Posted 17/09/2024
by Eleanor Boney
Year 4 have made an excellent start to their learning and have impressed us already with some beautiful writing!
Check out our fabulous human models of solid, liquid and gas particles in action. We were "teamwork turtles" and worked together to read all about how the different particles move and decide how best to demonstrate this to the class. I think you'll agree we did a fantastic job!
After finishing our poems, we moved on to a unit based on "The Catch" (short movie - We used the video to help us include lots of descriptive details in our writing and are now revising how to use inverted commas properly for speech - which has included remembering our rhyme from Year 3 to help us remember..!
We have begun our baseline assessments for the multiplication check and will be sending the results home very soon. Extra practice at home really does make a difference so please do try and squeeze this in if you can! (
Swimming will begin on Monday 23rd September for all Year 4 children (please see the letter that has been send home for info). This will be in place of our P.E. on a Wednesday - so school uniform as normal on Wednesday please.
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs Graham, Mrs Keat and Mrs Hodkinson
Posted 17/09/2024
by Andrew Smith
In KS2 we are kicking off with place value. Pupils are learning to read number lines with a million, partition numbers flexibly, understand the value of a digit within a number and round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000.
We are also focusing on our Times Tables Space Race. Pupils have helped to create our display where they are each represented by a space rocket and they must learn there times tables to move onto the next planet. Ask you astronaut which planet they are on.
We are leaning to use sentence structures for the first three weeks of this term. We have 5 structures to learn: Verb starters, Conjunction starters, Adverb Starters, Sentence of Three and Embedded clauses. We are learning to use these structures, punctuate them properly and mix them together. Years 5 and 6 are taking these structures and creating an emotion,
Wider Curriculum
This term our topic is: Would you rather love in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age? We are focusing on being historians and looking at sources. How do we know how early humans live? How do historians make inferences? In music we are learning to play the recorder. We have so far Jazzed up Hot Cross Bun! There will be a performance at the Harvest Festival.
Posted 17/09/2024
by David Hannah
Our sister school, Pelynt Primary Academy is looking for a full-time (32.5 hours) Teaching Assistant to join our friendly and hard-working team.
The post is offered as a fixed-term position to the end of this academic year in the first instance.
The post would involve working with children across all age ranges and include a lunch-time supervisor role.
We are looking for a colleague who can bring enthusiasm, energy and a professional approach to all that they do and who are willing to engage in all aspects of school life. You will also have a smiley and nurturing approach that children will enjoy, and which will enable them to feel special in your care.
In return, Pelynt Academy offers a friendly, experienced and supportive team, who work well together and put the education and welfare of children at the heart of all we do. You can expect to receive high-quality support and training in a school that has a good reputation in the community and is committed to delivering the best outcomes for its children.
Please look at our vaccancies page for more details.
Posted 16/09/2024
by Claire Martin
We've had a lovely start to the new term. All the children have settled in brilliantly and have been having lots of fun making new friends. You will find a newsletter giving you important information about this term below.
Posted 16/09/2024
by Holly Strickland
Wow what a great start to the Autumn term! Last week, the children showed great determination in maths, especially when looking at large numbers as part of our place value topic and they have enjoyed developing their skills for characterisation in English. In the wider curriculum, they have been developing their footwork for Football, worked on rhythm in music and played the role of hunter gatherers from the Stone Age in an outdoor learning task. We also welcomed our first class pets for the year - some cute caterpillars!
Please see below for a few general updates and reminders:
Posted 15/09/2024
by Leonie Swabey
Talland class have had a fantastic first full week! As well as demonstrating some excellent Issy Manners, they have been working hard to follow our class rules and exercise their British Values by electing the new House Captains. Last week we voted for School Councillors - take a look at our Talland representatives V and K.
In English we have been finding out all about our school's namesake - Brunel. Ask your children what fascinating facts they found out about him. We will start to write these into a biography next week.
In maths we have began by learning the place value within numbers to 1,000,000. We've also been practising our 8 times table during our Minimaths afternoon sessions.
Excitingly, we had our second violin session with Sally this week; progressing to holding and using the bow! She was very complimentary about their rhythm and musicality.
We can't wait to see what the next week brings!
Posted 15/09/2024
by Nicholas Bowden
As part of our computing work over this term, we will be looking at the work that happened at Bletchley Park during the second world war including the deciphering of cryptic codes and the work of Alan Turing to help to decode the opposition force's messages.
The first lesson this week, was focused on famous codes including the Pig Pen Code, which is pictured. The children have enjoyed getting to grips with these codes as well as showing the ability to crack the codes themselves!
Posted 15/09/2024
by Michele Spencer
It has been a great start back to the new academic year. The children are settling back into their classes and routines. In assembly we have been focusing on the positive learning behaviours we want to harness as we work together on the next stages of our learning journey together. We talked about the power of words and how our words have the potential to add so much to our positive experiences together and how we feel about ourselves.
We spoke together about the nicest things people have said to us and these words made us feel. In the words of Dr Wayne W. Dyer “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind.”
We look forward to exploring these ideas together over the half term.
Posted 15/09/2024
by Janine Waring
We started our new academic year by remembering the important British Value of respect. We are so very polite and respectful to each other throughout the day at school, but do we really value and understand respect as the British Value of Mutual Respect and how this affects everything we do; not just open doors for each other, saying thank you and generally being polite?
We came up with so many examples of mutual respect in action at school and in our community. Some of the things we thought about were how we respect each other when adults are not looking, showing kindness, helping each other, disagreeing in a friendly and polite way, respecting the feelings of others, looking after things and animals, following the school rules etc. We had so much to talk about and we are now working on some sentences that we can display around the school to remind us that mutual respect is such an important value and one that can help us to have safe and happy lives.
We can't wait to see what we come up with!
Posted 13/09/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
What a lovely week it has been!
During our science lesson, we enjoyed exploring the school garden, where we were able to find plenty of signs that Summer is starting to turn into Autumn. The children have been learning about seasonal changes, and we have been really impressed at the range of scientific vocabulary that the children can now already use.
Reception are already getting the hang of their phonics learning, and have been enjoying a range of fun activities that have helped them this week. We hope all of the children will start to benefit from logging on to their new 'Teach your monster to read' account. Account details and passwords have been sent home this week.
On Monday, Penhallow enjoyed their first music lesson of the year with Mrs Butlin. They practiced using a range of percussion instruments to keep a steady beat, and enjoyed singing a range of songs.
In Geography this week, we have been learning about maps. The Year 1 children have created some plans of our classroom. We learnt about keys, directions and birds eye views. Thank you to those people who have emailed pictures of their houses. We will use these in our continuous provision areas.
We have been making an extra effort to keep active in Penhallow this week. Mr Langley has given each class the challenge of being active in school for at least 30 minutes a day, so we have been busy dancing at different times throughout the day.
Have a lovely weekend!
From the Penhallow team.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Sara McKillop
What a fantastic week Daymer have had this week! We are embedding Issy Manners and have now chosen our Year 6 House Captains!
In English, we have started our unit on descriptive settings, where we have retold the text, found some features and worked a lot with vocabulary.
In Maths, our Place Value unit has started in Year 3 and year 4. The children are working hard in number and knowing their values.
Our topic of 'How active is our planet?' has sparked interest and many, many questions, which we look forward to finding out this term! We learned, this week, about the different layers of the Earth. In art, we began to look at the artist Jackson Pollock who will inspire our EXPLOSIVE volcano paintings later this term. We talked a lot about changes; how they make us feel and about different thoughts we may have in PSHE. We worked on how to help ourselves when these thoughts and feelings are troubling us.
We have also enjoyed our first reading assembly this week where Miss Pentreath read the inspirational true story 'Emmanuel's Dream'-can your child tell you what it was about?
Don't forget to log reading so that we can give out more awards and prizes to the children please! Our picture is our Star Reader this week!
Posted 13/09/2024
by Joanna Rickard
Our first full week back in pre-school was about getting to know each other and learning about ourselves.
All about me activities allow the children to learn about their own self-identity including their physical features, emotions, likes and dislikes. Even at this young age we are building on their own self esteem. It also is a lovely theme to explore at the beginning of the school year to get to know everyone in our class.
This week’s book ‘Who are you?’ has been a great starting point to open discussions about what makes us who we are. We have introduced our ‘Grand Conversation’ time into our pre-school routine this week, with the children using a mirror to tell us what they could see as their individual features. We asked them to describe what colours they could see in their eyes and hair, could they give a big smile and see their teeth. The mirror activity was very popular, and they continued using it when making their own paper plate portraits.
We have also enjoyed plenty of outside play and painting while the September sunshine has been shining. Although we have definitely noticed a chill to the air on more windy days. Please do ensure you send a coat in with your child each day.
Next Wednesday18th September, a nurse from Old Bridge Surgery will be in our extension room to administer the flu vaccine from 9am. Parents are welcome to take their child in first before dropping them at the door as normal, or if your child attends pre-school on a Wednesday morning a member of staff can take them through if you are unable to.
Consent forms must be returned by Monday 16th September as they will be collected by the surgery.
Next week we will be talking about our homes and families, please do send in picture of your child with their family for us to add to our 'Family Wall'.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
The pre-school team.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Emily Randle
It's the end of our first full week and we have had a fun one! We are learning how to write a newspaper report in English. We will take what we have learnt and then create a report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its destruction of Pompeii. It's got everyone excited about writing about the tragic event and I look forward to reading their amazing reports in the coming weeks.
In Maths, it's Place Value and the Y6s are looking at numbers to 10,000,000 and Y5s to 1,000,000. We have investigated extreme weather conditions as part of our Geography and why the Roman army were so powerful in History. In Art, we have been learning perspective landscape drawing, creating work from a horizon line and vanishing point. Noah has really got to grips with this and has made a piece to be proud of! In ICT we have been learning about the Mars Rover and how the Binary system of data collection works.
Congratulations to Harry and Henry for being our People of the Week today for displaying our school value of being a 'responsible' role model - both for behaviour and attitude to learning.
I have attached the KIRFs for Autumn 1 as well as the homework grid and curriculum spellings (Y3-4 and Y5-6 pdfs below). Please continue to read every day and practise your KIRFs and spellings. It really makes a difference to your learning!
Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Mrs Hodge.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
It's been so lovely getting to know the new year 4's in Talland class and just wonderful seeing my year 5's back from their summer break.
I hope everyone had an amazing summer holiday and had a whole lot of fun - I'm sure you were kept busy!
We've kicked started into a very busy first couple of weeks back with our new enquiry question of... drum role please... 'WHY DO WE AGE?'
This enquiry gives us a great opportunity to delve into a bit of biology and take a look at the human body. Time for a whistle stop tour of what we've done so far...
Both year groups are looking at place value. The year 4's are building up to 10,000 while the year 5's have been building up to 1,000,000... lucky them! We've had resources out to help the children understand different representations of numbers. They need to know which digit represents which place value. Why not quiz your child. E.G. Which digit represents 5 tens in the number 9,354?
We have begun with instructions. Once we have found out all of the key features, children in Talland will have to write a set of instructions for a miniaturised individual to travel through a human digestive system. Which organ to gracefully pass through, what equipment they might need on their rather revolting adventure and key directional prepositions to safely guide our brave explorer out the body and down the toilet. Hopefully the children will add a cunning method to avoid getting flushed down the loo.
We will of course be looking at the digestive system, the roles and function of our mouth, food chains - these fun lessons will be accompanied with some fascinating science investigations and experiments. You have been given a lovely one to have a go at on your homework grid which has been attached.
On a Wednesday, Talland will have TAG RUGBY - this is tremendous fun and the children had a blast in the first lesson.
On a Thursday they will become relaxed and flexible with some refreshing YOGA.
There's a brief run down of some of the fun lessons we will be covering - there is of course, a whole load more (COMPUTING, ART, RE, PSHE, MUSIC and GEOGRAPHY) and I'll keep you up to date on those as the weeks progress.
Well done to Flora for earning her title as Talland's HANG TOUGH champion!
Well done to Lilly for being celebrated as last week's person of the week!
Well done to Frankie for being celebrated as this week's person of the week!
Well done to Tabbi, Skye and Archie for being nominated as HOUSE CAPTAIN's.
Well done to EVERYONE for a fabulous start to the year!
Important Information:
Please make sure PE kits are always in school with indoor and outdoor clothing. I like to keep your children as active as possible - Wednesday's and Thursday's are our designated PE slots.
Please make sure your child brings their reading records into school daily to hand in (they will bring it home everyday). It would be lovely if you could write some comments in there at least 3 times a week.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday - it would be amazing if you could practice these with them throughout the week (I will also attach these to the weekly blog).
KIRFs for this term were given out today (these will be attached to this blog.
Homework grids were given out today (this document will be attached to this blog). It would be so nice to share what the children have done with you at home. This can be in the form of show and tales and their work will be displayed on the 'WOW WALL'.
Your kids are great and I can't wait to get to know you all throughout the year. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask!
That's all from us in Talland Class this week. We hope you have an amazing weekend!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Chris Wathern
The beginning of the year is always busy getting back into the swing of things and mapping out all our learning and opportunities. It is also the time we elect or select our student leadership. This week, Mrs Orme met with our newly elected School Council. Our Year 6 children heard about the new responsibilities our House Captains will undertake this year. Mrs Orme and I look forward to their ‘interviews’ next week.
Alongside these roles, we also have other opportunities for student leadership, such as: Eco Council, Reading Ambassadors and Year 5/6 Play Leaders.
In the next couple of weeks, we will also be pairing up all our Year 5 and Big Nursery children, and our Year 6 and Reception children as ‘Buddies’. We look forward to supporting our youngest and eldest children develop confidence and empathy throughout the year together.
I was also pleased to meet the new Headteacher of Wadebridge School, Mr Mat Winzor. We toured our school and had a positive meeting about working together. Both schools are really invested in serving our community – exciting times ahead! Mrs Orme and I look forward to visiting Wadebridge School in October to take part in a Learning Walk and meet some of our former Year 6 students now in Year 7.
Coffee Morning – The Year Ahead
It was fantastic seeing so many parents this morning and being able to share our school development priorities and get feedback. If you couldn’t make it, the presentation slides have been emailed to you. We will be holding Coffee Mornings roughly every fortnight throughout the year - check out the dates emailed out today and on the Events section of our website. Some are just a social occasion and some have an additional workshop attached. We hope to see you there.
Meet the Teacher Presentations
Thank you for attending our recent Meet the Teacher presentations. If you couldn’t make it, we have uploaded all the slides to your child’s Class Page on our website. Thank you for the positive feedback as well as suggestions about timings/supervision for your children during this event. This is certainly something we will look at next year.
Asda App
If you have the Asda rewards app, your shopping will convert into money for our school.
The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz, Friday 18th October 7pm, Town Hall
Why not get a team together, get those thinking caps on and join us for a fun evening of quizzing at The Great Wadebridge Primary Academy Quiz being held at Wadebridge Town Hall. This quiz is being organised by FOWPA and will be run by everyone’s favourite quiz master, Robin Moorcroft.
There will be a bar on the night, prizes for the winning teams and a raffle where you can win
some beautiful hampers, filled with lots of goodies.
Our last quiz sold out in days and there are limited numbers so get your table booked early to avoid disappointment! £20 per table, max of six people.
All proceeds go to Wadebridge Primary Academy.
Thank you!
The FOWPA team
Please complete the necessary orange medical form from the office and ensure any medication is handed in to the office or your child’s teacher.
Bridge Kids and Nursery Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for Bridge Kids After School Club Assistants and Nursery Teaching Assistants. Please see the Vacancies page on our website for more information.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)
Don’t forget to sign up for ECAs by Sunday. This week, you will have also received information about DT Sports. DT Sports are one of our external providers also used to support the teaching of PE and sport. Their after school ECAs start next week and it isn’t too late to sign up!
Wishing you a fantastic (and warm) weekend.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
To start our learning adventure about the Kingdom of Benin we first discussed what we knew about Africa. We were able to ask Anenyasha about his ideas about Africa and he explained that Africa has many different countries and regions which have very different cultures and religions.
We used the Atlases to learn about the different countries which make up the continent of Africa. We discovered that there are 54 countries - the most in any continent. We used the Atlases to help us locate different countries on the continent of Africa and went on to discuss how we can use an 8 point compass to begin to be more accurate in our discussions about where different countries are in relation to each other.
We really enjoyed using the atlases and are looking forward to finding out lots more about the Kingdom of Benin.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood
Despite the wet weather this week, we were able to introduce the children to hockey. None of us had played hockey outside of school so our first session was about how to hold the hockey stick correctly and then a range of different drills to help us feel more comfortable running and dribbling with a hockey stick.
In the beginning we felt awkward and our dribbling skills were very slow and deliberate but after a few practice runs we were much more confident and dribbling with speed and accuracy.
We are very keen to get onto passing, pushing and hitting the ball in the weeks to come.
Posted 13/09/2024
by Rebecca Hughes
We have reached the end of our first full week in school,
and it has been a very busy one! The children are all tired, but because they
have had so much fun exploring!
Some of this weeks learning has included:
Learning phonemes s/a/t/and p. We have also practiced holding
our pencils with a tripod grip and learning to write these sounds! All the
children have worked so hard! The phonics sheets have been sent home via email today!
We have been making our hands and fingers strong by
completing doh disco activities, threading, making small peg patterns and using
scissors to make wonderful creations!
This week the children started to explore the story Were
Goin on a Bear Hunt. They listened to the story and recited the tory so well. They
went on a bear hunt around our outside
area using lost of different words. We then learnt the story using a story map
and made-up actions to imbed our knowledge of the story. Next week we explore
sequencing a story.
In maths this week we have been exploring counting to 5. The
children have been helping ‘Bruno’ our puppet to count, match and make numbers
to 5!
We have also made ourselves from playdough, explored
building blocks and Lego, made sandcastles, practiced our name writing, riding
the balance bikes and SO MUCH MORE!
We really have had the best week.
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
Posted 13/09/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 13/09/2024
by Ruth Smith
We love books at Nursery and we have lots of book stations around our room so the children can access books in many places.
We share a special focus story each term and as you may know, our current story is Owl Babies; we have been sharing the story at group story time and the children have even been reading the story to our own owl babies.
The children have been sharing books with their friends or reading them on their own, but they especially like it when Mr Woolner comes down to share books with them!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.