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Class 1   Week ending 22.09.23

Posted 19/09/2023
by Rebecca Horn

There has been some super learning in Class 1 this week.

 In maths we have been looking at our measure topic, which this week has involved size and capacity.  We have been using objects from our classroom to discuss big V small, long V short and heavy V light. The children have used measuring scales and play dough to make heavy balls of dough and light balls of dough.  We used different sized containers to see which would hold most/leat soil or most/least water.  There were some very accurate predictions.

In literacy we have read “Oi Get off our Train”, the children have described the animal characters in the book, and described and drawn their own favourite animals. 

In art we have used shapes to collage  trains and made some great junk modelling trains with some help from our grown ups in Family Friday. 

Our phonics sounds this week have been “d”, “m”, “n” and “i”, you will find phonics support material in your childs book bag on a Friday.  We have been blending some of our new sounds to read today, for example “pan” and “mat”, the children were very focused and delighted that they are beginning to read.

I think the highlight of the week was our sponsored “Danceathon”, the whole school had great fun dancing in the hall and I have to say class 1 had some great moves !

Have a lovely weekend

Best wishes from The Class 1 Team

·         Please could reading books & records come to school everyday so we can record when we listen to the children read


Class 3  

Posted 18/09/2023
by Alexander Knight

Class 3 get creative.

We have been out and about during lessons again.  As part of our 'Stig of the Dump' writing focus, we have been in the Forrest School.  We have been imagining just what it would be like to discover someone living in the woods and we considered what we would see, hear, smell and think.  One of the best phrases we created was, ' a beautiful blue light, crept through the trees'.  This and other phrase will then make an appearance in our writing this week.

We've also been artistic this week.  With the help of Mrs Dan, we've been creating sunflowers our contribution to a whole school display, creating our flowers petal by petal.

Our tables focus has been the 2 x table and this week we'll moving on to the 4  table.


Class 1   Week ending 15th September 2023

Posted 17/09/2023
by Rebecca Horn

The children have done brilliantly in completing their first full 5 day school week, energy and focus has remained high!
In maths we have been sorting and categorising everyday objects in our "sort, match and compare" topic.  We have discussed "sorting rules" such as by size, colour or shape.  In literacy the children have really enjoyed the story of "The Little Red Hen", they have been able to correctly sequence the pictures from the story and retell the story using stick puppets. They made their own red hens in art using paper plates and handprints.
This week we have introduced four sounds in our phonics sessions, "s", "a","t" and "p", they children have been practicing saying these sounds and writing the letters.  There are small reading booklets in their bags for them to practice these sounds at home.  
We have been on the field for PE practicing jogging and sprinting in a straight line and successfully managed some relay races.  We have some very fast runners in class 1 !
Next week the children will be voting for 2 members of class one to join the school council.  The school council discusses and plans fun activities and issues that affect our school life.  There is a school council application in their bags but I suggest for class one you just discuss with your child why they think they would make a good class representative and then they can explain this to the rest of the class next week.  We are excited to see who will represent Class 1. 
We finished the week with our first Family Friday, the children loved having visitors in to help them decorate their animal masks.  A lovely end to a busy week.  
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes from The Class 1 Team
  • after school clubs start week commencing 18th September
  • We would be grateful for any old t-shirts that we could use as art overalls (older children or adult size work best) thank you.


Class 4   Week ending 15th September 2023

Posted 17/09/2023
by Suzanne Porter

<---- Look at the amazing pieces of artwork that the children have completed this week (other pictures below). Each child drew 3 bees with different levels of support. The children should be extremely proud of their final drawings, as seen on the right-hand side of this picture. Their improvements were incredible and gives us a point of reference to how much they can improve with the right mindset and tools. 

It was lovely seeing some of you on Wednesday for our meet the teacher session. As mentioned in the meeting, each child has a sheet of ‘KIRFs’ which are half termly year group maths expectations of ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’. There are useful website links to help support these facts so I will upload the document to this blog entry as soon as I can. Each child should have also come home with log in details for their weekly homework. Any problems please email : )

In our maths learning this week, each group has been continuing their focus on place value. 

During our English learning, the children continued their poetry focus and wrote thought provoking poems giving endangered animals a voice. Following this, each child generated their own ideas for an animal ready to write their own non-chronological report on it. The children developed these ideas in their sketchbooks which they can refer to during our writing stages next week.

In PSHE, the children learnt about what it means to be a global citizen. They compared their own lives, and dreams to a child working on a cocoa plantation in Africa.

During PE the children focused on dribbling in our hockey session and dribbling and passing in basketball.

Class 4 team

Points to remember

·       PE on Tuesdays and Fridays- PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Clubs start this week. Please email/ring the secretary if you missed vital club information sent out on the 5th of September.

  •         Thursday - wear PE kit into school- National Fitness Day- Danceathon
  •         Wednesday- Student council elections 








PreSchool   Week 2

Posted 17/09/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

Hello everyone,

We are already at the end of week 2, it has been such a lovely week of more play, learning, creating and exploring within Pre-School.

We have welcomed some more new friends, and we hope that they have thoroughly enjoyed their first sessions with us.

We have enjoyed lots of outside time before the weather starts to turn, some of the children have noticed how the trees are beginning to change and drop their leaves.
Such a lovely observation for children to make and to start to understand the changing of the seasons.

With note to this, can we please ask that you child has a named pair of wellies kept in Pre-School so that we can enjoy some welly walks around the school and to enjoy the outside areas whatever the weather!

This week our focussed book has been 'The Great Big Book of Families' which is a lovely well written and illustrated book to show children the many different kinds of family.

The children were keen to talk about their own families and have enjoyed some activities relating to this including using puppets to show their own family members, this led to lots of imaginative play.
We also enjoyed making lollipop stick houses with pictures of our family members inside.

We introduced some short phonics sessions this week, exploring environmental sounds. The children enjoyed a game of 'Sleepy Sofa' where they had to use their good listening skills to correctly guess the sound that woke them up!
We also enjoyed using some of our instruments and focussed on those that we could shake. The children listened to instructions to shake 'quietly' or loudly' and then to a 'stop' instruction. We all then said what our favourite instrument was and what it sounded like. The most popular being the bells because it sounded like Santa's Sleigh

Thank you to all of you that have sent photos in of your own family enjoying the summer.
We will be using these photos this week for our "Show and Share", to enable the children to talk about who is in their own family.

If you haven't sent a photo in you can email it to us at

We are looking forward to another full week of fun and activities next week on healthy eating and keeping ourselves healthy.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 2  

Posted 15/09/2023
by Helen Fenton

Hello everyone!

Our photograph this week, shows some very proud children, after performing a poem that we had adapted from Allan Ahlberg’s ‘Boo!’ We learnt about using expression when reading, and changing our voices and body language to create a performance.
We are now enjoying the story; ‘Wanted: The 
perfect Pet’ in our English lessons. 

During our science lesson this week, we drew and labelled some excellent pictures of Rosie the class rat. We discussed the characteristics of mammals.

On Monday 25th September, we are having our outdoor learning day. The day will be focussed around different types of trees, and we will be using the story; ‘The Great Paper Caper’ to help us with our learning. Even if the weather is wet, we will be outside, so please wear outdoor clothing on Monday which will be suitable for wet and muddy conditions.  PE kits are not needed on Monday.

Well done to all of the children this week, for completing a great danceathon on Thursday, and thank you those of you who brought in £1, which will go towards school funds.

Have a great weekend!

The class 2 team.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 1 Week 2

Posted 15/09/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Dear parents and carers,

This week we held Welcome Meetings for classes 2-4. We hope that you found these to be a helpful introduction to your child’s class. On Monday 18th September, families in classes 1 and 2 are invited to a workshop about supporting phonics at home. Please wait at the main entrance at 3.30pm.

Next week we will be holding our School Council Elections. Each class will elect two children to work with Mrs Forbes to make our school even better. The children are bringing home a form to fill in, if they wish to be considered for the role. Forms need to be brought into school to present to the class on Wednesday 20th September.

As part of our drive to help children to retain information in their long term memory, we are introducing a new maths initiative this year, called KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts). These are the most important maths facts that we want the children to remember. We have mapped out what needs to be learnt at home each term. These will be coming home in the next few days. Children will also practise these in school and be assessed on these across the term, to see how they are doing.

On National Fitness Day, Thursday 21st September we are having our first fundraising event. We would like the children to come to school in their PE kit, even it is not their usual PE day. Part of the day will be a Danceathon! For £1, the children will be seeing if they can meet the challenge of dancing non-stop (15 minutes for Pre-School, 30 minutes for Classes 1 and 2 and 60 minutes for Classes 3 and 4).

Would you like to get more involved in school life? We are looking for relatives and other local people in our community to come into school once a week to hear children read, and to read stories to them. We are calling these ‘Reading Champions’. If you, or someone you know, can help, please see Mrs Thompson in the school office, as a DBS check needs to be carried out for volunteers.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School) Kind regards


Class 4   Week ending Friday 8th September 2023

Posted 10/09/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Welcome- Autumn Week 1

The children have settled into Class 4 and our routines impeccably well- even with the heat! Here is a brief summary for part of their learning.

In our English lessons this week, we have had a poetry and vocabulary focus. The children wrote their own Haikus and free verses based on animals.  

In our maths lessons we have started with place value. It’s been great to see such confidence in this area.

We also introduced our new topic, ‘Humans- environment superheroes or villains of our planet?’ The children had lots of ideas about where this topic could take us.

During our PSHE lesson, the children discussed their hopes and dreams for the future.

In our PE lesson on Friday, we were lucky enough that the playground was shaded with a slight breeze! We started learning key skills needed to dribble the basketball effectively away from our opponents. 

Over the week, we also played various games to help us get to know each other better. 

Hopefully the children have enjoyed their first week back to school- any worries or concerns please don’t hesitate to email me on

We hope you had a lovely weekend in the sun,

Ms Porter and the Class 4 team


PreSchool   Welcome Back!

Posted 10/09/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

A big welcome back to everyone after our Summer Break, especially our new children and parents/carers who will be starting with us over this half term.

We have been so impressed with how the children have returned to Pre-School and settled straight back into our Pre-School routines.

We have had a lovely first week introducing some new children and getting to know one another. Miss Carr is another new face to some of you, but some of the children have been lucky enough to have already met Miss Carr and know how lovely and fun she is. We are thrilled to have her join the Pre-School team  I'm sure as Miss Carr gets to know some of the faces of parents/carers she'll be at the door to greet some of you on arrival or pick up.

Our learning activities this week have been based around settling in, being back with each other in Pre-School, and making the most of this glorious weather we have had. We have also completed some 'all about me' activities, with the children looking at pictures of parts of the body and pointing to the correct part on their bodies. Singing 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' has definitely helped us with this.

We have been hearing lots of lovely summertime adventures that the children have enjoyed. If your have a photo of your child enjoying some family fun during summer, then please email them to us at We can then share these during circle time and put them on our ‘My Family Wall’.

Show and Share will be starting in a couple of weeks when the children have all settled back in. We will be linking our show and share to a theme or topic of the week and will be adding this to our Pre-School blog each week.

You will all receive a 'Welcome Pack' and Newsletter by the end of the week, if you have been missed please ask a member of staff.

Please could we ask that ALL consent forms be returned to us even if you completed them last year.
Also, it's important that we get all funding forms back to us as soon as possible to complete the funding application.

We are looking to lots more fun during Autumn Term, wishing you all a lovely weekend.

With Best Wishes Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Class 3  

Posted 09/09/2023
by Alexander Knight

Welcome Class 3

Already we are up and running although not too much. It's just been too hot. PE gave us a brief respite with a cool yoga session in the hall.  We've introduced our new topic and devised our own questions based on our Big Question -  'Was it better to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or iron Age?'   We've been practicing our times tables knowledge, made jam sandwiches and have started reading our class book, 'Stig of the Dump'.  
It has been a pleasant start to our school year, but there are definitely some busy weeks ahead.
Good luck Class 3,
Mr Knight.


Class 2   Week ending Friday 8th September

Posted 08/09/2023
by Helen Fenton

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to this year's class blog.

We hope that this will be a useful tool for you, in giving you a taste of our learning each week, and helping you to prepare your children for each week ahead.

The children have enjoyed getting to know their new friends this week. Well done to the Year 2 children for being such excellent role models and for helping the Year 1 children to find their way around their new classroom. 

We have enjoyed learning about place value in maths. The Year 1’s have been busy with representing numbers in different ways, while Year 2 have been gaining a better understanding of tens and ones.

In English we have been learning the poem; ‘Peepo’ by Alan Ahlberg. We have also been reading as a whole class, in guided groups and individually. It’s lovely to see so many children enjoying reading at home too. Please make sure reading books are returned every day, even if your child has not finished their reading book. 

Well done to everyone in Class 2, for a fantastic start to the new school year. We are proud of you for your enthusiasm this week, despite the heat, and the adjustment of a new class.

The Class 2 team.


Class 1   Week ending 08.09.2023

Posted 08/09/2023
by Rebecca Horn

What a brilliant first week our brand new children in class 1 have had.  We have spent the week introducing them to the routines in our class and in the school and getting to know all children and staff in the other classes. 

They have particularly enjoyed our role play area which is a currently a vets surgery, the warm weather has meant that water play has been particularly popular, they have listened beautifully during story time  and of course seeing siblings and older friends during playtime is always exciting in their very first week of school.   I had not anticipated taking them to a whole school assembly till next week but they have adapted so well they have been to two ! Today we have had a celebration assembly where all the class one children got a certificate and yesterday we had visiting musicians playing different types of musical instruments   and talking to the children about they joys of learning to play music.   The children were mesmerized, and especially liked the electric guitar performance !

Together we have discussed some simple rules for our class and I can already see children understanding that these rules will keep them safe, happy and learning.  Next week we will begin to introduce daily phonics, maths and literacy sessions  and we will send reading books home in their green book bags. 

It has been lovely getting to know your children this week, they have all seemed happy and eager to listen and learn.  Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

The Class 1 team.

*Please could all children have a sun hat with them everyday in every day, thank you. 


Head's Blog   Welcome Back!

Posted 08/09/2023
by Abigail Rich

Welcome back to school, and a special welcome to our new families, our new teaching assistants, Miss Carr and Mrs Coombe and our new cleaner Amanda. We hope that you’ve all had a really lovely break and that the children are looking forward to an exciting year of learning ahead. We have emailed a list of dates for the year and will be in touch should any of these change. For classes 1-4, you will see that we have welcome meetings coming up, which are a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out about the curriculum. We also have a phonics meeting for families of classes 1 and 2, to support reading at home.

We are delighted to be able to formally tell you that our Ofsted grading is now ‘Good’ in all areas, following our inspection in June. We were previously graded as ‘Requires Improvement’ in all areas. This is a huge step forward for the school and our local community. An enormous thank you to our wonderful staff and children, who have worked so hard to achieve this, and for the support of our families. We have emailed a copy of the report home, which is also available on the Ofsted website. Here is a summary of some key points. We also received several hours of feedback, so the report is just a summary of this. Please note that ‘leaders’ refers to not just me, but the teachers who are leaders of an area of the curriculum and those who lead across Bridge Schools Trust, who have supported and guided us in this journey.

Quality of Education: Good
• All pupils follow a broad, challenging and well-planned curriculum which also includes opportunities for outdoor learning.
• The input of pupils and parents is a valued part of the information gathered. Staff use all of this detail to support pupils with SEND effectively, both in and beyond the classroom.
• Teachers share learning journeys with pupils to help them to understand how their knowledge links together.
• All staff are trained to teach the phonics curriculum and they do so effectively.
• Leaders regularly check the progress pupils make. Pupils who struggle receive support to help them catch up quickly.

Behaviour and Attitudes: Good
• Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning.
• They listen and respond well to staff.
• Children use their manners and share nicely with each other.

Personal Development: Good
• Personal development is an important part of the wider curriculum.
• Pupils are encouraged to share their views.
• They are involved in many decisions about changes to school life.

Leadership and Management: Good
• Pelynt is a welcoming school.
• Leaders have high expectation for what pupils can achieve. They are ambitious for pupils.
• They place importance on the school’s values. For example, pupils are keen to show their curiosity and enthusiasm in how they approach their learning.
• The wellbeing of staff is important to leaders. They consider the views of staff when making decisions.
• Staff agree they are well supported. They say leaders are approachable and flexible.
• Staff are proud to work at this school.
• Parents are supportive of the school. They appreciate the ‘family feel’ that leaders have created.
• Leaders provide staff with clear strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
• Subject leaders have carefully considered the knowledge they want pupils to learn. For example, in art and design, pupils gradually build their knowledge of different artistic processes. By Year 5 and 6, pupils produce artwork in sketchbooks of a very high quality.
• Pupils enjoy the positive relationships that exist with staff.
• Leaders keep detailed safeguarding records. They take quick and decisive action, including making a referral to an external agency, if a child is at risk.
• Pupils are safe in school. They are confident to talk to a trusted adult with any concerns.

Early Years (Pre-School and Class 1): Good
• Children in the early years benefit from a calm and nurturing environment in which they follow well-established routines.
• They happily re-tell and act out stories.
• Adults model a variety of language choices for pupils to use when sharing books.

As part of their continuous drive for improvement, Ofsted also provide schools with recommendations. We only received one, which is fantastic, as schools are often given several. The recommendation is one that has been given to lots of schools who have been inspected recently. It asks us to look at improving how children keep information in their long-term memory in some subjects, as some children who were asked to recall facts from learning in previous years were unable to do so confidently during the inspection. This was a snapshot of the memory of a small number of children, but we take that onboard, and it will be something that we will continue to improve.

The whole team at Pelynt and across Bridge Schools are delighted with the outcome of this inspection which reflects the hard work of everyone in school and across the trust over the last four years. We hope that you, as our parent community, also share our feeling of success. Please do help us to spread the word, we have a few spaces left in most classes!

Outdoor Learning
To provide the children with the opportunity to complete more complex projects, you will also see on the dates list that classes 2, 3 and 4 have whole days allocated to Outdoor Learning each term this year. On these days we would like them to come to school wearing home clothes and sturdy footwear that you don’t mind getting muddy. Children in Pre-School and Reception will have weekly sessions in our forest throughout the year, and daily outdoor learning opportunities. These children need name labelled waterproofs and wellies in school every day for these activities please.

P.E. lessons for Classes 1-4 in the Autumn Term
Class 1: Tuesday and Thursday
Class 2: Monday and Wednesday
Class 3: Monday and Wednesday
Class 4: Tuesday and Friday

On these days children should come to school in their PE kit, which is a yellow or white t shirt, green or black PE shorts and trainers. In cooler months they may wear a tracksuit jacket with this and replace the shorts with leggings or tracksuit bottoms.

Pelynt Pirates Wrap Around Care
Spaces are still available for our new before and after school care club. This runs from 8-8.40am and 3.15-5.45pm. Please see Mrs Thompson in the office for more details. If we receive Pupil Premium funding for your child, breakfast club is available free of charge. Please speak to Mrs Oliver to discuss this.

Instrumental Lessons
This year we will be starting payable group and individual instrumental lessons with visiting teachers. The children were visited this week by some of the teachers and a letter was emailed home about how to book.

Autumn Term Clubs
These start on Tuesday 19th September

Tues 12pm Choir (all classes)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Multi-sports (Class 1 & 2)
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Art (Class 3 & 4)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Yoga (Class 1 & 2)
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Football (Class 3 & 4)
Friday 12pm Cross Country (Class 3 & 4)

Please book via We hope that your child has a wonderful year. As always, please do get in touch if there is anything that you wish to chat about relating to your child or family. You can catch me at the front door at drop off, by the gate at collection, or email

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


PreSchool   Summer Term 2 Week 7

Posted 22/07/2023
by Jayne Martin

Hello everyone,

What a lovely last week of term we have had, with our graduation and teddy bears picnic on Wednesday to say goodbye to our friends who are moving up to reception. We have also been over to big school to watch Class One’s assembly and for Friday’s achievement assembly to give our good wishes to Ms Rich and Mrs Fenton.

In Pre-School we have had all our usual games both inside and out, with lots of learning and fun. Our focus book for the week has been ‘A Very Brave Witch’ to fit in with our phonics focus on witches and wizards. The children have also had the opportunity to make magic wands and cast some spells.

In maths this week we have focused on subitising, i.e. recognising a quantity without having to count, through spotting patterns in the layout. This has been quite tricky at times but the children have made good progress throughout the week.

The children have enjoyed taking part in dancing and yoga sessions, as well as using our outdoor equipment for their gross motor development and activities such as threading for their fine motor skills.

We had our own little party in Pre-School on Friday afternoon with party games and all the children made some party food to take home with them.

As a team we would like to thank everyone for the support we have been shown as we have settled into our new roles at Pre-School. We are especially grateful for all the kind messages, cards and gifts we have received this week. Thank you.

We hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing the children back in September. If you have any questions or queries over the summer period, please feel free to email on We will be checking this periodically and will respond as soon as we are able.

A personal message from me, just to say a massive thank you for all the kind wishes I have had this week. I will miss being at Pre-School but I know that it will continue to go from strength to strength under the guidance of a fantastic team.

Have a lovely summer,

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Miss Martin and Mrs Rowe.


Class 4   Week ending 14th July 2023

Posted 16/07/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Class 4’s Camp

Rain didn’t dampen our spirits!

On Thursday, we had a great time at Big Dunks playing laser tag; we played various team games where we had to strategize and work together to beat the other teams.

After laser tag, when back at school, we made camp, played games, made and ate our evening food, had ice-cream, ate birthday cake, watched a movie and then settled down for the night. The night started dry but we ended up retreating to the comfort of the hall and library to escape the downpours during the early hours!

On Friday, the weather played to our advantage at Camel Creek as we pretty much had the whole park to ourselves which meant minimal wait times for the children. Most of their drenched clothing was actually from the log flume and not the rain! We hope they had a great time. 

Thanks for all the help with tent assembly and clear up! Hopefully everything has started to dry out!

I’ll add more photos to our blog tomorrow.

Class 4 team

Year 6 parents, you will receive an email/letter tomorrow summarising the week ahead. In the meantime, if you have any photos of the year 6 children that I could share during their assembly on Friday that would be great. If you could send these to me ASAP that would be amazing. If you know any year 6 parents who do not read the blog, please pass on the message!

My email address is

Details to remember

·      Year 5 and 6 SRE lessons start on Tuesday

·      Class 4’s dress rehearsal Wednesday

·      Class 4’s play Thursday 20th July- 2pm and 6pm.

·      Year 6 Leavers Assembly Friday 1.30pm



PreSchool   Summer Term 2 Week 6

Posted 14/07/2023
by Jayne Martin

Hello everyone,

Another week has flown by and now there is only one week left before the summer holidays. We can’t believe how quickly this half term is going!

The children have been busy this week with pirate themed phonics which led to some pirate themed imaginative play. The children have also enjoyed our pirate stories this week, our main focus text being ‘Pirates Don’t Go To School’. This has proven a popular story, being requested on numerous occasions. The children have been able to answer questions about the story and have asked questions about unfamiliar vocabulary.

The children have enjoyed mark making on white boards this week as well as painting with combs and completing some pirate themed pencil control sheets (these proved very popular). As usual, they have also had free access to our indoor and outdoor mark making materials. And many have chosen to draw pictures with pens and pencils this week.

Our maths focus on comparing groups of objects has continued this week, the children have been using language such as more than, less than and the same to describe ready-made groups as well as making their own groups to compare with friends.

We were lucky most of the week in that the rain held off so we made the most of our outdoor area whilst we could for play and gross and fine motor skills activities. We also used our indoor soft play when the weather was not so pleasant. The children have also enjoyed training their fine motor skills with daily dough disco this week.

We look forward to seeing all the children next week for a very busy final week of term. Our theme next week is witches and wizards, so we are expecting a magical week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Rickard, Mrs G, Miss Martin and Rachel.

Things to remember:

*Monday – Class 1 parents meeting for those moving up to reception (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm).

*Wednesday – Graduation ceremony for children moving up to reception (11:30 am). Don’t forget to pack your picnic for our teddy bear picnic for afterwards.

*Friday – Whole school tea party (2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, parents welcome from 2:30 pm).


Class 1   Week ending 14th July 2023

Posted 14/07/2023
by Louise Westacott

In Class one we started a new book which has proved a real hit – “Tiddler” about a little fish who is always late for school ! The children have written about Tiddlers feelings, written a register and written some new excuses for Tiddler being late to school.

 In maths we have been looking at maps.  The children did really well at laying out a map of the classroom, then they did their own bedrooms and finally they did a map of a room they designed themselves complete with trampolines, fish tanks, ice cream machines and many other exciting things. They have also been looking at atlases and globes and discussing how many oceans there are in the world and what they are called.

We cooked up one of the  courgettes from our vegetable patch with onion and butter, it looked and smelled delicious but I think it is fair to say most of the children weren’t keen! However the most important thing is they tried it ! and it was something they had grown themselves from a tiny seed !

We have created a turtle out of recycled bottle tops and continued our discussions on how we can reduce the amount of plastic waste. We are really enjoying learning a song about stopping plastic waste in the sea.

We will relish our final week together in class one, it will be a busy but fun one.  We have our class assembly on Wednesday at 2.30pm and then a whole school picnic on Friday afternoon, families are invited from 2.30pm

Have a lovely weekend

From The Class 1 team


Class 4   Week ending Friday 7th July 2023

Posted 09/07/2023
by Suzanne Porter

We've had another busy week in Class 4. 
On Friday we had our school sports day where we enjoyed taking a supportive role and helped the other classes with their races. It was great seeing so many of you there especially as it was our reserve day.

This week, as part of our art learning journey we started to make our ‘alebrijes’ out of clay. We used the designs and notes that we had made in our sketch books to help us get our desired forms.

In our maths learning this week, red group have continued their focus on maths based around their futures- learning about wages and taxes and how it is calculated. They researched various jobs and the salaries and tried to calculate tax home pay after paying tax. Yellow group finished their focus on negative numbers and started their new topic based on converting units. Blue group finished their focus on money and started their new topic on telling the time.

In our English lessons this week, we have been learning to edit and improve playscripts. The children are eagerly making adaptations as they practise their leavers’ play which is quickly sneaking up on us!

The year 6 children who were in school on Friday got the special surprise of their leavers’ hoodies which they may wear to school as they wish. Those children that weren’t at school, your hoodies are waiting for your return. Thank you so much for arranging your sizes and any donations given. Also a big thank you to FOPS for contributing their funds towards this memento for the children.

There is much buzz around class for our overnight camp and day trips. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me on or call the office. A letter was sent out with a preferred kit list along with a letter about usual drop off and pick up times. Some of you have kindly offered to erect and then pack away tents. The best times for this would be from 3.30pm onwards on Thursday for erection and between 8am and 9am on Friday morning for packing away before we leave for Camel Creek. 




Posted 08/07/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

Hello everyone,

The children have had a busy week this week, practicing for and taking part in sports day. They all really enjoyed the experience and those who were there for the event were very pleased with their sports day stickers. Some of them even chose to watch some more of the events and races being run by the older children.

Our phonics focus this week has been on castles. The children have enjoyed lots of activities linked to this. Particular favourites have been, singing, making sounds with musical instruments and finding rhyming words. To link in with this theme, our focus book this week has been ‘The Sand Castle That Lola Built’. The children really enjoyed listening to this story which shows how children can overcome potential conflicts and work together to build something which they would not have been able to achieve alone.

The children have had lots of opportunity for both indoor and outdoor mark making this week as well as having free access to our indoor and outdoor mark making materials. Particularly popular were the gloop and castle pencil control sheets, which the children enjoyed colouring in after they had completed. They also enjoyed developing their fine motor skills through a cut and stick, design your own sandcastle activity.

Our maths focus this week has been on comparing groups of objects using language such as more than, less than and the same. The children have been counting the objects in each group and then discussing which group is bigger/smaller or whether they are the same. On occasion, we have had to double check our counting. More on this next week.

It was lovely to see so many of you at Sports day yesterday, we were so proud of all the children and how they behaved. They had a lovely time.

Next week, we are looking forward to our pirates and mermaids theme, linked to our phonics as well as lots of summer themed fun.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Miss Martin and Mrs Rowe.


Class 1   Week ending 7th July 2023

Posted 07/07/2023
by Louise Westacott

The Class one children have worked really hard this week.  In maths we have been looking at patterns & relationships. They have had opportunities to investigate the relationships between numbers & shapes and also patterns in music and movement.  They have produced some great patterned artwork and are starting to notice patterns in their environment.

 In English we have been discussing pollution in our seas focusing particularly on plastics.  The children have very strong opinions on this and were horrified when we talked about a recent news item where a friendly seal had got a plastic dog frisbee trapped around its neck – thankfully it has been removed and he is a happy seal again swimming around the Cornish Coast.  Luckily the children have lots of great ideas on how we can stop plastic getting into our oceans.  Please ask them to tell you how.


In outdoor learning we harvested another 3 large courgettes and we released four beautiful butterflies hatched from their chrysalis’ this week.  It has been magical watching the process and although the children were sad to say goodbye to them they knew they had to fly around in the wild and pollinate plants.  When we released the butterflies the children wished them luck !  We will put a video of it on tapestry.

We finished the week with a bumper sports day. Every child took part, everyone gave 110% and most importantly had lots of fun.  Thank you to all the grown-ups who came, the children loved having you there to watch their races and then have a picnic with them.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the Class 1 team.

Please can we ask that all children bring a hat and water bottle to school every day, sun cream would be great too. Thanks.


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