Posted 13/07/2024
by Jane Wills
It has been a very busy but hugely enjoyable week at school. Both classes are working full steam to complete their current learning enquiries and there is a real sense of purpose and focus throughout the class. The children are keen to complete all the learning set out on their learning maps which helps keep the momentum going in between visits and visitors.
On Wednesday, we had a whole school Olympic Day with ARENA and as always the sports coaches were impressed with the enthusiasm and skills shown by the children. The sports coaches left at the end of the day knowing all about the Bridge School Games, how Polruan won and having been shown the trophy!
Thursday morning, Tregeagle class had a visit from Robert Wiltshire from Tech Cornwall and they spent the morning working collaboratively to write code for Micro Bits. Once again, the visitor was impressed with the children's prior knowledge and skills and how confidently they navigate the world of computer science. We will make use of the new skills gained in the autumn term as we now have a full school set of Micro Bits to enhance the learning for both KS1 and KS2 ICT curriculum.
On Friday, the Year 6 had the annual trip to Camel Creek to celebrate their friendships and time at Polruan Primary. They had a super day in the sunshine, spending lots of energy charging round the park to maximise time and finished the day with several repeat rides on the water ride and ice creams courtesy of a parent - yum!
Achievement Assembly
Reader of the Week:
Nathan for enthusiasm and keenness to read
Leia for always trying her very best in phonics and using the sounds she is learning to segment and blend
Star of the Week:
Antonia for brilliant listening and following of instructions in Forest School to work safely with tools
Mia for always being kind and considerate to her peers
Next week:
Monday: ARENA Healthy Hearts Healthy Minds whole school day, please arrive wearing PE kit
Wednesday: final sailing session
Thursday: Forest School
Friday: Pirate Day Canute class and Leavers Assembly
Monday 22.7: Whole school rock-pooling trip to Ready Money Cove
Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills
Posted 12/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie
What a whirlwind of a week Landaviddy class have had!
To continue our enquiry question 'What's On Our Doorstep?' during our Wider Curriculum lesson this week, we discovered what Farming was like in Cornwall in the past but examining photographic evidence. We compared photographs and began to develop our oracy skills through discussion.
In Art, we sketched repeated patterns we observed around us and then cut out a motif to be used as a stamp for a repeated, rotated print. We learnt about how our muscles contract and relax in Science. Can you recall what the muscles in your arms are called? What happens to them when you bend your arm?
We also got in the pool this week on a sunny Thursday afternoon, despite the rain for most of the week! We worked on our breath work and enjoyed playing water tag.
In Maths, Year 2 have been exploring telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Year 3 have been measuring in m, cm and mm.
English *BREAKING NEWS* - We received a letter from 'Peter Pluto' this week, detailing that aliens are planning to destroy Cornwall's natural environment, to make way for the galaxy's first ever milky-way supermarket! We couldn't believe it! So next week, we will be planning and writing persuasive letters to try and change their minds!
Congratulations to Emma and Flora for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Reuben for his 55 club and Anya for her 66 club!
Reminder - On Monday 15th July is a mufti day, where we will be asking for donations of an item matching your child's house team colour to create hampers for raffles prizes. Children can wear their own clothes and this could include wearing their house colour.
We hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!
Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden
Posted 12/07/2024
by Karen Taylor
We have enjoyed another fun-filled week of learning in Penhallow this week.
We completed our weaving topic in art where we made woven Rainbow Fish. The children worked together brilliantly and the classroom looks AMAZING!
On Thursday, we managed to make the most of a break in the weather and enjoy a lovely swim in the pool where we practiced submerging as much as we felt comfortable. The children enjoyed being fireworks and singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes!
In Maths, we have started our topic on measurement, looking at money firstly, before we move onto our final topic of time this week. All children have done brilliantly in their end of year consolidation work. Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week who have showed brilliant examples of our school values. Well done, Evie G, Ada and Rosie.
I have attached copies of this term's KIRFs, these are Key Instant Recall Facts that the children should be able to recall instantly. They will help the children in their maths journey.
We look forward to our trip to the National Marine Aquarium on Tuesday. If you haven't returned your child's permission slip, please do this on Monday. Payment is set up on Parentpay. The children are very excited for both the coach journey and Aquarium visit (I am too)!
We have a MUFTI day on Monday where the children are invited to wear non uniform and if possible, wear something to represent your house colour. In exchange they should bring something in to be included in a raffle for our Summer Fair next week. This should be something that is the colour of their house. There are examples in last weeks Head's emails. (e.g. I am in Willow so I will bring something in Yellow for the raffle). I have attached a list if you are unsure what house/colour your child is in.
We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Emily Randle
This week has just flown by. As part of our enquiry into Crime and Punishment, Chaipel have been learning about the 'inmates' of Bodmin Jail in the run up to our school trip. They enjoyed learning about the crimes that were committed and have been discussing whether the punishment did in fact fit the crime. In many cases, not.
On Thursday, we had an amazing school trip to the jail. The trip leader couldn't believe how much we knew and it was so exciting to actually stand in the jail that the people we had researched actually stayed in. We tried out some 'hard labour' and agreed that it was not something that we ever wanted to do!
As a special surprise, we then detoured - on the way back to school - to Bodmin Airfield where a biplane was waiting for Miss Randle to take to the skies and flutter the WW1 poetry we had written earlier this year. It was a chance in a lifetime and we were proud to be the class that was there to witness this!
Our Transition morning, on Friday, went very well and it was lovely to meet Chaipel's new recruits.
The guys have been super busy preparing for their Leaver's Assembly next week. We look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday for a tearful farewell and celebration of their time at Polperro Primary. There is a 'pool and pizza' party afterwards, though, so I'm sure that the Y6s will soon recover!
That's all from me, have a lovely weekend.
Miss Randle and Mrs Clary
Posted 12/07/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley
How is this final term almost over? Time is flying!
I think it's fair to say everyone had a lovely transition morning today and we've had another VERY busy week!
Year 4 have just finished their unit on position and movement and will begin time next week.
Year 5 have completed their unit on volume and are preparing to start their final unit of negative numbers... Yay!
Talland have edited and improved their poems about the Paris Olympic Games and I can't wait to see them written up in top copy - the children's use of rhythm and rhyme is fabulous.
We've had fun in art by creating space themed creatures using a method called, 'painting by scissors' and they have used wax crayons to create a colourful pattern - this pattern has now been painted black, ready to scratch some creative patterns into, which are based on their space creatures.
Year 5 have had interesting lessons today based on the human anatomy and self esteem - be prepared to hear all about it!
Year 4 have been using the eight points of a compass to solve problems on a map and then have created their own treasure maps - really fun!
Well done to Skye for being noticed as our enthusiastic child of the week and great work from Frankie and Chilali for earning their next 99 club badge!
That's about it from Talland class this week. We hope you have a brilliant weekend and (if you're watching) enjoy the final... COME ON ENGLAND!
Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Helen King
Well, tractors are definitely coming home!! We hope you enjoy looking at the children's own designs. They had to include axel and wheels that move - some moved too well as they played with them and then the wheels dropped off! But the children all really enjoyed designing and making them. Today they evaluated their own work, thinking about what worked and what was less successful!
In Science, we set up an experiment to see what seeds actually need to grow... Some seeds have light and water, some just water (no light) and the last set of seeds have not water, but they have lots of sun! We'll update you next week with our results.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Rebecca Hughes
Some of this weeks amazing learning!
Year one children have been exploring features of a poster this week in
English. They have been revisiting how important it is to stay safe on the
beach and what important job the RNLI does. They have been identifying features
and remembering how to use capital letters and full stops when writing their
sentences. The children then used their knowledge to plan a poster that they
wanted to write and today they created a wonderful poster including lots of
information about water safety and the RNLI.
In maths the children have been exploring time, they started the week
using words such as before, after, first and next. They then explored days of
the week and months of the year. They used calendars to work out what date and
days activities were taking place!
The Year 1 children have also been writing postcards from the point of
view of Victorians this week and recalling all their knowledge about how
visiting the beach was different in the Victorian times.
The foundation children have been using so many wonderful skills this
week, they have made beautiful decoupage shells with Mrs Gregory, the children
had to think carefully how to apply the glue to the shell, cut out their chosen
picture and then paste it together, they have turned out beautiful. The
children have also been making repeated patterns in maths, using their memory
and recall skills in beach pairs, they have been labelling pictures for Miss
Hughes and making wonderful beach scenes.
In phonics the children have continued to work really hard. Some
children are on assessment weeks and some children continue to work hard to use
their phonic knowledge to read tricky words and write amazing sentences.
The children continue to make us proud every day with their effort.
Next week will be our last full week of the academic year and we have
lots of amazing and fun learning planned!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend
Foundation /year 1 team.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Cathrine Pittas
Posted 12/07/2024
by Chris Wathern
Art Week
We certainly haven’t been slowing down towards the end of the school year at WPA. This week, alongside all the other teaching and learning taking place, we had a special Art themed week: Cultures of the World. There was a creative vibe around the school with projects that involved mixed media. The children produced fantastic 3-D sculptures using natural materials and clay. In other classes, children created sketchbook mood boards which led to textile designs and many other imaginative projects. Take a look at the photos on this blog to see a sample of some of the art work from around the school. We think you’ll agree, it’s amazing!
Trust Visit
This week, we also had a visit from some other leaders in our Trust: our Area Executive Headteacher, Sarah Sanson and Lynn Nash, Headteacher at Delaware and Gunnislake. They joined Mrs Orme and myself on a learning walk around the school and met with some of our pupils to discuss their day-to-day experiences. It was a very worthwhile morning to gain an external perspective on how well we are doing and what we can do together to continually improve. This is a model all Headteachers are part of in the Trust, and I’m looking forward to visiting one of the Trust schools next term.
Celebration Assembly
In this week’s Celebration Assembly, we put the finishing touches to a whole school song we are recording next week for Mrs Giles’ Celebration of Life. We chose Rule the World by Take That, as it was one of Mrs Giles’ favourites. The whole school sing the song so beautifully with solos from Elowyn and Oscar.
We also made a surprise phone call home when announcing this week’s Headteacher Award, but I’ll let the children talk to you about that.
Whole School Successes
We strongly believe in a holistic and rounded education for our children. Academic success goes hand in hand with the personal and emotional wellbeing/development of our young people. When you get this right, amazing things can happen that transform young peoples’ lives.
As you may be aware, schools have to report data at the end of EYFS, Year 1 phonics and end of KS2 SATs. I’m pleased to share that across all these milestones, our children achieved at least in line with the national average, but in the majority of these measures, exceeded the national average. Final confirmation of national data comes in the Autumn term, at which point we can share these outcomes.
A huge congratulations to all our children at WPA, whichever year group they are in for working hard this year, showcasing their skills and personal qualities across the curriculum, whether in the classroom, out and about in the community, in the playground, on the stage or on the sports field. There are too many to list. I also want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our dedicated team at school. Despite just a week and a bit to go, they are still firing on all cylinders to end the year on a high (even if feeling tired).
As we look to end one year, we prepare for another to begin. Today and next week, children have the opportunity to move up to their new class in preparation for their next step. We know that transition can be a nervous time for both children and parents. We do everything possible to ensure this is as smooth as possible, whilst at the same time recognising it’s ok to be a bit worried about new challenges. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s transition, please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s current teacher.
As part of the school’s transition, we are also looking forward to next year and planning our next steps. In September, we will be sharing with you our key development priorities.
Important dates coming up:
Saturday 13th July 10:00-12:00 WPA Lego Show
Monday 15th July Transition session (am)
Tuesday 16th July Additional transition session for the new 3W class (as both teachers not in on Friday 12th July)
Wednesday 17th July 13:00-14:15 Nursery Pirate Party with parents
Thursday 18th July 09:30 & 16:15 Year 6 performance
Year 2 Cornish WOW Day
Friday 19th July Year 6 ‘Slip and Slide’ Trip
Monday 22nd July 18:00-20:00 Year 6 Prom
Tuesday 23rd July Last day of term (early finish, see times below):
12:30 Nursery
12:50 Year 6 Guard of Honour
13:20 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
13:30 Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5
Wednesday 4th September Autumn term begins – Welcome back everyone in Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th September Nursery Home Visits
Monday 9th September
09:00-10:00 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
10:30-11:30 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
Tuesday 10th September Nursery opens
Posted 12/07/2024
by Joanna Morris
Over the past term,
Year 3 have been learning all about living things and their habitats alongside
their class topic of the rainforest. We were fortunate to be invited to Saltash
Library to complete three workshops put on by the Beach Guardians. This is a charity
set up in Cornwall to help raise awareness about plastic pollution, the impact
it can have on a range of habitats and wildlife plus the need for us to look
after our beautiful coastline.
Mousehole Class thoroughly
enjoyed creating posters, sifting nurdles of plastic and discovering the
various items that get washed up on our shores. We also learnt about how we can
play our part in reducing plastic pollution.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Sara Henning
We had a lovely time over at St Anne's this week - it was the last session for the year and we paraded over with Archie themselves! We popped in and gave the residents from handmade thank you cards, sang 'Trelawny' and said goodbye for the summer. We're so lucky to have this project and grateful that we get to run it again next year!
This week, we also designed some Fruit Kebabs! We have sent our designs off to Lidl in the hope that they will start marketing and producing one of them in time for the summer! Some of our designs are in the photos below! They look so yummy!
Posted 12/07/2024
by Laura Cole
Every child at Duloe has entered an item into the Liskeard
Show craft tent for judging. If you are attending the show please pop down and
take a look at the amazing cross-stitching, photography, prints, poems and more
the children have created.
Posted 12/07/2024
by David Parry
We have continued our learning about the Maya civilization and culture. The children worked in small groups to investigate, research and make notes about different aspects of the Maya civilization and how they have influenced our society today: for example, the invention of chocolate; and the playing of team games. They found some amazing facts such as the Maya used hot chocolate as a medicine, albeit, a lot different from the hot chocolate we drink today and included chilli peppers.
This week has included assessment in reading. All of the children have made good progress and are able to infer (read between the lines) in a piece of text. They enjoyed reading the stories in their reading assessments.
This week has included learning the key vocabulary for converting units of measurement. The children recognise that kilo derives from the Greek language and means a thousand and milli derives from the latin language and means a thousandth. This has helped them to solve simple conversion challenges for grammes and mm, for example.
best wishes,
Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)
This week's jokes:
Where do sharks go on their Summer holidays? Finland.
What's the favourite tree of an English teacher? Poetry.
Posted 12/07/2024
by Jasmine Bolger
We have had another wonderful week in year 1.
We finished off our maths unit of money this week with a fun, practical lesson. We had to buy ingredients to make biscuits! We used our understanding of coins and our addition skills to collect the right amounts to buy our ingredients from Miss Bolger and Miss Masters. We could then decorate our biscuits with what we had bought! They were very tasty! We loved gathering the correct money and using our problem-solving skills.
In English, we have been learning all about the RNLI to make an informative poster. We have watched videos, looked at books and used the information we found out at the lifeboat station to gather our facts together. We have also been learning how to stay safe at the beach and collected some top tips. We have really enjoyed learning more about the RNLI and we now have lots of facts to add to our poster!
I am looking forward to our final full week and all the activities we will be doing to celebrate the end of the year!
Miss Bolger
Posted 12/07/2024
by Donna Clayson
We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Reception. In Maths we have been exploring odd and even numbers, followed by exploring patterns this week. We took our learning outside and found natural resources to be able to create patterns with. This tied in beautifully with Art week, learning all about Andy Goldsworthy.
In Literacy, we have continued our focus on beaches and read a story called 'Clean up!' which focused on the importance of cleaning up our beaches. This gave the children the opportunity to learn all about recycling and sorting materials for them to be recycled. They enjoyed learning what recycled materials could be made into.
This week has also seen our first transition visit to Year 1. We were so impressed with how the children took this in their stride, and the Year 1 teachers commented on how wonderful all of the children are. They enjoyed taking part in all of the fun activities that Miss Lake, Miss Folland and Mrs Clarke had planned for them.
Going into the final full week of Reception, we have sent out a reminder to return ALL reading books, library books and packets by Monday 15th July. To continue the love of reading, you can access a wide range of books (linked to your child’s book band) on the Oxford Owl website. Please visit:
Best wishes,
The Reception team
Posted 11/07/2024
by Kimberley Appleby
Scrumptious Science:
We've put our scientific enquiry questions to the test this week; creating solar ovens to cook s'mores. The sun was on our side and we were able to prove that the darker the box colour, the quicker the s'mores cooked. We ensured fair testing and discussed how we'd observe and record our findings/results. They tasted great too!
Coastal erosion and sea defenses are very close to home living in Cornwall. We have thought carefully about how this is caused, discussing erosion and deposition features and also the benefits of sea-defenses.
We also put on various 'hats' when thinking about differing views in the light of tourism and how developments in natural beauty spots can come with a mixed view. As you may of guessed, we voted 'NO' to building a hotel on a beach!
Posted 11/07/2024
by Katie Grinsted
This week Tregantle Class has been all about money! Our Year 1 children have been getting to grips with identifying coins and notes. There have been lots of interesting activities to practice using money and finding a total by using different coins. Our tuft tray activity has been a big hit with the children. The challenge has been to make different totals of money using as many or as few coins as possible. The EYFS children have made their own 'Tregantle Shop' in the role play area and have been busy stocking up on healthy fruits and vegetables! The children have been using our play money to pay for items and give change.
We have also been wonderful writers this week. Year 1 have written our class version of the story 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' which we re-named 'Mrs Honey's Outing.' There were some great adjectives and verbs including our spelling patterns for adding suffixes - amazing! The EYFS children have used their sounds and tricky word knowledge brilliantly to write about the animals that stole Handa's fruit in our class story 'Handa's Surprise.' What a busy week it has been!
Posted 11/07/2024
by Laura Cole
Class 3 enjoyed their Forest School Session on Wednesday. They were tasked with building dens using items they were given like tarp and rope along with any items they could find. We ended up with some very inventive dens! Next job was to build the fire and toast some marshmallows.
On Thursday, Class 1 worked in pairs to make a den for a soft toy using items they could find. We then had story time around the campfire and of course, more marshmallow toasting.
Posted 09/07/2024
by Julie Peat
We have finished looking at under the sea this week and answering our enquiry question of "who lives under the sea?". The children have enjoyed playing in the tuft tray with all of the different sea creatures and have been counting shells. They have been painting and making paper plate jelly fish and using potato masher to create sea turtles. On Thursday we enjoyed a snack that the children created using pancakes and fruit to create a fish.
We have been exploring voice sounds and identifying sounds in our environment this week in phonics and at storytime we enjoyed reading the story of "What the ladybird heard at the seaside". All of the children loved this story and had lots to say about it as well as been able to answer questions about what they heard.
In maths we have been counting, identifying and writing numbers.
We have two more days at nursery now before we finish for the summer holidays.
We are looking forward to seeing all of our big children graduate from nursery next week. Graduation is on Tuesday 23rd July at 1pm for those that will be going to big school in September and then nursery finishes at 1.30pm for all children.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week for the last few days.
Julie and Sarah
Posted 08/07/2024
by Rebecca Whitty
We had a lot of fun last week.
We are all really enjoying the new jelly numbers we have. Some super star learners took them out and drew around them, they then identified and represented that number.
Our topic this term is school readiness and in preparation for this the children asked if they could colour pictures for their new teachers. They really enjoyed this all a while looking at pen grip and colours. The children were also discussing what they are looking forward to and what they want to learn. We of course were on hand to answer the many questions they had. They then passed their pictures to their new teacher and they LOVED them.
We also went down on Friday to have a play in our new outdoor area.
Sports day -
Wow, we all had a lot of fun!
'I enjoyed the parachute when all the parents waved it above us, it was so much fun!'
"I run really fast and ran to the end"
"I liked the ice poles we got"
"I liked the football game, I shoot and score!"
Phonics- The sounds we explored were v and y. The children enjoyed this and a few thought of words beginning with that sound! van, vet, violin, yak, you, yell.
Come back next week to see what we have been up to. :)
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