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Head's Blog   Spring Term 1 Week 2

Posted 12/01/2024
by Abigail Oliver

Squashbox Theatre

This week, thanks to FOPS, we all enjoyed a wonderful performance by Squashbox Theatre. Children in KS2 also worked with Squashbox to make up their own mini plays. See the next page for some photos of the show. The children will now tell you all about it!

Squashbox set up a big forest scene in the hall and Craig, who is the actor, makes his own puppets. Some are hand-held, some you put your hand inside and some you put your face in! The show was about trees and the animals that live in forests. Our favourite puppets were the tree spirit and the squirrel. It was really funny. He sang songs and played an accordion and a Viking horn. In the workshop, we created our own stories with other puppets. The puppets were mystery puppets and you had to pick one and also a postcard of a place that was the setting for your story. There was a box with an object, like an eye, an apple, a shell and an egg. Those had to be in the story too. My story (Alfie) was about a monster that came out of the sea and went into the lighthouse to find some food and he found the shell, which he opened, and ate something from inside it and then he dropped it because he heard a voice… Our story (Alice) was about a person called Mr Bob Freckleface and he lived at Restormel Castle. He went to the moat and into a cave and saw an eye. He didn't know who it belonged to. The eye watched him wherever he went… Alice and Alfie B (Class 4)

I liked the squirrel best in the show, because he was cheeky. He kept popping up where Craig couldn’t see him, but we could! I loved the music that was in the show, because I hadn’t ever seen an instrument like that before! Lauren (Class 2)

The squirrel stole the chocolate bar from the man. It was so funny! The people in it made me laugh so much! Louis (Class 1).

I liked the wizard who had to buy the chocolate bars. I liked his voice! Thea (Class 1)

I liked the songs in the show, especially the one at the end. The songs were really funny. I also liked the workshop where we made our own stories by picking puppets and pictures of a person and a place. My puppet was a bit like a robot. We made up a funny story and we got to perform it at the end. Josh (Class 3)

Reception Places 2024
A final reminder for our Pre-School families to apply for your child’s Reception place by Monday 15th January.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend

Abigail Oliver (Head of School) 


Class 1   Week ending Friday 12th January 2024

Posted 12/01/2024
by Rebecca Horn

We have had a great second week back at school full of lots of different learning opportunities. 

In our expressive arts and design learning this week we were learning some of the different techniques we could use when using chalk pastels. Some of the techniques included blending, using strokes of different lengths and cross hatching. 

In our PE lessons we were working with apparatus. We helped to get the apparatus out safely and sensibly. We then explored different ways we could travel on the floor and apparatus. 

Our "I see, I think, I wonder" discussion this week was based around an image of a moon landing. Some really great discussions were had by the children and they came up with some questions we will find out the answers to in the coming weeks. 

Our maths learning this week was focused around subitising to five, representing 0 to 5 and finding one more and one less than a given number. We enjoyed listening to different stories linked to our maths learning such as 'The Ugly Five' by Julia Donaldson. 

In English we have been reading the story 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram. We have retold the story in our own words and sequenced parts of the story. We have been writing key words for characters and items from the story and we ended the week with writing our own postcards from the moon using adjectives to describe what we could see on the moon. 

We have been learning about moon landings and we watched a video of the first moon landing and the first steps an astronaut took on the moon. We discussed what we could see and what the moon looked like. This led us into taking part in a science investigation where we made our own craters on the moons surface by mixing corn flour and baby oil together and using rocks to create the craters. We were very interested to find out that on Monday morning the first moon mission since the final Apollo mission in 1972 launched from America. We were really excited to watch the rocket take off and hear the count down.   

We had a great afternoon at 'Family Friday' making rockets! Thank you to all who came, we hope you enjoyed it! 


Class 1   Week ending Friday 5th January 2024

Posted 07/01/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Happy New Year! 

It was a short week this week but it was lovely to be back at school after returning from my maternity leave and to be able to welcome the children back to school after their Christmas holiday. We shared news and heard about all of the exciting things each other got up to over Christmas. 

On Friday we were part of a special assembly with the rest of the school where we joined a Teams meeting with the other Bridge schools to celebrate 10 years of being part of Bridge Schools. It was quite a sight to see all 14 Bridge schools together! 

Our big question for this half term is "Will we ever live in space?" We explored the question together and thought about whether we could live in space, whether we would want to go to space and what it might be like in space. Some really interesting thoughts were shared and discussed and we are all looking forward to the coming weeks where we will be completing lots of different learning about space. 

In PE this week we were exploring how we could move a range of objects in different ways. First of all we explored how the objects moved, how we could move it in different ways around us and how we could get the objects from one place to another. 

In Maths we were developing our understanding of zero and finding amounts from 0 to 5. We used some familiar songs/ rhymes to help us with counting such as 'ten green bottles', 'five little men in a flying saucer' and '5 little ducks' . It would be brilliant if you could sing some of these songs with your children at home and also help them with recognising numbers 0 to 5 when they are not in ascending order. 

Our focus text this week was 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. We enjoyed reading about Baby Bear and his adventure to space! We then had images from the story and used our phonics knowledge to write some words to match. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend in the dry, sunny weather! 

Class 1 Team 


PreSchool   Happy New Year!

Posted 06/01/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Welcome back, we hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and wish you a very happy and healthy 2024!

A short week for us this week, but it was so lovely to see the children and welcome them back to Pre-School for our Spring Term.
We enjoyed listening to the children telling us about all the exciting things they got up to over the Christmas Holidays and was really good to see them all listening well to each others stories.

We have made a few New Year items this week including some cool 2024 glasses which the children really enjoyed colouring in and wearing.

We went over to "Big School" on Friday afternoon to join the whole school for an assembly, this was a special assembly with the whole school trust, all 14 schools joined up on a Teams meeting to celebrate 10 years of being part of Bridge Schools.

Next week we will start our Spring Term 1 topic of "Where can we go in England and how shall we get there?"

And will start off this topic with a lovely book called "Rosie's Walk" by Pat Hutchins, this book is all about a hen called Rosie. Rosie is going for a walk, but she'd better watch out - there's a very sneaky fox hot on her tail feathers!

Applications to start Reception in September 2024

The deadline to apply is Monday 15th January. If you need help doing this we would be very happy to assist.

Please apply via the Cornwall Council website

Funding for children under 5 is changing From April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours of free childcare, spaces permitting.
From September 2024, this will be extended to eligible working parents of children from 9 months, although at present we plan to continue to only offer care from age 2.
From September 2025, eligible working parents of children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week. To allow us to plan additional staffing to accommodate needs, please contact Pre-School for more information, if this applies to your family.

The weather is looking dry for next week, but also might be very cold, please can you send your child in with suitable, warm clothes for outside play as it will be so good to spend some time outside after all the rain we have had over the last few weeks, plus we have some exciting new play equipment to try out!!

We hope you all had a super weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Best wishes, Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Head's Blog   Spring Term 1 Week 1

Posted 05/01/2024
by Abigail Oliver

Welcome back, we hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and wish you a very happy and healthy 2024!

Christmas Fair
Thank you so much to everyone who supported the Christmas Fair at the end of last term. We raised over £700!

PE lessons
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Monday and Friday

Class 1 Change to drop off point from Monday 8th January

We would like all children in Class 1 to be dropped off at the main entrance in the morning at 8.40am. I will be on the door as usual, and a member of Class 1 staff will also be available.

Arrival at 8.40am and attendance

We’ve really noticed an improvement in the number of children who are at school at 8.40am in recent weeks, which has meant that children can get straight into their learning, and planned intervention support from teachers and TAs can go ahead. As you can also see from the chart on the right, poor attendance can have a big impact on children’s learning success. There are of course times when children are not well enough to come to school, and if they are sick, or have an upset stomach, the 48 hours at home rule applies. It's fine to send your child to school (and Pre-School) with a minor cough or common cold if they are otherwise well and do not have a temperature.

Funding for children under 5 is changing
From April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours of free childcare, spaces permitting. From September 2024, this will be extended to eligible working parents of children from 9 months, although at present we plan to continue to only offer care from age 2. From September 2025, eligible working parents of children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week. To allow us to plan additional staffing to accommodate needs, please contact Pre-School for more information, if this applies to your family.

Bridge Trust 10th Anniversary Animation Event
Last term, children across all Bridge Trust schools prepared short animation films to celebrate 10 years of Bridge! This afternoon we will be watching a film combining all of these, which tells the story of our Bridge values (curious, determined, creative, excellent, enthusiastic and responsible).

Applications to start Reception in September 2024
The deadline to apply is Monday 15th January. If you need help doing this, Mrs Gravener and Mrs Rickard would be very happy to assist. Please apply via the Cornwall Council website

Clubs start on Monday 8th January
Monday after school Pro20 Football (classes 2-4) See newsletter for booking flyer
Tuesday lunchtime Choir (all classes)
Tuesday after school Construction (classes 1 and 2)
Tuesday after school Art (classes 3 and 4)
Wednesday after school Dance (all classes)
Thursday after school Year 6 SATs Support
Friday lunchtime Cross Country (classes 3 and 4)

We hope you have a brilliant weekend! We’re all really looking forward to our visit from Squashbox Theatre on Tuesday next week.

Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 4   Week ending 19th December 2023

Posted 19/12/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Merry Christmas!
Our class Christmas party was a hit this afternoon with lots of great dance moves!
We've enjoyed many festive learning opportunities over the past few days. Writing instructions on how to save/steal Christmas, baking, sewing and crafting to name just a few. 
Elfie also paid us another visit which we found highly amusing! 

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break.
Class 4 team 



Posted 17/12/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

Christmas has arrived in Pre-School!!

We have had an amazing week here at Pre-School.

The children have been very busy wrapping presents, writing labels and cards and making paper chains in Santa's workshop.
We have danced, played party games including pass the parcel, musical bumps and musical statues, we have baked and decorated gingerbread people and chocolate crispy Christmas puddings, enjoyed some winter sunshine and messy play in the mud kitchen and even had some delicious hot chocolate sat in our garden area..

We have also had a special 3rd birthday this week too, Happy 3rd  Birthday Sienna, Sienna even wore a beautiful dress in to Pre-School on her birthday.

We are coming to the end of our first term here at Pre-School and it has flown by so quickly.
This is always such a busy first term and starting off in warm, hopefully sunshine, then ending in cold, wet weather and even a touch of snow.

We finish on Tuesday, but want to thank you all for your support this term.  We have certainly fitted in a lot of learning and activities along they way.

Thank you to all of you that attended our school Christmas fair on Friday, we have raised just over £700 which is amazing, we would like to pass our thanks onto the FOP's for organising such a successful event for us all.

We will hopefully be having a special visitor arriving in school on Monday and then in the afternoon we have our whole school Christmas Singalong at St Nun's Church at 2,30pm, it would be lovely to see you there. Our last day is Tuesday which is Christmas fundraiser Jumper Day and maybe a few more party games!!

We return back to Pre-School on Thursday 4th January 2024 and are looking forward to seeing you all and hearing about your news over the festive period.

We would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With best wishes from Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.

* Monday 18th December 2.30pm Christmas Singalong (St Nun Church, whole school) ·
* Tuesday 19th December Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser/Christmas parties (whole school)
   Last day of school for 2023.

* Thursday 4th January 2024 return to Pre-School.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 7

Posted 15/12/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Merry Christmas!

This week the children performed their Nativity, which was absolutely wonderful! They sang with such energy and spoke brilliantly in character. We’ve had lots of lovely comments, including how moving it was to see our children helping each other with their lines in such a sensitive and caring way. They can all be incredibly proud of themselves. A big thank you to our amazing staff who have worked so hard to get the show ready. We have included a few photos on pages 3-5.

Pro20 Football Club Booking Open Classes 2-4
Children in classes 2-4 had a brilliant football training session on Thursday. Please see page 6 for details of how to book and pay for a place at the club, which starts on Monday 8th January.

Christmas Fair
Thank you so much to children, staff and FOPs for working so hard to get the fair ready. We can’t wait to hear how much is raised!

Christmas Parties/Save the Children Fundraiser (whole school)
Tuesday 19th December is our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ (or any home clothes) to raise money for Save the Children, with a suggested donation of £1. We will be having our Christmas parties that afternoon and would be very grateful for small donations of cakes, biscuits, crisps, cut fruit and vegetables. Please bring these to school on the day.

PE Lessons next week
Due to extra events on the last two days of term, there will be no PE lessons, but lots of dancing!

PE lessons next term
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Monday and Friday

Clubs next term (Pro20 to be booked vis their website, all others to be booked via the school office)
Clubs start on Monday 8th January.
Monday after school: Pro20 Football (classes 2-4)
Tuesday lunchtime: Choir (all classes)
Tuesday after school: Construction (classes 1 and 2)
Tuesday after school: Art (classes 3 and 4)
Wednesday after school: Dance (all classes)
Thursday after school: Year 6 SATs Support
Friday Lunchtime: Cross Country (classes 3 and 4)

Christmas Singalong Monday 18th December 2.30pm St Nun Church
All welcome, no ticket needed, just bring your singing voice!

From everyone at Pelynt Primary Academy, we hope that you have a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024!
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 1   week ending 15.12.23

Posted 15/12/2023
by Rebecca Horn

We have had such a lovely Christmassy week in class 1. The children have been very busy wrapping presents, writing cards and making paper chains in Santa's workshop.  They have also been very creative preparing lots of lovely treats to sell at the Christmas fair. In forest school we enjoyed an end of term fire pit with hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. 

The children have still been working hard in their phonics sessions, this week we have learnt the sounds "ur, ow,oi and ear", you can recap these sounds with them using the booklet and sheets in their book bags.

The highlight for the children this week was of course the school nativity. We were so proud of our class one children who sang so beautifully and shone like the stars they are ! It was lovely to see so many family members and friends in the audience.  
Lots of fun was had by all at the school Christmas fair, thank you for all your support, the children all seemed very happy with their sugary treats and prizes!

The last day of school is Tuesday 19th December.

The class one team wish you all a Wonderful Christmas, enjoy all the festivities and we will see you back at school on Thursday 4th January 2024!


Class 4   Week ending Friday 8th December 2023

Posted 10/12/2023
by Suzanne Porter

This week, Elfie the elf was up to ‘snow’ good in Class 4. He had his own snow day in the classroom. He even left us some Christmas themed English planning so we started learning about instruction texts to help us write our own instructions on how to steal Christmas. The Grinch and Elfie are apparently good friend!

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups continued their learning about multiplication and division.

In our science lesson this week, we learnt about refraction. The children worked scientifically to investigate refraction and were amazed with some of their findings. 

In our PE lessons this week, the children enjoyed their final football session with Arena. The coach commented on the super improvements that had been made across the half term. On Friday, due to the waterlogged field, we had an epic class dodgeball battle.

 Key points to remember:

·       Monday 11th December 2pm Christmas Nativity

·       Tuesday 12th December 9.15am Christmas Nativity

·       Friday 15th December 2.30pm Christmas Fair (whole school)

·       Monday 18th December 2.30pm Christmas Singalong (St Nun Church, whole school)

·       Tuesday 19th December Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser/Christmas parties (whole school) Last day of school for 2023



Class 2   Week ending Friday 8th December

Posted 10/12/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

This week has had a lovely Christmassy feel to it.

There has been plenty of singing and acting, during our Christmas play rehearsals. We look forward to welcoming you next week, to see our performance.

We had a lovely assembly on Friday, when everyone placed their own decoration that they had made, on the tree in the hall. 

We are also enjoying our Christmas advent calendar in year 2, where we learn about a Christmas tradition every day. 

In maths, year 1 have been busy making number lines from different apparatus, and placing numbers on different number lines. 
Year 2 have been adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Our English lessons have been centred around 2 story books; ‘Darkest Dark’, and ‘Orion’. We improved our ability to use the conjunctions; and, but and because. We also enjoyed comparing similarities and differences between the 2 stories.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team.


PreSchool   Week Ending Friday 8th December 2023

Posted 09/12/2023
by Joanna Rickard

Another super busy but fun week in Pre-School!

Lots of Xmas activities alongside learning about the
Jewish Festival of Lights with our book ‘Eight Candles to Light’.  It describes how a typical family enjoys the Jewish celebration with food, singing, games, exchanging gifts and the lighting of candles. The children all made handprint Menorah’s
Happy Hanukah to anyone celebrating! 

The Pre-School was transformed last weekend into our own Winter Wonderland with hanging paperchains, Christmas trees and decorationsThe children have all loved coming in this week and exploring our Christmas themed Home Corner, snowy train track and Wrapping Station.   

All the children have decorated their own 'Star' which has been placed on the school Christmas tree. It looks very beautiful with decorations from every class in school.  

Some of the children were lucky enough to be treated to a private viewing of the School’s Nativity on FridayWell done for sitting so well and being an amazing first audience for the older children.  

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and we look forward to our last full week with the children before the Christmas break. 

The Pre-School Team. 

Dates to Remember. 

A reminder that FOPS are holding their Christmas Fair on Friday 15th December from 2.30pm in the main school hallAll are welcome.  

Monday 18th December - Christmas Singalong over in church at 2.30pm - If your child does not attend on Friday afternoon you are welcome to meet us in church and they can come and join us to sing if they so wish.  

Tuesday 19th December is Christmas Jumper Fundraiser Day – A suggested donation of £1 to raise money for Save the Children 

Last day of term Tuesday 19th December.
We return to Pre-School on Thursday 4
th January. 



Class 4   Week ending Friday 1st December 2023 

Posted 03/12/2023
by Suzanne Porter

This week the children made Christmas decorations out of wood slices that they prepared during their outdoor learning day last week.

During the week in our English lessons, we learnt to use accurate speech punctuation. The children wrote a dialogue between characters that had met for the first time in ‘Cogheart’ our current class read. Some children focused on placing the inverted commas accurately whilst others learnt how speech can be used to advance action, give description, and create an atmosphere.

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups continued their learning about multiplication. The children particularly liked the edible elements to our maths learning this week.

This week, the children learnt about what school would have been like in the Victorian era. They compared this to what school is like now.

During our RE lesson, the children learnt about the Christian view of God and God’s Kingdom.

In our PE lessons, the children enjoyed continuing their football focus along with starting to put their recently learnt tag rugby skills into small sided games.

 Key points to remember:

-        PE Wednesday and Friday

-        Nativity costumes to be brought in at the beginning of the week 


PreSchool   Week 12

Posted 03/12/2023
by Rebecca Gravener


Well what an exciting week we've had this week in Pre-School.

We started off our week looking at our book of the week "The Jolly Christmas Postman".
- The Jolly Postman has a busy day ahead. It's Christmas Eve in Fairy-Tale Land and there's plenty of post for him to deliver!
He met The 3 Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man and Little Red Riding Hood on his travels to name a few.

We made our own post box and have been writing letters and drawing pictures to post into our box.
The children have been talking about writing letters to Father Christmas and what they would like to say,

We also read the story "Dear Father Christmas" written by Alan Durant. - When Holly sees a man who looks like Father Christmas, she decides to write him a letter: “Dear Father Christmas – is it snowing in Lapland? Please answer. Love Holly.” And so begins the start of a touching pen pal friendship with Father Christmas himself in which Holly learns about the magic of elves, reindeer and life in Lapland, as well as getting some very special Christmas surprises.

We have made some paper chains and snow flakes to start decorating Pre-School which the children really enjoyed.
And over the weekend a Christmas Tree and some decorations have appeared. Christmas and all its glitter and sparkles are on the way!!

Next week we are looking at Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah or Chanukkah)which is a Jewish holiday that lasts for eight nights and usually occurs in December. It is also known as the Festival of Lights. As well as making some decorations for our tree and lots more.

As well as a snow day on Thursday it was also Ted's birthday, He was super excited that it was snowing on his special day. We all hope you had a great day and thank you so much for the wonderful cake.

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
See you al next week.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 5

Posted 01/12/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Kindness catcher elf

The children received a very special delivery in Celebration Assembly on Friday!  A kindness elf has been sent by Father Christmas to spot kindness throughout our school, to report back to the North Pole.  He will be visiting every class during his stay.  He set the children the task of choosing him a name, so we look forward to hearing the suggestions next week!

Snow closure
Thank you for your understanding, and for coming so promptly to collect your children when we had to close due to the snow. We always try to be open for our families, but on this occasion we made the difficult decision to close, due to dangerous conditions on surrounding roads, and staff shortages due to the closure of other schools attended by the children of our staff.

Keeping contact details updated
Please can we ask that you let us know straight away if any contact numbers (including those of other people named on our system as your emergency contacts) have changed, as we have had several occasions this term where we have struggled to contact a parent/emergency contact by phone.

Nativity costumes and tickets
Classes 1-4
Just a reminder that Nativity costumes are needed in school on Monday 4th December. Tickets have now been allocated and will be sent home on Monday. We still have some available for Tuesday 12th at 9.15am.

Christmas Parties/Save the Children Fundraiser (whole school)
Tuesday 19th December is our ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ (or any home clothes if your child doesn’t want to wear Christmas themed clothing) to raise money for Save the Children, with a suggested donation of £1. We will be having our Christmas parties that afternoon and would be very grateful for small donations of cakes, biscuits, crisps, cut fruit and vegetables. Please bring these to school on the day. If anyone is able to donate party plates, or small prizes for party games, please bring these to the school office next week.

Christmas cards postbox
Children can now post these in the postbox in our winter wonderland by the school office! Please help the elves to sort these by putting full names/class numbers where known. Pre-school cards can be handed to staff. Unfortunately we are unable to give class name lists out, due to GDPR rules.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend! 
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 2   Week ending Friday 24th November

Posted 26/11/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We all had a great day on Monday, which was our outdoor learning day. The theme of the day was ‘British Wildlife’. We enjoyed a story all about a hedgehog, and used natural materials to make a hedgehog collage. We also went on a wildlife scavenger hunt, which was inspired by David Attenborough’s current series about British wildlife. 

On Tuesday we began our new learning journey in English, which is based around the Oliver Jeffers book; ‘Here we are’. We are working towards writing our own poems about planet Earth. Last week, we used similes to describe planet Earth, as well as learning to use conjunctions in sentences, based on the illustrations of animals in the story.

This week, I mentioned to the children how pleased we all were to see so many children reading so well both at home and at school. There has already been a clear effort and improvement in our reading, and it’s it is lovely to see the children enjoying their reading tasks every day. Well done everyone. 
Have a lovely  weekend!

From the class 2 team.


Class 4   Week ending Friday 24th November 2023

Posted 26/11/2023
by Suzanne Porter

On Friday we finished our week, with a fantastic outdoor learning day. Our learning was based on British wildlife. We learnt about where certain British wildlife lives and were fascinated by the intricacies of some of their homes. We built our own structures focusing on height, stability, creativity and teamwork. After this, we took part in a scavenger hunt where we found clues about British wildlife and had to guess the animals based on the facts that we found. We also had an owl focus; we played an owl-based teambuilding game and started to create owl decorations by cutting lots of slices of wood. Another highlight was our fire which we used to toast marshmallows on.

This week, 6 of our class represented the school at a Bridge Trust dodgeball tournament. We came 2nd out of all the other schools in our trust! The children were amazing and showed fantastic sportsmanship throughout.

During the week in our English lessons, we have started a new learning journey based on the book we have been reading in class, ‘Coghearts’.

In our maths lessons, red and yellow groups have been focusing on fractions whilst blue and black groups have been learning about multiplication.

In our science lesson, the children have been learning about reflection.

During our RE lesson, the children discussed the world and the difficulties and hardships people face. We looked at various people who have dedicated their lives to help improve these adversities.

In our PE lesson with Arena, we have been enjoying putting the skills we have been learning in football into competitive situations.

 Key points to remember:

·       PE Wednesday and Friday




PreSchool   Week 11

Posted 25/11/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

What another super week we've had here at Pre-School.

Our focussed book this week was Stickman - The Julia Donaldson & Alex Scheffler story follows Stick Man who lives in the family tree with his stick lady love and their stick children. He becomes separated from his family and goes on a mighty adventure to reunite with loved ones in time for Christmas.

We have collected sticks, made our own stickmen from the sticks we collected, painted pictures using sticks, talked about who lives in our own family tree, counted and ordered sticks, plus lots more activities around our weeks theme.

We have spent some more time outside, making the most of the dry spells, although the children are starting to notice that is has turned quite cold over the last few days.

We celebrated Alfie's birthday this week, we all hope he had a lovely day.

Next week our focussed book will be "The Jolly Christmas Postman". -  The Jolly Postman has a busy day ahead. It's Christmas Eve in Fairy-Tale Land and there's plenty of post for him to deliver! 
We will be doing lots of activities linked to this book. 

Christmas and all its glitter and sparkles are on the way!!

Hopefully you have all now been able to access Seesaw?
We are now uploading items onto this weekly, if you are having problems accessing it please come and see us or drop us an email and we can help you.

We hope you all have a good weekend,
looking forward to a fun week ahead.

With best wishes, Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 1   week ending 24.11.23

Posted 24/11/2023
by Rebecca Horn

Another super week of learning in Class 1.  Our “castles week” has proved very popular, the children have been dressing up as princesses, queens, kings and knights.  They have junk modelled castles, built castles ou of bricks, lego and sticklebricks. They have learnt about how people used to live in castles, and the differences and similarities between living in castles and living in their own homes.  

 In literacy they have drawn a castle, described some of its features and then drawn their own dragon and written its eye colour and skin colour.  We have continued looking at 1,2,3,4 and 5 in our maths, focusing on 1 less and compositions of 4 and 5.  The children have made groups of 5 using different coloured unifix and different sized unicom pieces, for example 3 blue cubes and 2 green cubes makes 5, as does 4 blue cubes and 1 green cube.  In art we have looked at the style of another famous artist “ Piet Mondrian” who used grid lines to create squares and triangles painted in only primary colours, the children really enjoyed making the grid lines with black tape.  In PE we played a movement game based on queens, kings, knights and castles. 

The children have been practicing their songs for the nativity this week, the stage is up and everyone is getting very excited.

Thank you to parents and carers for attending Family Friday this week – the junk modelling skills of the adults was very impressive and the resulting castle structures are fantastic – well done to all !

Class one won the punctuality award this week so thank you to everyone for getting in on time, especially on these cold darker mornings

Have a great weekend from all of The Class One team.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 2 Week 4

Posted 24/11/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Staffing News

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Horn will be returning from maternity leave to Class 1 on Tuesday 19th December. She has already spent some time with the Class 1 team this week, and will be in again over the next few weeks to get to know the children.  This sadly means that Mrs Westacott will be leaving us on that date, but we will be seeing her again as a supply teacher. She has had a huge impact on the learning of all the children that she has taught and we have been very lucky to have her on our team.

Bridge Trust Dodgeball Stars

Congratulations to the children who represented Pelynt at the Bridge Trust Dodgeball competition, where we came second!

Art with Sean Hewitt

As you may remember, the weather delayed our plans for the children in classes 3 and 4 to create a garden wall mural with artist Sean Hewitt in our Amazing Animals enrichment week.  We’ve finally managed to get started, this time on a big board that will be attached to the wall.  Across the week, Sean has been working with classes 3 and 4 to create a stunning piece inspired by the jungle art of Rousseau.  We can’t wait to see the finished mural.  This is a picture of what they’ve done so far!

Nativity Lines Learning

Preparations for our Nativity are well underway.  This week we have been starting to put the words and songs together.  We can really see that many of the children have worked hard already to learn their parts, so thank you for your support.  If your child has lines to learn, please help us by reading the lines that come before your child’s, so that he or she can get used to when to speak. 

FOPS Fundraising Christmas Party at Tredudwell Manor

FOPS are currently raising money for their theatre project.  A wonderful evening has been organised at Tredudwell Manor, Lanteglos on 8th December from 6.30pm until midnight.  There will be music by DJ Buckwild and food courtesy of Holy Molé Taco Truck.  See flyer in the newsletter for more details. Thank you to Valerie and Justin Shakerley for hosting!


We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

Abigail Oliver (Head of School)










































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