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Wadebridge Primary Academy   Friday 11th October 2024

Posted 11/10/2024
by Chris Wathern

Mark’s Ark Visit
Year 1 were very excited to have Mark’s Ark and his animals visit this week. This experience helped the children make links to their learning in science, investigating the key question ‘What are the characteristics of an animal?’ Mark showed them a range of animals including a millipede, tarantula, snake, lizard and an owl. The children used their knowledge to work out which animal group they belonged to and if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Mark shared lots of interesting facts about the animals and talked about if they would be suitable to be a pet. For children who were brave enough, there was an opportunity to hold the snake and the tarantula! The children showed respect to the animals handling them with care and asked questions throughout the afternoon to find out more about them. From the Year 1 Team

Girls’ Football Festival
On Wednesday, we hosted a girls’ football festival for Years 5 and 6. There were around 80 girls from different local teams. There were lots of opportunities to play, including competing in 4 matches. We were also able to take part in a training session and learn some new skills. The festival was great and everyone showed amazing teamwork.
By Bella (Year 6)

Year 6/7 Transition – Wadebridge School
This afternoon, a group of local headteachers met with Mr Winzor to further develop links between the primary schools and Wadebridge School. It was a really useful meeting where we focused on meeting the needs of the Wadebridge community. Amongst the things discussed, we agreed on our Y6/7 transition model, as well how we can work closer for the mutual benefit of all.

Microsoft Forms for Trips
You may have noticed we have started using MS Forms instead of paper letters for trip permissions. As well as helping ensure no letters get lost in transit between school and home, it also saves on paper, the impact on the environment and cost. We have a few ‘live’ forms for parents to currently complete: Year 3 Sleepover; Year 4 Trip to Bodmin Jail and Year 5 Residential. If not done already, please complete the form as soon as possible using the links sent out separately by email. If you have any questions, please contact the school office who are happy to help.

Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop
It was wonderful seeing parents at our coffee morning and shared reading workshop today with Mrs Reeve. If you couldn’t make it, please check today's email for a copy of the presentation and some tips on supporting your child with reading at home. Our next Coffee Morning is on Friday 8th November, where Mrs Yates and Mrs Clarke are sharing our approach to phonics. All are welcome to stay for the phonics workshop or just for a cuppa and a catch up.

Pro20 Football INSET Day – Friday 25th October 09:00-15:00
On Friday 25th October, school is closed as staff are joining other schools within the Trust at Brunel School focusing on developing writing. Whilst we are closed, Pro20 will be hosting a Football Day. 

Wadebridge Leisure Centre Holiday Club
Wadebridge Leisure Centre are hosting a holiday club on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October. Please book directly with them.

Year 6 Bikeability Date Change
Bikeability sessions for Year 6 will now take place from week beginning Monday 20th January. Further information will be shared nearer the time.

Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies
We are looking to recruit two Lunchtime Supervisors to join our team; Mon-Fri 11:30-13:00. We are looking for someone who:

-Enjoys working with children
-Has high expectations of behaviour and positive strategies to support children
-Will support the school values across lunchtime

For more information, please check our Vacancies page on this website

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Choughs. For a fourth week running, Swans have the most overall points, but the other Houses are catching up fast:

Swans – 1535
Choughs – 1317
Cormorants – 1239
Puffins – 1114

FOWPA – The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz

*Still lots of tables left to sell – please come and support our school*
£20 per table, max of six people. There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies. Get your tickets now! 

FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October

All children are invited to get creative and bake cupcakes, cookies or traybakes for a HUGE bake sale in the school hall on Monday 21st October from 3pm. Each home-baked entry needs to be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 21st October after drop off in the morning. Please label all plates/boxes/containers with name and class, so these can be returned to your child’s classroom. Each entry MUST come with an ingredients list for allergens…PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL…and without the list we sadly cannot sell your yummy bakes! The winners of each year group will be presented with a certificate and commemorative tea towel in assembly by Mr Wathern. All of your yummy bakes will be sold at the end of the school day. Please feel free to donate what you see fit during the sale. All children and parents/carers are welcomed, and all proceeds go towards FOWPA fundraising initiatives for WPA. Let’s get creative…HAPPY BAKING!

Dates coming up
Friday 11th October
18:00 PTC booking opens

Monday 14th October
(am) Little and Big Nursery Soft Play Sessions

Friday 18th October

19:30 FOWPA Quiz Night (Wadebridge Town Hall)

Monday 21st October
08:30 Drop off FOWPA Bake Off entries in Hall
15:00 FOWPA Bake Sale (Hall)
No Teacher-led Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) this week (Pro20 and DT Sports running as normal)

Tuesday 22nd October
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)

Wednesday 23rd October
NSPCC Workshops for Year 2, 5 & 6
15:30-18:10 Parent Teacher Consultations (PTCs)

Friday 25th October
School Closed – INSET Day

26th October – 3rd November
Half term break

Monday 4th November
Back to school
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) re-start
(pm) Year 6 Secondary Transition PE Session


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 11.10.24

Posted 11/10/2024
by Helen King

This week we've really enjoyed learning some more about significate people of colour during our reading assembly.  We learnt some more information about Rosa Parks who Mr Woolner introduced earlier and then we learnt about Mary Seacole.

In English lesson we wrote out our own instructions for a healthy sandwich after looking at what makes a sandwich healthy.

In Science we learnt about transparent and opaque.  We needed to use this knowledge to help us find the best material to block out the sun's light whilst in space!

We are really looking forward to our swimming lessons next week - we need to remember our swimmers and towels!

Have a lovely weekend!


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 11/10/2024
by Jane Wills


Monday we had a visit from BIFFA to take part in their Planet Waste workshop. During the session we learnt how to develop good waste management behaviours including the 3Rs. It was a very informative hour finding out about every day materials and how these are recycled and turned into new products. As always, the children listened attentively and asked lots of brilliant questions to find out further information.

Harvest Festival
Mrs Phillips wrote a Harvest rap inspired by the enormous turnip to the theme tune from Fresh Prince of Belair. The children had lots of fun performing this so we have agreed that it should be our new Harvest Festival contribution which we will enhance by actions and costumes for next year – Thank You Mrs Phillips!

Coast Guard Visit
Friday afternoon Canute class had a visit from the Coast Guard during our PE lesson. Part of the visit included looking around the call out vehicle parked on the playground. Needless to say, this became something of a distraction to Tregeagle class and before long, they were found sneaking along the playground with knees bend to appear Canute-sized so they too could get the opportunity to in. Their ingenuity was rewarded with a space among the KS1 children and inclusion in the talk!

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 11/10/2024
by Jane Wills

Personal Development

Personal development is both a subject and a school ethos and we want each child to leave our school feeling confident, unique and proud. Our aim is to teach children how to navigate through life safely, happily and healthily by raising aspirations, inspiring curiosity and promoting understanding and interest to develop sense of place and belonging. To provide this, we have designed a programme of activities/trips and visitors in addition to the classroom teaching and this half term we started by inviting Captain Paul Thomas, Fowey Harbour Master, to talk to the whole school about what has been happening on the water and the importance of the harbour for our local community. When we have visitors, we always take the opportunity to ask visitors about their educational journey to their chosen job so the children are exposed to the many routes and options available to them for future careers.

Canute class has invited a string of visitors this term to support their learning of people who help us and build on their learning from last year’s visit to the fire station. Our local PCSO came into school last week to talk about how to stay safe, they had a visit from the Guide Dog Association complete with guide dog and the Coast guard this week. Next week they have a visit planned from a nurse to talk to the children about her job.

Tregeagle class had a visit from BIFFA this week to find out about how to carry out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices). In the last week of half term, they will attend the Primary Futures event, ‘World of Work’ where the theme will be Aviation and the different careers involved. After half term, they will join Southwest Water for a workshop centered around sewage and plastic pollution to help educate about, care for and look after our local environment.

Thank you to those of you who attended our Harvest Festival this morning and thank you for the donations to the foodbank. As always, we had a lovely time in the church sharing songs and poems reminding the children of this important event in the farming calendar.

In the final week before we break for the half term, we are holding Parent Consultations so please look out for the sign-up email from Mrs Hughes.

Achievement Assembly
Writer of the Week:
Ava for making good use of her lovely ideas to write an entertaining story using lots of our learning.
Kayden for writing his name independently.

Star of the Week:
Antonia for being brave and managing her worries – it was so lovely to see you enjoy the Harvest Festival.
Zeniah for showing courage and enthusiasm in reading our poem at the Harvest Festival.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   An another amazing week at Brunel

Posted 11/10/2024
by Darren Woolner

Another amazing week at Brunel.

We have had another super, busy week at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy. We hope you enjoy reading The Brunel Bulletin to keep up to date with everything that we have been getting up to this week. Have a wonderful weekend. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Zero pairs (negative numbers)

Posted 11/10/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Using zero pairs

Within our maths unit looking at Place Value, the year 6 children have been building their confidence calculating with negative numbers.  As well as using number lines which continue past zero to help them - we introduced the children to the idea of zero pairs.

We used double sided counters to help them visualise positive and negative numbers - and they could easily see that +1 + -1 = 0.  They used this idea to spot zero pairs (where positive and negative counters cancelled each other out) and find out the answer to number sentences such as 'What is 6 less than 4?'

The children enjoyed using the counters to consolidate their learning and were able to use visual representations in their books to help them solve more complex problems.


Darite Primary Academy   Harvest and Food Bank

Posted 11/10/2024
by Sarah Sanson

Generous Harvest

Despite the weather, it has been another fabulous week.

There were some wonderful smells around the school yesterday as the children got baking for our Harvest celebration. The hedgehog bread and cookies looked (and tasted) amazing. Thank-you so much for the kind donations of produce for the celebration - these have been given to the Looe and Liskeard food bank and we know that they will make a huge difference for the families in our communities. Thank-you to everyone who was able to come along and support the children.

Thank-you also to Grace and Sue from the foodbank who came in for a cooking demonstration and kindly donated ingredients for everyone to cook a crumble at home. Remember, if you are feeling the pinch and feel that the foodbank may be needed, please contact them. They offer a very discrete service and, in these tricky times, people from all walks of like are using them. We are also able to support with accessing the service so please speak up.

We also have a list of products that are in short supply. If you are able to buy some of these in your weekly shop and would like to donate them to the foodbank, please bring them into the school office as we are now a collection point for the bank.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 11/10/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 11th October

Some of this week’s learning in Foundation class:

The foundation children have worked so hard this week, and we have seen some lovely wow moments!

In English we have started to explore poems, and we have started with the poem The Owl and the Pussy Cat. The children have been learning a part of the poem and have started role playing and thinking of actions to help them learn it. They have been exploring rhyming words that they can hear in the poem.

In Phonics we have learnt to recognize, read and write letters h/b/f and l. Each day in phonics the children practice their oral blending skills to read words and this week they have amazed the adults at how well they are beginning to read words that include the phonemes they know!

The children have also been practicing their name writing, using mirrors to explore their faces and then draw self-portraits, decorating handprints with the things they love the most, they have been exploring autumnal natural resources in the playground and so much more!

The children continue to progress so well and have progressed so much already!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Science - circulatory system

Posted 11/10/2024
by David Hannah

As part of their learning about the circulatory system, Class 3 have been dissecting pig hearts, so they can identify the chambers in the heart and the veins and arteries running into and out of the heart. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 10/10/2024
by Ellie Lake

Marks Ark

Today Year 1 were very excited to have Marks Ark and his animals visit. This experience helped the children make links to their learning in Science, investigating the key question ‘What are the characteristics of an animal?’. Mark showed them a range of animals including a millipede, tarantula, snake, lizard and an owl. The children used their knowledge to work out which animal group they belonged to and if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Mark shared lots of interesting facts about the animals and talked about if they would be suitable to be a pet. For children who were brave enough there was an opportunity to hold the snake and the tarantula! The children showed respect to the animals handling them with care and asked questions throughout the afternoon to find out more about them.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 10/10/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

40 Years of Looe Primary!

The celebration went so well and Foundations effort to make stones for the stall and decorate the pirate tombola was appreciated by everyone that had a go!

We made lots of money for our school equipment and so much fun was had by all! 

Well done Foundation and well done Looe Primary! 

We love our school! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 10/10/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 11/10/24

On Thursday, we celebrated mental health awareness day by wearing yellow and prioritising our mental health.

Daymer class have taken part in different activities including mindfulness activities, doodling like 'Doodle Boy', creating positivity badges and recognising what is is great about ourselves.

Other exciting learning this week has included learning about tectonic plate movements with Oreos, finishing our explosive volcano paintings, and putting together our personification poems!


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Computing Coding Workshop

Posted 10/10/2024
by David Hannah

This week Class 3 took part in a coding workshop with Robert from Tech Cornwall. In the workshop we programmed micro:bit led devices using  Python computer coding program. We were able to program written messages and control lights in a led strip.


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 10/10/2024
by Carmel Alberts

This week the children in R/1 have been busy labelling a tomato plant along with writing their own smoothie equipment list. Next week they will make smoothies, they are very excited about this!!

In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds to 10 and systematic number bonds, we have used part whole models, bar models and cubes to support our learning!!

In PE we 
worked as a team and in pairs to practice balancing, throwing and catching skills, they then finished off with a game of duck, duck, goose!

In RE, we have continued to learn about Judaism and in particular Tu B'Shevat, which is a Jewish holiday (The Jewish New Year for Trees). 

Today we will be spending time outside to celebrate 'Mental Health Day'!!

Picture: Two children labelling tomato plants.


St Cleer Primary Academy  

Posted 09/10/2024
by Kim Appleby

Choo-choo Tuesday!

Both Year 3/4 classes visited the Bodmin and Wenford Railway on Tuesday as part of their 'Learning Adventure' on 'The First Railways'.
We received VIP treatment with our own carriages and enjoyed keeping the ticket collector busy, punching 60+ tickets. We are very grateful to the Cornish Heritage Trust for funding our travel and offering us a grant for the coach travel - thank you.
During our lessons we've:
- described how the first trains and railways were developed and composed a timeline of important events in the history of rail travel.
explained why some steam locomotives are historically significant, say how and why steam locomotives changed over time and describe the similarities and differences of different steam locomotives.
described how and why the railway network in Britain grew and changed over time.

The Bodmin and Wenford Railway opened in 1834 during the Victorian era, we situated this on our British History Timeline within the class and discussed the use of the branch line in transporting minerals and agricultural sea sand.
During the journey, we completed train -themed booklets and following on from National Poetry Day, we were able to practise our choral poetry remembering the rhythm, rhyme and repetition.
If you'd like to book a trip yourself or find out more, please visit: The Railway - Bodmin Railway


Looe Primary Academy   Wednesday 9th October

Posted 09/10/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 9th October

Wow what a week so far!  We hope that you enjoyed the party last Friday!  Our class stall went well and so many children were enjoying our tattoos!

We have had a very busy week already!  On Monday, we had a guest speaker Ms Clifton.  She came in to talk to the children about when she was at school and also when her grandmother was at school during Victorian Times!  The children learned many different things including that there were no carpets - just wooden floors in school.  They were shocked at this and said it must have been so uncomfortable!

Today, they also had a "visit" from "Florence Nightingale".  They asked so many questions such as "What school did you go to?", "What did you do for work?" and "When were you born?".  They were so shocked again that Florence did not know what electricity was!  And tried to explain to her what a Playstation was!

In maths, we are coming to the end of our place value unit and will begin addition and subtraction next week.  Please do not forget that assignments are set on mathletics every week.  The children's logins are in the front of their reading records.

The children had the last of their science lessons for this half term today.  The Year Two children completed a wonderful experiment about hygiene and the Year Three children made a working arm to show how the biceps and triceps work!

The children also have their last French lesson for this half term tomorrow.  They will be learning the names of the colours.  It has been lovely to hear the children using their french language knowledge in the playground too!  I hope that they have been practising at home!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 11/10/24

Posted 09/10/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Mental Health Awareness Day

Today, we celebrated mental health awareness day by wearing yellow and prioritising our mental health. Marazion class have taken part in different activities including mindfulness activities, creating positivity badges and recognising what is is great about ourselves.

Other exciting learning this week has included learning about tectonic plate movements with Oreos, finishing our explosive painting as well as creating our personification poems.





Copper valley Junior Academy   Week ending 11th October 2024

Posted 09/10/2024
by Lynn Cox

We have reached the end of yet another busy week. We have our Harvest Festival in just under two weeks and we would appreciate any donations of dried and tinned foods which we can donate to the Callington Foodbank. Please send any products into the school office. You are all invited to join us at the Infant and Nursery Academy on 24th October at 1.30pm. 

Sadly, the committee of the Friend's have decided to resign their posts due to increased personal commitments. I would like to publicly thank them for the amazing fund raising efforts over the last few years. 

Thursday was World Mental Health day which saw lots of the children wearing yellow to school and taking time to think about positive messages to support people with mental health issues and ways in which to promote metal health wellness.


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Week ending 11th October 2024

Posted 09/10/2024
by Lynn Cox

We have reached the end of yet another busy week. Our Harvest Festival is in just under two weeks and we would appreciate any donations of dried and tinned foods which we can donate to the Callington Foodbank. Please send any products into the school office. You are all invited to join us on 24th October at 1.30pm. 

We are taking part in an NHS initiative called Big Brush Club. The children in EYFS and Year 1 have their own toothbrush and they brush their teeth at school after lunchtime. This helps them to perfect their technique and it reinforces messages about good oral hygiene.

Thursday was World Mental Health day which saw lots of the children wearing yellow to school and taking time to think about positive messages to support people with mental health issues and ways in which to promote metal health wellness.

Sadly, the committee of the Friend's have decided to resign their posts due to increased personal commitments. I would like to publicly thank them for the amazing fund raising efforts over the last few years. 

The Wiggle Cars are going down a storm. Each class is allocated time in the hall at lunchtime. Mrs Wright and her playground buddies have been brilliant, supervising everyone and keeping them safe. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   "Beary" Good Art!

Posted 09/10/2024
by Kate Clarke

"Beary" Good Art! 

This week in Year 1, the children have been experimenting in Art using different grades of pencils. We learnt that 'H' pencils are harder and make lighter lines and that 'B' pencils are softer and make darker lines. 

The children spent the first Art lesson making different lines - curved, wavy, straight, diagonal - as well as exploring how to cross hatch and make other marks, such as scribbled lines and dots and dashes to create different effects. 

For our second lesson, we carefully studied some teddy bears and photographs of real bears and talked about the different shapes, textures and tone. We then practiced sketching small parts of the bears in our sketchbooks - the ears, the muzzle, the sharp claws. We used the different marks we experimented with the previous lesson to see which effects worked best for each body part. 

Finally, we put together all our skills and sketched our chosen bear - either a teddy bear or a from a photograph in the style of Henry Moore, an artist who used different lines to create sketches of animals. Wow! We were so impressed with their efforts and we had an art gallery in our classroom so we could visit each other's work and comment on the parts we liked. The children were really positive about each other's work and the bears have made a fantastic display in our classrooms and in the corridor for all the school to enjoy - look out for them on parents evening! 


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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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