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Looe Primary Academy   End of year

Posted 19/07/2024
by Samantha Davies

Two more days!

We have had a lovely week together enjoying the sunshine and have enjoyed some outdoor learning where the Year 5's in the class created some outdoor pictures taking inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy whilst the Year 6's did two afternoon performances to their parents. We have also enjoyed doing some  'races' with a difference - leap frog, cartwheel, crab walking, commando shuffle to name a few- all of the class also enjoyed some forest school time with Denise where they were able to toast marshmallow's. We had a lovely class party with games, food and singing. Thank you all for letting us look after your children this year. It has been a pleasure to watch them progress and grow as individuals. You should be proud of them all.  


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 19.07.24

Posted 19/07/2024
by David Parry

The final full week as Y5.

The children of Talland Class have managed to round off their learning for this year by completing their Batik designs. They now understand how a wax resist works and recognise the effects of colour blending. Your art work has turned out fabulous, Talland Class. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Talland Class have used this last week to consolidate all of their learning from Y5 which has included: Writing an information piece of text about the Maya civilisation using their own research for the content: practising converting measurements which also involved converting metric to imperial measurement and vice versa; and evaluating their final virtual computer program.

Y5, you have all been amazing this year and have learned so much. Your dedication, resilience and perseverance has helped you achieve your goals. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

The seaside resort we visited last summer was so boring that one day the tide went out and never came back.

What did the beach say as the tide came in? Long time no sea.

What did the ocean say to the shore? Nothing it just waved.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 19.07.23

Posted 19/07/2024
by Helen King

Nearly the end... but we're still working hard!

On Tuesday the class did a wonderful performance to their parents and carers.  Year 1 children also came to join in with some of the songs and see what Lantic class had been learning on the drums.  It was a great show and the children have really enjoyed learning different songs and how to play the drums with Mrs Butlin.

During English lessons we have finished our own versions of 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' changing the characters and what they are NOT allowed to do... We have enjoyed coming up with ideas for what they get up to in our new stories.

In Maths, we have been learning about capacity and volume - perhaps over the weekend they could look at things around the home to find the capacity of them?


Blisland Primary Academy   Who wants to join the Circus ?

Posted 18/07/2024
by Julie Pearce


Blisland Primary Academy   Sunshine Circus!

Posted 18/07/2024
by Julie Pearce

As we near the end of another wonderful year at Storytellers, we celebrated with a circus-themed day; the children all looked fantastic as they arrived as an array of clowns, acrobats and strong men! The children thoroughly enjoyed the large inflatable Circus, which housed a side, ball pool, obstacle course, and air shots. We had a delicious party lunch with a fabulous fruit elephant created by our clever cook, Sam!

A day full of laughter in the sunshine….what a perfect way to end the year.


Hugs thanks to the PTFA for making this possible and to all the parents and grandparents who support us throughout the year  



Lanlivery Primary Academy   Summer term

Posted 17/07/2024
by Lauren Howell

Under the Sea

It was a fantastic evening of entertainment in the forest. This year we performed our version of the Little Mermaid. The children were incredible. The forest, set and costumes looked wonderful and the singing was exquisite. Thank you to everyone who helped in anyway. There were lots of happy faces! 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Guitar performance

Posted 17/07/2024
by David Hannah

During Collective Worship today, we were treated to an end of year performance by our talented guitarists Jago, William, Rosie, and Kensa. They strummed along to Olivia Rodrigo, The Beach Boys, and the Harry Potter Theme.
The whole school sang along as they played A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman. A wonderful performance which showed all their hard work in lessons this year.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 17/07/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

In Art this week we have learned about the Japanese printing technique 'Hapa-Zome'. We used India Flint's printing work as our inspiration; finding out about a new artist for all of the children.

Next week is the final week of school for this academic year.  We are in school Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday, the children leave at 1.30pm.

Tuesday morning will be our class party and our whole class reward for the Summer Term.

Please do email if you have any questions.

The Year 4 Team 


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 16/07/2024
by Karen Taylor


Polperro Primary Academy   Aquarium Trip 16.7.2024

Posted 16/07/2024
by Karen Taylor

Just popping up a few photos from our FANTASTIC trip to Plymouth Aquarium today. We had a fabulous day and the children were all super stars!

I'll pop some more up with the usual blog on Friday.
Mrs Taylor.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Super End of Term

Posted 16/07/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

End of Year 3

The children have enjoyed the end of year happenings including the Y6 Leavers' show, making and eating their fruit kebabs, lots of creative card making and Brunel's Got Talent of course! In amongst all of this, we have been learning about angles and shape in maths and finishing our writing in English with some fabulous end-of-year published writing to show off. The children ended Geography by learning about our local area. In RE, we finished by looking at the story of Adam and Eve and how this lesson helps to guide Christians.

---During our transition on Thursday, the children that will be in my class next year were given a leaflet that was only meant for the year 3 children next year (the one with photos) so sorry if anyone was confused about it only saying year 3 on that one!---

We had a very exciting visit from Lola Tambling on Monday. Lola answered questions about skateboarding and the upcoming Olympics! It really inspired us all and it was so lovely to see her, being an ex-pupil.

Mousehole class, you have been wonderful, worked so hard and we are so proud of you all. We hope that you enjoy the long summer holiday. See you in September! 



Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 12th July 2024

Posted 16/07/2024
by Joanna Rickard

We can’t quite believe how fast the weeks are flying by in preschool, with only one more full week to go!

This week we have enjoyed our story ‘Clean Up!’ A story about Rocket and her family who visit their grandparents in the Caribbean.  Sadly, on a trip to the beach they see a turtle that has been washed up tangled in plastic.  Rocket is so saddened that she decides to enlist the help of all the people on the beach to do a big clean up!  This story gave us a meaningful way to become aware of the plastic pollution that is destroying the wildlife and beautiful oceans and beaches around the world.

The children were all very keen to tell us what they knew about helping to keep beaches clean and enjoyed some group activities to show what was the right thing to do and not the right thing.  We are so pleased to say that all the children knew not to leave their rubbish behind when visiting a beach, and even said they would love to take part in a beach clean-up themselves!

The children have also been busy with lots of math's activities during the week, and it has been lovely to hear some of their confidence growing when exploring numbers.

With our last full week in preschool, we are looking forward to lots of play and fun games with our older friends who are leaving us to go to Class 1 in September.  Luckily we know we will still get to see them often. 

A reminder that we have our graduation for our leavers at 11.30am on Tuesday 23rd July, this will be held in the Pumpkins room next door. Then followed by our teddy bears picnic out in our garden area.  If the weather is not suitable, we will be inside.  Please do bring a picnic blanket to sit on if you have one. 


We hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend.

The Preschool Team



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 12th July 2024

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have had a busy few weeks. There is always a lot going on at this time of year: the Summer Fayre, Sports Day, transition days to new secondary schools and SATs results to name a few.

Every-one in the Brunel Family is so incredibly proud of how well the children have done in their SATs. The hard work and dedication they have shown over the past 10 months has really paid off. Collectively, they have exceeded the National Average for results across all of the tests. Another huge thank-you goes out to everyone at home for the support and encouragement that has been in abundance throughout Year 6.

Another area of school life that the children have been hard at work on is their final show to mark the end of their time with us. It’s shaping up to be an epic battle of skill and stamina, one you will not want to miss. Make sure you have got your allocated tickets for Wednesday evenings gladiatorial extravaganza! The show begins at 6pm, so don’t be late. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 12th July 2024

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have had a busy few weeks. There is always a lot going on at this time of year: the Summer Fayre, Sports Day, transition days to new secondary schools and SATs results to name a few.

Every-one in the Brunel Family is so incredibly proud of how well the children have done in their SATs. The hard work and dedication they have shown over the past 10 months has really paid off. Collectively, they have exceeded the National Average for results across all of the tests. Another huge thank-you goes out to everyone at home for the support and encouragement that has been in abundance throughout Year 6.

Another area of school life that the children have been hard at work on is their final show to mark the end of their time with us. It’s shaping up to be an epic battle of skill and stamina, one you will not want to miss. Make sure you have got your allocated tickets for Wednesday evenings gladiatorial extravaganza! The show begins at 6pm, so don’t be late. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Reminder

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Brunel's Got Talent and Homework

Just a reminder that our class round of Brunel's Got Talent is on Thursday morning this week so any props/costumes needed must be brought in. We are looking forward to seeing what the different individuals and groups have prepared!

Last week, we sent home some time homework sheets. I have said to the children that they need to keep practising time skills at home. They can keep these sheets until they are ready for them and I thought it would be useful for parents to see the level of time knowledge the children need in school for year 3. Time is an ongoing life-skill. That being said, of course we will continue to teach time in school, but it is definitely worthwhile to be constantly referring to time at home too as we can see that this has really helped some children to grasp the trickier concepts this year.

Please now keep the homework books-we have finished with them for this year.

Thank you.


Blisland Primary Academy   SATS Superstars

Posted 15/07/2024
by Andrew Smith

SATS Superstars

We are incredibly proud of our year six pupils who have had their SATS results this week. We have worked extremely hard in school and in after school club. Each pupil was set their own targets and they put their all into achieving it. The process of setting high expectations and working hard towards it - with all the ups and downs - will set them up perfectly for the next stage of their learning journey. It is an absolute pleasure to see them succeed and all of us at Blisland Primary are extremely proud of each one them.


Polruan Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 12th July

Posted 15/07/2024
by Sarah Andrew

This week has been a great week in Canute Class.

The children enjoyed a great P.E. day with the ARENA team and were all very tired on Thursday morning, showing how they gave all of their energy to the day!

In English this week the Year 1 and 2 children spent the start of the week editing their aquarium recounts and have been putting their handwriting practice into action by creating some 'final' copies of their recounts, including their edits to share with Tregeagle next week.
In Drawing Cub Reception have been sharing the story of Captain Pugwash.  They have been using fantastic phonic skills to write some great words and sentences.  They've used their imaginations to think about what the dragon might've wanted to eat next and the friends he might meet on Dragon Island so that he doesn't feel lonely anymore.

In Maths, Reception have been learning about sharing and grouping, Year 1 have been consolidating their learning on time by reading analogue clocks and making o'clock and half past times on their own clocks.  Year 2 have completed their work on statistics and are now learning about position and direction.

In Art, the class used natural objects for weaving and have produced some lovely patterns.

In History we have continued to look at explorers from the past, we have created a timeline to show the events of Christopher Columbus' expedition to The Americas and dug deeper into Matthew Henson's expedition to the North Pole.

We had a super music session with Mrs Butlin, working with Tregeagle.

On Monday the school are very lucky to be having a second P.E. day with ARENA.

On Friday we have our Pirate Day, dig out your best costumes and practice your pirate vocabulary!

Mrs Andrew, Mrs Fernie, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 13/07/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

Despite the almost hectic feel to the week, the children have enjoyed the energy and excitement this brought. 

We had a brilliant Forest School session using tools to make wooden beads. The children listened carefully and every one followed the rules and instructions for safe handling of tools. There was a real positive energy and and sense of industriousness with the peeling of bark, sawing the wood and hollowing out the elder beads. 
This was our penultimate session and the children have come so far in their understanding of how to keep safe by following the rules and the enjoyment this brings as trust develops. I cannot wait to hear their final self-assessments following our last session next Thursday.

The classroom was a hive of DT activity with the children adding the stage of materials to their river projects. You can begin to see the landscape they are creating and their understanding of river features. You can follow their journey on SeeSaw and you will be able to see their final piece on Tuesday.

We had a visit from ARENA running a whole school Olympic Day. As always the children were fantastic, embracing the sports with enthusiasm and energy.

The morning was spent coding Micro Bits with our visitor from Cornwall Tech. The children used their prior learning well to learn new sills and knowledge in coding. We will re-visit these in the Autumn term to give the children the chance to embed the new learning.

Year 6 and a few friends went to Camel Creek for their end of year day out and Mrs Chasey had the rest of the class back at school. All the children had a god day, whether this was sprinting around the adventure trying out all the rides getting soaked on the water flume and eating ice cream or back at school using DT skills and knowledge of levers and pulleys to create an underwater diorama with moving features.

Have a lovely weekend - enjoy the football!
Mrs Wills


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 13/07/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

It has been a very busy but hugely enjoyable week at school. Both classes are working full steam to complete their current learning enquiries and there is a real sense of purpose and focus throughout the class. The children are keen to complete all the learning set out on their learning maps which helps keep the momentum going in between visits and visitors.

On Wednesday, we had a whole school Olympic Day with ARENA and as always the sports coaches were impressed with the enthusiasm and skills shown by the children. The sports coaches left at the end of the day knowing all about the Bridge School Games, how Polruan won and having been shown the trophy!

Thursday morning, Tregeagle class had a visit from Robert Wiltshire from Tech Cornwall and they spent the morning working collaboratively to write code for Micro Bits. Once again, the visitor was impressed with the children's prior knowledge and skills and how confidently they navigate the world of computer science. We will make use of the new skills gained in the autumn term as we now have a full school set of Micro Bits to enhance the learning for both KS1 and KS2 ICT curriculum.

On Friday, the Year 6 had the annual trip to Camel Creek to celebrate their friendships and time at Polruan Primary. They had a super day in the sunshine, spending lots of energy charging round the park to maximise time and finished the day with several repeat rides on the water ride and ice creams courtesy of a parent - yum!

Achievement Assembly

Reader of the Week:
Nathan for enthusiasm and keenness to read
Leia for always trying her very best in phonics and using the sounds she is learning to segment and blend

Star of the Week:
Antonia for brilliant listening and following of instructions in Forest School to work safely with tools
Mia for always being kind and considerate to her peers

Next week:
Monday: ARENA Healthy Hearts  Healthy Minds whole school day, please arrive wearing PE kit
Wednesday: final sailing session 
Thursday: Forest School
Friday: Pirate Day Canute class and Leavers Assembly
Monday 22.7: Whole school rock-pooling trip to Ready Money Cove

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 12th July 2024

Posted 12/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie

What was Farming in Cornwall like in the Past?

What a whirlwind of a week Landaviddy class have had! 

To continue our enquiry question 'What's On Our Doorstep?' during our Wider Curriculum lesson this week, we discovered what Farming was like in Cornwall in the past but examining photographic evidence. We compared photographs and began to develop our oracy skills through discussion.

In Art, we sketched repeated patterns we observed around us and then cut out a motif to be used as a stamp for a repeated, rotated print. We learnt about how our muscles contract and relax in Science. Can you recall what the muscles in your arms are called? What happens to them when you bend your arm?

We also got in the pool this week on a sunny Thursday afternoon, despite the rain for most of the week! We worked on our breath work and enjoyed playing water tag.

In Maths, Year 2 have been exploring telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Year 3 have been measuring in m, cm and mm.

English *BREAKING NEWS* - We received a letter from 'Peter Pluto' this week, detailing that aliens are planning to destroy Cornwall's natural environment, to make way for the galaxy's first ever milky-way supermarket! We couldn't believe it! So next week, we will be planning and writing persuasive letters to try and change their minds!

Congratulations to Emma and Flora for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Reuben for his 55 club and Anya for her 66 club!

Reminder - On Monday 15th July is a mufti day, where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child's house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour. 

We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


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