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Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 27.09.24

Posted 27/09/2024
by Helen King

This week the children have enjoyed their cricket session with 'Cricket Chris' where they learnt how to throw accurately.

In English, the children all finished their amazing stories based on Paddington called 'Paddington in Saltash'.  The week started with an exciting letter from Paddington who was heading towards Saltash on a 'green train'... He asked the children in KS1 if they could recommend places to visit, so off we went around Fore Street and the surrounding area to see where he should visit.  We had lots of ideas, so then we imagined Paddington had visited Saltash and wrote a story. 

Our first 'scrap book' review was done this week and the children loved hearing why it was on of Z's favourite books.  He even read the book to the class - they loved it!

During Science, children looked for materials using their properties around the school.  The children were really good at suggesting what would be a good (or not so good!) material for a rocket.

Children have been busy in Year 1 and Year 2 Math's classes, both groups have been working on number and place value.

Don't forget our Harvest Festival assembly is coming up on Monday 7th October...


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Getting Creative

Posted 27/09/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Crafts and creativity

This week Tregantle Class have been getting very creative! The children have been inspired by our story of the week 'Little red Riding Hood' and have made lots of things linked to the story using lots of different resources from around the classroom. We have seen a magical forest using the magnetic construction, Grandma's cottage and bed using junk modelling and some tasty treats to put in Little Red Riding Hood's basket all made with play dough! 
Our Year 1 children have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with 'hot colours' in their art lesson. They carefully mixed red and yellow paint to make orange and used white and black to create different shades of their hot colours. They used their paints to create a 'hot colours' mood board. 
There has been some more fantastic writing form out Tregantle children. EYFS are continuing to work so hard on practicing the correct formation of the new letters that they are learning. Again they have been very resourceful in the classroom using paint, water and chalk to 'keep trying' with their letter formation - just like 'keep trying Kangaroo.' Our fabulous Year 1 children have now completed their own stories of 'Paddington in Saltash.' We had a wonderful walk down to Saltash Fore Street on Monday to gain inspiration for places for Paddington to visit on his trip to Saltash. The children chose Rowes the Bakery, the Leisure Centre, the train station and of course Brunel School! 
Year 1 enjoyed another exciting cricket session with Cricket Chris on Wednesday. He was very impressed with how our throwing and catching skills are developing! I think we are all in need of a restful weekend after a very busy week at school! 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Jane Wills

Positive beginnings

It has been a positive start to the year, with lots of fantastic learning experiences across the school. The classrooms, books and digital learning records are already bulging with the children’s work and it is great to see how enthusiastically they are embracing the learning. This week, I have been particularly impressed with their curiosity and ability to ask questions, such a valuable skill to have.

We have received notice of the Wild Wellbeing sessions the Mental Health Support Team (MHST), along with Natural England, are running over the October half term. These are nature-based, creative, practical workshops where children will be learning about the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Connect, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning outdoors in nature. These sessions are open to all primary school aged children (5-11), each session will be approximately 2 hours long. Sign up can be with the link here or follow the details in the letter sent via email this morning. 

On Monday we welcome Fowey Harbour Master, Paul Thomas, for an assembly talking about the work of the harbour. This promises to be an interesting morning and I know the children wil have some great questions lined up. Monday afternoon, we have the school council elections. We are looking to recruit 2 members: one from Year 2 and another from Tregeagle class. The presentations and voting will take place during assembly so you might find yourself being asked to support your child with their speech over the weekend!

Achievement Assembly

Mathematician of the week:
Toby for always having a go at every single maths questions – trying to think of a way to solve problems using the maths he already knows – brilliant mathematical thinking. Leia for working independently using SeeSaw.

Star of the week
Erin for her curiosity, listening and questioning on our trip to Wheal Martyn.
Emmie for always being ready and settling in to learning when she arrives at school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Jane Wills


We had a brilliant trip to Wheal Martyn on Tuesday to find out more about working lives during the Victorian times. The children have a SeeSaw lesson uploaded with photos and a summary of our learning from the day so head over to your child’s account to find out more. 
In Science, Mrs Phillips continues the journey of Light, with the older children studying reflective materials and properties alongside refraction. The younger children are exploring how light travels in straight lines and cast shadows. The sunshine has been useful for some of the experiments, however for the most we have been using torches for a more reliable light source. 
Next week, Thursday 3rd October, the Year 6 children are visiting Fowey River Academy for their transition day. The children need to be in school by 8:40 with a coat as they are crossing on the ferry.
Have a lovely weekend, 
Mrs W



Wadebridge Primary Academy   Friday 28th September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Chris Wathern

Curriculum Maps
Term 1 Curriculum Maps can be found on our Class Pages of this website. These give a flavour of some of the learning taking place this term.

Life Skills Visit
Yesterday, some of our Year 5 children visited Bodmin Fire Station for a Junior Life Skills session. They found out about First Aid; CPR; transport safety and the benefits of using public transport; road safety; cyber safety and electrical safety in the home. Our children representing the school showed great enthusiasm throughout the visit.

Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning
Today we ran the Macmillan Coffee Morning raising money for the charity by selling bookmarks and coasters our class had made. Some people even volunteered and made extra things like scrunchies, pins, and pumpkin teddies. All these contributions were topped off with lots of homemade cakes and sweet treats, as well as coffees and teas served by us. We thoroughly enjoyed this event from the board games to the quizzes, to the talking and hanging out with our parents. This is definitely an excellent event that we would love to be involved in again. We know how much our community appreciate our hard work and efforts. So far we have raised £156.52 for the charity – thank you everyone!
Written by Lexie 6B

This week our KS2 children have taken part in their first swimming sessions of the year. A particular well done to our Year 3 children as Mrs Miskowicz wanted to share “Their behaviour was exceptional, and I was incredibly proud of them!”

Year 5 & 6 ‘Our Girls Can’
Our Year 5 & 6 girls all had an amazing time at the 'Our Girls Can' event at the Royal Cornwall Showground on Tuesday. They took part in a whole range of activities including: biking, dance, football and rugby. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to meet and work with children from different local schools, many of whom are likely to become their peers at secondary school. An awesome day for our wonderful girls at Wadebridge Primary Academy.

Year 5 & 6 ‘Boys Active’
Boys Active was so much fun! We really enjoyed the nerf guns and practising our aim. Mrs Callister definitely took the brunt of some of our best shots. The dodgeball was also enjoyable, where we had the chance to put our skills to work against a range of other schools. My personal favourite was the assault course because we all had the opportunity to be involved and work as a team.
Written by Jack 6W

House Points
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Swans. For a second week running, Swans have the most overall points:
Swans – 1158
Choughs – 831
Cormorants – 781
Puffins – 761

Foodbank Collection for Harvest
For Harvest this year, we will once again be collecting for Wadebridge Foodbank. Please send your child in with any donations between next Monday 30th September and Friday 4th October. Donations such as tins and jars of food, rice, pasta, general toiletries and long life juice are most welcomed. Thank you for your support.

Year 5 & 6 Open Evening at Wadebridge School – Thursday 10th October 16:00-19:00
Wadebridge School extends a warm welcome to parents and carers of prospective students currently in Year 5 and Year 6. Please see email sent home for further information.

Dates coming up next week:

Saturday 28th September
09:00 Year 6 Sleepover collection

Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October
Harvest donations gratefully received for the local Foodbank

Thursday 3rd October
Census Day & Caterlink’s 25th Birthday Celebration School Dinner
Please sign up for your child’s meal by Monday 30th September 9am.

Have a fantastic weekend!


St Cleer Primary Academy   All-sorts of science

Posted 27/09/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

All-sorts of science

Our science focus this half term is on how we can 'classify' living things.  We are learning about the system which Carl Linnaeus devised to classify living things according to their different characteristics.

To get used to the idea of classification, we thought of all the different places we may see classification in real-life (eg: the fruit and vegetables in a supermarket, the stationery in our classroom trays) and thought about how we might go about sorting large groups of items into different categories.

We looked at sorting diagrams (classification keys) and thought about the type of questions we could use to help us sort different items into their own individual categories.  Then came the fun part.  Working together, we needed to create a classification diagram which would separate all of the different liquorice all-sorts into categories based on their characteristics.

We had all-sorts of fun - and every group successfully classified their sweets!


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Claire Martin

We started the term by learning the school rules and have focused on being kind to each other. We looked at photographs of different people and discussed how we thought they were feeling. We talked about what makes us feel happy, sad or angry. We then thought about how we could help our friends if they were feeling sad or angry. We introduced a class reward system so that the children can add beads to the jar when they are being kind to others and when they are following the school rules. The children are very excited about this as when they fill the jar, they can bring a toy into school.

We’ve been learning about ourselves and how we are all unique. We drew around one of the children and labelled the parts of the body that we knew. We talked about the fact that we have a skeleton inside us and were introduced to 'Mr Bones' a skeleton model. We identified some of the parts e.g. skull, spine and rib cage and talked about why they are important. We then made skeleton pictures by cutting art straws and placing them on black paper. Our inside role play area has been a doctors surgery. The children have been brilliant at taking on the different roles such as doctor, patient and receptionist.

In phonics we’ve been learning letter sounds and have started to blend the sounds together to read simple words. Fred the frog always joins in with phonics and the children have really enjoyed meeting him. We've also started to learn how to write the letters. Some of the children have been taking part in daily dough gym to help strengthen their fingers to enable them to hold a pencil correctly.

In maths we’ve been learning to recognise 1, 2 and 3 objects without needing to count them. The children are getting very speedy at representing the number of objects using their fingers. We’ve also been practising our counting skills by counting objects using 1:1 correspondence. We’ve learnt to sort and match objects and to identify what is the same and different.

In PE we’ve learnt how to keep safe whilst in the hall. We practised moving around the hall safely without bumping into anyone or anything. We’ve been practising fundamental skills such as running, jumping and moving in different directions.

In music we listened to a variety of different music from classical to pop. We showed how it made us feel using our facial expressions. We then moved in different ways in response to the music. The children were very good at identifying whether the music made them feel happy or sad. We also learnt to sing a song together, gave ideas on how to change the words and used instruments to express different feelings in the song.

During forest school sessions we’ve learnt how to carry sticks and branches safely. We've enjoyed climbing, swinging and building during these sessions so far. 


Polperro Primary Academy   27:09:24

Posted 27/09/2024
by Anthea Hillman

It was lovely to see so many of you at our Meet the Teacher sessions on Wednesday. We hope that you found it useful.

Home School Agreement/ Parental Consents Please would you take some time to log into your Arbor Parent Portal/App to check both your own and your child’s data. Once logged in you will notice that the 2024/25 Home School Agreement has been uploaded. Consents are to be completed for every child to enable them to have photos taken, watch PG films, attend local sporting events and access approved learning platforms etc.

FOPS fundraisers - save the date FOPS are busy planning some exciting fundraisers. The first two of the year are: Spooky Discos which will be after school on the last day of this half term, Thursday 24th October, and a Quiz Night on Friday 15th November. (Details of both events to follow).

Wild Wellbeing sessions Following on from the success of their summer Wild Wellbeing sessions, the Mental Health Support Team (MHST), along with Natural England, are running several Wild Wellbeing sessions over the October half term. These are nature-based, creative, practical workshops where we will be learning about the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Connect, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning outdoors in nature. These sessions are open to all primary school aged children (5-11), each session will be approximately 2 hours long. Sign up using the link below, and also details are included in the attached poster.

The Looe Festival of Words begins next week. Please see the attached flyer for more details of free events for children on Saturday, 5th October, including poetry on the rocks at Hannafore, combined with a rockpool ramble.

Ladybirds Please see attached information on a local parent and toddler group.

Coats Please ensure your child has a coat in school every day as the weather is rather unpredictable at the moment.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Forest School Fun
Week 3 - 27th September 

This week we explored the school environment and gathered lots of natural materials so that we could attach them to a crown. Take a look at our photos, we are so lucky to have such a wonderful school setting. 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 27th September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Joanna Rickard

This week has been about a whole lot of love and kindness within pre-school.


Our story of the week ‘Love Makes a Family' has been a beautiful story to share and discover all the different, amazing things that parents and carers do for their little ones. The vibrant illustrations show a diverse range of loving families, spending time enjoying each other's company.  It has sparked lots of conversations with the children and we discovered that alongside love there is always kindness.  

During our Grand Conversation’s this week we shared our ideas on what it means to be kind, and how we can show kindnessThe children all had some super ideas, and we used these to start our class kindness paperchainWe will make this paper chain grow throughout the year by adding to it each time we recognise an act of kindness from the childrenWe are all excited to see how long our kindness paperchain will be at the end of the year! 

Our focussed art this week has been ‘Home is where the heart is’, using painters' tape to make a house and a heart, then using water colours over the topThe children were very excited to see their homes and hearts revealed when peeling the tape offIt has made a beautiful display on our wall.  

We have had a few incidents of sickness/diarrhoea over the past couple of weeks, a polite reminder that it must be 48 hours from the last episode before children return to pre-school. This is to keep the risk of spreading to other children and staff to a minimum. Thank you.

We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend,

The Pre-School Team.



Duloe C of E Primary Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Laura Cole


This week, we have heard that Duloe has been successful in our application to the Church of England to become a Growing Faith Learning Hub. We are one of only a handful of schools across the country to be selected for this scheme and it is a huge honour to be selected after a lengthy process. Being selected demonstrates our commitment to our Christian distinctiveness as a Church of England School and our desire to continue to build on this. Becoming a Learning Hub also comes with a sizeable financial injection for the school which will allow us to develop some innovative ways of linking Church, school and home. The partnership starts officially in January, and I look forward to updating you on the next steps in this journey.


Copper valley Junior Academy   Week ending 27th September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Lynn Cox

It has been another busy week for us here at Copper Valley. The school council representatives have been chosen for this academic year. I have had my first productive meeting with Y5 and Y6 and I look forward to meeting with the others next week.  This week the children have produced some beautiful art work for the Callington Honey Fair which is on Saturday. If you get a chance, head to the town hall to see their masterpieces. Some of the children are also singing at 12 noon and would appreciate your support.
As we head into the colder weather, can I remind you to send your child to school with a suitable coat and can I please ask you to write your child's name in their school uniform. They all look so smart in their new sweatshirts. but there are already several which have turned up in lost property without names on their labels.
Frank and Ann Mears, who are great grandparents to two pupils at Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy have donated some money to the schools, following a plan sale held at their home.  We are going to the money to personalise the Junior school football shirts with the Copper Valley logo and purchase some playground equipment for the Infant school. I would like to publicly thank them for their generosity.
Don't forget, the photographer is at the Infant and Nursery school next Thursday- 3rd October.This is also free school lunch day. Have a lovely weekend!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Raining

Posted 27/09/2024
by Ruth Smith

Well, this week we have had a change in the weather, but it hasn't stopped us from going outside!

Although it has taken us a little longer to get 'booted and suited' we have still been able to come in and out depending on where we like to do our learning.

Some children prefer to stay indoors in the warm and dry but others have been keen to get outside to explore and find some puddles to splash in. We didn't have many puddles on the playground so we made some of our own!



Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Week ending 27th September 2024

Posted 27/09/2024
by Lynn Cox

It has been another busy week for us here at Copper Valley. The school council representatives have been chosen for this academic year and I look forward to meeting with them next week. Pupils from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have produced some beautiful art work for the Callington Honey Fair which is on Saturday. If you get a chance, head to the town hall to see the masterpieces. Some of the Junior children are also singing at 12 noon and would appreciate your support.
As we head into the colder weather can I remind you to send your child to school with a suitable coat and can I please ask you to write your child's name in their school uniform. They all look so smart in their new sweatshirts. but there are already several which have turned up in lost property without names on their labels.
Frank and Ann Mears, who are great grandparents to two pupils at Copper Valley have donated some money to the school, following a plan sale held at their home. They have always been so supportive of the school. Last year they funded some new dining room chairs. We are going to use the money to personalise the Junior school football shirts with the Copper Valley logo and purchase some playground equipment for the Infant school. I would like to publicly thank them for their generosity.
Don't forget, the photographer is in school next Thursday- 3rd October and it is free school lunch day. Have a lovely weekend!


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Duloe Stone Circle

Posted 27/09/2024
by Laura Cole

This morning Class 1 walked over to the ancient site of Duloe Stone Circle. Following our art lesson from Ellie Russell – Hsieh we sketched the monument into our sketch books and looked in wonder at the stones. We are so excited to begin our history work based on our enquiry question ‘How has Duloe changed since it’s stone circle was created?’


Blisland Primary Academy   Blackbeard story

Posted 27/09/2024
by Andrew Smith

Blackbeard story

In Nessa class we have begun to learn a new story. It is an exciting Pirate tale featuring Blackbeard and Davey Swift. The two brothers are locked in a battle. The story climaxes with Blackbeard setting alight his ship to intimidate his enemy. Pupils have been learning and applying the rules of speech - inventing their own conversations between the pirates. Year 5 and 6 pupils will need to use pirate slang to enliven their speech. This week we have also been focusing on character descriptions. We will use a range of sentence structures to describe the character's appearance and mannerisms.

Next week, pupils will be acting out sections of the story before writing an innovation of our class text. It will be fantastic to see which direction their Pirate Tales take.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 27.9.24

Another amazing week in Daymer!

English: In English, the children have written superb descriptive settings about a stormy sea at Daymer! They used a range of devices like figurative language to create imagery and have worked really hard in producing such wonderful pieces.

Maths: In maths we are working through our Place Value unit. We are even learning our Roman Numerals!

PSHE: Teamwork is incredibly important, not only at school or in team sports, but in so many situations through out life. We have picked apart what it really means to demonstrate teamwork in different scenarios and the impact this has, as opposed to not.

We really enjoyed our PE and Cricket this week: The children have continued to work on their ball skills in PE lessons where they have continued with netball skills and in cricket with Cricket Chris this week. Cricket will continue and the children will need to be in kit next Wednesday again, as well as Tuesday for PE.

Art: Our volcano paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock have started to take shape!

Science: We continue to investigate rock types in fun ways! Today, we turned Star Burst sweets into Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic rock! They were yummy rocks!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 27th September

The children have had yet another impressive week of exploring and learning in Foundation.

In phonics this week the children have been learning g/o/c/k – They have been working really hard to orally blend sounds that they know to read words, and they are progressing well. Lots of writing practice would be great to progress them even further- the phonics sheets have been sent home for you to follow.

Foundation children have continued with their big question- Who Am I?

This week the children made people using natural resources with Mrs Gregory in outdoor learning. The children are becoming great at following instructions when walking around the school and in the forest area. They have been exploring some wonderful adjectives to describe the materials they are using.

In English the children have been sequencing the story of Were Going on a Bear Hunt and saying words from the story and writing the initial graphemes they know! The adults are VERY impressed!

The children have also been exploring capacity, mass and patterns in math’s this week and the children loved being human weighing scales. They have been identifying patterns and making patterns of their own using the peg boards.

Foundation have also been preparing items to sell at the 40th birthday celebration, they are wonderful so please come and see our stall and purchase some of their creative work. We will also have a pirate chocolate tombola and pirate cupcakes!

The children have explored and chosen so much wonderful learning activities this week!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy Takes the Lead in Terracycling Initiative!

Posted 26/09/2024
by Darren Woolner

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy Takes the Lead in Terracycling Initiative!

Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy in Saltash is excited to announce its participation in a fantastic

Terracycling programme aimed at making a positive environmental impact while competing for a brand-new playground!

What is Terracycling?

Terracycling is an innovative recycling program that transforms waste into valuable resources. This initiative not only reduces landfill waste but also encourages communities to actively engage in sustainability practices.

At Brunel Academy, we are thrilled to take part in this effort, demonstrating our commitment to environmental stewardship. As part of this initiative, our school is competing to win new playground equipment, and we need your help! We are collecting specific items that are often overlooked in traditional recycling programs.

If you have any of the following items, please consider donating them to our school:

Takeaway containers

Reusable plastic bottles

Baby bottles

Tupperware boxes

By donating these items, you’ll be helping us reduce waste while supporting our efforts to enhance our playground facilities.

Drop-Off Information
We invite all community members to join us in this exciting endeavour! Please drop off your donations at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy. Together, we can make a significant difference for our school and the planet.

Let’s work together to create a cleaner, greener environment for our children and give them the playground they deserve!

Thank you for your support!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Road Safety Roadshow

Today we had a road safety talk to help us to stay safe whilst out and about. The children were really engaged and we were really impressed with their understanding of the key rules for road safety.


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