Posted 04/10/2024
by Joanna Rickard
A week celebrating friendship and birthdays!
This week our book ‘Anyone Can Be My Friend’ had us reading about a special bear who travels the world looking for a friend and ends up finding many. It celebrates our amazing diversity and that every single person in this world is special and unique.
There are so many details on each page that the children really enjoyed looking at the illustrations and talking about what they can see.
Taking inspiration from our story we have created our own ‘Friendship Tree’ to put up on the wall, all our handprints different but special in their own way.
The children have also really enjoyed making their friendship bracelets, telling us who they were making them for and why. The threading of beads and pasta tubes has been great for their fine motor skills development and a lovely activity to watch the children figure out how to thread themselves. Not always an easy task for little hands!
We took a blustery walk over to forest school earlier in the week and picked some apples from the tree. We have exciting plans for these next week when we celebrate harvest. We also went on a leaf hunt to find the biggest leaves whilst they were crispy and dry!
We have had 2 birthdays this week, a big happy birthday to both Tommy and Albie – thank you for sending in cupcakes to share with your friends.
Finally, next week will see us celebrating the beginning of autumn and harvest time. The Harvest Service held by Reverend Richard will be in church on Friday 11th at 2.15pm.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,
The Pre-School Team.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Jacob Lewis
Posted 04/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
This week, the Y4 pupils spent some time helping out in the local community. They helped to brighten up the play area in Woodland Way by spending two hours painting some of the play equipment. They did a fantastic job and worked extremely hard.
On Saturday, Miss Owen led a group of fantastic singers at Honey Fair. They were christened the 'Copper Valley Singers' and they entertained people in the town hall beautifully- there was also some audience participation, encouraged by Miss Owen!
We were delighted to share joint first place with Callington Primary School for the Honey Fair art prize.Two of the members of the Lion's Club visited our celebration assembly at the Infant and Nursery base to present our award.We received a shield and £100 which we will share between both schools! Well done to the following children who were awarded rosettes in their year groups- Serena (Y1), Bella (Y2), Rafe (Y4), Merryn (Y5) and Jonah (Y6).
Posted 04/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
We’ve had a busy September in nursery getting to know our new children and making new friends. We started the month talking about ourselves and our likes and dislikes and made collages that reflected our individual personalities.
We introduced the season of Autumn and discussed what we already know and what we’d like to learn. To help extend our understanding we have decorated and sent home Autumn treasure bags so we can collect items and return to nursery to show our friends.
We promoted our British values by using a voting system to choose our children’s interest role play area – the most votes went to a Fire station.
We introduced tooth brushing in nursery to promote good oral health and the children have done a great job keeping their teeth clean.
One of our stories this month was ‘The Gruffalo’ and we enjoyed lots of themed activities. Down the woods we went on a Gruffalo hunt, looking for the characters in their habitats
Posted 04/10/2024
by Leonie Swabey
This week, we have been watching the two new chicks growing before our very eyes! In fact, they have developed their voices so much in order to ask for food that they have moved into the room next door to us (Finnygook) to ensure we have peace for learning! We are eager to see what the next week brings as the next batch of eggs are due to hatch on or around Monday...
As well as being fortunate enough to continue with our extra-curricular Time to Shine cricket sessions with Chris, and ASONE violin sessions with Sally, we have been particularly busy in our core subjects. In English we have completed our drafts of our Brunel biographies and have begun writing them up onto information posters. We have been promoting presentation and handwriting as a school; I think you'll be impressed with the transformation in some of our handwriting already this year. Watch out next week to see some completed biographies, complete with illustrations and images...
In maths we have been persevering with our place value unit. Our focus has been on rounding numbers this week - all the way up to rounding numbers within 1 million! It is a tricky skill to master, but is exceedingly helpful out in the real world to ensure that we can judge 'roughly' how many things we will need for a project, how much 'roughly' shopping will be etc.
Our Religious Education topic for this half term is 'Christianity: What Would Jesus Do?'. This week, we analysed Christian prayers and had a go at writing a short prayer of our own: some giving thanks and some making requests for support for ourselves, or others. We were really impressed with how caring and thoughtful Talland class members can be - a great example of our school values and Issy manners in action.
Dates for your diary next week:
Monday 7th Oct - 1pm Harvest Assembly held in the hall (all parents and carers welcome to attend)
Wednesday 9th Oct - 2.30pm Parent Cafe being hosted by Mr Woolner (come along and have a chat, raise any questions you may have, share suggestions)
Thursday 10th Oct - Mental Health Awareness Day (Children are welcome to wear something yellow to school)
Posted 04/10/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
What an 'eggsellent' week we've had in Talland class this week (excuse the pun)! Here's a brief run down of it...
Both year 4 and 5 have completed their place value units and have moved swiftly on to addition and subtraction. It's always fun to get your child solving some addition and subtraction problems at home - especially when it comes to money - you can't have them short changing you now (joke)!
The children have written up their instructions for helping a minaturised monster travel through a digestive system. They have been great to read!
We have begun our experiment to see what happens to an egg when left in a particular liquid for a week. What do you think will happen? Why not ask your child why we used an egg to replicate a tooth...
We've continued to experiment with white (to tint) and black (to shade) paint. We tried painting a mug this week - First, the children draw the mug, then we added either black or white to the paint to show elements of where the light was shining on the cup and where is was most shaded. Talland did a fantastic job!
A massive thank you to the Oars of Thunder crew for bringing their rowing boat in to show and talk to the children about. The vessel will be rowed around the Atlantic - what an amazing achievement that will be once they have conquered it! We wish you all the best on your journey!
Attached are the spellings for both year groups next week.
We hope you have a spectacular weekend and we can't wait for Monday!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss Colton.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Anthea Hillman
Another busy week at Polperro School has seen a visit from George Orwell’s son, Richard Blair, to
discuss an exciting upcoming project involving writing, art and nature. The project will start next half
term and will culminate in the children presenting their art and writing as part of the annual
conference of Orwell Society which is taking place in Polperro in October 2025.
The World's Toughest Row
We had an amazing visit today from the crew of Oars of Thunder, who spoke to the children about
the World’s Toughest Row by Atlantic Campaigns which brings together teams from all walks of life
to take on the unique challenge of crossing an ocean in a rowing boat. The team of four will be
rowing more than 3000 Miles west from San Sebastian in La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain to
Nelson’s Dockyard, English Harbour, Antigua & Barbuda . The race begins in early December 2024,
with up to 30 teams participating from around the world. Our pupils will be following the team’s
progress during the race with interest.
The team (Sally, Kim, Nat and Harry) brought the boat, Oars of Thunder, onto the school field and all
of our pupils were lucky enough to go onboard and have a look round.
Wear yellow for World Mental Health Day
Next Thursday is World Mental Health Day and our School Council is asking pupils to come to school
in MUFTI and wear something yellow to raise vital funds for Young Minds,
and show children and young people they’re not alone with their mental health. A donation of £1
or more to Young Minds will be collected in class.
Harvest Assembly and Donations
We will be holding a harvest assembly for the children in school on Tuesday 8th October with
Reverend Allen.
We are collecting donations for the foodbank in Liskeard. If you would like to donate, please send
your donation in with your child or bring it to reception where there will be a collection box. There
will also be a collection point in the nursery. We will be taking donations to the foodbank at half
School Open Morning
Do you know anyone looking for a school for their Reception age child in September 2025? If so,
please pass them the attached information regarding our open morning on 13th November, 9:30 –
Spooky Discos
we will be holding Spooky school discos on Thursday 24th October, the last day of this half term.
Tickets are on sale in the office and cost £3. The disco for Reception, Year 1 and year 2 will be from
3:15-4:15pm. Pupils should bring a change of clothes and will be able to change after school. KS2
(years 3-6) children should go home at the usual time of 3:15pm and then return to school for their
disco which will be from 4:30-6:00pm. Please find attached a poster for this event and the FOPS
Quiz which will be held on Friday 15th November.
We Are Music (WAM)
Pupils from year 3 to year 6 are welcome to attend the WAM music ensemble, led by Mrs Butlin, at
Looe Community Academy (Music Department) on Monday’s 4pm-4:45pm term time. The first two
sessions are free then it is £3 per week. To book a place please email if your child
is interested.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Hillman
Posted 04/10/2024
by Jane Wills
Routines are firmly now embedded and the children are confidently navigating and manipulating their prior knowledge and applying this to support new learning. We have completed the place value unit and are exploring addition and subtraction for Year 3, 4 and 5 while the Year 6 children are recapping addition, subtraction multiplication and division by exploring the conceptual ideas in depth to make sure their procedural knowledge is sound
We have come to the end of sentence stacking lessons and the children are now planning and writing their independent piece of writing. Our first piece this year is a narrative based on empathy and friendship. Once these are complete, we will publish their final works and share them with Canute class in our reading assembly.
We continue to explore how children’s lives have changed through the years and this week we have investigated the work of Lord Shaftesbury in introducing working rights bills to protect child workers in Victorian times. There is lots of new vocabulary to learn for this unit of work, so we are finding different ways to recap and retrieve learning to make sure concepts are embedded and lodged in the long-term memory.
In rounders, we upped the skill level as the children had the chance to use the rounders bat for striking. It was great to watch how their technique improved across the session with much further strikes giving the fielders a good workout.
This week, we have investigated how rubbings can create textures to make frottages. Inspired by Max Ernst, we used a variety of materials to create the textured rubbings which the children then used to create their frottage with great results.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs W
Posted 04/10/2024
by Jane Wills
On Monday, we had a visit from Captain Paul Thomas, Fowey Harbour Master. He shared details of what life working as a harbour master entails, how you might became a harbour master and what characteristics you need to do well in the job. The children thoroughly the talk and they asked lots of fantastic questions, we were all very proud of their capacity for listening, understanding and curiosity.
This week we also had the School Council elections to replace 1 outgoing KS2 councilor and add a Year 2 councilor to the group. Many of the children had spent the weekend preparing their speeches and used a combination of persuasion and promises to prove their eligibility. In the end, the school voted for Ronnie, Ailla and Joyce who will join Tegan (chair), Antonia and Nathan to form the new school council. They will have their first meeting in a couple of weeks and the agenda is quickly filling up.
Our Year 6 children went to Fowey River Academy on Thursday for their first transition day. They returned bearing gifts and full of enthusiasm from a busy but exciting day. I think we will be hearing about this visit for weeks to come.
Rehearsals for Harvest Festival are in full swing supported by Mrs Butlin. We are now all humming along to “Big red combine harvester” and “Five a day”. Hope to see many of you at Saint Saviour’s next Friday 11th October at the new time of 11am for the occasion.
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Joyce for always offering great contributions to our guided reading sessions that support her peers and help her own learning move on.
Mya for reading with confidence making super use of her phonics learning to progress her reading skills.
Star of the Week:
Ailla for being curious and asking the most brilliant questions during our visit by Captain Paul Thomas
Irina for being role model for our class, always showing great learning behaviours by asking questions of teachers and visitors to find out more.
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 04/10/2024
by Sarah Evans
What a brilliant start to Y2 the children have made!
We started by discussing the rules every day in the first week so that we are really clear on what is expected of us.
Lots of us are already earning certificates for showing our school values in different ways.
In our English work, we have been looking at 'The Diary of a Wombat' and picking out the features of diaries.
We linked this to our 'Great Fire of London' topic and finished the unit by writing a diary of 'Maureen' the rat, who was an eye witness in the Great Fire.
Maths has been mainly about place value, reading, writing and comparing numbers. We have started each lesson with daily counting in twos, fives and tens.
In History, we have learnt about the events of the Great Fire, why and how it happened. We have compared fire fighting equipment, past and present and also tried to place events on a timeline. We are very much looking forward to the fire brigade visiting us in a couple of weeks so that we can learn about how fires are dealt with nowadays.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Emma Johnston
Posted 04/10/2024
by Katie Grinsted
Another busy week has flown by! The highlight has definitely been our English lessons which have focused on instructions. The children carefully followed the instructions to make Paddington's favourite snack - a marmalade sandwich! They were absolutely fantastic at using the instructions to carry out each step and Paddington kept a watchful eye on their progress! It was agreed that the best part of all was eating the yummy marmalade sandwich at the end!
We are all looking forward to planning our own instructions for making a different sandwich next week.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Chris Wathern
Trips, Residentials & Experiences
Year 6 all had a fantastic evening last Friday, playing games, eating a fish and chip supper, watching a film and managing a few hours of sleep! Thank you to all the staff involved for providing this opportunity for Year 6 – we all had a great time.
Next up, we have the Year 3 Sleepover in November – please see the email sent home yesterday for further details of how to sign up.
We have an exciting range of trips and experiences planned for all year groups throughout the year. Check out the email sent home today for more information.
SEND Coffee Morning – Wednesday 9th October from 08:30
Mr Smith and Mrs Clayson will be organising a half-termly coffee morning with a focus on different Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) themes. They will also be joined by other guests, such as autism advisors, family support workers and the mental health support team.
Their first coffee morning is next Wednesday 9th October, particularly relevant for our Nursery and Reception parents (although everyone welcome). Claire Harris, a specialist Early Years Inclusion worker will be attending and Mrs Yates will also call in to answer any questions.
Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop – Friday 11th October from 08:30
Next Friday after drop off, Mrs Reeve is also hosting a coffee morning and sharing some tips on helping your child with reading at home. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you there.
For both coffee mornings, just come along to the office after drop off, and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Well done Salvador!
Salvador ‘Braved the Shave’ for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all of his sponsors and cheerleaders. He has raised an impressive £235 and will donate his long hair to The Princess Trust. Everyone is very proud of you, Salvador!
Harvest Food Collection for Wadebridge Foodbank
Thank you for the generous donations ready to send on to the Wadebridge Foodbank. Your kindness will help those in need of food and toiletries and is very much appreciated.
Eco Council
Did you know your child can borrow a litter picker from school to help keep Wadebridge tidy? Just ask your class teacher or Mrs Harrison to borrow one (not forgetting to return after use). If you’re able to take any photos of your child in action helping to keep our environment tidy, please email them to and we can add them to our Eco Council display. Thank you for your help.
From the Eco Council
Year 3 Jaguar Adoption
Last year our current Year 3s hosted a Rainforest Cafe as part of their Year 2 wider curriculum learning and to raise money and awareness. They explored the effects of climate change and deforestation on the rainforest. Thank you to the parents and grandparents for attending the Rainforest Cafe and helping them raise money.
As a year group, they voted to adopt two jaguars from the WWF as well as donate funds to plant trees. Today in our Celebration Assembly, both Year 3 classes were presented with their adoption packs, which included their new class mascots (names to be confirmed...) The jaguars join our two adopted orangutans that are safely being looked after by our Year 4s. We look forward to doing the same again with our current Year 2s and adding to our animal collection!
House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Cormorants. For a third week running, Swans have the most overall points, but their lead is narrowing:
Swans – 1358
Choughs – 1000
Cormorants – 997
Puffins – 910
FOWPA Bake Off and Cake Sale – Monday 21st October (Hall)
All children are invited to get creative and bake cupcakes, cookies or traybakes for a HUGE bake sale in the school hall on Monday 21st October from 3pm.
Each home-baked entry needs to be dropped off at the school hall on Monday 21st October after drop off in the morning. Please label all plates/boxes/containers with name and class, so these can be returned to your child’s classroom.
Each entry MUST come with an ingredients list for allergens…PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL…and without the list we sadly cannot sell your yummy bakes!
The winners of each year group will be presented with a certificate and commemorative tea towel in assembly by Mr Wathern.
All of your yummy bakes will be sold at the end of the school day. Please feel free to donate what you see fit during the sale. All children and parents/carers are welcomed, and all proceeds go towards FOWPA fundraising initiatives for WPA.
Let’s get creative…HAPPY BAKING!
Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show
The Cornish Winter Fair and Prime Stock Show will be taking place at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Saturday 23rd November. It is always fantastic to see the wonderful entries from children at our school on display. If your child would like to enter, the entry information and children's classes are listed below.
Entry closing date is Monday 4th November 2024
Please send entries to: Wadebridge Prime Stock Show, The Showground, Wadebridge. PL27 7JE
Tel: 01208 814489
7 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
165 4 chocolate crispies
166 An animal created from a pine cone/s
167 A paper plate mask
11 Years and Under (On 23rd November 2024)
168 4 butterfly buns
169 A Christmas tree decoration, to be hung
170 A miniature garden (standard seed tray size)
Hall for Cornwall Colouring Competition
HfC are running a colouring competition with the chance to win tickets to see the Very Hungry Caterpillar Show. The winner will be selected week beginning 14th October. For your chance to enter, further information has been sent home via email.
Dates coming up next week
Monday 7th October
Year 4 Swimming
Tuesday 8th October
Year 6 Swimming
Wednesday 9th October
08:45 SEND Coffee Morning with Mr Jonathan Smith and Mrs Donna Clayson
Year 1 – Mark's Ark Encounters (experience in school)
Year 3 Swimming
Thursday 10th October
Year 5 Swimming
Friday 11th October
08:45 Coffee Morning & Shared Reading Workshop with Mrs Paula Reeve
Nasal Flu Vaccinations
Have a fantastic weekend!
Posted 04/10/2024
by Helen King
This week in Lantic Class we have been very busy making marmalade sandwiches to help us with our instruction writing. The children really enjoyed making them however, some were less keen when eating them!! Paddington must have a different palate than the children...
In Science, we helped astronauts as we discovered they wear nappies!! We needed to find out what was the most absorbent material - we found that cotton wool was slight better than sponge at soaking up water.
During history, we learnt how the Great Fire of London started. We discovered that it was over 350 years ago (long before Mrs Stevens and Miss Sleep were born!) in 1666 in our capital city, London. It started when a spark from the Bakery oven lit up the wooden buildings along Pudding Lane (it had been a hot summer and the buildings were built very close to each other). We also experimented creating flames using chalks in our art lesson today.
In Guided Reading we sequenced how to make a jam and peanut sandwich after watching a video where we saw how important it is to make sure the instructions are VERY clear.
And what we've noticed is lots of our learning is orange based! The colour not the fruit...
Posted 04/10/2024
by Darren Woolner
What a week it has been at Brunel! Please enjoy reading through Issue 6 of The Brunel Bulletin.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Sara McKillop
It has been another great week for Daymer class!
On Monday, half of the class went to St Anne's to celebrate Active Aging Week! They joined in with some chair yoga and stretched their brains with a tricky quiz! It was great fun!
We celebrated National Poetry Day 2024 by taking part in a Guinness World Record attempt for the world's largest poetry lesson! Please see the post below this one for a special recording for the children and a copy of the poem and THANK YOU letter!
On Wednesday, we enjoyed learning more cricket skills with Cricket Chris and on Tuesday we learned dodging skills in PE (netball).
In Science, we've been learning about three different types of rock (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) and how they are formed. We've already modelled some in edible form and are learning a song, with actions to help us remember. So this week we put on our safety specs and investigated which rock would make the best material for a statue of Mr Woolner! What a crazy idea!
On Thursday, we learned about Harvest thanks to the NFU live lesson, ahead of our Harvest Assembly on Monday.
The children have been developing their SHAPE for learning well this week - can they tell you what this means?
On Thursday next week, we are celebrating Mental Health Awareness day, where the children are welcome to wear something yellow and we will be exploring different ways of keeping mindful. There is also a Parent Cafe next Wednesday at 2.30pm.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Sara McKillop
Also, a copy of the poem and a thank you letter are in the files below - each child will get a paper copy of these to have!
Posted 04/10/2024
by Emily Randle
Welcome to our new Year 6 bloggers: Verity, Joel and Ava.
It's another busy week in Chaipel. We have finished writing up our newspaper report best copies and they all look amazing! In Maths, the Y5s have finished place value and are now onto adding and subtracting, whilst the Y6s are learning the rules of divisibility.
Chaipel have enjoyed learning about what causes a tsunami in Geography and who Boudica was, and her influence over the Roman invasion of Britain. Did you know 'tsunami' means 'harbour wave' in Japanese? - VERITY
In ICT, we are learning about the Mars Rover and have been creating instructions for sending data from Mars back to Earth. Recently, we were lucky enough to have a visit from George Orwell's son who we will be working with on an exciting project in the Spring term. More information to follow...
We have been experimenting with tinting and shading in Art, and been looking at atmospheric landscapes. They look fab!
We've had another fabulous Funky Friday, listening to music and dancing our hearts out at lunchtime. - AVA
On Wednesday, our Readers of the Week were Lily and Phoebe, our Writers of the Week were Aria and Max B for their newspaper reports and our Mathematicians of the Week were Kora and Harrison. A big well done to those guys!
Today some amazing people came in to show us the boat that they will be sailing across the Atlantic in, later on this year. We learnt that two people would row whilst the other two would sleep or eat. We wish them lots of luck and hope to follow their adventure! - JOEL
Have a fab weekend!
Verity, Ava and Joel (Chaipel's Y6 Bloggers)
Posted 04/10/2024
by Sorrel Gerken
had a busy but an amazing start to Week 4!
On Monday 23rd September, the boys
went to the Royal Cornwall Show Ground for ‘Boys Active’ and on Tuesday 24th
September the girls went there for ‘Our girls can’. They all had a wonderful
time engaging in a range of activities lead by sports leaders from the
secondary school. From archery to tag rugby, to mountain biking, it is
safe to say the day were packed with fun and laughter.
On Friday 27th September, the
children participated in the Macmillan coffee morning, raising money for the
charity. The children decorated the hall, brought cakes, make bookmarks and
had the chance to beat their parents at games. It was a lovely morning shared
by all! Below is a comment from Lexie in 6B:
Today we ran the Macmillan coffee morning, we
made money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had
made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins,
and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade
cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas specially made by our
classes. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes
to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent
event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our
community appreciate our hard work and efforts!
That evening the fun continued with our Year 6
camp out. All the children came back to school dressed in their PJ’s. We played
games, had fish and chips, watched a movie with sweeties and FINALLY went to
sleep. It was such an amazing evening and will certainly by a memory that we
will cherish forever.
Over the past two weeks, we have started our
new learning journey of Poetry. In this journey, the children will explore a
range of grammatical skills and knowledge to create their own poems that enhance
imagery. The journey is based on the text Rose Blanche by Ian McEwan. So far,
in the journey, the children have used their VIPERS skills to explore the text,
studied the key features and created their own word banks using figurative
In Maths, we have begun our addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division learning journey. The children have
looked at common factors, common multiples, rules of divisibility and primes to
100. During the lessons, the foundational skills needed have been times tables
and the importance of having fluency in them has been highlighted.
Please continue to encourage your children to
access TTRS at home. The magic number for TTRS according
to them is 21... 21+ minutes of TTRS a week to really promote recall of tables
(just over 4 minutes per school day!)
In Wider Curriculum, the children have
continued their history journey. Most recently, the children looked at end of
the war. They researched into the lead up to D-Day and how VE day came around.
As a result, the children created their own newspaper reports where they showed
off what they had learnt.
The excitement around this topic has been
amazing, we have had so many children share some wonderful facts and learning
from home!
Next up is Art, we are looking forward to
creating some perspective drawing pieces for our displays. WATCH THIS SPACE.
Another brilliant few weeks in Year Six,
Best Wishes,
Posted 04/10/2024
by David Hannah
you for your generosity in donations for the Liskeard and Looe foodbank last week.
All your items have been collected by the Foodbank and they were incredibly grateful
for the kindness shown.
massive thank you also for attending the Harvest Festival service at Cuby’s in
such numbers. Class 2 did an amazing job leading the service and it was
wonderful seeing our school community come together again.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.