Posted 04/11/2024
by Laura Cole
Posted 29/10/2024
by Jane Cansdale
We have had a lovely Autumn October. In Science we have been looking at Seasonal changes.
During this time we looked at how the weather can change too. By making a Water Gauge and Wind Vane we were able to make observations throughout the week. We also took a look at the daily temperature.
To check out the strength of the wind we created our own kites. We noticed that on the day we decided to trial them the wind had died down but had moments of gusty wind. At those times the kites lifted into the sky.
The temperature stayed between 15 - 17C and our rainfall rose from 5cm upto 20 cm by the end of our observations.
Throughout October we managed two Autumn walks, finding red, orange and yellow leaves. The walk was a peaceful one with the sounds of birds singing and a few last butterflies fluttering around. It was great finding the Wind turbine and watching the blades go round.
It will soon be Halloween, have a lovely halfterm and spooky halloween!
Posted 27/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall
This week we were able to interview Mrs Brewer who became Florence Nightingale for us.The children asked some excellent questions using their knowledge of her childhood and working life.
This really helped us to understand the life of this very special famous person. We were then able to use this information to help us create very realistic diary entries in the role of Florence Nightingale.
In Maths we have started the addition and subtraction unit on White Rose. This week we have been looking at number bonds and related facts.
In Design Technology we have started researching puppets so that we can use this to help us design our own. We looked at how puppets were used for entertainment during the Victorian Times and at other times during history. We loved watching videos of Punch and Judy.
Posted 27/10/2024
by Michaela Wright
This month, we have been busy finishing our units of learning for the Autumn One half term. In Geography the children completed various pieces of work which helped them answer our topic question "What is climate change and what can we do about it?" The produced some fantastic posters to help present their findings.
In English, the children completed a non-fiction unit on persuasive writing which saw them create their own blog posts to try and convince people to look after the rainforests. They completed lots of work on the features of persuasive writing before planning and writing their own blog. They also used their climate change research from their Geography and Science lessons to help them.
In Maths, as well as completing lots of work on multiplication the children finished their addition and subtraction unit of learning and their Area unit of learning.
In Art the children finished their sketchbook work with the focus on comic book art by using their previously designed characters to create a page from their very own made up comic book. After this, they used one of the comic book squares they had come up with to create their final piece. They used watercolour to help them add tone and depth to this piece of work.
Posted 27/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
Posted 27/10/2024
by Leonie Swabey
This half term has seen so many exciting activities and opportunities for learning. We've taken part in cricket sessions, violin tuition, a trip to Bodmin jail and street dance to name a few!
This week our celebrations for Black History Month culminated in a sharing assembly whereby we saw which notable person of colour, from the past or present, each class has focussed on. In Talland class, we spent time learning about Mary Seacole - a black lady who, during the Victorian times, was incredibly selfless, nursing soldiers in the Crimean war.
After finding out about her struggles and successes, the children created their very own 'relief printing' tile from card. They then did wax crayon rubbings over these to produce their portrait of Mary. They used the 4 colours associated with Black History Month and found out about the significance of these.
We can't wait to see what exciting opportunities Autumn 2 brings!
We hope that you have a lovely half term: stay safe and enjoy some family time.
Posted 27/10/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons
Hello Everyone!
The children have been busy investigating all kinds of pumpkins this week. In English we have been reading the story 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper. We began by exploring a range of different pumpkins and used adjectives to describe them. The story inspired the children to make pretend pumpkin soup during play. They added all sorts of weird and wonderful ingredients. Reception enjoyed drawing and painting the pumpkins, while Year 1 wrote a list of ingredients for how to make pumpkin soup. We are really proud of the instruction writing that Year 1 have produced this week.
Today we took advantage of the weather and spent some time in the school garden, hanging up some home made bird feeders. We also enjoyed an art lesson, where we re-created some concentric circles, in the style of the artist 'Kandinsky
After half term, our enquiry question will be 'What was it like before I was born?' Every Friday, we will have a themed show and tell, where the children can bring in and talk about something from home. On the first Friday after half term, please can the children bring in an object or a picture from before they were born.
Have a lovely half term break.
From the Penhallow team.
Posted 26/10/2024
by Joanna Rickard
Our final week of Autumn Term 1 was finished with a Halloween theme with lots of fun activities, dressing up, dancing and cauldron bubble painting! It was a lovely fun week to finish on. On Thursday some of our children were lucky enough to be able to join the whole school in watching the Squashbox Theatre productions. The children sat beautifully to watch the performances.
This half term has been full of wonderful learning with our enquiry question ‘Who Am I?’ We have covered what makes us special, families, homes, diversity and how we can keep ourselves healthy.
We have also celebrated all things Autumn, and the changes this season brings.
When we return after half term our new enquiry question is ‘What happens on a farm?’ We are looking forward to covering some special celebrations during the term too!
We hope everyone has a fantastic and fun half-term break, and we look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 4th November.
The Pre-School Team
Posted 25/10/2024
by Sara McKillop
Posted 25/10/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
What a fabulous Autumn term 1 it's been. It's been so lovely getting to know Talland as a class and I have to say - what an exceptional group of children we have! They've all worked so hard, helped each other to learn along the way and have had a load of fun doing so! I'm so proud of each and every one of them - keep up the great work Talland!
Maths: Children have worked their way through PLACE VALUE, ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION and the year 5s even learnt VOLUME!
Writing: We've made fantastic instructions for travelling through the digestive system and have been writing an adventure narrative based on saving the Micro Monster, who was kidnapped by Acidro (the evil gastric acid beast), whilst following our instructions to travel through the digestive system. What a cheeky little acid monster Acidro is!
Art: Talland created an amazing mixed media collage by making a mood board of school based objects, choosing which collage they preferred, experimenting (over a course of lessons) how to tint, shade and create different textures with paint and produce fantastic final piece.
Science: WE delved into the digestive system, looked at teeth and food chains. This was so much fun!
Geography: Talland looked at erosion, defenses for erosion and the impact erosion has on communities that live near the coast. We also explored different physical features of coasts - some children took some amazing photos of these different features with their parents - a huge WELL DONE there!
Well, that was a brief break down of just some of the learning that took place over the last 7 weeks. I have had a great time and I hope your children have too!
That's all from Talland - we hope you have a magnificent half term and look forward to seeing you all soon!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.
Posted 25/10/2024
by Helen King
The children across KS1 had a very special visitor this week to help with their learning about the Great Fire of London. Samuel Pepys came into class and helped them create timelines of the events, he taught them a game and they wrote using quills (which they got to take home!).
The children have all worked so hard over the last few weeks, it's not time to have a break and come break fresh and ready to learn!
Posted 25/10/2024
by Louise Owen
We've been very busy. Learning about Noah in RE, what responsibility is, what collage is and looks like in art, how scientists create and conduct fair tests.
We've been finding out about the Bronze and Iron Age and how Stonehenge was created.
Posted 25/10/2024
by Caroline Hambly
This term, Year 5 have finished their learning about WWII. We looked at passages from Anne Frank's diary and discussed what we could learn about WWII from these. Then, we thought about the reliability of the primary sources that exist from WWII, including Anne Frank's diary and propaganda. We discussed at length, the actions of Hitler and how peoples' opinions of him wouldn't necessarily match our own.
In PE this term, we have been learning to play Tag Rugby and thinking about the best ways to attack and defend
On the 10th October, it was World Mental Health Day. All pupils came to school dressed in yellow and Year 5 made 'Chatterboxes' to help them ask questions and reflect on maintaining their positive mental wellbeing.
Finally, a massive well done to Merry whose art won 1st prize at the Honey Fair!
Posted 25/10/2024
by Emily Randle
What a lovely last week of the first half term we have had!
We have completed and edited our Back to Pompeii timeslip story and are in the process of writing up our best copy as part of our handwriting lessons. Everyone has worked extremely hard and have produced writing with language which creates mood, atmosphere and tension. I look forward to reading them!
Y6s have been learing a range of strategies to solve division problems (including short division and factor division) whilst the Y5s have been learning about multiples and factors. They all have a focus times table which they will need to practise their fluency and recall of.
Wider Curriculum
We wrapped up our enquiry into Ancient Rome and its influence on Britain by having a Roman Day on Thursday. We had such fun baking honey biscuits, engaging in gladiator battles, eating typical Roman foods for that era and making shields and jewellery. We completed our day by testing out our aquaducts and we invited Penhallow class to watch our 'destruction of Pompeii', re-enacting the fateful events of 24th August AD79.
Chaipel staff have thoroughly enjoyed our first half term of the year and we wish you all a lovely break.
Thanks for your support and see you all back at school on Monday 4th October.
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary, Mrs Hodge and Miss Colton.
Posted 24/10/2024
by Anthea Hillman
It was great to see so many parents and carers at the foodbank assembly on Tuesday after school. They have
welcomed the kind donations you have made. As they said, if you are aware of anyone who is
struggling, please point them in the direction of the foodbank or indeed, if you would like support,
please contact school. We recognise it is a challenging time for everyone. Attached is a rural pop up
poster to look out for which will contain details of the local pop-up where they will be giving free help
for those in need of food, energy support, benefit checks and much more.
House Points
School Council has added up the house points for this half term. House Points are given to the
children when they demonstrate our school values: Curious, Creative, Excellent, Responsible,
Determined and Enthusiastic. We have been focusing on ‘Responsible’ this half term:
Congratulations to Oak who are in the lead with 112 points followed by Ash with 79 points, Willow
with 74 points and Chestnut with 56 points.
Class blogs and the Heads’ blog on this website are updated weekly so that we can share with
you what the children are learning. We will also post information messages on our resurrected
Polperro Primary Academy Facebook page – please follow us. This is in addition to the weekly
Friday update which will contain all of the messages and information you need about school in one
Parent Consultations – week of 4th November. Thank you all for signing up for parent consultations. These are straight after half term. There will
be no clubs the week of the 4th November however wraparound care will continue as usual.
Clubs will restart on the week commencing 11th November. Monday: After School Football Club (Mr Langley) for years 3,4,5 % 6 Tuesday: Lunchtime ECO Club (Miss Randle) for years 3 to 6, some places by invitation
Wednesday: Lunchtime Mindfulness and Art Club (Mrs Wilkie) for years 2 to 6
Thursday: Lunchtime Music and Singing Club (Mrs Fitzsimmons) for years R, 1 and 2
Friday: After School Running Club (Miss Bowden and Mrs Turnbull) for years 3-6.
Half Term Activities
Please find attached information about a children’s book launch in Polperro on Saturday; Halloween
Activities in Looe next week; Cornwall Cricket Holiday Camps and Half Term Football Roadshows
with Plymouth Argyle Community Trust.
Flu Nasal Vaccination YR – Y6
This will take place on Wednesday 6th November. Here is the information you need in order to sign
Flu Link (all years):
School Code: EE142953
Deadline to submit: Monday 4th November, noon
If you have already submitted a consent form, then you do not need to do another one. If you are
unsure or have any problems, please call the School Immunisation Team on 01872 221105
I would like to remind you that we do not authorise holidays within term time unless
circumstances are exceptional. Unfortunately, attendance across the school for this half term has
been below the national average and under the new statutory guidance, we have had to consider
fining for some families. If you require your child to be out of school for an exceptional reason a
form MUST be submitted at least 15 days before the proposed absence.
Coming up next half term…
• Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will be taking place from Monday 11th-Friday 15th November and
has the theme ‘Choose Respect’. The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday
11th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all
unique. Odd Socks are all about fun and laughter, but more importantly they deliver a
message of individuality, acceptance and tolerance. We will be joining in with Odd Socks
Day. All the children need to do is wear odd socks on Monday 11th please.
• Children in Need, MUFTI Day Friday 15th November
For our Children in Need MUFTI fundraiser day on Friday 15th November, please send your
child in wearing spotty clothes, pyjamas or anything colourful on the day. A donation of £2
or more to Children in Need will be collected in class. We also have a supply of “Pudsey
Ears” for the School Council to sell after half term. These cost £2.50 with all profits going to
Children in Need.
Tomorrow, 25th October, is an INSET day. We wish you all a lovely half term break and look forward
to seeing everyone back in school from 8:30 am on Monday, 4th November.
Thank you for your support this half term.
Mrs Hillman
Posted 24/10/2024
by Julie Pearce
Posted 24/10/2024
by Julie Pearce
Storytellers made pumpkin soup, which they enjoyed in the winter sunshine around the campfire, where they warmed their bread and watched the fire crackle and smoke. The children enjoyed scooping the pumpkin and pulling out the slippery seeds. Everyone explored the textures and smells as they prepared the soup and excitedly took the leftover peel outside for the squirrels to enjoy! This was some of the younger children’s first experience sitting around the fire and learning about our rules to keep everyone safe. They were fantastic at listening, and everyone enjoyed tucking into their soup before spending time playing with the mud kitchen
Posted 24/10/2024
by Jane Wills
We have come to the end of our enquiry “Changes to Children’s Lives through times”. This week, we captured the knowledge gained from different subjects so the children can see how their learning as historians, scientists and artists have progressed. I have included some photos of the final pieces of art the children have produced at the end of our drawing unit, they have also been uploaded to their SeeSaw journals so you can admire them from home.
On Tuesday, we joined the Primary Futures team for another round of Guess My Job. The children asked some brilliant questions to try and gauge which jobs the visitor have within the Aviation Industry. This time, despite some great interrogating questions, we did not manage to guess the Air Traffic Controller and Pilot trainer, however this did not dampen any spirits. The children remembered our trip to Bodmin Airfield last year and the visit to the control tower so had some experiences to link the jobs to. As always, these meetings inspire and aspire, and we have had some god conversations around how education pathways can lead to jobs and how gender no longer act as a barrier for dream jobs.
After half term, we are moving the time table around so PE will be Mondays and Thursdays. We hope to have outdoor PE on Mondays so please wear joggers and jumpers, for Thursday’s sessions we will be in the village hall so shorts under joggers might be a good option.
I hope you have a lovely break next week. Look forward to seeing everyone back Monday 4ht November.
Mr Twaite and Mrs W
Posted 24/10/2024
by Michele Spencer
Thank you to everyone who came to join us to celebrate Harvest Festival this afternoon. There was a generous donation from the community to the Liskeard Food Bank who also attended in support. Have a lovely half term and see you on the 4th November.
Posted 24/10/2024
by Darren Woolner
As we wrap up the first half term, I want to take a moment to thank you for your incredible support. Your involvement and encouragement have made a significant difference in our children's experiences and achievements. Wishing you and your families a safe and happy half term! We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 4th November refreshed and ready for the next exciting term. Please find attached Issue 9 of The Brunel Bulletin for your reading.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.