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PreSchool   Week ending Friday 13th October 2023

Posted 15/10/2023
by Joanna Rickard

The children have had another busy week in Pre-School, we cannot believe we are at the end of week 6 already! 

This week our focus book has been ‘The Leaf Thief’, a lovely story of a squirrel who cannot understand why all his leaves keep disappearing. It has been a great way to explain to the children about Autumn and all its stages.  

We have so many fallen leaves in our playground that the children have all been playing at being ‘leaf thieves’ themselves. 

On Monday afternoon some of the
children took part in the school Harvest service over at the church. We took donations of tinned food for Reverend Richard’s food mountain, we also joined in with the whole school singing the ‘Big Red Combine Harvestersong. We were very proud of the children during the service as it was a first experience of singing in front of an audience for some.

on from this week's service, we have talked with the children of the importance of harvest time and all the wonderful foods we are lucky to be able to produce, and the hard work the farmers do to supply them. We then shared some of our own ideas of favourite harvest fruits and vegetables and what we could make with them. The children have all made their own apple pie paper plates using painted apple stamps and adding a sugar paper criss-cross pattern on top for the pastry.

this week the children have enjoyed lots of mark making opportunities, practicing our pencil grips, and completing ABAB patterns using pictures of harvest foods.

week's Phonics involved the listening to and repeating of ‘Silly Sounds’, then to see which of the sounds they had heard before. The children are all very much enjoying their phonics sessions with the older children encouraging the younger children to join in.

During our forest school
session, we were on the hunt for the perfect sticks to make our wands with next week. Another lovely session enjoyed with our friends from Class 1.

Those children that have not been over to forest school will still have the chance to make wands as we have plenty of sticks! 

Thank you to those parents that ha
ve booked meetings this week to talk about your child and how they have settled into Pre-School. As always, Mrs G and Mrs Rickard are always available if you have any concerns you want to discuss.

One more week to go
, we are looking forward to a story about a special pumpkin next week.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend enjoying the autumn sunshine.

Pre-School Team.


Please remember that the last day of term is Thursday 19th October. 

Pre-School and School closed Friday 20th October for INSET day.  




Class 4   Week ending Friday 13th October 2023

Posted 14/10/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Thank you for all the kind food donations at our harvest festival on Monday. I think you’ll agree, the children sang their hearts out. Many of the songs were new to me this year and have been stuck in my head ever since.

This week in our English lessons, the children have been learning to write descriptively. They have been learning to include all of their senses and figurative language to create a clear image for the reader. They will be writing a narrative with a flashback in, based on an animation clip set on a planet which has turned to ruin.

In our maths lessons this week, red group’s main focus has been learning to use long multiplication whilst yellow have been using rounding and inverse operations to check their answers for addition and subtraction problems.

This week in our science lesson, we continued our learning about how animals are classified. We used classification keys and then made our own classification keys. In groups, we then tried to complete an online quiz against the rest of the class all about animal classification.

In our music lesson this week, the children continued to learn about various music styles. They had previously discussed which styles/ genres of music they like. This week they experienced reggae focusing on the song Erie Canal. After discussing its tonality, texture, articulation, tempo, time signature and style they then used instruments and learnt to play part of the song using, D, E, F, G, A. They wrote their own notations for the song and used this to support their performance.

During art this week, the children have continued to explore drawing techniques using various media.

In our French learning, the children continued to improve their listening, reading and speaking skills focusing on habitats in French.

As part of our PSHE learning this week, the children have continued their focus- successful learning linked to their behaviour choices.

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

• PE on Tuesday - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Zoo trip Thursday. Children to arrive at 7:45am. We aim to arrive back to school at 4:15pm. No afterschool clubs on Thursday.

·       INSET day Friday


If you have any glossy magazines suitable for school, we’d greatly appreciate them for our art project this coming week.

Any old t.shirts or shirts (adult size) that we could wear during our art lessons would also be greatly appreciated.




Class 1   Week ending 13th October 2023

Posted 13/10/2023
by Rebecca Horn

I am so impressed with the energy levels and focus of the children in their sixth week of their first school term!  This week we have enjoyed talking about the animals in the story “Rumble in the Jungle”, they have labeled an elephant, found the beginning sounds of animal names and described how the animals look.  In maths we have been working on our “1,2,3 this is me” topic looking at numbers up to 5 and adding 1 more or 1 less.  The children have been representing the numbers in different ways such as with their fingers, objects and actions.  We have enjoyed singing lots of maths nursery rhymes such as “ 5 current buns” and “ 5 little men in a flying saucer”.

In forest school we found suitable sticks for our magic wands which  we will decorate next week. In PE we have continued balancing in different positions.  The children have enjoyed playing “Duck, Duck, goose” as their cool down activity.   In art we have collaged some lovely giraffes and elephants. 

Class one are working so hard on their phonics.  This week we have added “h,b,f and l”, “l” can be a tricky one but they have really listened to the sounds and been able to blend  them to read words such as “leg”” lap” “hit””bat"

It has been a busy week for parents and carers too! Thank you for coming to our harvest festival celebrations and parent consultations, it is always lovely to chat to you about your children, and of course we had a full Family Friday today, the last of the term where the children got to show off some of their maths skills.

The children will need a good nights sleep on Wednesday as we have a fun day planned at the zoo on Thursday, if you have any concerns or questions about any aspect of the trip please speak to a staff member from Class 1, or email if that is easier. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from The Class One team


Class 2   Week Ending Friday 13th October

Posted 13/10/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

We have been enjoying some lovely new books this week in class 2. The library service have sent us some wonderful stories and information books that we are reading ourselves every morning, and we are loving listening to these stories read to us before home time every day.

Well done to everyone for a wonderful Harvest Assembly on Monday. It was lovely to have the whole school and pre-school together in the church, to celebrate and sing together. A big thank you to Rev- Allen.

This week has been world mental health week. We have been exploring strategies and to help us and our friends with big feelings. 

In English this week, we have been learning the story, 'My Two Grannies' by Floella Benjamin. The story compares two Grannies. One who lived in Trinidad, and the other, who lived in Yorkshire. We discussed differences between people, regarding their backgrounds, the foods that they eat, and the places that they live. Next week, we will be innovating the story, so that by the end of the week, we can write our own story with our own ideas.

In art this week, we have been making our own paintings of family scenes in the style of the artist Clementine Hunter.

Next week we are looking forward to our amazing animals week, with a whole school trip to the zoo on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend!

From the class 2 team.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 1 Week 6

Posted 13/10/2023
by Abigail Oliver

We started the week with a wonderful Harvest celebration at church. The children were fantastic, singing every song with great enthusiasm! Thank you for your very generous food donations, which have been delivered to the Looe and Liskeard foodbank.

World Mental Health Day
On Tuesday we celebrated World Mental Health Day, with class discussions and a special assembly exploring different ways that we can support ourselves, and each other, to have positive mental health at home and school. This included our Mental Health Lead, Mrs Dan teaching the children relaxation exercises.

Parent/Carer Consultations
These were held at Pre-School and school this week. We hope they provided you with a clear picture of how your child has settled into his/her new class, his/her progress and an opportunity to share any concerns that you may have. If you were unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting or phonecall. Please also get in touch via should you wish to discuss anything arising from your meeting with me, or our SENDCO, Mrs Prinn.

Amazing Animals Enrichment Week
We are all really looking forward to our special animal themed enrichment activities next week! On Monday 16th October classes 2 - 4 will have animal themed writing workshops and Class 1 will have a story session with author Ellie Jackson. She will be selling her books at the reduced price of £5 during the day. If your child would like to buy a book, please provide £5 in a named envelope. The stall will remain open at the end of the day for Pre-School families, or for children in classes 1 - 4 to purchase additional books. Artist Sean Hewitt will also be in school across next week to work with Class 3 and 4 to create a wonderful mural in our garden, inspired by the animal paintings of Rousseau. We would be very grateful for any donations of old adult shirts/t-shirts for the children to wear over their clothes for this activity. The week finishes on Thursday 19th October, with our trip to Paignton Zoo for classes 1 - 4, where we will have science and environmental workshops and learn how to draw animals. Children need to be in school at 7.45am please, and will return at approximately 4.15pm.

A reminder that school is closed for an INSET day on Friday 20th.

Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 4   Week ending Friday 6th October 2023

Posted 08/10/2023
by Suzanne Porter


During our writing lessons this week, the children finished writing their non chronological reports. They are extremely proud of their final pieces with many children showing significant handwriting improvements.

In our maths lessons this week, yellow group continued their addition and subtraction topic, focusing on written methods and rounding to make estimations. Black group started to learn about rounding. Red group learnt about divisibility and prime numbers. Year 6 children also had a go at some past SATs papers which we will use a bench mark for progress across the year.  

In our art lesson this week, the children continued they focus on improving their mastery of drawing. They gained experience with various drawing techniques and then experimented with various drawing mediums.

In our science lesson this week, the children learnt some of the science behind global warming including learning about greenhouse gases. They used this understanding to make predictions and to carry out an investigation simulating global warming. After carrying out the investigation and recording measurements, the children made conclusions compared to their original predications and made suggestions on how they could improve the investigation.

In our French learning, the children continued to improve their listening, reading and speaking skills focusing on habitats in French.

As part of our PSHE learning this week, the children have been learning about successful learning linked to their behaviour choices.

During our basketball PE lesson, we became much more confident with the rules of basketball and applied our understanding to small sided games. In our hockey lesson we also played small-sided games. We were learning to keep the ball away from defenders.

It is our harvest festival at the church on Monday at 2.30pm. Please see Mrs Oliver’s post about food donations.

This week we also have our parent consultations. If you are yet to book an appointment please email Mrs Thompson on

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

• PE on Tuesday and Fridays - PE kits may be worn or brought in.
• No after school clubs this week due to parent consultations.


Class 1   Week ending 6.10.23

Posted 06/10/2023
by Rebecca Horn

Class one have been working very hard this week on their maths. We have been looking at two step and three step patterns with colour, shapes and objects.  They applied their knowledge particularly well in our Family Friday activity – Fruit Kebabs!  The children made a fruit pattern on their skewer, shared the pattern with their friends and then enjoyed eating their hard work !

In literacy the children have been discussing the role of a vet and have shared lots of stories about their own animals.  We discussed that vets use x rays to diagnose internal problems with animals and they made their own x- ray hand pictures.

We had a lovely afternoon in forest school with our friends at pre-school on Tuesday afternoon, exploring, building a “camp fire” and playing on the trapeze swing.

In phonics this week we introduced the sounds ck, e, u and r.  The children are really focusing on segmenting words into their sounds and enjoy “robot rick” talking the words. We been trying really hard with our "tripod" grip in our handwriting and the results are much better when they take a moment to check their pencil grip before writing. 

In PE we have been balancing in different  positions on indoor equipment,  I was very impressed at how sensible the children were. 

There has been some lovely singing in our harvest festival practice , the children are looking forward to performing for you on Monday afternoon in the village church.

Have a great weekend.

From the Class One team

·         If you would like a parent consultation appointment, and have not already booked, please email Mrs. Thompson to book a slot on


Class 3  

Posted 06/10/2023
by Alexander Knight

Class 3 Clean-Up!

EDNA COMES home to Class 3.

For the second time in two weeks, Class three have won the EDNA (Every Day Never Away) award for attendance.

This makes a huge difference in eliminating gaps in knowledge.  Not only did we win EDNA for the following week, but we almost had 100% attendance - amazing.  Next we are looking at winning OTIS - On Time In School.  The first precious quarter of a hour when so much work is done on tables, spellings, reading etc.

Stonehenge, recreated.

As part of our Stone Age to Iron Age project, we have been looking at significant monuments and tombs from pre-history.  We recreated Stonehenge using a wide range classroom equipment.  We created, Blockhenge, Jengahenge, Dominohenge, Peghenge and even Tractorhenge!

Imperative verbs.

We have been using our washing up skills as we tried to spot and develop imperative verbs, those 'bossy' verbs that we have to follow to get the job done.  A wide range of objects, (cars, toys, blocks and models) we're cleaned, polished, dabbed, scrubbed and dried.  

A great week Class 3 - Thank you.

Next week includes milk bottle modeling and making rocks!

Enjoy the sun.


PreSchool   Week 5

Posted 06/10/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

What another wonderful week we have had.

Our book this week was "Here we are!" Written by Oliver Jeffers.

Written as a manual to life on Earth from new dad Oliver Jeffers to his baby son, this simple, life-affirming picture book is both an overview of Earth and a guide to living well.

We had great fun creating our own planet paintings using balloons and made playdough people, planets and the moon.

We also baked some biscuits and decorated them with icing to make our own biscuit planets, which were very yummy.

We have match, ordered and sorted planets, stars and rockets for our maths focus this week and sung lots of songs including - Ten little men in a flying saucer, Hey diddle diddle and Twinkle twinkle little star.

On Tuesday we went over to forest school where we met up with Class One during their outdoor learning, we explored, played and found lots of autumn treasures to take back and add to our finds from the Friday before, we all love this time of year as there is so many different colours and textures around in our natural environment.

We have been practising our cutting and sticking skills to make some scarecrows to add to our display and some beautiful autumn sun catchers using coloured tissue paper to go our our windows.

Our Show and Share list is up in the entrance hall with days for your child to bring in an item linked to our half termly theme, this being Autumn and Harvest.

We have our whole school Harvest Festival this coming Monday 9th October at the church starting at 2.30pm which Pre-School will be attending, it would be lovely to see as many of our friends there as possible.

We have been learning one of the songs that will be sung during the service which is "Big, Red Combine Harvester"  and the children have done really well remembering the words.

Please may we also have a family photo to add to our Families board in Pre-School, it gives the children lots of opportunities to discuss with their friends who is in their photo and we have had some lovely stories about what they are up to.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

We are looking forward to seeing you all next week for some more autumn fun and activities.

Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 1 Week 5

Posted 06/10/2023
by Abigail Oliver

Governor Monitoring Visits
Mrs Reeves, Mrs Morrell-Davies and Mrs Rowe have all been in school across the week to visit lessons and talk to our children and staff. This term they are looking at safeguarding, attainment and progress, pupil premium, EYFS provision, our website and the wider curriculum. It is always lovely to have them in school, and they were all very impressed with the levels of engagement and learning enthusiasm throughout the school.

Staffing News
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Ellie Jackson, who is a published children’s author, and qualified teacher, will be joining us as an additional Teaching Assistant after half-term.

Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental lessons started this week, with the guitar and keyboard being particularly popular choices! The children have been buzzing with enthusiasm for their new found interest. There are still lessons available for a range of different instruments. Please contact the school office for more details.

Pre-School and School Parent/Carer Consultations
Just a reminder that these are next week, so please book your appointment, if you haven’t done so already. We would like to talk with the parents/carers of every child, so if you are unable to come into school and would prefer a phone call, please let us know. When you come for your appointment, please enter the school through the Class 2 doors, go through to the hall and wait for your child’s teacher to collect you. Your child’s work will be set out for you to look at before or after your appointment. No clubs will run on these days, apart from Pelynt Pirates.

Harvest Monday 9th October at 2.30pm, St Nun Church
Families and friends are invited to our church Harvest celebration with Reverend Allen. We would be very grateful for donations of tins/dried foods, to build a mountain on the altar. These will support local people experiencing poverty, via the Liskeard and Looe Foodbank.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing lots of you at Harvest!

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver Head of School


Class 2   Week Ending Friday 6th October

Posted 04/10/2023
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone!

This week we have written some wonderful stories, based on our class story of; 'Wanted: The Perfect Pet'. We are so proud of some of the Year 1 children, who have managed to write a chapter or even 2 chapters independently. The Year 2 children have used some excellent vocabulary choices in their stories. They have also worked hard to edit and improve their sentences. Well done everyone! 

We are really impressed with the fact that everyone has been bringing back their home reading books back every day this week. The children enjoy choosing their own reading books when they have finished. Year 1, don't forget to also practice reading your Twinkl phonics book at home.

The children have enjoyed learning about different types of transport this week, and they have used their knowledge of history, to place different types of transport on a timeline. They were fascinated with the different types of bicycles that people used many years ago, and were really observant at noticing similarities and differences.

This week, we have shown the children how to use the spelling shed app. This can be used at home and school, to support their learning of phonics and spellings. Please see your child's reading record, which will now have a log in stuck into it. Homework tasks will be set each week on the app, for the children to complete at home. 

We look forward to seeing you next week, for our parent/teacher meetings. Please let us know if you have not yet made an appointment.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Class 2 team.


Class 3  

Posted 01/10/2023
by Alexander Knight

Class Tree learn outside.

A real highlight of the week was our first full day of learning outside the class room and our focus was British trees.  

Blessed as we are with our school field and forest school, our first task was to identify our trees.  We then went on to measure their height using  45 degree inclinometer.  Having collated our findings, we have calculated that our tallest tree, the Ash at the top of the field is 23.3m tall.  As our most common estimate was 24m, we have taken some accurate reading with our homemade inclinometers.  We then worked in the forest school where we used clay to take pressings of seeds and leaves and then we created book marks using some the smaller things that we could identify.  

We've been practicing Roman numerals and rounding, but managed to find proof that not all clocks show the number 4 in the correct Roman numeral style of IV and not IIII.


PreSchool   Week ending 29th September 2023

Posted 01/10/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

This week in Pre-School we have been looking at Houses and HomesThe children have all shared ideas of what makes a house and a home, from how we build a house, to what rooms are inside and what families enjoy about their homes. 

Our focussed book this week has been ‘In Every House on Every Street, with fun rhyming text it explores the joys of family lifeThe children were very keen to thoroughly explore the illustrations and pull-out pages to see what they could discover. 

The children used squares, rectangles and triangles to put together their own 2D houses, independently showing us where the roof, windows and doors are located 

We have also used some junk modelling to build their own houses and Duplo blocks to construct homes with the tallest chimneys  

During our Phonics sessions this week the children have been listening to and recognising environmental sounds that we would hear outside, also we have madeAuntie's Awful Soup’ with ingredients we wouldn't want to eat 

The children have enjoyed a variety of mark making opportunities such as the chalk board, whiteboard and pens and finger painting some lovely autumn trees.  

We made some wonderful autumn wreaths on Thursday, talking about all the different colours that we can see and have started to make an autumn display in Pre-School.
On Friday we made the most of the beautiful, sunny weather and went for a "Super Friday Welly Walk!" we all dressed up in our wellies and went for a stroll around the school field stopping to look for autumn treasures along the way. We collected these in our baskets choosing our favourite leaves, we even found 2 conkers. Class 4 were out and about for their outdoor learning so we stopped and had a catch up with them, they told us what they were up to, some were doing activities in forest school and the others were repainting the outdoor benches.
When we got back into Pre-School we had a look through all our treasures and talked about which was our favourite and why, we then made some pictures using our outdoor finds which will also go up on our autumn display.

We also made some fantastic scarecrows for our display whilst learning the "I'm a Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow" song which we all really enjoyed singing and joining in with the actions.

Show and share will start on Monday October 9th. A list will be placed up in our entrance porch showing the day for your child.
Our first show and share will be to bring in something that reminds you of Autumn.


If you would like the opportunity to discuss how your child is settling into Pre-School, please do make an appointment with Mrs Rickard or Mrs Gravener.  These are 10-minute slots available between 9-9.30 and 2-3pm during the week of Monday 9th Friday 13th October.  

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr. 






Class 4   Week ending 29th September 2023

Posted 29/09/2023
by Suzanne Porter

Wow! This week seems to have flown by.

We had a lovely outdoor learning day on Friday all focused on trees. We started off the morning by learning to identify trees by their leaves. Following this we learnt about the uses of trees including reducing soil erosion, reducing flooding and cleaning the air. We then learnt the differences between hardwood and softwoods and what these woods could be used for. Ideas included being used to make furniture, being carved into things, to provide shelter, to provide an energy source when used on a fire and used for making games with. With this in mind, we had ago at carving wood with hammers and chisels, we upcycled our wooden pallet benches with spray paints, made den shelters (checking they were watertight with a watering can), made a fire to toast marshmallows on and we designed and played a game that utilised materials from trees. A fabulous day with great teamwork and perseverance.

During our English lessons this week, the children continued writing their non-chronological reports based on the animals that they created. The children improved their understanding of sentence structure and punctuation and used this to write interesting passages. We also had a vocabulary focus where the children were challenged to use ambitious word choices.

In our maths learning this week, red group learnt to add and subtract large numbers along with developing their knowledge of factors and multiples. Black groups continued their learning focusing on place value whilst yellow group finished their place value unit and moved to addition and subtraction.

In our science lesson, the children learnt about how animals and plants are classified and then used liquorice allsorts to create their own classification key.  

In our art lesson, the children focused on their mastery of drawing. After learning various techniques, they drew some fabulous highland cows!

In PSHE, the children continued their learning about being a global citizens.

During our French lessons, the children continued their focus on reading, writing and saying various words linked to our topic.

During our PE session this week, in hockey the children were learning to intercept passes. They also worked on their push passes and controlling a moving ball.  

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

·       PE on Tuesday and Fridays - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       After school clubs continue this week although no football club due to staff training







Class 1   Week ending 29th September 2023

Posted 29/09/2023
by Rebecca Horn

The children have worked very hard on their phonics this week and it has been brilliant to see them sounding out and blending short words, for example, “cat” “pig”, “pot”, they are all very excited to start their reading journey.  Our new sounds this week were g, o,c & k, phonics support material for these letters has been put in their book bags.

In literacy we have been reading Night Monkey, Day Monkey.  The children have written some of the names of the animals in the book and have drawn and described an activity they do at night time or day time.  We have enjoyed researching which animals sleep at night and which sleep during the day, many of the children are now competently using the tern “nocturnal”.  We had a fun animal quiz in Family Friday that was challenging for the adults and children !

In maths we have revisited our match, sort and compare topic. We have been matching objects to objects, like socks! Objects to pictures and then pictures to pictures.  The children have been very good at spotting when an item does not match with the rest of the group and they had some interesting thoughts in their groups today discussing rules for sorting different items – by colour, by size or by material for example.

In art we collaged some lovely butterflies and in PE we have been moving in different directions while being agile. 

All the children have really adapted to the rules and routines of “big school” and it is lovely to see how competent and confident they are becoming.

We will be visiting forest school on Tuesday afternoon so if your child doesn’t already have welly boots in school could you bring in a pair for them, thank you.

Have a nice weekend.

From The class 1 team.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 1 Week 4

Posted 29/09/2023
by Abigail Oliver

SEND Meetings
Next week we are holding meetings for parents and carers of children with an ADPR document (Assess, Do, Plan, Review) to talk through new targets and how we are supporting your child to achieve these. If this applies to your child, and you have not done so already, please make an appointment directly with your child’s teacher. If you can’t make next week, he or she will be happy to see you on another date in the next few weeks.

Pre-School and School Parent/Carer Consultations
Appointments are 10 minutes long and a chance for you to discuss how your child has settled into the new year, progress made, areas to improve, learning attitude and friendships. Pre-School appointments are available at Pre-School between 9-9.30am and 2-3pm on Monday 9th-Friday 13th October. Please book these directly with Mrs Gravener and Mrs Rickard. For classes 1-4, please email with your child’s name, class and preferred time periods by Wed 4th October.

Tuesday 10th October:         3.30–4pm   4-4.30pm
Wednesday 11th October:   3.30-4pm     4-5pm         5-6pm
Thursday 12th October:        3.30–4pm   4-4.30pm

When you come for your appointment, please enter the school through the Class 2 doors, go through to the hall and wait for your child’s teacher to collect you. Your child’s work will be set out for you to look at before or after your appointment. We would like to talk with the parents/carers of every child, so if you are unable to come into school and would prefer a phone call, please let us know. Please note that no clubs will run on these days, apart from Pelynt Pirates.

Harvest Monday 9th October at 2.30pm, St Nun Church
Families and friends are invited to our church Harvest celebration with Reverend Allen. We would be very grateful for donations of tins/dried foods, to build a mountain on the altar! These will support local people experiencing poverty, via the Liskeard and Looe Foodbank.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,
Abigail Oliver (Head of School)


Class 4   Week ending 22nd September 2023

Posted 24/09/2023
by Suzanne Porter

This week, Class 4, along with the rest of the school, took part in a danceathon on world Fitness Day. Most of our class managed to ‘dance’ continuously for an hour!

In our maths learning this week, red group moved on to learning about the four operations whilst yellow and black groups continued their learning focusing on place value.

During our English lessons, the children have been learning about non-chronological reports. They learnt about the key features and their purposes and planned their own non-chronological reports using suitable organisational and presentational devices. We then had a big grammar focus learning about sentence structure and how we can improve our writing to include complex sentences- for this we were focusing on subordinate clauses.    

In our science lesson, the children recapped key vocabulary like living, non-living, excretion, reproduction, and energy along with recapping what living things need to survive. The children then used their sorting skills to investigate living and non-living things around our school grounds. After this, the children were given various scenarios and had to decide whether they agreed, disagreed, or partly agreed or disagreed with what was being said. They had to use their science vocabulary to justify their reasoning.

In our music lesson, we enjoyed listening to and appraising various genres of music. We discussed what we could hear and our likes and dislikes for each song. We noticed amongst the class that some children enjoyed the same music as us whilst others preferred different genres. This got us thinking about our music question for the half term, ‘How does music bring us together?’

In PSHE, the children continued their learning about being a global citizen.

In our French lessons, the children started to learn key vocabulary used to describe habitats in French. They improved their reading and writing skills too.

During our PE sessions this week, in hockey the children were learning to do push passes and how to control a fast-moving hockey ball. In basketball they were learning how to keep the ball away from an attacker along with learning key rules involved in competitive games. 

Class 4 team

Points to remember…

·       PE on Tuesday - PE kits may be worn or brought in.

·       Our class outdoor learning day is now on Friday. Children to come into school in suitable clothing. I suggest bringing coats and wellies too! The weather is so unpredictable. 

·       After school clubs continue this week. 




Class 3  

Posted 24/09/2023
by Alexander Knight

Learning, inside and out.

Another busy week where we took some of our learning outside.    Maths we have been making good use of our growing tables knowledge.  Where we know that 3 x 5 is 15,  we also know that 30 x 5 is 150.  We created place value grids out side and could show a 3 and 4 digit numbers that we created getting bigger as we multiplied them by 10.  We've been collaborating in English, using our friends to help check, edit and improve our work.  In particular, vocabulary choices and sentence structure.  Mrs Dan helped us create sunflowers for a new while school display.  We've create our flowers one petal at a time, to be built up into a flower around seed heads and greenery that we have also painted.

Prehistoric learning.

We discovered just what pre historic means.  Before written history.  But it's still possible to recreate prehistoric tools in modern time as the proved by BS who made these at home and brought them in to share with the class.

Next Tuesday, we will have a whole day outside following with work based around trees.


PreSchool   Week 3

Posted 23/09/2023
by Rebecca Gravener

This week in Pre-School the children have been learning and discussing ways to ‘Keep ourselves healthy’. We have enjoyed sharing our ideas and talking about things such as exercise, sun safety, eating healthy foods, drinking water, brushing our teeth and even getting enough sleep to name a few. We have used conversation card to help prompt our own thoughts on what fruits and vegetables we like and dislike. This worked well alongside our book of the week ‘I really don’t like peas’. We also sorted fruits and vegetable into their colour groups. We found green to have the most!

The children have worked well together to sort foods in to ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ boxes. We also discussed how these ‘unhealthy foods’ could be seen as occasional treats as we all enjoy them but that if we ate birthday cake everyday it wouldn’t be so special, and that our body needs a healthy balance of all types of foods.

We have been busy painting lots of different types of fruits and vegetables in readiness to create a ‘Keeping Healthy’ display.
We also practiced our counting using frozen peas, the challenge was to pick the peas up using tweezers, so not only were the children using their counting skills but also improving their fine motor accuracy too
We have also enjoyed baking some cakes on Thursday and Friday we made some fruit kebabs talking about which fruits we like the most.

The children enjoyed some Cosmic Yoga sessions this week, they were all fantastic Betsy Bananas to keep in with our healthy food theme.
Also this week some of the children participated in the whole school ‘Danceathon’ with the Pre-School children completing 15minutes of dance, we also joined in with Class one and two with their danceathon in the main school hall which was great fun! Well done everyone.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Mrs Rickard, Mrs G, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Head's Blog   Autumn Term 1 Week 3

Posted 22/09/2023
by Abigail Oliver

School Council
This week we held our School Council Election. Candidates presented to their class about why they should be elected. Voting has taken place and we are very excited to reveal that the new School Council members are:

Class 1: Reception Emilia and Maya
Class 2: Year 1 Emily Year 2 Alecsander
Class 3: Year 3 Frankie Year 4 Daisy
Class 4: Year 5 George Year 6 Scarlet

National Fitness Day
On Thursday, it was National Fitness Day and children and staff celebrated this with a Danceathon fundraising event. Children from Pre-School to Year 6 danced non-stop and raised £54 for playtime equipment. The challenge set was 15 minutes for Pre-School and 30 minutes for Classes 1 and 2, but they managed the full 60 minutes that was completed by Classes 3 and 4! Well done everyone!

Outdoor Learning Enrichment Days
Next week classes 2-4 have their Outdoor Learning Days:
Monday 25th September: Class 2 (no PE on this day)
Tuesday 26th September: Class 3
Friday 29th September: Class 4 (no PE on this day and please note the change of day).
The children should come to school in clothes suitable for getting muddy and must have suitable footwear and a waterproof coat. If your child wishes to wear wellies, please bring these in a bag to change into.

Paignton Zoo Whole School Art and Science Trip 
Anyone with a child in classes 1-4 who hasn’t yet returned the Whole School Art and Science Trip to Paignton Zoo form, please do so as soon as possible.

Club Spaces
Clubs started this week. We still have some spaces in some clubs, so please see Mrs Thompson if you would like your child to join any of these:
Tues 12pm Choir (all classes) SPACES
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Multisports (Class 1 & 2) SPACES
Wed 3.15-4.15pm Art (Class 3 & 4) FULL
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Yoga (Class 1 & 2) SPACES
Thurs 3.15-4.15pm Football (Class 3 & 4) FULL
Friday 12pm Cross Country (Class 3 & 4) SPACES

Celebration Assembly
Values certificates/being kind awards will be awarded to the following children this week:
Class 1: Thea, Josh, Nolan
Class 2: Alecsander, Isaac, Harrison, Emily, Billie
Class 3: Logan, Brody, Halle, Scarlett
Class 4: Alfie B-E, Eryn, Ruby, Micah, Alben
EDNA Best Attendance Award (Every Day Never Away) Class 2 (97%) OTIS Best Punctuality Award (On Time In School) Class 2

We hope that you have a fantastic weekend!

Kind regards,
Mrs Abigail Oliver (Head of School) 


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