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Class 2   Week ending Friday 28th June

Posted 30/06/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Outdoor learning day coming soon

Hello Everyone,

It will be our outdoor learning day on Monday 1st July. The theme will be British Birds.
We have some lovely learning opportunities planned. Please can children wear weather appropriate outdoor learning clothes on Monday. If the weather is warm, then a hat and sun cream will be needed. We may get a little painty and messy.

Thank you.


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 30/06/2024
by Joanna Rickard



This week our story of Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson has led the children to discover the many wonderous sea life that have shells as their homes, and what they do when they outgrow their home. The book has also been a great story to talk about friendship and sharing.  

We have watched clips of real-life sea creatures that live on the seabed or against the rocks who use their shells for protection and to help them move around. We are lucky to have a lovely collection of seashells in Pre-School and the children have enjoyed discussing their shape, size, colour and even what sea creature may have once lived inside! 

Taking inspiration from the vibrant illustrations in the book we have recreated our own sparkly hermit crabs, sequined scallop shells and also some salt dough handprints decorated with shells. A lovely variety of artwork the children have all enjoyed.  

This week the children have also discovered environmental sounds we may hear at the seaside, using their listening skills to correctly match the sounds with their corresponding image.  

We have also used shells in our number work to recognise numbers and then count the correct number of shells.  

Plenty of sunshine has allowed outside play and discovery to be enjoyed, with more planting, car washing, mud kitchen baking and watering of all our wonderful plants. 

Next week we will enjoy the story of ‘What the ladybird heard at the seaside?’  

Lastly, a polite reminder to please send your child in with suncream, a hat, and a refillable water bottle when the weather is warm. 


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  


Class 1   Week ending Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 28/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Happy weekend everyone!

Thank you to those of you who joined us at the church on Friday afternoon for our Trelawny Day service, it was great to see you there.

We have enjoyed lots of different learning experiences in class this week and have tried to get outside as much as possible to enjoy the wonderful weather we have had. Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle and a hat in school with them each day, thank you. 

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: An item that is special to you. See if you can find out who gave the item to you and be ready to explain why the item is special to you. Please bring the item in on Thursday morning or if emailing a photo please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Well done to those children who have been reading at home, we do enjoy giving out reading karate bands and certificates during celebration assembly. Keep up the great work! 

Have a lovely weekend

Class 1 Team


Head's Blog   Summer 2, week 3

Posted 25/06/2024
by Zoe Thompson

Sports Day 

Thank you to all the children and families for a great sports day and family picnic, here are some photos of the day.


PreSchool   Week Ending 21st June 2024

Posted 23/06/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Hobby Horses getting ready for their race.

What a wonderful ending to the week....sports day. We had lots of fun in the run up to Friday practising all of our races on the field. Thank you to all of you for coming to our sports day on Friday, all the children ran really well and we enjoyed watching them take part. We thoroughly enjoyed having our families as an audience and we enjoyed our first sports day! 

We have been enjoying another week of being pirates in our pirate ship and using our treasure maps to find the treasure.
Our book this week was Ten Little pirates -

Ten Little Pirates | By Simon Rickerty,Mike Brownlow

The Ten Little Pirates are sailing out to sea, but what will the Ten Little Pirates do when they meet a singing mermaid? And a whooshing hurricane? And a HUNGRY shark? A traditional counting rhyme, part fun-filled story.  Count from ten to one and back again, as the Little Pirates disappear then reappear. Spot and count the details on each page. And join in with all the great sound words!

We have also been learning some more "Pirate Songs", and been walking the plank in shark infested waters!!!

We are continuing our summer topic next week looking at the seaside and will be making pictures with shells.

As the weather is getting a little bit better, please may we ask that sun hats and sun cream are brought into Pre-School for each session, we do spend a lot of time in our super outdoor area and venture out onto the school field as much as we can.

The end of term is getting closer with only 4 weeks to go, these next few weeks will fly by and there is always so much still to fit in!

Dates for your diary:

Monday 1st July -  1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Thursday 11th July - 1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Tuesday 23rd July - Pre-School Graduation and Picnic.
** Invitations will be sent out next week.

Tuesday 23rd July - Last day of the Summer Term.
** School finishes at 1pm.

We are also putting together the last few details for our September hours, letters will be coming home to you soon.

If you have any questions, please pop in to see us or email us at 

With Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 1   Week ending Friday 21st June 2024

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

What a wonderful ending to the week....sports day and a family picnic. You will see some of our class with their stickers in the main photo. We thoroughly enjoyed having our families as an audience and we enjoyed our first sports day! Thank you for coming to support us, your cheering really encouraged us! 

It has been great to see the progress the children are making with their tricky words, I was so impressed yesterday! Well done to all of those children who have been practicing at home.

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: An item that begins with the first letter of your name. Please bring the item in on Thursday morning or if emailing a photo please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

We hope to see you at our Trelawny Day service at the church on Friday 28th June at 2:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Class 1 Team


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 16/06/2024
by Joanna Rickard

Ahoy, Me Hearties! 

What a jolly good pirate week of fun we have had here in Pre-School. 

This week’s book has been the funny story of ‘Pirates Love Underpants’, with plenty of giggles from the children.    

Our pirate ship and beach role play areas have been hugely popular with the children – using the dressing up props, gold coins and maps to sail stormy seas and seek pirate adventures.  

This week we learned the names of famous pirates before finding out our own pirate names using the pirate's name generator The children found it hugely entertaining to hear their own and their friends' pirate names, such as – Seadog Stinkalot, One Eyed Squid Legs, Swashbuckler Custard Pie!  

We then perfected our pirate skills by learning to say some pirate phrases such as ‘shiver me timbers, ‘yo ho ho’ and ‘walk the plank!’ 

Also, this week the children enjoyed making some treasure maps to help find the golden coins, they used tea bags to make the maps look old.  

We will continue our pirate themed fun into next week with our book ‘Ten Pirates’ so plenty more adventures aboard ‘The Jolly Rodger’ buckos 

A reminder that it is our whole school sports day on Friday 21st June starting at 9.30am.  Please check your emails for the letter from schoolAll children are welcome to attend but please note that if it is not your child’s normal session day, they are welcome to join in with the races but will return to their adult when the Pre-School races have finished.  

If you have any questions, then please come and speak to us.  


We hope you all have a lovely weekend,  

The Pre-School Team. 




Class 4   Week ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 15/06/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week was our much-anticipated class residential. I am sure the children will agree- it did not disappoint!

The children were absolute stars throughout and a credit to the school and their families. Hopefully they have told you all about the fun we had.  

More photos to follow soon.


Class 1   Week ending Friday 14th June 2024

Posted 14/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

We have had another wonderful week together in Class 1!

Here's a brief overview of just some of our learning...

In maths this week we have been exploring grouping and sharing. We were grouping for a purpose and dividing a set of objects by placing a certain number in each group. We ended the week with odd and even sharing, we were each given different a different amount of buttons and had to say whether we had an odd or even number, we investigated this by sharing the buttons out. 

In art we started to paper mache a balloon which we hope to turn into a piece of art linked to artist Jane Tomlinson over the coming weeks... watch this space! 

We have also been practicing for sports day, we look forward to welcoming you to our sports day and family picnic next Friday 21st from 9:30-1pm. 

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: A photograph of you at the beach. Please bring the photograph in on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Class 1 Team


PreSchool   Week Beginning 3rd June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome back to Summer Term 2.

We hope you all had a wonderful half term.

Our topic this half term is Who lives at the seaside? We will be covering lots of seaside activities over the next few weeks.

We chose a lovely book to start our topic off this week -  "The Storm Whale" by Benji Davies.

This is the story about a little boy called Noi and his father who live in a house by the sea, his father works hard as a fisherman and Noi often has only their six cats for company. So when, one day, he finds a baby whale washed up on the beach after a storm, Noi is excited and takes it home to care for it. He tries to keep his new friend a secret, but there's only so long you can keep a whale in the bath without your dad finding out. Noi is eventually persuaded that the whale has to go back to the sea where it belongs. For Noi, even though he can't keep it, the arrival of the whale changes his life for the better. 

We started our seaside theme by making some ocean paintings for our whale, we used salt and paint to make the patterns of the sea, salt painting is a creative way to teach children about absorption, the paint reacts with the salt as you paint over it.

We have been lucky with our weather again this week spending lots of time outside in our lovely garden area, looking after and watering our plants and keeping an eye on our minibeasts. We have had lots of sand and water play with sea creatures in our water tray, plus developing our skills on the bikes and trikes.

We have been onto the "Big School" field starting to practice for our sports day races and on Thursday Ted brought in a super glider for his show and share so we were able to see it fly across the field.

We are hoping for another sunny week next week for lots more outdoor activities and fun (without our rain coats!)

We hope you all had a super long weekend.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 4   Week ending Friday 7th June 2024

Posted 07/06/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week, year 6 children visited Looe Community Academy and took part in a music session to support them with their transition to secondary school. They thoroughly enjoyed the session and are looking forward to the next transition session at the end of the month. Their full day transition is on the 2nd of July.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been concentrating on their editing and improving skills. We have also had a big focus on presentation.

In our maths learning, purple/yellow group have been focusing on decimals and have become confident adding and subtracting numbers with different decimal places. Red group have been learning about the cost of items and how to work out the cost of individual items when purchased as multibuys. They have learnt about profit and are creating a plan in the hope to raise some funds to support their show at the end of term.   

During PSHE, the children learnt to notice signs that theirs and other people’s screen time is too long. They have discussed strategies to support reducing the time they are using screens and the benefits this could have.

This week we enjoyed learning the rules of cricket and building on skills to help us play the game competitively. We also focused on our throwing technique and looked at improving the distance we can throw a ball.

Points to remember:

PE on Monday.

Residential- 12th-14th June – please see recent letter for details.

Year 6 LCA full day transition 2nd of July. Please note we do not arrange the transport for this. 


Class 1   Week ending Friday 7th June 2024

Posted 07/06/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Welcome back to Summer term 2!

Thank you to those of you who joined us for our service at the church on Thursday morning.

During maths this week we have focused on sharing equally and unequally. We particularly enjoyed sharing the conkers between two squirrels! We have learnt that when sharing we need to give one to each person/ animal in turn, rather than giving multiples to begin with. 

In English, our story this week was 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We have been writing character descriptions, sequencing the story and labelling parts of a lighthouse. 

In art we designed a bird that we are hoping to make out of paper mache in the coming weeks. We started to explore artist Jane Tomlinson and enjoyed looking at and discussing some of her artwork. 

This week we had our first PE session with our Arena coach. We will be working on various athletic skills in readiness for our Sports Day.

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: An item/object that you have found at the beach. Please bring the item/photograph in on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Please find the curriculum map which outlines our learning for this half term in the uploads below. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Class 1 Team


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 24th May 2024

Posted 25/05/2024
by Joanna Rickard

This week the children enjoyed the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ with its many concepts of learning such as counting, food, days of the week and the life cycle of a caterpillar. We have also delved deeper into the wonderful world of ‘minibeasts' and discovered some weird and wonderful creatures.   

The children have enjoyed lots of time outdoors discovering where some minibeasts may be living. We have been careful to explore but not to disturb their homes. The children have been thoroughly fascinated with what may be living under a log, or in our growing areas, and obviously inside our very own bug hotel. This independent exploring has led to some wonderful conversations and use of vocabulary between the children, and it has been lovely for us adults to observe. Outdoor learning and discovery are the best forms of development for young children, and they have totally embraced that this week. 

Alongside our outside learning, we have created some amazing caterpillar and butterfly artwork. We used balloons dipped in paint to create our caterpillar, and for our butterflies we created a pattern on one half, then folded the paper in half to mirror our designs. They all turned out so uniquely different but beautiful.  
To develop our fine motor skills we have threaded cotton wheels on to pipe cleaners to make caterpillars.

Our runner bean plants have now been planted out into our big tyre planter in the playground. Also, the children's sunflower plants have started to be sent home. Please do send us pictures and how tall they are when they are in flower!  


We hope that everyone has a lovely half term week, we return to Pre-School on Monday 3rd June.
Also, a reminder that
Friday 7
th June is an Inset day for the whole school.

The Pre-School Team



Class 4   Week ending Friday 24th May 2024

Posted 23/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Wow! What a great end to the half term. We thoroughly enjoyed our outdoor learning day with our growing and Viking theme. Our main highlight was finishing off our D.T project by making our Viking jewellery by pouring the melted metal into the mould that we crafted. We were pleased that this process was a reversible change as some did not go to plan first time. Another highlight was making miniature Viking longhouses using traditional methods.

We also enjoyed making seed balls for our local environment, planting sunflowers for a class competition and learning about what the Vikings might have eaten and planting some of these as seeds to harvest later in the year.

A massive thank you for coming to our Class 4 assembly and sharing our other recent learning with us. 

Points to remember:
Friday 24th May- INSET day. 
PE on Monday 3rd June.
Friday 7th June- INSET day.
Class 4 residential 12th-14th June 2024.


Class 4   Week ending 17th May 2024

Posted 19/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

A massive well done to our year 6 children for completing their SATs with such great attitudes. They should all be extremely proud of their efforts; we are beyond proud of them. The whole class had a much-deserved celebration with their SATs party on Friday. We look forward to our outdoor learning day on Wednesday too.

This week, amongst lots of other things, the children improved their mastery of drawing. They learnt how to draw and use a grid to support them with their detailed drawings. They explored this method and used various drawing media whilst recording their thoughts in their sketch books. Some children decided to use charcoal which they started learning to use last week.  

The children used their recent computing learning of manipulating and presenting media to create a modified image of themselves as a Viking. They took a picture of themselves and then layered other parts of images into the picture. They included (historically accurate) Viking helmets, clothing and some children even added Viking style facial hair! They then used their art learning to try and draw this using many of the drawing techniques they have learnt across the year. The children are looking forward to sharing their final outcomes with you at our class assembly on Tuesday morning.  

Points to remember:

PE on Monday.

Class 4 assembly 9am Tuesday 21st May.

Class 4 outdoor learning day Wednesday 22nd May.

INSET day Friday 24th May.

Residential 12th-14th June 2024.


Class 2   Week ending Friday 17th May

Posted 19/05/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

This week, we have particularly enjoyed our science work, where we planned our own investigation relating to plants. The children thought of their own scientific questions to ask, and worked together to plan ways to answer these questions.

In maths this week, year 1 have been learning about position and direction. They particularly enjoyed using apps on the iPads to practice their understanding of vocabulary such as; clockwise, quarter and half turns.

In PSHE, we have been learning a song about families, that we would like to sing to you in our assembly next week. We hope that you like it. 

Next week, it will be our outdoor learning day on Monday. Please can children wear clothes and shoes suitable for whatever the weather may bring.

On Thursday, we have our class assembly at 9:00, where we look forward to showing you our learning from this half term.

Year 2 pupils will also complete their end of key stage SATS tests next week. These tests are now non statutory, but we have chosen to complete them, in order to help us to form judgements about asessments in reading, maths, spelling and writing. We  already have a secure knowledge of the children’s strengths and areas for improvement in these subjects. The tests therefore will simply help us to become more informed about our judgements. To the children, the tests will just be a part of their normal routine. They are already prepared and familiar with the test formats. 


PreSchool   Week Beginning 13th May 2024

Posted 19/05/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

We had another super week at Pre-School and have yet again enjoyed being outside in our playground and garden.

This week we have been reading the story of "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle -
The Tiny Seed

This is the story of how a tiny seed travels from its parent plant and blows across seas, deserts and mountains, braving many hazards along the way, before finally finding a place to settle and grow into a beautiful flower so that the story can start again. A beautiful and uplifting first introduction to the life cycle of a seed.

We have been planting more seed in Pre-School for our garden area, we've planted some peas, carrots, beetroot and some more beans and sunflowers, hopefully with this warm weather we will have some super plants and be able to watch them grow.

We have also been baking some cupcakes using poppy seeds and made some beautiful flowers using cup cake cases and doilies which we have put up on our growing display board to make it look pretty.

On Wednesday we made some little gardens with some of the parents that came in for our Stay and Play afternoon, thank you to all of you that came in , it was lovely to see you and I know the children enjoyed sharing there day with you.

We have one week left until our half term holiday, this year is certainly whizzing by, just a reminder that we finish next Thursday 23rd May and the Friday is an inset day.

We are hoping to start "Our Big Brush Club" the week we return from half term, please may we ask for the remainder of the reply slips as we have to order our resources.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine.
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary :

24th May - Inset Day, School/Pre-School Closed
27th - 31st May - Half Term Holiday
3rd June - Back to School


Class 3  

Posted 18/05/2024
by Alexander Knight

Learning Outside the Classroom

Our LOtC day saw the us enjoying the forest school area, the great weather and some of our slimy friends!  We started the day on a scavenger hunting, searching for as many different things as we could and everyone had their own interpretation.  Some groups found big things some groups small.  We then had to categorise them and here we looked at things that had grown and it made us realise the impact we have on our environment when we looked at all the things that would not have naturally grown their.  This gave us the opportunity to remove and tidy our forest school area and also to think about projects we'd like to put in place.

Under Mrs Dan's direction,  our allotment bed had been refreshed and planted with rows of potatoes.  We are also trying some companion planting with various types and beans being planted and we hope that these will be able to grow up the sunflowers and sweet corn that we've planted alongside.

Time will tell just how successful our planting will be.

Mr Knight.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy 


Class 1   Week ending Friday 17th May 2024

Posted 17/05/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Hello everyone

Here's an insight into some of our learning in Class 1 this week....

In PE we have been developing our awareness of distance and weight and if we were able to throw in a coordinated way for accuracy. We had three hoops to throw the bean bags into and had to adjust the way we threw the bean bag to enable us to try and reach the hoop that was the furthest away. We then completed a carousel of activities such as hoopla, target practice and throwing bean bags over a distance. 

Our focus in Maths has been around shapes. We have been selecting shapes for a purpose, exploring how shapes will appear once they have been rotated, manipulating shapes and making tangram pictures. 

In English, we have been reading the story 'Superworm'. We have been thinking of adjectives to describe Superworm and Wizard Lizard and then writing our own character descriptions. We have also been practising writing a list when writing what rubbish Superworm finds underground. 

In art we used Lichtenstein’s “Ben Day Dots” as inspiration to create a piece of artwork. We used pop art style dots to show colour without filling a space completely. We are all so proud of our pieces! 

In PSHE we have been looking at using ‘calm me time’ to manage our feelings. We spoke about if we had ever felt angry and discussed different ways we could calm down. One of the ways we spoke about was to listen to calm music. We decided we wanted to do some drawing whilst listening to calm music. 

The theme for Show and Tell is: Free Choice. As it is the last day of the term I thought the children could choose something of their own choice to bring in and tell us about. Please bring into school on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Points to note for next week:
Class 1 Assembly on Wednesday 9am - children to come to school wearing their Superhero costume.
INSET Day on Friday

Class 1 Team


Class 4   Week ending 10th May 2024

Posted 12/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Wishing all of our Year 6 children the very best with their SATs this week. I recently read this amazing poem (poet unknown) that is too good not to share... 

This week in our English lessons, the children learnt how dialogue can be used to advance action, add description, and create atmosphere in narratives. We learnt about key punctuation marks in speech and tried to integrate this into our stories.

In our history lesson, the children continued their learning about Viking life. They learnt about Viking houses, clothing, jewellery, and shield designs. The children then created their own jewellery or shield design which we hope to make a small replica of, out of pewter before the end of term.

As part of our art lesson this week, we looked at the artist Edgar Degas. We explored charcoal as a medium and enjoyed trying to create movement within our artwork.

In French, the children learnt to say what foods they do and don’t eat in French.

We enjoyed improvising our own compositions with Mrs Butlin in our music lesson.

During our RE lesson, the children continued their learning about the key beliefs in Islam. Their learning was focused around the first pillar, Shahadah, and its importance which built on our learning from last week.  

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Monday and Friday this week.

SATs week- 13th- 16th May.

Residential 12th-14th June 2024.



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