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Class 2   Week ending Friday 10th May

Posted 12/05/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We have been enjoying the work of the sculptor, Andy Goldsworthy this week. We began by using a search engine to find examples of his work. We chose our favourite examples and discussed how he may have made some of his temporary sculptures. We then enjoyed our time outside, collecting and sorting materials that we could use for our own artwork. We then worked together to produce some brilliant results.

In English this week, we have been reading and writing a range of poetry. We experimented with rhyme and alliteration, and have got creative, using these features in our own poems.

In maths this week, both Year 1 and Year 2, have been working on fractions. We have been findinding 1/2 and 1/4 of shapes and amounts. 

We hope you enjoy this weekend, and the long awaited sunshine!

From the class 2 team


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 10th May 2024

Posted 10/05/2024
by Joanna Rickard

What a gloriously sunny week in Pre-School, we have all thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and plenty of time being outside to play.  

This week we have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, a timeless tale that inspires young children to be brave and have courage even when faced with obstacles! 

Several of the children were inspired to make their own castles using our wooden blocks, even turning them into castles for the animals to live in.  

We have decorated our own magic beans with paint and glitter for our art wall, and placed bean seeds and cotton wool in sandwich bags to see if they grow. We have stuck them to the window to allow as much sunlight as possible and will be watching them grow over the next few weeks to see whose gets the tallest! 

Some of our older children have done some excellent practice of writing their names, numbers and letters, we will be getting in as much practice as possible before their transition to reception in September. 

Wednesday afternoon you are invited to a 'Stay and Play' session at pre-school, please note the time is 2-3pm and is open to all current Pre-School families. You are welcome along if this is your child's normal session or not. It is an informal session for you as parents to engage in play with your child and their friends, and to see how they explore the pre-school environment. Any questions, please do come and speak to a member of the team. 

Please could we also ask for any outstanding ‘Big Brush Club’ consent forms to be handed in this week - Thank you.  

Finally, we hope that everyone enjoys the lovely warm weather over the weekend.  

The Pre-School Team  


Class 1   Week ending Friday 10th May 2024

Posted 10/05/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Hello everyone

The weather has been so kind to us this week and we have enjoyed our learning experiences outside. 

Our maths learning this week has been focused on adding and taking away. We have enjoyed playing different games to help us understand the principles such as 'Pirate treasure' and 'Race to zero'. 

Our English this week has been based around stories and non-fiction texts about real-life superheroes. We wrote sentences about what Bear's friends did to help him feel better in the story 'Bear Feels Sick' and wrote sentences to describe what happened to Tim in the story 'Topsy and Tim go to Hospital'. We looked at non-fiction texts about the emergency services and wrote about the role of a firefighter, police officer and doctor. 

During art, we started to create our own piece of artwork inspired by Andy Warhol involving a colour wash background and printing with real will follow when our pieces are complete. We also completed another component of some artwork we started inspired by Roy Lichtenstein. 

We learnt a very important number this week - 999! We looked at how technology is used by the emergency services and learnt what to do in an emergency, including role-playing how to make a 999 call. 

We learnt about plants and growing including four of the basic things that a seed needs to grow. We then went outside and planted tomato, radish and lettuce seeds in our large bed. We also planted some sunflower seeds in the tyres. We are looking forward to observing the changes and watering our seeds to help them grow! 

The theme for Show and Tell this week is: A hobby/ a skill that you can demonstrate or tell everyone about. Please bring in any items or photographs (if required) on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.


Class 3  

Posted 07/05/2024
by Alexander Knight

Much to digest, scientifically.

We are looking at the digestive system.  How it works, what is does for us and how to look after it.  We investigated bread and what happens when you chew it - a lot.  Chewing it without swallowing to create a bolus and gives the saliva in our mouths an extended period of time to work on the starch.  Eventually, the starch is turned into maltose (sugar) and becomes sweet!  

Next job is to build a replica of the digestive system...


PreSchool   Week Beginning 29th April 2024

Posted 06/05/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

We've had another super week here at Pre-School. 

Our focussed book this week was "Sam plants a Sunflower" by Kate Petty and Axel Scheffler. 

National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower ...

Sam the cat loves sunflowers, so together with his friends Worm and Ladybird he decides to grow some in his garden. Join Sam as he finds out all about how plants grow, and learn how you can grow your own sunflowers too. 

We all loved this book and decided it was our favourite book so far. 

We discussed what seeds need to grow and the children all came up with some really good ideas about how we could plant them and what we need to look after our seeds to help them to grow into beautiful sunflowers. 


We all planted our own sunflower seed and are going to watch them over the next few weeks to see how they grow. The children decided they wanted a competition to see who could grow the tallest sunflower. When the plants are strong enough we are going to plant them outside in our Pre-School garden to see how tall they will grow and hopefully will add some wonderful colour to our outside area.

We made some sunflower suncatchers for our windows, which look lovely when the sun shines through them.

We also planted our seed bombs into pots and have been amazed that by the end of the week a few seeds have started to show signs of life already, hopefully when we look at them next week we will see some more shoots. They will hopefully produce some beautiful flowers for our garden and for our wildlife.

Our Friday children went over to "Big School" for the whole school assembly, I had lovely comments for the other staff to say how wonderful they all were and they all sat beautifully for the whole time, We are very proud of them all.

We sent out letters for our "Big Brush Club" last week, thank you to all of you that have returned them, please may we ask for any more permission slips to be return this week so we can order all the resources we need to get started.

It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.

It's Bank Holiday this weekend, hopefully the sun will shine!
We hope you all have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week for some more planting seeds for our outside area for us all to enjoy.

Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 4   Week ending 3rd of May 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the RLNI to school; we learnt lots about beach and water safety. Our favourite parts were the role play of saving a casualty in water and using a lifeguard’s radio to ask for further assistance.  

This week in our English lessons, the children developed their narrative plan. They boxed up the Beowulf text and planned their own using a similar story line. Each child improved their understanding of subordinate clauses and used relative clauses to add extra detail about their characters to their plans.

In our science lesson this week, we loved exploring irreversible changes. We learnt about new materials being produced and some of their useful uses.

In our history lesson, the children learnt about Viking life and how they travelled long distances across the sea.

As part of our art lesson this week, we built on our understanding of drawing techniques and applied these to our drawings of a Viking longship.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about the key beliefs in Islam. They learnt about the five pillars and then thought about their own core beliefs.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions in different scenario and learnt ways to support themselves and others in difficult situations.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

Bank holiday Monday 6th May
PE on Friday this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential 12th-14th June 2024


Class 1   Week ending Friday 3rd May 2024

Posted 03/05/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Happy Bank Holiday weekend!

We have had another wonderful week in Class 1.

In our art learning this week we finished off our artwork inspired by Andy Warhol and used a stylus, an iPad and paint to create our own superhero themed logo. See the image gallery below for some examples! 

Our focus in PE was all about jumping. We talked about how we could be successful by using our arms to help us swing forwards and upwards, leaning forward and taking off and bending and then straightening our legs. We then jumped over the 'stream' using different kinds of jump such as 'jump off one foot' and 'run and jump one foot to both feet'. We practiced this on 'streams' with both narrow and wide banks! 

Our story for our English learning this week has been 'Supertato, Evil Pea Rules'! We received a letter in Class 1 and when we read it, we found out Evil Pea had taken all our Supertatos and trapped them! We decided we needed to catch him so we made some traps out of different construction materials. We also made some 'Wanted' posters and put them up around the school. Luckily we caught him and our Supertatos were returned to us! Well done Class 1!

In Maths we have really tried hard with recognising numerals and representing the number on a ten frame using counters. We then tried adding a given number using different coloured counters and telling the adults how many we had altogether. 

The theme for Show and Tell this week is: An item/object that is special to you. Please bring in on Thursday morning or if emailing photos please send to by 8:40am on Thursday. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Class 1 Team


Class 4   Week ending 26th April 2024

Posted 28/04/2024
by Suzanne Porter

During our English lessons this week, whilst focusing on Beowulf, the children learnt about the progressive and perfect tenses along with planning their own characters for their story. Each child decided how they wanted to plan their character. Some decided to use their computing skills to combine pictures together; others drew their idea straight from their imagination. Once they had come up with a character idea, each child, created ambitious word banks and planned figurative language to support them when drafting their story. 

In our science lesson, the children learnt about separating mixtures. They filtered, sieved, evaporated, and used magnetic attraction to separate out a variety of mixtures.

As part of our art lesson this week, the children drew a preassessment piece of artwork which we can reflect back on at the end of our drawing topic to see whether we can notice any improvements in our mastery of drawing.   

During our RE lesson, the children learnt key vocabulary linked with Islam. They enjoyed using Seesaw to record their findings.

In PSHE, we continued our focus on relationships. The children thought about how everyone in class is connected and has things in common with each other. We tried to visually represent our connections in class by passing a ball of string between as many people as we could.  

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

SATs week- 13th- 16th May


Class 2   Week ending Friday 26th April

Posted 27/04/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

On Thursday afternoon this week, we enjoyed a visit to the church. In RE, we have been learning about sacred places and objects that help people to worship. We managed to find plenty of interesting things in the church, that helped us with our learning, such as the font, altar, pulpit and bell tower. We all had a turn walking to the top of the pulpit, just to see what it looks like from Rev Allen’s perspective. We drew pictures of these special places in the church, and talked about what they are used for. 

During our English lessons this week, we have innovated and written some fantastic stories about Little Red Riding Hood. They are very creative and imaginative. 

We have impressed the judges of our art competition this week, with our watercolour paintings of bluebells and sunflowers. They found it difficult to pick a winner and said that class 2 has some extremely impressive examples. Well done children, your hard work has produced some excellent results. 

Please continue to bring reading books back every day, and try to read daily at home. 

Have a lovely weekend!

The class 2 team.



PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Joanna Rickard

A wonderful week of special celebrations! 

With Monday (April 22nd) being the annual date that we celebrate our remarkable planet with Earth Day, we decided to continue this theme throughout the week so that all the children could access some learning and activities that help them to understand how important it is to protect and care for our planet and the different ways we can do that working together.  

The children were already aware of some the things that we do to help protect planet Earth and all it's living things. They told us it is really important to not drop litter, especially into the ocean as the fish sometimes mistake it for food and will eat it, making them poorly! They were also able to tell us some of the things that we can recycle to be used again, and how we must not waste water.

One of our hands on activities this week has been to make wildflower seed bombs. We learned that not only do wild flowers look pretty, but they are very important for the wildlife, including our special bumblebees. They have been planted into our garden areas and hopefully we may see some beautiful flowers popping up where there wasn't any before! 
We have also celebrated our cress heads growing. The children could not believe how quickly their ‘green hair’ has sprouted!
 We may need some patience for our other planted seeds.

This week we have also celebrate ‘St George’s Day’. The children were shown a picture of Saint George and asked who he may be, and what was he wearing?  The children said he could be a knight as he had a sword and shield.  We listened to a story explaining that Saint George was a soldier who lived hundreds of years ago, who liked to help and protect people. Saint George rescued a royal princess from a fierce dragon and England adopted him as a patron saint. We then discussed what the words ‘protect’ and ‘fierce’ mean. We talked about St George’s flag and painted our own using our fingers to paint the red cross. 

In other news a letter will be sent home to give information about the ‘Big Brush Club’ we will be taking part in here at Pre-School. It’s an NHS funded scheme to improve oral wellbeing in children. You can visit for more information. If you have any questions, then please do come and speak to us at Pre-School.   

Lastly, with weather still being very unsettled, even on those sunny days it is very chilly. Please could we ask that your child still comes in with suitable clothing (layers are good) even if it looks sunny and warm. Also, that they wear shoes with their toes covered. We thank you for your understanding on this.  

Next week we look forward to our book ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower and will be planting our own sunflower seeds too! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

The Pre-School Team.  



Class 1   Week ending Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Hello everyone,

It was great to see you all at our 'Family Friday' this week, we hope you all enjoyed the different activities! 

In maths our main focus this week was around verbal counting and patterns. We practiced counting forwards and backwards from different starting points as well as looking at a hundred square to identify, discuss and start to explain the patterns we noticed. We also used a set of number cards, put them in order and then played ‘Which one is missing?’ 

This week in English our learning has been based around the story 'Supertato'; clearly a firm favourite for the children! We have been labelling the characters and using adjectives to describe Evil Pea and Supertato. We also made our own 'super veggie' and wrote a description of what our 'super veggie' looks like and their superpowers.  

Our art learning this week saw us start to learn about two of our focus artists; Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. We looked at examples of their work, discussed what we noticed and then started to create our own inspired pieces.  We used photos and crayons to create a piece of art inspired by Andy Warhol where each child had four identical pictures of themselves that they coloured using crayons. The children will make this into a collage and we look forward to sharing these pieces with you. We also used pop art style dots to show colour without filling a space completely. We looked at Lichtenstein’s “Ben Day Dots” to create a piece inspired by his theory, we have made a good start on this and will continue with it next week. 

In RE we have been looking at ‘special places’. We visited our local church and discussed what we could see and why it is important for Christians.

As our story this week was Supertato, we have been exploring floating and sinking with fruits and vegetables. We learnt what a prediction is and made predictions first before testing the fruits and vegetables. We discussed why some float and why some sink, and why some of them floated first and then sank. We then explored floating and sinking with other objects.

We also went on a superhero rescue! A villain (Evil Pea) sent a note to the children explaining that he had taken 'Ted'. The children had a series of clues to follow which they hoped would lead them to Ted. The clues were solved accurately and when they found Ted on the PE shed they had one final question to answer about the focus text we have been using this week. Great superhero problem solving everyone! Well done!

We are going to have a themed weekly 'Show and Tell' which will be on a Thursday. The theme for next week is 'A favourite place you have visited'. We will ask the children to tell us about the item/photograph and ask them a couple of questions too. The children can bring in an item from the place they have visited or a photograph or you can email any photos to me at this address: **Please note, if you are emailing me any photos to ensure that they are sent before 8:30am on Thursday so that they are ready to show on Thursday morning, many thanks.**

Points to remember....
- As the weather warms up please ensure your child brings a drinks bottle to school each day filled with water.
- Please ensure sun cream is applied before school; we are unable to apply sun cream at school.
- Please ensure your child brings a sunhat to school. 
- Below we have attached some optional homework activities, based around our learning about Superheroes this term. The children can do as many of the activities as they wish. Please do take photos or bring the homework activities to school so we can give them house points for their amazing work! You will also be sent a copy of these home on Monday.

Class 1 Team


Class 2   Week ending Friday 19th April

Posted 21/04/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Summer Term!

This week we have been enjoying some sunshine outside, whilst finding wild flowers in preparation for the Trelawny Fayre art competition.
We learnt about the work of Cornish artist Marjorie Blamey, who painted water colours of wild flowers. We then found real examples of flowers that she had used in her work. We chose bluebells as a focus, and have sketched some wonderful examples of them, in preparation for painting next week. The children have asked if we can sketch some different kinds of flowers next week. I am so pleased with their efforts and with the work that they have produced so far. Well done everyone! Entries will be judged next Friday. 
Our science topic this half term is all about plants. We learnt about the process of pollination this week, and drew a comic strip to explain the process. The children became very good at using scientific vocabulary to explain the process. 
In English this week, we have been learning about traditional tales. We learnt the story of Little Red Riding Hood and have used the story to help us with grammatical structures and sentence openers. Next week we will look at different versions of the story.
In maths this week, Year 2 have been learning about length. They have used metres and centimetres to estimate and measure objects. Year 1 have begun to learn about multiplication, by finding and making equal groups. We have been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Next week, during our RE lesson on Thursday afternoon, we would like to walk to the church. We will be learning about things that people use to help them to worship. Thank you for completing the relevant consent forms at the beginning of this year, which allows us to take the children off site for visits. We will only be walking as far as the inside of the church. 
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the long awaited sunshine!

The class 2 team!


Class 3  

Posted 20/04/2024
by Alexander Knight

We've started as we finished...

At the end of our last term we created some superb water colour flower picture.  The skills we practiced came in useful as we took part in a one-off art competition, painting flowers, including roses.. 

We also started our next art theme.  We began with a still life of apples.  We will be looking at impressionism  inc. he work of Paul Cézanne, build to recreating our still life, but in the style of impressionism  

TT Rock Stars (TTRS) will be a big focus over the next few weeks as the Year 4s build up to the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June.  The 'Soundcheck' option on TTRS works in a very similar way to the MTC and we aiming to complete 6 (SIX) soundcheck per week to build up our times tables speed and stamina.  The Year 3s are joining us on our practice journey also aiming to complete 6 soundcheck per week.  Luckily, they have a year before they take the test.


Mr Knight


PreSchool   Week Beginning 15th April 2024

Posted 20/04/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome Back To Our Summer Term.

We like to welcome you all back after our Easter holidays and to also welcome some new families to our Pre-School.

This week we have been lucky to see a bit of sunshine, we even had some of our children having a little sunbathe on Thursday afternoon!! 
It has been super to spend lots of our time outside exploring and playing without getting too wet. We also spent some time out on the "Big" school field which is so lovely as its such a wonderful place to be able to run freely and explore.

Our topic this term is "Are plants alive" and this week we have been exploring where seeds come from. We cut up some fruit and vegetables and talked about what we could see, we then used magnifying glasses to be able to see the seeds closer and look at all the different types of seeds we could find. 

We counted some of the seeds in an apple and found 5, we then looked at the seeds in a tomato and noticed that these seeds were smaller and different than the apples.

We have our own garden centre role play area and we will be making lots of plants and flowers to put into our little shop.

Our focussed book this week was Ten Seeds by Ruth Brown

By Ruth Brown Ten Seeds: ...

It tells the story of ten seeds, only one of which survives to grow into a lovely sunflower and produces new seeds to start the cycle again.

During this half term the children will experience planting seeds, watching them germinate, they will be looking after their plants plus discovering lots of minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles of frogs, butterflies, beans and sunflowers.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully we'll see some more much needed sunshine.  

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Dates for your diary -
St George’s Day Mufti Tuesday 23rd April will be a MUFTI day and we are inviting the children to come to school wearing the colours of the flag of St George, red and white. A voluntary donation of £1 can be given to the class teacher during registration.


Class 4   Week ending 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Suzanne Porter

Welcome back.

The children have settled back into class routines exceptionally well. They have been enjoying the dry weather and being able to make the most of our large field especially at lunch times.

On returning to school, it was lovely to see all the children’s fabulous (finally dry) prints that we created last half term based on Hokusai’s, 36 Views of Mount Fuji series(pictured left).

During our English lessons this week, the children have not only finished their final draft of their newspaper reports, but they have also started a new learning based on Beowulf. The children summarised the story using their computing skills to digitally create a storyboard along with designing their own story maps to help them to retell the story off by heart. This week we have also been reminding ourselves of various word classes and their roles.

In our science lesson this week, the children learnt about solubility. They made predictions, carried out tests and reflected on their results.

During our PE lessons this week, we thoroughly enjoyed beginning our focus of touch rugby with Pro20. In our athletic lesson this week, we used the iPads to capture our running technique and time across a distance which we hope to improve on other this half term.

During PSHE, the children learnt about mental health and the balance between challenges and support.

We enjoyed our Music lesson with Mrs Butlin and look forward to music with her during this half term.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Fridays

St George’s Day- red and white mufti Tuesday 23rd April

Clubs start this week

SATs week- 13th- 16th May

Residential- 12th-14th June – full payment due


Class 1   Week ending Friday 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Lauren Forbes

What lovely weather we've had this week to welcome the children back to school for the summer term! It has been wonderful to spend some time outside in our outside area and for our PE lessons. We started our new learning for this half term, our big question is 'What is a superhero?' The children are very excited about this topic!

During our maths learning this week, we were focusing on building numbers and continuing patterns beyond 10. We practiced counting to 20 using the stable order counting principle. We practiced counting both forwards and backwards. We then explored counting and building amounts and explaining what number we had built. The children were starting to notice patterns they could see e.g. ten and 1, ten and 2, ten and 3 etc. They then said that "the number after the one was going up by one each time". We will continue with this strand of learning next week where we will be further investigating pattern and verbal counting. 

In English, to introduce our new 'big question' we begun the week by looking at some very familiar superheroes and writing their names and their superpowers.  Our story this week was 'Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero'. We wrote about the superpowers Eliot used in the story and what he used them for. We also  looked at when speech bubbles are used in stories; we then wrote some speech bubbles for the characters in the story.

In RE we have started to discuss which places are special and why. We talked about places that are special to us, for example, places to be happy, to have fun, to be quiet or to feel safe. The children came up with some lovely ideas, including, the beach, the park, the woods, the playground and their bedroom.

In PSHE we have started our unit on 'Relationships' and this week we have been looking at our families. Mrs Forbes shared a photo of her family; if any of the children would like to bring in a photo of their family to share during our PSHE circle time next week on Wednesday we would love to see them. 

Our art learning this week involved creating a piece of artwork...more information to follow soon! 

The children each took their tricky word bags home on Friday, please see the note inside which provides some more information. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

School photos are next Friday - please ensure all children are wearing their school uniform. 

Class 1 Team


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 29th March 2024

Posted 30/03/2024
by Joanna Rickard

We have reached the end of Spring Term 2 and what a busy term it has been. The children have really enjoyed our focus on animals and birds with lots of activities and learning focussed on our enquiry question - Who left these footprints?  

Alongside this we have also celebrated World Book Day, St Piran’s Day, British Science Week and Easter. 

This week we have enjoyed lots of Easter themed activities, including egg hunts, egg decorating and even a lovely visit from Mrs Stanbury and 2 of her week old lambs! The children were very lucky to have a go at bottle feeding them and having lots of cuddles. The children and adults all absolutely loved having them visit.  

Some of our children joined the whole school over at church for an Easter celebration service with Reverend Richard.

This week we sadly had to say our goodbyes to Mrs Oliver, the children all made a handprint flower that were presented to Mrs Oliver as a bouquet. All of us at Pre-School will miss Mrs Oliver, but we wish her the very best of luck at her new school.

On our return to Pre-School, we hope to see some more settled weather so that the children can have more use of our garden area which will link in nicely to our new enquiry question for Summer Term 1 - Are plants alive? The children will experience planting seeds, looking after their plants, discovering minibeasts and learning about simple life cycles.  

From all the Pre-School Team we would like to wish you a very Happy Easter, hopefully we all get to enjoy some sunny days and family time.  

We look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 15th April.  



Class 4   Week ending Friday 22nd March 2024

Posted 23/03/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed getting their teeth into their printing learning journey. They made Styrofoam print blocks, string print blocks and sponge print blocks. After experimenting with these different methods, each child decided which they would like to use in their main art piece. They justified their choice and shared top tips with each other. Many children loved what they had managed to create out of a piece of sponge but decided that they will use a Styrofoam print block as it would give them the chance to add more fine detail in their print.

During PSHE, the children learnt about wellbeing; they drew a wellness well and thought about how positive and negative thoughts affect mental health and how we can help ourselves and others.

In our science lessons, the children learnt about materials and their properties. We explored various properties including transparency, hardness, magnetism and finished by creating an investigation to test electrical conductors and sorting these from electrical insulators.

During our English lessons this week, the children have been drafting a newspaper article about an earthquake. They have learnt about speech punctuation and have used examples in their articles.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays

Parent consultations Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Break up for Easter on Thursday (school closing early)



PreSchool   Week Beginning 18th March 2024

Posted 23/03/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Well this half term is passing by so quickly, we have just completed the last full week of our Spring Term!
Nest week we just have 4 days before we break up for our Easter Holidays.

This weeks book was "Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell

The three owls Sarah, Percy and Bill all want their Mummy.
The Three baby owls awake one night to find their mother gone, and they can't help but wonder where she is. What is she doing? When will she be back? What scary things move all around them? Stunning illustrations from striking perspectives capture the anxious little owls as they worry.

We talked about where Mummy had gone and that she went looking for food for the three baby owls. 

We talked about Nocturnal Animals and why these animals come out at night! we listed Owls, Hedgehogs, Bats, Foxes, Mice, Moths and Hamsters.

We listened to different animal sounds to see if we could name them and did really well at spotting the Owls Hoot!

We were able to get outside lots this week without having to dodge the rain, which made a wonderful change, so nice to see the sun shining in the sky.
On Friday we put on our wellies and had a run/walk around the big school field to stretch our legs! We were also finding lots of play equipment that had been scattered on the field so decided to be helpful and collect it all up and put back into the school sheds.
We played on the tyre park area for a while and watched Mr Knights PE lesson that was taking place on the playground.

We made our own paintings of Owls and started to make some pom pom owls which we will complete next week.

Next week we will be doing all things Easter...

We still have a few poorly staff and children with a sickness bug. To prevent any further spread to children and staff, it is our policy that if a child has had sickness or diarrhoea, They must not be in Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, whatever the cause.
If your child is going to miss a session or is absent due to sickness, then please let us know by calling Pre-School on 01503 220686 or by emailing us at by 9.15am.
Thank you for your continued understanding on this.

A few dates for your diary -

- Tuesday 26th March 2pm Easter Celebration at church (note change of time) All welcome.

- Thursday 28th March Pre-School and School end for children at 1pm

- Friday 29th March – Friday 12th April Easter Holiday

- Monday 15th April Summer Term starts


Class 1   Week ending Friday 22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Hello everyone

We cannot believe we have just completed the last full week of Spring term 2! Just 4 days to go next week!

We had an exciting music lesson with Mrs Butlin this week after our singing assembly. We learnt a funny duck dance and had to move like the different members of the duck family and listen carefully to when the music changed. Mrs Butlin also showed us her clarinet. She told us all about it and she played it for us, we listened carefully to the sound it made and how she moved her fingers to change the pitch.

In our maths learning this week we have started learning about 3D shapes. We started off by being able to recognise the shapes and then started to learn their names. We have learnt about these shapes: cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere. We then started to use mathematical vocabulary to describe the properties such as all of the faces on a cube are flat. Towards the end of the week, we were finding 2D shapes within 3D shapes. We used paint to print the 3D shapes and identified which 2D shapes we could see. On Friday we were using 3D shapes for tasks where we had 3D shapes and a ramp. We had to explore which 3D shapes rolled down the ramp and which did not and then explain what we noticed about the shapes that did not roll. After that, we explored which shapes stacked and which did not, we investigated which properties made it a good shape for stacking.

In English this week our learning has been based around the story 'Katie and the Dinosaurs'. We used describing words to describe one of the scenes in the land of the dinosaurs and wrote about where we thought Katie would take Grandma at the end of the story.

In PSHE we have been discussing the importance of being clean, in particular washing our hands.  We spoke about the importance of washing our hands and then looked at how we do it properly. We discussed that we can’t always see the germs on our hands because they are invisible. We then took part in an experiment. The pepper in the water was the germs. When we put our finger in the water the pepper (germs) stuck to our finger. We then dipped our finger in soap and dipped it back into the water. The pepper (germs) moved away from our finger. This showed that germs don’t like soap and we need to use it when we wash our hands to wash the germs away.

We enjoyed going out to the forest school area looking at the pondlife. Before we went out to the pond, we discussed what we might expect to find and what pond creatures look like, we linked this to our learning about lifecycles. We then did some pond dipping where we tried to identify the pondlife using magnifying glasses to take a closer look, we were so excited to have found two newts! We looked at them in the jugs so we could take a closer look and were surprised to see all of the different colours on the newts! 

A few notes about next week:
*No PE due to Easter service on Tuesday afternoon and early school closing (after lunch) on Thursday afternoon.
*Parent consultations on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school – everyone has booked a slot – we look forward to meeting with you.

Class 1 Team


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