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Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

We had our Road Safety Roadshow come into school today!  The children were taught a song that said "Stop, Look and Listen".  The session was highly engaging and the children learned many things about Road Safety.

Please can you continue these conversations about Road Safety to keep our children safe :)


Looe Primary Academy   25.9.24

Posted 25/09/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

Clive from Emazdad came to school today to give us a Safety Roadshow came to see us today. The children learned all about road safety and the things to watch out for whilst out and about.

He mentioned the benefits of wearing an item that reflects on our clothing as the evenings draw in and the mornings are darker for longer.

He will be visiting us again to help us celebrate our 40th birthday. Watch out for the magic show!


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 25th September

We have had another lovely week!  In English, the children wrote a letter to Grandma from the Wolf, apologising for all of the crimes that he had committed!!

In maths, we are on our last leg of the place value unit and learning the number line to 100 (YR2) and the number line to 1000 (YR3).  

For science, Year 3 pupils learned about Endoskeletons and Exoskeletons and which animals have no skeleton at all!  They sorted them into groups!

For Art, the children have been learning all about the famous artist Jasper Johns and recreated his art piece "Numbers in Color" which was painted in 1958!  They really enjoyed this today!

For History, the children learned all about a Victorian classroom and made comparisons to our classroom now.  They will be going back in time and writing a letter to a Victorian child to tell them all of the things that will change in the future!


Looe Primary Academy   Road safety

Posted 25/09/2024
by Samantha Davies

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Another week has passed and we have been busy in all our learning. The children are really getting to grips with learning about our number system up to 1,000,000 and the importance of the power of 10 this week. In English we have been writing up our lovely diary entries and they have impressed me with how hard they have worked to make sure their handwriting is lovely. I will be sending them to Mrs Marshall for handwriting pens this week if they are joining beautifully and taking pride in their work.
We have begun looking at our RE this week and learning about the religion of Islam and how Muslims in Britain live. We have been looking at their core beliefs and the Five Pillars - your children are brilliant at recalling what they mean so please ask them. Shadah - Faith, Salah - Prayer, Zakat - Charity, Sawm - Fasting and Hajj - Pilgrimage.
We are continuing our fitness in PE this week and hopefully the children will not ache as much as they have done as we continue with our circuits and thinking about how our muscles help us in everyday life and why we need to keep them fit. With Bobby the children have been working on team work, finding space and learning the rules of football. The children all look wonderful in their PE kits - thank you. 

Today we have also welcomes Clive, from the road safety south west. Clive is a regular visitor to talk with the children about road safety and the children love his humor and interactive manner in teaching such an important subject.


Looe Primary Academy   Autumn 1, Week 3: What we've been doing!

Posted 24/09/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

What we've been doing!

We have had another great week in Foundation / Year 1!

In English, we have continued our learning on ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt.’ The children have loved learning this book and we know the story very well now! We have been sequencing the story with pictures. Foundation have been writing a sound they have learnt in phonics to match the picture and Year 1 have started writing words to match.

In Maths, Foundation have been sorting and matching objects. They have been making sets and thought about what objects match in each set. Year 1 have been continuing their place value unit of numbers up to 10. We are also continuing to practise counting in 2s in the classroom.

In the wider curriculum, Year 1 have been learning about their bodies in science. This week, we learnt about our ears and hearing. We have thought about how we hear and what it would be like if we couldn’t. We did this through learning a little bit of sign language, including the first letter of our names. Foundation have been exploring all about themselves in our provision inside and outside. They have been finger painting faces, mark making and using blocks to build.

Raffle tickets have gone home for our celebration on the 4th October. We are really looking forward to this and will begin making preparations for this in the next week!

Have a great week.

Foundation / Year 1 Team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Victorian Schools!

Posted 24/09/2024
by Sarah Burton

Slate and Chalk

As part of our Victorian topic, the children have been learning about what school was like then compared to now.

Some of them were shocked to find out the punishments children had back then. Ask them what else they found out.

We completed a Venn Diagram in our books and then took part in rote learning of our times tables. Finally, we tried writing on slate with chalk to practise our handwriting and spelling. 

Luckily, nobody got the dunce's hat!


Blisland Primary Academy  

Posted 24/09/2024
by Andrew Smith

Forest School

This week year three and four went for a wander along the bridle way to collect some foliage as we wanted to make some natural clay tiles.
They looked for leaves with prominent veins which would help to make a clearer imprint on clay. Luckily, they found a wonderful variety along with some interesting seed heads. Once back on the field the children spread out their collected treasures and began by breaking off a small handful of the air-dry clay to knead in their hands until it is soft and pliable. Adding a few drops of water to the clay with there fingertips if it began to crack. They pinched out the clay and then gently rolled it out until about 5 mm thick. The children placed some foliage onto the clay and firmly rolled it in to imprint the pattern onto the clay, making sure that they didn’t press too hard and distort the shape. Watching the children’s delight as they peeled away the foliage to reveal a pattern was a pleasure. The children enjoyed some free time to create little birds and animals. Working with clay is an invaluable experience for sensory development, motor skills, self esteem, and self expression, problem solving skills, discipline, and pride. Clay also has a uniquely therapeutic quality that often settles and calm children; it keeps their attention for a considerable time. Clay is a unique art medium because it is highly responsive to touch and very forgiving. As soon as children are given clay, they immediately begin to mould and shape it. They become aware that they are in charge and have influence over the medium as it is quick to respond to their fingers. The feeling that they are in command of the clay gives children the confidence to try any project which opens the door to greater self expression and imagination. Clay also allows a child to learn to repair mistakes and therefore not be afraid to make them. Making mistakes is essential for self improvement but can be difficult and even an obstacle for some children. The forgiving quality of clay, and therefore the ability to readily fix mistakes, gives a child a sense of control over their project’s success which improves self esteem and self expression as they realise that mistakes are not going to stop their progress


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 27.09.24

Posted 23/09/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

In English, the children have written superb descriptive settings about a stormy sea at Marazion. They used a range of devices like figurative language to create imagery and have worked really hard in producing such wonderful pieces.

In maths we have come to the end of our Place Value unit. Next week we will start on our addition and subtraction unit where we will continue to work hard with our number facts so that our mental, reasoning and problem solving strategies develop.

Teamwork is incredibly important, not only at school or in team sports, but in so many situations through out life. We have picked apart what it really means to demonstrate teamwork in different scenario and the impact this has as opposed to not.
On Wednesday, we had a session with Lyndsey who talked to the children about mental health and gave some useful tips.

PE and Cricket:
The children have continued to work on their ball skills in PE lessons where they have continued with netball skills and in cricket with Cricket Chris this week. Cricket will continue and the children will need to be in kit next Wednesday again as well as Tuesday for PE.

Our volcano paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock have started to take shape!

We continue to investigate rock types in fun ways!

Some of the children also enjoyed visiting St Anne's on Monday!

We've had some great entries to the Wildlife photo competition and some very enthusiastic children who have shown and spoken to us about their photos.


Wadebridge Primary Academy   A Super Start!

Posted 23/09/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

What a wonderful start to Year 3!  The children have settled into KS2 life superbly and we are proud of their positive attitudes towards the challenge.

We have begun our English learning journey with the fiction text ‘The Beasties’. The
children have been learning about lots of Year 3 skills for writing as well as consolidating lots which were learnt in Key Stage 1.  They are getting ready for their first Key Stage 2 big writes next week and we can't wait to read their versions of The Beasties! 


In Maths, the children are coming to an end of the Place Value unit and have enjoyed working with concrete Base 10 equipment as well as Place Value Counters when exploring numbers to 1000. 

Best wishes, 
The Year Three Team


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Art and Design

Posted 23/09/2024
by David Hannah

This term, Class 2 are travelling back in time to the prehistoric Stone Age. We were amazed to learn that some cave art has survived millions of years and still exist today! We enjoyed creating our own cave art style drawings, using charcoal to sketch animals and chalk to create our own hand art. Watch this space for our upcoming cave paintings. 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Our Wider Curriculum Learning Journey Begins!

Posted 23/09/2024
by Abigail Miskowicz

We are Scientists!

In our Wider Curriculum this half term, our enquiry question is 'What role do rocks play in our everyday lives?'.  We have kicked started our learning by diving into Science!  We have been learning about the three different types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Using our investigation skills, we conducted a rock experiment! Our mission assignment was to explore the formation and properties of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. During our investigation, we explored the durability, density and permeability of different rock types and used our recording skills to observe and measure our findings.  Can you ask your child which rock they found to be the most durable?  This experiment led us on to question the suitability of each rock type.

Does this rock have crystals in it?

What will I discover about this rock?


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Yippee for Year 2!

Posted 22/09/2024
by Sarah Jayne Hill

A fantastic start!

It has been an amazing start to Year 2. Well done and thank you to all pupils for such a fantastic start to a brand new academic year. We have been very busy already getting stuck in to our History topic for the half term; “How have significant people shaped our world?”. So far, we have studied Florence Nightingale, Muhammad Ali and Mary Anning.

In English, we have been writing about the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and have had lots of fun innovating the story to make our very own versions which vary from Three Cheeky Chimps to Three Merry Mermaids! Take a look at just one of the fabulous examples of extended writing. We are very proud of all of the children.

A reminder that Home Learning is sent home every Monday. Please ensure your child brings their Home Learning book into school with them so that we can update it. On a Monday, we also change reading books and visit the school library. If you have any library books at home from last year, please do send them in with your child. Each child’s Home Learning book has also been updated with their Numbots log in details for practice at home.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 2 Team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   w/e 20th September

Posted 22/09/2024
by Leonie Swabey

A spot of cricket anyone?

This week, Talland class have been incredibly busy with not one, but two, extra PE sessions this week. We are immensely lucky to have 'Cricket Chris' instructing us as part of the 'Time to Shine' program. After an assembly introducing the basic physical and life skills we would be covering, we began with catching and bowling this week. The progress the children have made, even in a couple of hours, has been vast - who knows, we may have a future England player in our midst!

In art, we are studying the work of William Morris (linking with our big question, 'Were the Victorians Really Vile?'). This week the children were tasked with making careful observations of some of Morris's most famous designs and simplifying them. They then took their inspiration from nature closer to home - around the school grounds! We went on an observation walk; picking up interesting leaves and fallen flowers, as well as taking photos of trees, flowers and leaves that we thought we particularly pleasing to the eye. Back in the classroom, we created simplistic outline sketches of some of these items and images, preparing to transform them into a printing block design in the next couple of weeks. We were very taken with the hydrangea shown above - we liked the outline shape of each set of petals. Check back next week to see a sneak preview of some of our designs so far...


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Free Lunch

Posted 22/09/2024
by Lynn Cox

There will be a free lunch for all pupils on 3rd October thanks to Caterlink and the Bridge Trust.

More details about the menu will follow!


Copper valley Junior Academy   Free Lunch

Posted 22/09/2024
by Lynn Cox

There will be a free lunch for all pupils on 3rd October thanks to Caterlink and the Bridge Trust.

More details about the menu will follow!


Lanlivery Primary Academy   Week 2 and 3

Posted 22/09/2024
by Lisa Harper

Over the last couple of weeks the children have been enjoying the new classroom set up and some of the new resources we have. All the children old and new have settled in well to school life. We went on a bear hunt in the forest and even found a bear! The children then created their own verses for the bear hunt story. Out in the forest the children have been making animal homes as part of their construction unit in DT. The children also made some amazing pictures representing the main scenes from the story using collage. Please see the document below which tells you a little bit about what we will be doing in Little Foresters over the next few weeks. 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 21/09/2024
by Jane Wills

We have now settled into the routines of school and the children are enjoying their new learning journeys. In Canute class, they are finding our about people who help us and they will be focusing their history lessons on finding out about Florence Nightingale, why she is a historically important person and the legacy she left behind. In Tregeagle class, their journey is looking at how children's lives have changed through history, starting in the Roman times and travelling through the Tudor and Victorian eras to investigate continuity and change in education, work and leisure. They have already discovered, much to their horror, that children as young as 7 went to work and we can see the beginnings of real appreciation for the work done to protect and develop children’s rights so their own lives are much improved.

We look forward to seeing Canute parents on Monday afternoon at 2:45pm for our Early Reading session with Mrs Fernie, where she will explain how we teach phonics, the essential building blocks for successful access to reading, spelling and writing.

Achievement Assembly

Writer of the week
Tegan for a fantastically ambitious start to the year accepting the challenge to reach greater depths within the standard.
Indi for applying her phonics learning to sound out so she can work independently in writing lessons.

Star of the week
Ava for always engaging with every single learning activity with positivity and determination to succeed.
Ronnie for being a super role model for learning and behaviour expectations in Canute.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 21/09/2024
by Jane Wills

The sunshine and weaker winds have been a welcome change this week making our lessons less challenging. In our 2 PE lessons, we are focusing on striking and fielding – rounders – and net/wall games – basketball. For rounders, we have started the journey with refreshers for striking the ball, pairing up to bowl and strike using their iPads to film each other to analyse their techniques and reflect on improvements and progress. On Friday, we had our first full game on the school field and it was great to see how the teams supported each other with tips and techniques and game plans modelling competitive spirit and sportsmanship.

We continue to investigate and interrogate historical sources to find out more about children’s lives. With a specific focus on continuity and change, the children are now looking at working lives of children in the Tudor era. They are making good use of reading skills to make inferences and deductions in their interrogating of primary and secondary sources leading to some fantastic observations and questions. On Friday we discussed what childhood might be like if Tudor era working conditions still existed in our modern world.

Tuesday we are at Wheal Martyn to supplement our classroom learning. We leave school at 9am and will return for the end of the day. Children need a packed lunch (unless you have requested a school packed lunch, must wear school uniform and suitable shoes for walking, bring a coat, snack and enough water for the day.

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs W 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 20th September 2024

Posted 21/09/2024
by Joanna Rickard

A week of fun, families, and forest school! 

It has been a beautifully sunny week with us all enjoying as much time outdoors for our learning, exploring and playing. 

This week our book ‘My Big Fantastic Family’ was a sensitive story about how a little girl copes with change after her parents separate.  It explores the feelings of what it is like to be a part of a big, blended family.  

We developed our social skills by exploring what our own families look like with some grand conversation time. We understood that some families have siblings, and some have none. Some of the children have been able to stand up with their own family pictures and talk about their family members to their friends.  Thank you if you have already sent in a picture, the children have loved sharing them.

Also, this week we enjoyed our own garden area, painting outside, and had our first explore of Forest School. We walked around talking about the different areas to explore, spotted some apples ready to eat, and found some autumn treasures along the way. 


Next week we will be exploring emotions and feelings, and how we can show kindness to our friends and families.  

The weather is looking a little more unsettled for next week so please do remember raincoats for your child. 

Newsletters were handed out in paper format but if you have not had one then there is a copy attached below.  

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  




Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 20th September 2023

Posted 20/09/2024
by Alice Wilkie

During our Wider Curriculum lessons this week, we have continued to explore 'What makes our world go around?'. In Geography, we found out what the equator is and discovered what the climate is like for countries along the equator. We managed to get into the swimming pool on Friday, which was fantastic, but a tad cold! We had fun though, playing some pool games. During Science, we learnt about the human life cycle, along with the life cycle of barn owls. Can you recall the five stages of the barn owl life cycle?

In English, we have been working hard on our descriptive writing this week. We recapped adjectives and nouns, and written some amazing expanded noun phrases inspired by owls. Today, we began to plan for writing our own character descriptions about Plop from 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. I can't wait to see your final written descriptions next week!

In Maths, we have continued working hard on our Place Value unit. This week, we have particularly been using number lines to count in 10s and 1s (Y2) and 100s (Y3). 

Congratulations to Lowen J, Harley and Darragh for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Amelia and Frankie for achieving their 22 club! 

Please find this half terms Knowledge Web attached below. This details everything your child will be learning during wider curriculum lessons. Of course, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Reminder - Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday 25th September at 2:45pm.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips, Miss Bowden and Miss Colton


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