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Class 2   Week ending Friday 17th November

Posted 20/11/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

Please note, on Monday 20th November, we have our outdoor learning day. Please can the children wear clothes and shoes appropriate for outdoor weather. The day will be based around the topic of British Wildlife.


PreSchool   Week ending 17th November 2023

Posted 19/11/2023
by Joanna Rickard

A busy week of fun activities in Pre-School

This week our topic of learning was the celebration of 'birthdays', with our focussed book ‘We’re Going to a Birthday Party’, a fun lift the flap book, following four bunnies on a birthday adventure. We discussed why we have birthdays and how we can celebrate them, with the children answering, “we have a party and a cake!”  

It was a great week for Edith who celebrated her 4th Birthday this week too, so we were able to all sing Happy Birthday’ to her and enjoy some delicious cupcakes that she kindly bought in for us all. 

This week the children have been creative with some messy play cupcake making, birthday cake designing and patterned balloon painting.
We all worked
together to decorate our 3-tier cardboard cake with paint, pompoms and sequins, then sang 'Happy Birthday' around it and pretended to blow out the candles.

We have made the most of the dry days with lots of hula-hooping, balancing on our wooden planks and chasing bubbles outside. We also went on a welly walk around forest school to find lots of sticks that we will be using next week.

This week for Whole School Anti-bullying week the children have had age-appropriate learning of the importance of being kind, and how to be a good friend. The children shared some lovely ideas - ‘hold hands and have a big heart’ was a particular favourite of ours.  

On Friday the children had an exciting Pudsey day for Children in Need, with lots of spotty activities! Pudsey masks and ears were made, Pudsey Bingo was played and then the children, Mrs G and Miss Carr completed their lap of the school field whilst being cheered on by the whole school! It was then Pre-School's turn to watch the rest of the classes complete their activities whilst cheering on from the playground.  

A fun day was had by
all, and the children and families of Pelynt Primary Academy have raised over £1000, which is an amazing achievement.  

Next week we are looking forward to enjoying the story of ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. 

Also, please note that individual and sibling photos will take place the morning of Thursday 23
rd November. If this is not your child's normal session and you would like a photo, then please take them to the main school for 9am.  

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team 




Class 4   Week ending Friday 17th November 2023

Posted 18/11/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Wow! What a fabulous afternoon we had on Friday for ‘Children in Need’. We did a sponsored run, ‘Bearpees’ and played our own bingo which was led by our year 6 student council member. Thank you so much for all the very generous donations.

 This week we were also lucky enough to welcome the artist Sean Hewitt into class. He kick started a project with us which we will continue over the coming weeks. I won’t spoil any surprises on here just yet.

 It was antibullying week this week. In our PSHE lesson, the children learnt about bullying and the power of kindness. Hopefully the children came home talking about the powerful lesson we did for this.

 During the week, in our English lessons, the children edited and improved their descriptive stories which they redrafted and shared with an audience. The children gave each other both positive and constructive feedback to help them further improve their work.

 In our maths lessons, red group finished their focus on the four operations and have moved on to learning about fractions. Yellow group learnt about cubed numbers, and how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Black group moved on to learning about area whilst blue group continued to learn about addition and subtraction.

 In our history lesson, we unveiled our new topic based on the Victorians. Each child thought of questions that they would like to know to be able to answer our big question this half term, ‘Which era would you prefer to live in- Victorian or Carolean?’ We took a brief look at what Victorian England would have looked like and devised a timeline showing key events. Some children focused solely on the Victorian era whilst others also included other important dates to see when the Victorian era was compared to other key dates we’ve learnt about previously.

 Key points to remember:

·       Individual and sibling photos Thursday 23rd.

·       Our outdoor learning day Friday 24th. Please wear suitable clothing to school.

·       PE Wednesday.








Class 1   Week ending 17th November 2023

Posted 17/11/2023
by Rebecca Horn

A busy but fun week in class one.  In literacy we have been reading a favourite classic – “Cinderella”. The children have enjoyed describing the glass slipper,  the characters and sequencing the story, there has been lots of dressing up for the ball in our role play area too ! In maths we have been introducing  4 & 5, the  children have been doing activities to recognise and represent 1,2,3,4 & 5, using various items from around the class room and then looking at 1 more and how we can represent these number sentences. 

In our outdoor learning we discussed what a dragon might need for a nice home – a fence, a roof, something soft to sleep on and we then made a nest for our dragons in forest school session.  In art we have been looking at the work of Paul Klee.  He used shapes to create castle like pictures, the children then collaged their own work in this style using shapes and chalk.  In PE we have been working on our ball skills, the children have been trying to increase the number of times they can bounce a ball and then rying to improve their accuracy at bouncing a ball into a hoop. 

Thank you to all the grown-ups who helped us celebrate Children in Need day at our Family Friday session.  We decorated some cakes and played Pudsey bingo.  I suspect the children will be tired tonight as we have also been running around the school field and doing “Bearpees” in order to raise money for Children in Need.  The children and families of Pelynt Primary Academy have raised over £1,000, what an incredible achievement, thank you to everyone who has donated.

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from The Class One Team

Please note that individual and sibling photos will take place the morning of Thursday 23rd November. 


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 3

Posted 17/11/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Children in Need
An enormous thank you to our wonderful children and staff for their fundraising efforts. We raised a phenomenal £1117.37! A special thank you to the children on our School Council, and Mrs Forbes for organising the activities. We all had lots of fun playing bingo, taking the Joe Wicks Burpees Challenge and tackling the round the field fun run. Money raised will support children across the UK, including many in Devon and Cornwall. Organisations who will benefit from the fundraising include: Plymouth and District Deaf Children’s Society; Disability Cornwall; Penhaligons Friends; CLEAR Emotional Trauma Therapy and Hayle Youth Project.

Anti-Bullying Week
This week we have been exploring what is meant by bullying, how we can prevent it happening in our school and talking to a trusted adult. We have found the resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance to be very helpful. There is a link to some useful resources for parents in our newsletter this week.  

Please remember to put your requests in for tickets for the Nativity performances, which are on Monday 11th December at 2pm and Tuesday 12th December at 9.15am. This is for children in classes 1-4.

Individual and sibling photos Thursday 23rd November
Please make sure that your child is in school uniform on this day. If they normally have PE, please can this be brought into school in a bag. Any Pre-School children who do not normally attend on a Thursday morning are welcome to come into school with their parent/carer at 9am to have their photo taken.


Following requests from our parent survey last year, we have started a private Facebook Group. This will be an additional way to share learning and events with you. Emails/newsletters will continue to be our main form of information sharing. Please follow the link sent by Mrs Thompson and answer the security questions.

We hope that you have a really lovely weekend!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School) 


PreSchool   Week 9

Posted 12/11/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

This week the children at Pre-School have been learning all about Diwali.
We read the book - 'Lighting a Lamp' and joined in with lots of activities to celebrate this special celebration including some beautiful Clay Diva lamps, tissue paper Rangoli Patterns and Piping Henna designs with paint.

Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights. In the very old Indian language, Sanskrit, Diwali (or Deepavali) means 'row of lamps'. People light lamps at Diwali to show that light is more powerful than darkness. Diwali also celebrates new beginnings. 
We watched a short clip that showed us how Hindu Families prepare to celebrate Diwali and what it involves.

This week we also learnt about Remembrance Day in an age appropriate way and watch how the poppies are made in a factory. We also listened to The Last Post, played by The Royal Marines Band.

We made some suncatcher poppies to decorate our windows and made some willow stick poppies with red wool and a shiny button.

We went to the church on Friday afternoon with the whole school and Rev. Allen talked to us about Remembrance Day, we then placed our poppies outside by the War Memorial. 

Next week we are continuing our "How do we celebrate?" topic with Birthdays.

We have now started to put items onto Seesaw, hopefully you have all managed to access this? If you haven't and need some help, please contact us so we can sigh you up to get you started.

We all hope you had a good weekend,

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Miss Carr and Mrs Rowe.


Class 4   Week ending Friday 10th November 2023 

Posted 10/11/2023
by Suzanne Porter

 We’ve had a busy week with most of our year 6 children achieving their various ‘bikeability’ certificates. They had a great time, practised lots of important bike riding skills and were superb representatives for the school whilst out riding on the roads.

We’ve also had our Remembrance service this week. Our class wrote the main message on the wreath that we laid outside the church. In addition to this, we wrote the names of those in service who died during WW1 and WW2 from Pelynt on wooden crosses which we also laid outside the church. After learning about Remembrance Day, the children started planning and drafting a poem based on the theme of war.

In the rest of our English lessons this week, the children continued drafting their descriptive narratives based on the film clip- Ruin. I am extremely impressed with this writing! They have all risen to the challenge.

In our maths lessons this week, red group have been solving multistep problems. Yellow group have been learning about factors, common factors, prime numbers and square numbers. Whilst blue and black group have been learning the formal written methods for adding and subtracting.

Again, this week the children have enjoyed their music lesson with Mrs Butlin. They have been learning to play various chords on the ukulele.

In our French lesson, we continued learning about the names of subjects in French. The children also learnt how to say they like, love, dislike and hate in French. They held conversations in French where they asked which subjects they preferred.  

During our science lesson, we started our new topic on light. The children learnt how light travels in straight lines and bounces off objects before we see them. They used iPads to film a documentary clip explaining how light travels and how we see.  

In our geography lesson the children imagined they could contact people from the past. They wrote a letter to people of the past explaining climate change and why it is important that we try to minimise the effects of it. In the letter, the children made suggestions to the recipient about what they could do to help.

Homework has been assigned on Spelling Shed and Mathletics. Any problems please don’t hesitate to ask.

Points to remember:

·       PE Wednesday and Friday




Class 1   week ending 10th November 2023

Posted 10/11/2023
by Rebecca Horn

In class one this week we have been enjoying stories about dragons, such as “Doughnuts for a Dragon” and “Zog”. The children have drawn their own dragon and then verbally described it, we have drawn ingredients for a potion and written the names of characters in the books.  We finished the week by working together to write a poem about Poppies in honour of remembrance day tomorrow.

In maths the children have been learning the characteristics of 2D circles and triangles and using positional language.  They really enjoyed a game of “Mrs Westacott says…” to practice following positional instructions. In PE we have started to make some gymnastic shapes and trying to stay balanced in these shapes. In forest school the children were very competitive in their nature treasure hunt and one pair were clear winners in finding almost every item in forest school on their sheet!  

In phonics the children have done brilliantly on their first week in level 3 – we have been looking at the sounds j,v,w & x.  They all have such a great attitude to their phonics and as a consequence their reading is coming on so well !

In circle time we discussed being different and agreed it was ok for friends to like different things.  We discussed why & how we celebrate birthdays in RE.

We have discussed Remembrance day in an age appropriate way during the week and each child made a poppy that they placed outside the church today.  Class one behaved so maturely and respectfully at our remembrance assembly conducted by Rev Allen this afternoon, we were so proud of them all.

Have a lovely weekend. Best wishes from The Class One team.

·         All class one children are a “star” in the school nativity, you should have received a letter about their costumes, please speak to one of the class one team if you have any questions about the show. 

·         You may already be aware, but every time you record that you have read with your child in their reading records it goes towards receiving a “karate band” which are handed out in our celebration assembly on a Friday.  Fifteen home reads equals a band, the children love to receive these in assembly.  Please could the children’s reading books and records be in school every day, thank you.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 2

Posted 10/11/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Remembrance Assembly
On Friday, the children came to school in red and black, proudly wearing their poppies.  They attended a special Remembrance assembly at church with Reverend Allen, which included observing a two-minute silence and laying a wreath at the village memorial. Class 4 wrote the names of fallen soldiers from Pelynt on wooden crosses and positioned these around the memorial. The sun shone as Pre-School and Class 1 added their beautiful poppy crafts to the display. The children have explored war and Remembrance Day in age appropriate ways this week, making us very proud by approaching the topic with sensitive curiosity.

KS1 Sports Event at Looe Community Academy
A huge well done to the KS1 children who took part in a range of sporting challenges at Looe Community Academy this week!

Children in Need Friday 17th November
School Council have been working with Mrs Forbes to plan their fundraising for Children in Need. Details can be found on this week's newsletter and include dressing up, bingo, Joe Wicks Bearpees Challenge and a funrun!

Children in classes 1 - 4 took home letters on Friday with details of the character that they will be playing in this year’s Nativity, and costume requests. Children with lines to learn also took their scripts home. The performances are on Monday 11th December at 2pm and Tuesday 12th December at 9.15am. A letter with more information about tickets will be coming home next week.

We hope that you have a really lovely weekend!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 3  

Posted 10/11/2023
by Alexander Knight

Class 3 go wild.

Our BIG question is, 'Are rainforests the lungs of the planet?'  Linking our English to this topic, we have been studying the Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt and The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry.  We are creating our own story based on the Great Kapok Tree, working on including useful speech and using co-ordinating conjunctions in a 'boys' sentence.


has been a theme for some of us.  We have been looking at ways of measuring and comparing rectilinear shapes of differing sizes.

Class 3 Half Term challenge.

The half term challenge brought in lots of entries including reading, arts, crafts and model making.  Well done to all who entered and we'll have another 'fun' challenge at Christmas.


Class 2   Week ending Friday 10th November

Posted 10/11/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello everyone,

On Monday this week, we enjoyed a visit from Jack’s pet tortoise and Guinea pigs. Thank you to Jack’s Mum, for bringing them in to help us with our science topic of ‘Animals and their Habitats’.

Some of class 2 had a great time on Tuesday afternoon at Looe school. They took part in some PE lessons which were delivered by pupils from Looe Academy. Thank you to those parents who took and collected some of our children.

During one of our English lesson’s this week, we went on a pretend trip to the moon! Our trip was inspired by our current text; A Field Trip to the Moon. It was very eventful, as the space ship broke down after landing, we spotted aliens, and decorated space rocks. We managed to write some lovely recounts throughout the rest of the week.

Unfortunately Rosie, our last class pet rat has passed away today. I will be telling the children on Monday. Rosie and her sisters have been a great addition to the class, helping us to learn how to care for animals, helping us with lessons such as science and technology. R.I.P Rosie.

Have a lovely weekend,

from the class 2 team.


Class 2   Week ending Friday 3rd November

Posted 05/11/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello everyone!

At the beginning of this week, we had a lovely start to our science topic; ‘Animals and their habitats.’ The children enjoyed searching the forest and pond habitats for living things. They learnt about the features of different habitats and sorted animals according to their habitats. Next week, we will have a visit from some pets, belonging to Jack's Mum, who is a vet. This will help us to think about what animals need in their habitats. There will be a ginuea pig and a tortoise. This will help us to think about what animals need in their habitats.

In English we have enjoyed learning the story; ‘Field trip to the moon.’ We compared the story to our field trip to the zoo and have also been making up rhyming couplets, similar to examples that are in the story. We have also drawn pictures to tell the story, so that we can write our own stories next week.

The children have been using their spelling shed apps in school to practice their spellings. Please let us know if you are still experiencing any problems with them at home. 
Please look out for your mathletics passwords next week, which will be stuck into your reading records. Maths activities will be set each week, so that children can practice the maths skills that they have been learning each week. 

Have a lovely weekend and please stay safe if you are visiting any firework displays.

From the class 2 team!


Class 4   Week ending Friday 3rd November 2023

Posted 03/11/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Welcome back.

This week the children have enjoyed their music lesson with Mrs Butlin. They have started learning to play various chords on the ukulele and are looking forward to our half term of music with her.

In our maths lessons this week, red group have started to tackle long division. Yellow group have started to learn about multiples and blue and black group have been learning the formal written methods for adding and subtracting.

In our English lessons, the children have been planning descriptive writing based on an animated clip called, ‘Ruin’ about an apocalyptic world.

In our French lesson, we learnt names of subjects in French. We enjoyed working out the lyrics to a song all about students that have certain subjects at different times of the day.

During our science lesson, we learnt about how plants are classified. We created our own keys to identify various plants thinking about their characteristics like having or not having seeds. We learnt that conifers often contain their seeds in a hard case like a cone and that ferns generally reproduce by producing spores as they do not have seeds. 

In our geography lesson, the children were intrigued to find out about specific areas that have been directly affected by climate change. They then tried to locate these on a world map. The children reflected on what our planet will be like in the future and how we can all make changes that will help. 

During our RE lesson this week, the children learnt about the designs of synagogues. They learnt about the differences between orthodox and reform Jewish synagogues and learnt the significance of many of the items within them.

In our PSHE lesson, we started our topic on celebrating difference. We initiated this by looking at our differences within the class and thinking about what makes us different to other people.

Our focuses for this half term in PE are football with Arena on Wednesdays and tag rugby on Fridays. Where possible, I would like to be able to use the field so please can the children bring in footwear that you are happy to get wet/muddy.

Homework has been assigned on Spelling Shed and Mathletics. Any problems please don’t hesitate to ask.

Points to remember:

·       Year 6 Bikeability Monday and Wednesday (with Friday being reserved for wet weather)

·       Learn to ride Thursday PM



PreSchool   Week Ending 3rd November 2023

Posted 03/11/2023
by Joanna Rickard

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back after the half term break, what a busy and blustery first week of Autumn Term 2 it has been!

This week the children have been learning about Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations, with a variety of stories, activities and crafts related to both. It has been a good place to start with our new enquiry question for this half term ‘How Do We Celebrate?’

There has been lots of imaginative play with our pumpkin houses and small world set up, we have also enjoyed lots of Halloween dancing and our witch's cauldron water tray! The children have discussed Guy Fawkes, and how important it is to stay safe around bonfires and fireworks. There has been some lovely bonfire artwork and some very tasty breadstick chocolate sparklers made this week too! 

This week letters have started to come home with instructions on how to access your child's Seesaw profile. Please contact us if you have any difficulty signing up.

We have also sent out our Autumn 2 Newsletter with some Pre-School reminders and dates for your diary. This is also attached below.

We hope everyone has a lovely and safe weekend if you are out celebrating Bonfire Night. 

The Pre-School Team.


Class 1   Week ending 3rd November 2023

Posted 03/11/2023
by Rebecca Horn

Class one have had a busy start to the term.  To celebrate autumn and Halloween we collected natural materials from forest school to decorate some pumpkin friends, we did some lovely still life drawings of pumpkins   in art with oil pastels and we have played some fun Halloween games like “witch, witch, bat” and pin the “hat on the witch” or “pin the fangs on the vampire”!

 In maths the children have worked hard on consolidating representations of 1,2,3 and 1 more and 1 less of these numbers. We have enjoyed reading “Meg and Mog” in English and the children drew pictures of Megs potion ingredients and then added an ingredient of their own such as “ cat” “log” “dog”.  In phonics we have recapped all the sounds they have learnt in level 2.   I have been so impressed by  how much  they have retained the sounds and actions and are now applying this learning to their reading and writing.  In celebration of moving on to the next level in their reading books we made “bat bookmarks” today with the help of family members in Family Friday.  In PE we have been focusing on stopping and starting with control and showing an awareness of space, we have also managed a few spooky cosmic yoga sessions. In PSHE we have been celebrating our differences and discussing “What am I  good at?”.

To say it has been a wet and windy week is an understatement but the children have behaved brilliantly,  particularly when we had to stay in all day Thursday because of the weather warnings.  Thank you for braving the elements and bringing your children in on Thursday, we all had a great day and did some super learning. 

Have a great fireworks weekend.

From The Class One team

*please note there is no Family Friday on 10th November.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 1

Posted 03/11/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Paignton Zoo Science and Art Trip
Children in classes 1-4 enjoyed a fantastic day learning about the diverse range of animals at Paignton Zoo on the last day before the holiday, as part of our ‘Amazing Animals’ enrichment week. The children have produced some stunning pieces of art linked to the trip, a taster of which you can see here. The children also enjoyed a wonderful writing workshop and interactive story session with conservation-themed author Ellie Jackson (who started as a Teaching Assistant with us this week!). Unfortunately we had to postpone our Rousseau themed jungle art in the garden with artist Sean Hewitt, due to bad weather, but will be doing that in the next few weeks.

FOPS Amazing Animals Colouring Competition Winners
Congratulations to the following children, for their beautiful animal pictures and thank you to FOPS for their prizes. We raised £31!
Pre-School: Reggie, Class 1: Lowena, Class 2: Jack, Class 3: Ruby, Class 4: Scarlett

Remembrance Friday 10th November
We would like the children to come to school wearing something red and/or black. We have a wide selection of poppy themed items to wear with their outfit, available at the School Office (suggested donation of £1 for two items). The children will be having their assembly in church that day with Reverend Allen, and will lay a wreath at the memorial. Please note that there is no Family Friday for Class 1 that day.

Open Day Monday 6th November 9.30-11.30am
We still have some availability on our school tours. If you have a child at Pre-School, please come along. Please also spread the word to friends who are undecided about Pre-School or school choices, or anyone who you know is looking to move to the area. 

Maths Development
Members of staff from the 14 schools that make up the Bridge Trust met for an inspirational day of professional development relating to maths at Wadebridge Primary Academy on the INSET day. Staff are also currently completing training in maths mastery, as a focus for our school development this year. Please support our initiatives in school by helping your child to learn their KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) at home. Please contact the school office if you need these to be emailed again. We will be continuing to show the children just how exciting and creative maths is in our maths enrichment week later in the year.

Finally, thank you to everyone for braving the weather on Thursday. We hope that you have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some dry weather for fireworks!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 2   Week ending Friday 20th October

Posted 29/10/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

  We have ended this term with a fantastic week. Our animal enrichment week has included a lovely assembly and writing workshop with children’s author, Ellie Jackson, which got the children enthusiastic about writing. The children have created some wonderful flamingoes art work which is now displayed in the hall. They also wrote some great poems about sea creatures, inspired by the book; ‘Nelson’s Dive’.

Our trip to Paignton zoo was filled with the sights and sounds of awe and excitement from our children. We were very proud of the way that they represented the school throughout the day, and hope that they have lots of lovely memories to take away with them. 

Have a lovely half term!

The class 2 team.


Class 4   Week ending Friday 20th October 2023

Posted 20/10/2023
by Suzanne Porter

What a great week we have had for our animal enrichment! We started the week with a fabulous animal based English session with Ellie Jackson, created animal artwork for our new hall display and we finished the week with our whole school trip to Paignton Zoo. It was a lovely day and the children were all a credit to our school.

Some of our highlights included watching the baboons being fed, the array of monkeys swinging in their enclosures, peeking through the meerkat domes, the Lemur Wood wobbly bridge and various talks from the zoo rangers throughout the day.

This week, some of our class also took part and did exceptionally well in a netball tournament, where, as a team, we scored the most goals.

We hope you have a lovely half-term break. We return to school on Monday 30th October.

All the best,
Class 4 team 

Points to remember:

  • Class 4 PE is now Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Year 6 'Bikeability' 2nd week back to school 


PreSchool   Week 7

Posted 20/10/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

We have got to the end of our first half term in Pre-School and what a truly wonderful few weeks we've have had.

The weeks have flown by but looking back we have fitted in a lot of learning and fun from playing outside with the cars, bikes, skittles, sand and water to name a few in the sunny weather which started off our new term in September to autumn welly walks around the school field to look for autumn treasures as the season and weather started to change, to cooking cakes and biscuits, making fruit kebabs, joining in with a whole school danceathon, enjoying listening to the children with our weekly show and share activity and finally pumpkin themed activities to finish.

Our topic heading for Autumn Term 1 was "Who Am I?" and we have been learning
All About me, Keeping Healthy, Homes and Houses, and Families/Diversity.

We have been focusing on a different book each week and started off our new term with The Great Big Book of Families by Mary Hoffman.
The other books we have covered are Daisy, Eat Your Peas! by Nick Sharratt, In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman, Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers, The Leaf Thief by Alice Hemming and ended this week with The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano.

The children really enjoy the books that we share with them and all the activities that we link to them throughout the weeks.

We also had our first birthday to celebrate this week and would like to thank Charlie for bringing in some delicious cakes to share with us to celebrate his 4th birthday.
We all hope you had a super day.

Our next terms topic heading is "How Do We Celebrate?" We will be learning all about Seasonal Changes - Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Birthdays, Diwali, Christmas and Chanukah.
This is always an exciting half term with lots of chance to discuss different celebrations that happen around the world and to get all festive with plenty of sparkles to add along the way!

The weather has certainly now changed, with this in mind we only have a few items of spare clothing in Pre-School so please may we ask that all children have some spare clothes that can be left in Pre-School on your child's coat peg. Please can you also name any items of clothing/coats and wellies so it is easier for us to keep these items with the correct children especially since they are in and out of them throughout the day.

Please may we also ask parents/carers of those children that are still in nappies to check their bags and replenish any supplies if required.

We hope that you all have a wonderful half term break and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all in the week beginning Monday 30th October.

With best wishes Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

I have added a selection of photos at the bottom to show some of the wonderful things we have done during the last 7 weeks.


Class 1   Week ending 19.10.23

Posted 19/10/2023
by Rebecca Horn

What a fantastic Animal Enrichment week Class One have had ! We had animal story time with Ellie Jackson, jungle animal art, magic wand making in Forest School and of course the big finale -  our whole school trip to Paignton Zoo today.  What a brilliant day we have had, some of the hightlights include watching the giraffes be fed, a talk from one of the zoo rangers about animals and their habitats, the leopards, the tigers and the lions ! I am sure all your children will have their own personal favourite animal from today.  Class One behaved impeccably throughout the day, I am sure they will be tired tonight but we hope they all really enjoyed their special day out together.  I have uploaded a few pictures from today for you to talk about with them.

We all hope you have a lovely half term break, we return to school on Monday 30th October.

Best wishes from all the Class One Team


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