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Class 2   Week ending Friday 15th March

Posted 17/03/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello everyone!

We had a lovely day on Monday in our outside area, finding tadpoles and frogspawn. We enjoyed learning about different habitats, as well as the plants and animals that thrive in and around a pond. We also learnt about the life cycle of a frog.

This week, we have continued our learning about Amelia Earhart. In English, we began writing a biography. We have also made models of ‘The Canary’, the plane that Amelia Earhart flew. We have made these out of wood, and have also painted them with our own designs. 

In maths this week, year 1 have been measuring length, using centimetres and metres, while year 2 have been investigating odd and even numbers. 

Thank you for all of your kind donations to comic relief this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team.


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 15th March 2024

Posted 16/03/2024
by Joanna Rickard

What an amazing week of little scientists celebrating British Science Week 2024! 

We started the week by discussing what we thought Science may be about and the children had some thoughtful ideas such as being able to make things or mix potions! Some of children had not heard of the word Science and that is totally understandable at their young ageScience at this age is learning about the things that are around us and noticing change, and we link this in to our Understanding the World area of learning.

We have been talking about the four Seasons and so we challenged the children to spot the changes that happen over the course of a year. We used pictures to place into the correct season as a fun way of recognising these changes. 

The weather was something the children found easy to recognise as it is something we talk about frequentlywe are always on the lookout for a rainbow! We took this in to our first experiment of the week to grow our own rainbows!
have also experimented with bicarbonate soda and vinegar to make fizzy colours, used special paper and a water spray bottle for colour diffusing our names, and even made raisins dance in fizzy water!  The children have all thoroughly enjoyed the variety of experiments this week, and it’s been lovely to see and hear their enthusiasm.

As from Mrs Oliver’s newsletter, you will have received the letter regarding the school's outbreak of Norovirus. We would like to reassure you that extra precautions are in place to minimise the spread of the virus. If you have any concerns, then please contact us at Pre-School.  

Thank you for any donations that were made to Comic Relief on Friday. The link is still live via the Newsletter for anyone still wanting to donate 

Please can we ask that no additional toys are sent in with your child unless it is their show and tell allocated day. It reduces upset from breakages or other children wanting to use the toy also.  We understand a couple of younger children have a comfort teddy they bring along, and this is still absolutely fine.   

Letters will have started to come out to those of you with children who have changes to their session days/timesIf you have any queries relating to the changes, please do email the preschool email 

Parent consultations are the week beginning Monday 25th March - Please do book a slot if you feel you would like an informal meeting with Mrs Rickard or Mrs Gravener about your child.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  


Class 4   Week ending 15th March 2024

Posted 16/03/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week has been a busy one with lots of important learning taking place across the week.  

Year 5 children went to a ‘Life Skills’ event at Liskeard fire station where they learnt lifesaving information from various emergency services and companies like GWR. It was great to hear that some of the children went home and taught their adults some of skills learnt like CPR.

During our outdoor learning time, the children learnt about pond life. We noticed frogs, tadpoles and newts in our pond at school and learnt the life cycles and animal groups of these creatures. We made our own wood slice life cycles which we will give to the younger classes once they are varnished. We noticed that the edges to our pond are quite open so we used other wood slices to carve a danger sign to warn others about it. We chiselled into the wood slices which we found particularly difficult. It made us wonder how ‘Hokusaiour artist focus at the moment made the detailed wooden print blocks all those years ago.  In our outdoor session, we also learnt about filtration and tried to improve the water quality of the pond as it is looking quite murky. In groups, the children made water filters using various natural resources that they found. There was a clear difference once the pond water had been through the children’s filters. They noted how the water still wouldn’t be safe to drink!

In PSHE, we continued our topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children learnt about exploitation, peer pressure and gangs. They learnt about what to do if they are in a situation where they are being made to do something they don’t want to do. They also learnt about, ‘Clever Never Goes,’ which helps children to recognise specific situations that are unsafe and gives them the tools to respond. This tied in well with year 5’s Life Skills trip to Liskeard Fire station.  

In our English lessons, the children planned a newspaper report about a natural disaster. They learnt about direct and indirect speech and wrote examples that could be used in their reports. Some children managed to change the levels of formality between the various witnesses and experts in their speech examples.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about how Christians choose to live their lives. We learnt about various parables including the ‘Foolish Builder’. The children recreated this parable by attempting to build mini structures on various foundations. All children were able to explain that the different foundations they used represented Christians that followed Jesus’ teachings and those that did not.

During our geography lessons this week, the children had a physical geography focus. They learnt about tectonic plates, volcanoes and earthquakes and plotted the ring of fire on a world map. After learning about how buildings are built with special features in earthquake prevalent areas to try to reduce the impact of the quakes, the children designed their own buildings with similar features and tried to build these using spaghetti and marshmallows. They used a base of jelly as their foundations so it was great fun testing their buildings against an earthquake simulation! We got up to ‘8’ on our own Richter scale.

During our computing lesson this week, the children learnt how to create a database of data in Excel. They researched the changing temperatures in various countries across 20+ years to see if they could notice the effect of global warming. The children learnt how to calculate the total and the mean in their spreadsheet by typing in equations. They also learnt how to plot their findings into various styles of graph.

Mr Hewitt came in and worked with some of our gifted artists to add finishing touches to the school mural.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins.

This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school. We will be erupting any volcanoes made in these last 2 weeks of term so if they could be brought into school this coming week, that would be great.

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays


Class 1   Week ending Friday 15th March 2024

Posted 14/03/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Hello everyone

It was great to see everyone wearing something red on Friday for Red Nose Day. We discussed what Red Nose Day is and the children asked some brilliant questions to further their understanding.

During our Maths lessons this week we were looking at composition to 10 and making bonds to 10 using 2 parts and 3 parts. We used Numicon to support our learning about parts and being able to visibly see the different bonds to 10. We ended the week by looking at doubles and finding doubles to 10. We reminded ourselves that the concept of doubling is ‘twice as many’.

We continued with our photography focus and set up our own scenes and took photographs of it. We then changed part of the scene and took another photograph and explained the changes we had made.

When we arrived at school at the beginning of the week we noticed there were dinosaur footprints in the classroom and they had taken a big bite out of one of our books and left the paper all over the floor! When we looked in the nest we saw that the eggs had hatched and  we had baby dinosaurs in the classroom! However, when we arrived in the classroom on Tuesday morning the baby dinosaurs had gone missing! We made 'Missing' posters for the baby dinosaurs and stuck them up around the school to see if anyone had seen them. We still hadn't found them, so on Thursday we made traps to try and catch them. We are really hoping we find them soon!

This week we have been looking at the size of dinosaurs and answering the question ‘were all dinosaurs big?’ We all said that we didn’t think you could fit a dinosaur in the classroom. We found out though, that although some dinosaurs were the largest ever land animals to live, some were also very tiny. We learnt that the smallest dinosaur was the Compsognathus, which was the size of a chicken! We then used unifix cubes to measure the height of three different dinosaurs and put them in order from the shortest to the tallest.

The Class 1 Team 


Class 3  

Posted 11/03/2024
by Alexander Knight

A week for the artistic.

We started our week creating Mother day cards.  We used some water colour skills to create pictures of flowers painting wet on dry.  We then used more water to spread the paint and create the petal shapes.  World book day saw the whole of Class 3 in fancy dress or PJs!  we had a number of famous character came to class 3 including Matilda, Little red Riding Hood and Veruca Salt.  We are looking forwards to seeing more red costumes this Friday for Red Nose day. 

Home work is on Ed Shed and everyone has had the chance to log in at school.  Fingers crossed, and you'll be able to smoothly access it at home.

Looking forward to a great week including outside learning on Tuesday.

Mr Knight.


Class 2   Week ending Friday 8th March

Posted 10/03/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We really enjoyed celebrating world book day on Thursday. The children were excited to tell us all about their favourite books or characters. We also took part in an online illustrator’s master class by the author Rob Biddulph. We learnt how to draw some of his characters from the story; ‘Charlie McGrew and the Horse that Grew’. This book is available to exchange with your world book day token. 

On Monday 11th March, we have our outdoor learning day. The theme will be ‘pond life’. Please come to school wearing clothes and footwear suitable for the weather. 


PreSchool   Week beginning 4th March 2024

Posted 09/03/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

We've had another really busy week of fun here at Pelynt Pre-School!

Starting off our week we were looking at different types of birds.
Our book this week was "A tale of two feathers" 

In this story, Otis the owl finds a shiny blue feather and cannot find the bird it came from. Meanwhile, Kia the kingfisher finds a stripy white feather and cannot find the matching bird. One night, the birds finally meet and solve the mystery!

We looked at a real birds nest and talked about how and why birds build nests, we also talked about how hard it would be to build a nest, we decided that birds were really cleaver to be able to build such beautiful, neat and tidy homes with only their beaks!!

We went outside and did some bird spotting, counting how many birds and the different types we saw in and around our school field.

Also we made our own gorgeous birds out of clay which we will be able to bring home once they are dry.

We celebrated St Pirans Day on Tuesday, we looked at why Cornwall is so special to us, looked at pictures of the Cornish Coastline and how lucky we are to have so many beaches to explore in and around our county. We watched a Cornish Sea Tale "The Mermaids Magic Comb", and made our own Cornish Pasties out of play doh. We finished off our celebration of St Pirans Day with a service at the church and lay some daffodils outside.

Also this week we have celebrated "World Book day", we went across to big school to watch an author event with classes 1 and 2 on Wednesday and on Thursday we dressed up as our favourite book characters, picked out our favourite books and read lots of stories.

We have all deserved a relaxing weekend after all the activities we have taken part in this week!

Next week is "British Science Week" so we will be doing lots of activities linked to science, and hopefully some fun experiments too...

This Friday, 15th March, we are holding a Comic Relief Fundraising (whole school) so please wear something red for suggested donation of £1.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully we'll see some much needed sunshine.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

Just a little reminder.
We still have a few poorly children with a sickness bug.
To prevent any further spread to children and staff, it is our policy that if a child has had sickness or diarrhoea, then they must not be in Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, whatever the cause.

Notifying us of absences:

If your child is going to miss a session or is absent due to sickness, then please let us know by calling Pre-School on 01503 220686 or by emailing us at by 9.15am. Thank you for your understanding on this.


Class 4   Week ending 8th March 2024

Posted 09/03/2024
by Suzanne Porter

It’s been a busy week celebrating St Piran’s Day and World Book Day. I always love seeing what characters the children choose to come in as. We had a great time trying to guess each other’s characters- some were much easier to guess than others. We needed clues for a few outfits; some children had props to help us!

This week, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been learning about imagery and writing poems that create a vivid image for the reader. Many children had a metaphor focus and wrote poems that rhymed whilst other children had a simile focus and experimented with kennings too.

During our art lesson this week, we learnt about the famous artist, Hokusai. The children learnt how he created his prints and then made drawings that followed a similar theme to his artwork, ‘36 views of Mount Fuji’.

In our French lessons, we started a new topic on healthy living and being active. The children learnt French words for various healthy food and drink.

In PSHE, we continued our topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children learnt about various types of drugs and their effects on the body. They learnt about the different categories of drugs including, prescribed, restricted, unrestricted and illegal. They then sorted names of drugs into their correct categories and discussed why people might take drugs even when they know they can be damaging to the body.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 

Outdoor learning day Thursday



Class 1   Week ending Friday 8th March 2024

Posted 07/03/2024
by Lauren Forbes

We’ve had an exciting week in Class 1!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Piran’s Day with a service at the church, thank you to those of you who came, we hope you enjoyed it. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day where we had an array of characters in our classroom! We enjoyed sharing information about our characters and which story they were from and ended the day with an assembly with Rev Allen. We were also very lucky to take part in an online event with the author Rashmi Sirdeshpande. She wrote the book ‘Never Show a T-Rex a Book’. She spoke about why she became an author and why she loved her job. She read the story to us and we had the opportunity to ask her questions; Pelynt School even got a mention!

In our Maths learning this week, we continued with focusing on 9 and 10, in particular, comparing numbers to 10, representing 9 and 10 and finding 1 more and 1 less. We enjoyed listening to lots of stories linked to our learning including ‘How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?’, ‘One Duck Stuck’ and ‘Ten in the Bed’.

At the beginning of the week Class 1 had a very special delivery. Mrs Thompson said a treasure chest had been delivered for us. We had lots of ideas what might be inside including treasure, gold and jewels. When we opened the chest we saw some eggs. We think they might be dinosaur eggs but we’ll have to wait and see. We decided we need to build a nest for them. We watched a video of a bird building a nest and looked at all the different natural materials they used. In our writing sessions we then wrote labels and captions for the nest, including 'be careful, do not touch and take care'. We also read the story 'Dear Dinosaur' and wrote a letter to our favourite dinousar to ask them questions. 

We have been looking at what dinosaurs eat. We discussed how palaeontologists find this out by looking at bones and fossils, especially their teeth. We learnt what the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore mean. We looked at pictures of different dinosaur teeth and found out that carnivores have sharp pointy teeth so they can eat meat and that herbivores have flat teeth or beaks so they can eat plants.

During ‘Explore and Learn’ time this week, the children have enjoyed a range of activities including being palaeontologists, creating dinosaur stomp footprints using dinosaurs, large paper and paint and being imaginative using costumes and hats for dressing up and creating stories/ games.

The Class 1 Team


Class 3  

Posted 04/03/2024
by Alexander Knight

Best ever homework challenge.


A wide range of homework options were available to Class 3 which led to a great number of children rising to the challenge.  Most impressive were the volcanos.  Models of Mt. Vesuvius.  They varied in size, detail and many were working models.  Alongside this, we had home work entries that we're based on reading, researching the Roman Empire and TTRS sound checks.  There really was a homework challenge for everyone and it was pleasing to so many take part.  Keep up the good work Class 3.


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 1st March 2024

Posted 03/03/2024
by Joanna Rickard

This week our focussed book has been ‘Brown Bear Brown Bear, what can you see?’ The children have all enjoyed the story throughout the week and because of its rhythmic and repetitive language they have begun to tell the story together as a group whilst it is being read, which has been great in developing language and encouraging some of our quieter children to join in.  

The story using vibrant pictures of favourite animals helps to develop colour recognition and we built on this learning through group sorting activities, colour hunts, and their integrated play throughout the week.  

The children have also enjoyed investigating about bears, how many different types there are, where they live, and most importantly that they love to eat fish! We watched a clip of the Grizzly Bear of Alaska and their amazing salmon catching techniques.  

For our artwork this week the children have used soft brown pastel crayons to colour a paper plate for our own brown bears. Pastels are great for the children to explore as they are soft and easy to use for their developing pencil grip, also they can use their fingers to smudge the pastel colour. We then added ears, eyes, muzzle, nose and a mouth to the bears face. Alongside this, the children have painted the animals of the story with the colours from the book.  


With so many of our children now enjoying ‘Show and Share’, we have decided to go back to allocated days to keep it fair and allow us to give each child the opportunity to stand and talk about their item – Please do check the list in the entrance of Pre-School to see your child's allocated day. 

A polite reminder that if your child has been poorly with any sickness or diarrhoea, it is our policy that they must not return to Pre-School for 48 hours from their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea. Please see the attached letter regarding this.  

Next week we will enjoy the story ‘A Tale of Two Feathers’ and discover more about birds.
Also, we will be celebrating St Piran’s Day on Tuesday. Your child is welcomed to dress in something black, white or gold to celebrate this special day, and we will be joining the whole school for our St Pirans assembly over in church at 2pm.

World Book Day is Thursday 7th March, we will be sharing some of our favourite stories with the children. Your child is welcome to dress as their favourite book character or bring in a favourite book to share with their friends.  


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  



Class 4   Week ending Friday 1st March 2024

Posted 02/03/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week, we started our new enquiry question, ‘Extreme Earth: how dangerous is it?’ The children thought of many interesting questions that they’d like to know based on this physical geography-based line of enquiry. As a starting point for this topic and to gain a better understanding of what lies beneath our feet, the children created a model of the Earth with the layers inside. After learning about the different layers of the Earth, the children worked in a group to explain it to others. They used their models to support them. Many children decided to share this information as documentary hosts and created a short film of their explanations. In this lesson, the children also attached the film to Seesaw and learnt that we can create a QR code of our videos to put on display in class.  

This week in our English lessons, the children have had a poetry focus. They have been using imagery whilst writing poems about volcanoes. Many children have also been trying to use rhyming couplets in their poems too.

In RE, the children learnt about Christianity and how Christians choose to live their lives. The children were reminded of the story of Moses and the 10 commandments and compared these to their own values.

In our art lessons this half term, we have a new focus- printing. In this week’s lesson, the children searched the school site to find items that they wanted to explore printing with. We discussed artists that we’ve learnt about in the past who were print artists and touched on key vocabulary that we might come across during this learning journey.

In our PE lessons this week, we continued our focuses of Tri Golf and tag rugby.

In PSHE, we continued our Healthy Me topic. The children became agony aunts, offering their advice to various scenarios.

Points to remember:
PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 
St Piran’s Day on Tuesday- wear black, white and/or gold

World Book Day on Thursday



Class 1   Week ending Friday 1st March 2024

Posted 01/03/2024
by Lauren Forbes

Hello everyone

We continued with our photography learning in Art this week where we learnt how to take photos with an Ipad, edit these photos and print them off before writing about the edits we had made to our original photo. We decided to take photos of natural objects such as plants and trees.

In PE we carried on with our movements and dance which is inspired by ‘The Three Little Pigs’. This week we focused on remembering movement actions and changing our speed. We all experimented with making different actions and gestures as the pigs and wolf characters.

We finished our maths learning about time this week where we sequenced the days of the week and created a timetable to show events that take place on each day. We then started to explore numbers 9 and 10. The children used 1:1 correspondence to count a set of 9 and then 10 items with accuracy. They then sorted different representations of 9 and 10 into a table. The representations were made up of numerals, words and pictures of individual objects.

In English we have been reading the story 'Mad about Dinosaurs'. We learnt what rhyming words were and looked at the rhyming pattern in the story. We came up with our own rhyming words and used these to write rhyming sentences about dinosaurs. We designed our own pet dinosaurs and wrote sentences about the features of our pet dinosaur.

We have been learning about what dinosaurs looked like and how we know. We learnt that we don't have photos of dinosaurs, just drawings, and these are guesses about what they looked like. We can only guess at what dinosaurs looked like by looking very closely at the clues left behind such as bones and fossils. We compared the skeleton of a dinosaur to a human dinosaur and discussed the similarities and differences. 

In PSHE we have been understanding how moving and resting are good for our bodies. We took part in different challenges outside and discussed what happened to our bodies including our heart beating faster, our skin feeling hotter and breathing faster.

Class 1 Team


Head's Blog   Spring Term 2 Week 2

Posted 01/03/2024
by Abigail Oliver

St Piran’s Day Celebrations Tuesday 5th March
To celebrate this special day, we would like the children to come to school wearing something black, white or gold (no charge). All are welcome to join us in church at 2pm for our St Piran’s assembly.  We will return to school after the assembly to collect belongings.

World Book Day Thursday 7th March
Just a reminder that on World Book Day we would love the children to come either dressed as their favourite book character, or wearing a hat/top decorated with pictures of characters, objects or places in their favourite story. Alternatively, they can wear bedtime (reading) clothes.

The Little Knitters
Elsa, Eryn, Alice and Scarlett have been very busy making necklaces, bracelets, keyrings and bookmarks, which they will be selling on Friday 8th March after school, to raise money for school projects. See their flyer in our newsletter for more details.

Parent Consultations week beginning 25th March
Pre-School appointments are available across the week. Please book directly with Mrs Rickard/Mrs Gravener. Appointments for Classes 1-4 are on Mon 25th March, Tues 26th and Wed 27th. Each appointment lasts 10 minutes. Please email your preferred time ranges to
Monday 3.30-4pm; 4-4.30pm.
Tuesday 3.30-4pm; 4-5pm; 5-6pm.
Wednesday 3.30-4pm; 4-4.30pm.
Please enter via the main entrance and wait in the hall for your child’s teacher. There will be no clubs that week apart from Pro20 Football.

Absence due to illness
A few parents have asked for clarification about when to keep their child off due to illness. Please see the guide on page 3 of our newsletter.

CAP Debt help for families
This week I was visited by Lyndsey from a charity called CAP Debt Help, to discuss how they can help our Pelynt families. Lyndsey says: If you are feeling weighed down by debt, we can help. After calling us on 0800 328 0006, a local CAP Debt Coach will visit you at home to provide emotional support and free help with planning budgets and negotiating affordable payments with creditors. We are also running a money management course at St Martin’s Church, Liskeard on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March, from 10am-12pm. To book your place, please click on Money coaching | money management | CAP UK

We look forward to seeing you at our St Piran’s assembly next week. Good luck to our cross country runners at Liskeard tonight!
Kind regards, Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 4   Week ending Friday 24th February 2024

Posted 25/02/2024
by Suzanne Porter

This week, the children have been editing and redrafting their stories set in The Amazon. We have had a big focus on handwriting - not just in our writing books but across the curriculum. The children have been working on improving their posture when writing and focusing on how they are holding the pen/pencil. We are hoping to improve our writing endurance and our presentation especially when writing at length.

This week, we answered our big question, ‘The Amazing Americas: how does the UK compare?’ The children reflected on this question by answering a sub-question about where they would prefer to visit and why- thinking about the human and physical features of each place and what might entice them.

In RE, the children learnt about karma and what Hindus believe happens after death. They compared this to other religions that they know of and thought about their own beliefs.

We finished our architectural art focus this week. The children drew pictures of a house that they would like to live in when they are older. They had to try to use what they had learnt throughout their previous lessons to make the buildings look three-dimensional. Once finished, we held a mini art gallery where the children gave feedback to their fellow classmates.

In our PE lessons this week, we particularly enjoyed Tri golf with Arena. We enjoyed learning about the different clubs and taking aim at the various targets.  

In our French lessons, the children enjoyed using SeaSaw to record their work based on celebrations and festivals.

In PSHE, we started our new topic, ‘Healthy ME’.  The children thought about what they already know about leading a healthy life and then they learnt about the other areas that we will be covering this half term- including drug and substance misuse.

In our computing lessons, the children continued their coding focus. They learnt how to code using Microbit. Their ability to code astounds me.  They learnt to code the Microbit to be used as a dice, which they then used to play a game that they created; some children even coded the Microbit to play rock paper scissors against them.

Homework has been set on Mathletics and Spelling Shed. Please also remember to read regularly and that we have Times Table Rockstar logins. This half term, if the children would like to make a volcano to ‘erupt’ in school then we will be erupting them as part of a science lesson in the last 2 weeks of this half term. 

Points to remember:

PE on Mondays and Wednesdays 


Class 2   Week ending Friday 23rd February

Posted 25/02/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

We enjoyed a lovely science lesson on Monday, where we went outside to learn about the  seasons. We spotted plenty of clues, which told us that Spring is on the way. In the garden we found buds on trees, daffodils growing, snowdrops, and the sound of someone mowing grass.

During our English lessons this week, we began to sequence the events in the story of ‘Stanley’s stick’. We practiced reading sections of the story with expression in our voices, and performed each section to the class.

In maths this week, year 2 have been learning about equal and unequal groups. This will help us to move on to learning about multiplication next week. 
Year 1 have been learning about place value up to 50. They have been doing plenty of practical work where they have made 2 digit numbers with different apparatus.


Year 2 children: You will now have your spellings that you are learning each week, on a bookmark that you can keep. Please practice these spellings at home each week if you can. We are really pleased with the progress that you are making. 

Year 1 and 2 children: Keep practicing your spellings on your spelling shed app.

Please bring your library books back before Thursday, so that you take take a different library book home.

Thank you for bringing your reading book back every day. So many of you enjoy your reading both at home and at school. Well done!


PreSchool   Spring Term 2

Posted 25/02/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome to Spring Term 2

It was great to welcome the children back after our half term break, we hope everybody had a wonderful week.

We've had a lovely week here at Pre-School and our focussed book this week was "Dear Zoo" by Rod Campbell - A child writes to the zoo for a pet. The zoo send a series of unsuitable pets, revealed behind flaps in the form of crates and packing cases. These animals are all sent back for different reasons, except the last one, which is perfect!

We had a discussion about our favourite animals and where they live and what they might eat also what animals/pets we have at home and their names, the children were very keen to tell us all about the pets they own.

In our role play area we had our own Zoo, we had some animal masks for the children to use, we had some very interesting sounding animals including a quite noisy lion!!

We have made our own zoo from the Duplo and added lots of different animals. We talked about different sizes of these animals and how much space they will need to roam around.

We are also very lucky to have some more new play equipment for our outside area which was very kindly put together over the half term ready for us to use when we returned and I know the children have had super fun exploring this, although we could do with some dry, sunny weather to be able to really enjoy it properly.

We also started a new activity called "Dough Disco" which the children really enjoyed.
Dough disco involves moulding play dough in time to music and performing different actions such as rolling it into a ball, flattening it, putting each individual finger into the dough, rolling it into a sausage and squeezing it. Dough disco helps to strengthen children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Next week our focussed book will be "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle - This book follows the story sequence of Brown Bear and the things that he and the other animals see. Brown Bear sees a Red Bird, who sees a Yellow Duck, who sees a Blue Horse, and on and on until it's the children who look back and see all the animals (and even their teacher).

We hope you enjoyed a little bit of the sunshine we had on Saturday and managed to dodge the rain on Sunday,

We look forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 1   Week ending Friday 23rd February 2024

Posted 25/02/2024
by Suzanne Porter

It was great to welcome the children back after half term, we hope everybody had a wonderful week.

Let's have a look at some of the things we have been learning this week...

In Maths we started our learning about length, height and time which we will continue with next week. We started off with developing our understanding of length and introduced vocabulary such as ‘long’ and ‘longest’ and ‘short’ and ‘shortest’ that we can use to describe objects. We used playdough to understand that some materials can be changed by stretching them to make them longer. We ensured that we lined the ends up so that we could see the difference in length and then used some of the vocabulary to describe them accurately. The next day, we read Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs. Our aim was to be able to use more specific vocabulary to describe an object as ‘longer than’ or ‘shorter than’ something else. We made indirect comparisons using non-standard objects (cubes) to measure items. Everybody cut some string to make worms of different lengths and used cubes to measure and compare their length.

Our Art focus for this half term is photography. We started off by discussing what photography is, the equipment that can be used and how it has changed over time. We researched four photographers: Karl Blossfeldt, Edward Weston, Adrian Langdon and Cathy Rhodes. We identified what sort of things they each liked to photograph and made comparisons. 

Class 1 Team


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 9th February 2024

Posted 12/02/2024
by Joanna Rickard

Our last week of Spring Term 1 was a celebration of Chinese New Year, this year being the year of the dragon!  

The children have all created some lovely Chinese dragon art and decorated Chinese lanterns. We have enjoyed learning about how families prepare their homes for celebrating Chinese New Year and what some of the traditions mean. The children learned that red was a colour for luck and that gold coins are given in red envelopes to the children as gifts. They have enjoyed looking for our own gold coins in the rice tuff tray and placing them into the Chinese envelopes. 

This week the children have all had the opportunity to try some Chinese foods, the noodles and prawn crackers were very popular! 

We have watched some Chinese festivals and the wonderful lion and dragon dances that are performed. We even had a go at performing as lion dancers ourselves!  

It has been a very busy half term, but the children have all thoroughly enjoyed their learning and exploring time and shown great interest in all our activities. It was so lovely to be able to fit in our first Pre-School trip together too, and we will hopefully get the chance to arrange another outing in the Summer Term so don’t worry if you didn't get to join us on this one.  

When we return after half term our new enquiry question will be ‘Who made these footprints?” With the focus being on animals and birds. A lovely theme as we move into Spring Term 2, and hopefully some visits to Pre-School from some animals.  


We hope everyone has a lovely half term break, and we look forward to seeing the children when we return on Monday 19th February. 

The Pre-School Team. 


Class 4   Week ending Friday 9th February 2024

Posted 09/02/2024
by Suzanne Porter

It’s been an incredibly busy half term. Thank you for supporting the children throughout. An additional thank you to those who were able to attend our class assembly on Monday. It was a lovely way for the children to share a summary of their learning with you.

In addition to our assembly, this week our year 6 children visited Looe Secondary school for a computing session where they learnt more about coding. It was a great transition experience for them and something we hope to do more of in the near future.

We ended the half term with a D.T construction project where the children teamed up with other members of the class and designed and built a building to a specific brief. They researched ideas and then used their recent art learning to draw a realistic plan of their building which they constructed using card. They learnt various fixing methods including how to use flaps, flanges, braces, and slots.  

On Tuesday this week, it was Safer Internet Day. The children learnt about making a difference online with year 5 children creating a poster to remind others of how to be kind and stay safe on the internet.

We hope you have a lovely half term.

Class 4 team



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