. It gives everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture.

We have a lot planned for this half term already. Please see below and our events diary on this website for details.

FOPS A huge thank you to FOPS for organising and running the Spooky Discos before Half term. We raised over £260 which will go towards subsidising trips for all classes across the school year.

FOPS Quiz – change of date Please note that in light of the West Looe roadworks and their impact on local travel, we are postponing the FOPS Quiz until February. Watch this space for a new date.

Book Fair, NEXT WEEK
– help us buy more books for school. We will be holding a Scholastic book fair the week commencing 11th November after school from 3:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The fair will held be in Chaipel Class. A percentage of the profits will go to school funds and enable us to buy more books for school. If you would like to buy any books from the fair, you will be able to pay in cash or online if you have your phone with you. You can pay for books online while you are at the Book Fair by scanning a QR code on your phone to easily access the Scholastic parent pay website.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024, 11th-15th November Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will be taking place from Monday 11th-Friday 15th November and has the theme Choose Respect. The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 11th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Odd Socks are all about fun and laughter, but more importantly they deliver a message of individuality, acceptance and tolerance. We will be joining in with Odd Socks Day. All the children need to do is wear odd socks on Monday 11th please.

Children in Need, MUFTI Day Friday 15th November We have asked the School Council what they would like to wear for our Children in Need MUFTI fundraiser day on Friday 15th November. Please send your child in wearing spotty clothes, pyjamas or anything colourful on the day. A donation of £2 or more to Children in Need will be collected in class. We also have a supply of “Pudsey Ears”. These cost £2.50 with all profits going to Children in Need.

Poppies and Remembrance Reminder that we will be having a Remembrance assembly next week with Rev Richard. Year 6 volunteers are selling poppies at playtimes. If your child would like to buy a poppy to raise funds for the British Legion, please send your child in with cash. A minimum donation of 50p per poppy would be welcome and other items are available to buy.

Clubs Reminder that clubs will restart NEXT WEEK as follows:
Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3, 4,5 and 6
Tuesday: Lunchtime ECO Club (Miss Randle) for years 3 to 6, some places by invitation
Wednesday: Lunchtime Mindfulness and Art Club (Mrs Wilkie) for years 2 to 6
Thursday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
Friday: After School Running Club (Miss Bowden and Mrs Turnbull) for years 3-6. This club is open to anyone who likes running however it will not run when the Cross-Country League races are on – next race 15th November. Pupils do not have to race in these events.

Please inform us by email or phone call, which clubs you wish your child to attend by midday on Monday 11th November. Please sign up again, even if your child attended last half term.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Hillman


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 08/11/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 8th November

We have had a wonderful first week back and the children have come back to school full of positive energy after their half term rest.

This week has been a busy week exploring and learning about special celebrations such as Diwali and Firework Night.

On Tuesday we had a fire work celebration day. The children explored why we celebrate firework night. All of our learning tasks were based on fireworks. In outdoor learning ,Mrs Gregory and Janet made a bonfire for the children to explore. The children used a steel to start a spark and then sat around a perimeter and watched the fire that Mrs Gregory started. The children loved this experience and were using such brilliant vocabulary.

Today we had Diwali day. Maya from our local shop sent us some beautiful pictures of her Diwali outfit. She looked beautiful. The children explored what Diwali is and how Hindu people celebrate. All of our activities today were all about Diwali and the children learnt so much and achieved some great work tasks.

In phonics, the foundation children have started level from the beginning, with a strong focus on writing the letters using the correct formation. Writing the letters using correct formation benefits the children as they enter into year 1 and beyond as when they begin to join letters the letter formation makes a big difference.

The children have been writing s/a/t/ and p this week. Lots of practice would be great at home. Writing in shaving foam, sand, salt or using water on paint brushes is a great way to practice letter formation at home in a fun way. Please refer to the phonics sheets previously sent for the correct letter formation.

In maths the children have worked hard at representing numbers 1, 2 and 3. They have used many different ways to represent the numbers and have progressed so well.

Our BIG question this half term is: What shall I play with today?

Therefore, the children have also been exploring toys from the past and making pictures of toys they would lie to play with. They have been drawing their most favourite toys from home, been practicing writing their name and so much more!  

Have a lovely weekend 

The Foundation Team 


Polperro Primary Academy   8/11/24

Posted 08/11/2024
by Julie Peat

Welcome back

It has been lovely to see everyone back after the half term and to welcome some new faces to nursery. This week we have been exploring colour and answering our enquiry question "How does colour make us feel?". The children have been using different coloured paint to create firework pictures and have been discussing bonfire night and all of the colours that they create.
On Friday, the children decorate poppy biscuits and made poppies using apples to mark remembrance.

At storytime, the children have enjoyed looking at "The colour monster". They have been talkinig about how they feel and which colours make them happy, sad, scared or angry.

In phonics,  we have used musical instruments to create sounds. They have explored them to see if they make different sounds or if they sound similar. The children have performed different actions to songs they have heard and been exploring the initial sounds in words.

In maths, we are naming and ordering number to three and beyond, we have been exploring numbers on the maths table and practicing counting using different objects.

On Monday it is the start of Anti- bullying week. Children are invited to wear their odd socks to nursery.

Have a lovely weekend

The nursery team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Welcome back to Autumn 2

Posted 08/11/2024
by Darren Woolner

**Welcome Back After the Break!**

We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break and are ready for another busy and exciting term at school!

This week has been full of engaging events and opportunities for both pupils and parents alike, and we’re thrilled to share some highlights.

We kicked things off with a fantastic Parent Phonics Workshop, where families were able to learn new strategies to support their children's literacy development. In addition, our Anton Home Learning Workshops gave parents and children alike a chance to explore ways to make home learning even more effective and enjoyable.

We’re also excited to announce the opening of our brand new Sensory Room, which will provide a calm and welcoming space for pupils to relax and refocus throughout the school day. It’s been wonderful to see how this space has already begun to benefit our children.

This week, our STEM Workshops have been a big hit with the children, allowing them to dive into hands-on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics activities. We're so proud to see the curiosity and creativity our Year 5 children have shown in these sessions. In two weeks time, the whole school will be engaging in further STEM workshops. 

 Additionally, we welcomed the School Improvement Team for a visit, and we look forward to their continued support as we work together to make our school an even better place for all of our children.

Today, our BFA (Brunel Friends Association) has hosted two fantastic events: the **Dress Bright for Bonfire Night** and the **Family Quiz Night**. A huge thank you to the BFA for all their hard work in organising these events, as well as for their ongoing efforts to raise money for our school. Their support truly makes a difference, and we appreciate everything they do to enhance our school community.

Looking ahead, we have some important events next week.

On Monday, we’ll be holding our Remembrance Service on the school playground. The gate by the library will be open at 10:40am for parents to join us for this poignant occasion as we remember and honour those who have served in our country’s armed forces. We hope you will be able to join us for this very special moment.

Next week is also Anti-Bullying Week, with activities throughout the week to promote kindness, respect, and inclusion. On Tuesday, the children are invited to wear odd socks to celebrate individuality, and on Friday, we will be hosting **Brunel Against Bullying Blue Day**, where the children can wear blue to show their support for the anti-bullying message. This year, we are not asking for donations for Children in Need, but children are welcome to accessorise their blue outfits with **Pudsey ears** or other fun items.

As always, we thank you for your continued support. It’s been a busy week, and we’re excited for all the activities coming up. Wishing you all a very happy weekend, and we look forward to seeing you next week!  In the meantime, please sit back and enjoy the Brunel Bulletin. 


Polruan Primary Academy   Friday 8th November

Posted 07/11/2024
by Amy Fernie

Friday 8th November 2024

Hello everyone!

We hope you all had a fantastic half-term break! It’s wonderful to see the children back, full of energy and ready to dive into learning. This week, we kicked off our new enquiry question: “Do we all celebrate the same way?” Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore various celebrations from around the world, which is sure to be an exciting journey! Attached below is out Learning Map for you to see and overview of where we are going & what the children will be learning this half term. 

To start things off, we learned about Bonfire Night. The children discovered the story of Guy Fawkes and his role in the Houses of Parliament, as well as why we continue to celebrate this event today. It was a great way to connect history with our current celebrations! 

In Maths, our Reception class has begun exploring numbers up to 5, while our Year 1 and 2 students have started working on subtraction. We’re so proud of how well they’re grasping these concepts!

In English, we’ve started reading the book “Binny’s Diwali.” Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be plotting out the story and then getting creative by changing it to reflect Christmas themes. We’re excited to incorporate all the features of a good story that we’ve learned about into our own writing!

We’ve also dipped our toes into Textiles in Design Technology, where we’re learning how to thread a needle, tie a not and the art of the running stitch. Some of us found it a bit challenging, but everyone showed great perseverance! We can’t wait to see the final outcomes next week.

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!

Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrew, Mrs Hicks & Miss Talbot


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